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Angel- current us seaon spoilers (& some Buffy6 too)


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01:08 / 17.04.02
For Angel? I think 5.
Buffy? I'm not sure, a couple, maybe 5 or 6. There's some surprising stuff coming up. I accidentally stumbled upon some spoilers. Oops!

It was just completely unexpected. "You know this is me talking, right Wesley. Its not Angelus. Its me" (Wesley blinks). "Good"
Captain Zoom
01:22 / 17.04.02
Please say there's a new one next week. Where can they go from here? I'm a little mystified by the fact that a couple of hospital orderlies could pull Angel off Wes, but maybe his heart wasn't completely in it. You'll notice that whenever Angel/Angelus has had to kill someone, usually he goes for the quick snap of the neck, a la Lila this ep. Why wouldn't he have done that with Wes? I was certainly impressed by the ending, but I can't say that it left me with a good feeling. You know how, after such a shitstorm as they've all weathered the last few episodes, you think maybe there'll be a cathartic one coming, and they set it up too, the fuckers, and BAM, hit you right between the fucking eyes.
Ooooh, Cordelia, come back and make it all right.

Evil Zoom.
01:30 / 17.04.02
Yep, there's a new one next week. Cordy's back, with what looks like a new hairstyle. I also saw Wesley walking around in the preview, and here about an hour ago, I glanced over at the TV and saw somebody that looks a great deal like Faith standing in what looked like a graveyard. There was a voiceover about "one of their own turns to the darkness" or something to that affect. The next couple episodes look like they're shaping up to be good ones.

I'm not sure Angel was really trying to kill Wesley. I don't know. I just got this feeling he was trying to show Wesley how he felt when he found out Connor was taken from him. Helpless.
01:42 / 17.04.02
Oh hell! Disregard most of that first paragrah. That preview I saw was for "Charmed" not "Angel".
08:05 / 17.04.02
Why wouldn't he have done that with Wes?
Because he wanted Wes to see it coming, he wanted him to die scared, and being smothered when your vocal cords are too fucked up for you to even scream is a pretty lame way to go, I think.

I totally agree about crossovers. Angel saying that he was going to need a whole lot of dark power to rip apart the space-time continuum, I was just thinking, pleeeeease call Willow!
01:00 / 30.04.02
Spoilers for 4/29's ep of Angel-

Wow. Usually they drag mysteries out significantly longer on this show. I totally dig the Wesley now- big scar on his throat, all bearded and froggy voiced- angst-a-rific.
01:00 / 30.04.02
I knew it !! I knew it!!!!


Connor comes back all grown up and out for Angel's blood!! I knew it! I'm not sure if Connor is going to be the big bad of this season, but I had a feeling time would run differently in the other dimension and Connor would come back grown up.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
02:31 / 30.04.02
I couldn't believe it either. That totally fucking rocked. Guess he was "The Destroyer" Fred's little jellyfish thingy was telling Angel about, wasn't he?

Man, I need to do better and keep up with this show. I need to quit giving up on it.
Saint Keggers
03:22 / 30.04.02
Hate to say it but I saw that happening the moment he was taken in to the hell dimension... I was dissapointed with it.
The Natural Way
08:28 / 30.04.02
....I'm also a bit pissed off w/ the "only Joss can write Buffy" bollox that's been going on here lately. That's just patently untrue. Buffy's always been a team effort, and, while Joss is clearly fantastic (I look forward to his episodes as much as anyone else), I honestly believe writers like Jane Espenson are, maybe not equally as good, but real good nevertheless. AND that the other writers clearly love and understand their characters. Many of these guys have been w/ the series from very early on, so, I dunno....I think there's a kinda "Buffy's sold out...there's no soul anymore.." sorta vibe round here, and I'm just not w/ that. I want someone to explain to me why the writing's suddenly "so bad" - I want to understand what I (and all my Buffy watching mates - a shit load of creative, media-literate people) are missing. And don't just repeat the old argument that the characters add too many -ey's at the end of their sentences - that one's old, lazy and just. not. true.

I really, honestly believe this series has some of the best scripting and acting that Buffy has ever seen. And I know I'm not exactly providing any examples either, but I'd be glad to.
The Natural Way
08:39 / 30.04.02
I think there's also the feeling that Buffy's gone on a bit too long and it's time it died. series is the last series contracted and I expect big changes and an opportunity for old fans to jump ship w/ some kind of closure...

Dawn's been left hanging a bit this season. She's made out of Buffy...and what does Dawn kill?

Willow or Tara for Watcher anyone?
09:52 / 30.04.02
Big things are going to start happening with Buffy starting tonight. Really, I'm serious.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
16:49 / 01.05.02
ohh ahh Angel ripped off F4's most terrible plotline ever, saw it coming, hated that i could write better "twists" than the people they pay.
17:27 / 01.05.02
Is that the one about Connor coming back fully grown and out for Angel's blood? Haven't seen the EP yet, but everyone I know had that one telegraphed from the moment he was born. In a season with tons of truly inspired unexpected moments, it stands out like a sore thumb. But hey, it's not what they do, it's the way that they do it...
21:35 / 01.05.02
Spoilers about the season's big bad (I'm sure you all know by now, but just in case.) Click here so see a few pics
21:36 / 01.05.02
By the way the above post is about buffy not angel.
09:53 / 02.05.02
So who's the big bad of Buffy, then? While the pictures on that site are a bit frightening, I can honestly say none of them are the big bad. I know who the big bad is. Damn my spoiler-reading!
10:48 / 02.05.02
Impulsivelad - I assume you're not deliberately spamming Barbelith, but that link lseems to lead to an invitation to join a schoolfriends site. Am I missing something?
16:35 / 02.05.02
Nono, spamming. My bad, Here the real link.
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:44 / 02.05.02
Blimey. That's a new look...
22:11 / 02.05.02
Lordy. I'm reminded of evil Kirk with his eyeliner and everything, gurning into the camera. Puh-lease.
23:08 / 02.05.02
Ick. I think it would have been better to go back to that nice leather outfit.
Saint Keggers
00:52 / 03.05.02
Dammit..I wanted evil skyclad...but noooo!
15:51 / 03.05.02
I personaly kinda like the look... the part that has myself and Elijah in a quandry is who would get killed to set Willow off like that...
16:37 / 03.05.02
Dammit, I didn't wanna do this, but the person killed is.....

Turn back now

Buffy!! Buffy dies again!

What? You thought I'd actually spoil it for everyone? Think again.
Saint Keggers
16:45 / 03.05.02
A little clarification needed...when Buff died..why wasnt another slayer called?
16:54 / 03.05.02
Ok, here's what happened from what I understand. The first time Buffy time, Kendra was called, right? Ok, so Dru kills Kendra and Faith is called. Faith is the slayer. Faith is still alive, thus when Buffy sacrifices herself, nothing happens, since for all intents and purposes Faith is the slayer.
The Monkey
18:52 / 03.05.02
Ok, I'm all theory here. I haven't even watched Buffy or Angel for ages. What I know of the plot comes from Telelvision Without Pity.

Xander dumps Anya at the altar. Anya is seen conversing with Hekran...Halfreck...Hagalaz(?) (vengeance demon mentor dude) about getting back into the biz, complete with insinuations about who her first hit is gonna be.

So...MAYBE (me work on no spoiler info, mind you)...Anya offs Xander as payback for the wedding fiasco, and Willow retaliates by uncorking some dark magic.

Or something like that.

Which also makes programming executive sense, since Xander's lookin' pretty old, and his use-value now that the Anya/Xander thing has broken up is pretty limited.
23:02 / 03.05.02
nono, think people THINK...who would they have to kill for Willow to loose it? uh-huh.
Saint Keggers
01:19 / 04.05.02
12:05 / 04.05.02
No. Think harder. Its rather obvious if you think about it. Oz isn't coming back.
14:39 / 04.05.02
Spoilage ahoy. Please don't read this and then get upset with me for ruining it for you. JUST DON'T READ!











I'm glad Tara dies. The character's only purpose seems to have been to contrast against Willow: she essentially is a duller version of Willow's characterisation over the first two seasons. Intelligent, nerdy, insecure, extremely shy, less magically skilled than Willow. Although I like what the actor has done with the part, she's always seemed more of a device than a character in her own right.
14:44 / 04.05.02
I kind of liked Tara.

You know, I predicted this in one of my first few posts in this thread.

The only way I can see Willow going evil is if something extrememly bad were to happen to one of the gang. You remember how pissed she got when Glory screwed with Tara's head? What would happen if, say, Tara was killed?

I figure if Tara got killed off, Willow would snap, go back on her vows to stop doing magick, and dive into the swirling maelstrom of evil.

Heh. Cool.
02:57 / 07.05.02
Spoilers for Angel

The boy. I like him. He's extremely violent and the most stoic character we've had around for a while. He's like a little feral Peter Pan, but with sharper knives, and he takes souveniers.

Then there's the blue haired lady. She was pretty damned nifty as well, I hope she recurrs. But mostly, I'm fond of the boy.

Also, Holtz now resembles that peculiar time traveling demon. The demon wanted the boy dead. Does that mean that the boy will eventually kill Holtz?
09:29 / 07.05.02
Great ANGEL ep. last night. And the blue hair witch was SEXY!! Grrroowwwllll! I love the new "dark and on the edge" Wesley.

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