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Angel- current us seaon spoilers (& some Buffy6 too)


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01:01 / 14.05.02
Well, that was interesting. I was starting to feel kind of bad for Holtz, at least until I found out how he wanted Justine to kill him. It makes no sense. He writes this letter about how Connor/Stephen's place is with Angel, yet with the manner of his death, he turns any good feelings Connor/Stephen may have had for Angel into a thirst for revenge.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
01:47 / 14.05.02
Holtz double-crossing Angel? Why I never.
01:58 / 14.05.02
I guess I'm still a bit gullible. I mean here he is going on about how "love is stronger than vengeance" and I'm thinking maybe he had changed.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
02:10 / 14.05.02
Sometimes I think people only change to suit their own ends.
Saint Keggers
03:13 / 14.05.02
Gotta say I like what they're doing with the whole Lila/Wesley thing.
I soo want him to join WR&H. I soo want to depose Lila. I want him to take down WR&H from the inside....but turn to the darkside first. Just like luke did
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
03:26 / 14.05.02
I miss Lindsay. Was there ever an explanation for his disappearance?
13:49 / 14.05.02
Lindsay drove off in an old beat-up pickup at the end of "Dead End"

I think it was because Christian Kane wanted to work on other projects.
16:23 / 14.05.02
Now, don't freak out this isn't a spoiler it's more a rumor that's been going around for a long time but is Buffy going to die at the end of the series (whether that's next season or not)? I mean really die. Have any of you heard anything in interviews or anywhere really concrete? Cause if this is true then that would fucking suck!!! ::sniff sniff:: There go my hope of a Buffy movie with Scoobies and all.
16:26 / 14.05.02
I can't find anything.

The only rumor I've found about season 7 is that Amber Benson is supposedly signed up for it.
16:31 / 14.05.02
I wished they had chosen to either (1) fully redeem Holtz at the end (with it being too late to affect the hate he already instilled in Connor of course) or (2) not blow smoke in that direction at all. As it was I just felt overly manipulated.

That Justine girl is pretty useless, isn't she? Didn't she used to be able to fight vampires a little? Now suddenly she's a damsel in distress....
16:35 / 14.05.02
Yeah she was fairly useless. She was tipped off to the presence of vampires and she should have been on her guard. Instead, she's leaning on the bar and is taken by surprise.
Tryphena Absent
16:52 / 14.05.02
Apparently Buffy's meant to eliminate all demons and wander off the face of the earth (not die) but I'm not holding out for that. She's already died twice and please, don't raise my hopes, the pain of Tara dying was too much for my weak emtoional state. I want Spike back.
16:59 / 14.05.02
The rumors are varied. Amber Benson is contracted for 18 episodes. She and Head have signed a 13 episode option. There may be a reset of recent events. All kinds of rumors are flying around, but I can't find anything about Buffy's death.

It seems season seven is going to be lighter and more postive than season six.

The only things I know for certain about either Angel or Buffy's future is that Angel will be moving to sunday nights after Charmed this fall.
17:22 / 14.05.02
I heard that time travel is used to set things straight at the end of the series. Unsubstantiated, it was just in some magazine. That would be truly LAME, and might be my jumping off point for the series if they dare cop out in such a disgustingly Voyager fashion. I'm just looking for an excuse right now.
17:27 / 14.05.02
They better not do that. That is the wrong way to end a series. I really liked the way they ended Xena and Hercules. In Xena, Xena stays dead and Gabrielle goes on without her. In Hercules, Herc. and Iolus (?) walk off into the sunset. Time travel is not the way to end the series. It would be a great disservice to the fans of the series.

I can see it now. All the bad stuff going down doesn't happen. Joyce doesn't die, Tara isn't shot, Kendra comes back to life. No, don't do that.
21:33 / 14.05.02
Has anyone read anything about how this season of Angel ends? Apparently there's going to be a BIG cliffhanger. Could be wrong, though...
21:48 / 14.05.02
I can't find anything, not for lack of trying mind, but there doesn't seem to be anything out there.
00:00 / 15.05.02

Go Willow!

That was a great episode. Warren got off far too easy though. I would have done a great deal more than drive a bullet through him, rip off his skin, and immolate him.

Otherwise, a wonderful episode. Can't wait until the finale.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
03:49 / 15.05.02
yes, that episode was quite excellent, i must say didnte see the skin ripping coming, but yowza

"bored now" god that made me hot...
True Art
05:08 / 15.05.02
It was a fabulous episode. I LIKE Tara - I'm sad. And I think it's been a great season. Other than the Musical episode, the second half of the season has been better. Lots of dodging and weaving to build up to now. They slowly but surely built up to show Warren’s darkness - I had a feeling he would end up being a REAL bastard. While hanging out at Tom's (the main man) in London and watching EVERY EPISODE on video, I think the show is as good as it ever has been. Sarah has done some truly superb acting the last two seasons - shocking really. She's grown, and I think the show has as well. I mean, come on, the musical was one of the top three - The Body, Hush and Once more with feeling. Well, I also like the dream episode. I don't necessarily think the episodes are better when Joss writes them, but they definitely are better when he directs them. The body was all French New Wave and shit. This show is still going strong; I don't think it has X-fileitis yet. Angel is wobbly - but is often superb. My favorite episode is from the first season with the evil sensitivity trainer - brilliance.
05:11 / 15.05.02
"bored now" Remind you of vampire Willow?

This episode was fantastic! Is Giles coming back for this? I'm thinking he the only one that'll be able to stop her. If this doesn't bring him back nothing will.

I don't want her to kill the little guy from the Trio. I like him.
11:45 / 15.05.02
It was kind of like vamp. Willow's "bored now", but not quite. The inflection was wrong. I don't know about Giles coming back. The rumor is he's signed a 13 episode option, but that doesn't mean anything. I hope she doesn't kill Johnathan either. I think if he had grown a backbone a lot earlier, none of this would have happened.
14:29 / 15.05.02
You know, as much as I've enjoyed the dellicate drama and slow and painful dismanteling of the character's lives this season, I think it would have benefited from Willow going bad about 3 episodes ago. All the action and resolution is packed into just 2 episodes. Granted, I'm just a glutton for more tasty bad Willow
14:31 / 15.05.02
Well at least the finale is 2 hours long.

I missed a great deal of "Buffy in college" back when I was watching wrestling. Is the demon Spike was conversing with a new demon, or is it something that the gang's met before?
14:33 / 15.05.02
Bah, if only Anikin can get it as right as Darth Willow!
17:44 / 15.05.02
bad willow rocks. too bad they can't keep her bad....

so, reading this, I was thinking maybe Tara comes back as a ghost, eh? That would explain why she's contracted for next season. They already have demons, vampires, and werewolves in their circle of friends. why not a ghost?
17:54 / 15.05.02
I really don't know if there's a real reason to bring her back. I mean she doesn't have any unfinished business, does she?

I hope they don't bring her back. As much as I like the character, there's no real need for it. That and it would kind of diminish the impact of her death. Yes, Buffy's come back 2 or 3 times now, but all her death's have been other-wordly in nature. Tara's death was caused by human hands.
18:09 / 15.05.02
I've heard that Giles is indeed back for the finale. Don't ask for sources because life's too short.
00:40 / 16.05.02
I keep wondering if they're going to hook Buffy and Xander up. Likely? Hell no. But Spike's gone, Anya's gone, Tara's gone, they've lost all their sexual tension/angst/romance in that arena.
00:43 / 16.05.02
I kind of think a Xander/Buffy hookup would be possible. Sure, Xander's a normal guy, but he knows about Buffy's slayerhood and has no problem with it. You really don't think that Buffy's going to end up with Angel in the end, do you? If anything, it looks like there may be a Cordy/Angel romance in the works.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
00:45 / 16.05.02
is it just me or did anya go all vengence demon off camera?
00:50 / 16.05.02
It happened in between episodes. At the end of the wedding episode, I guess its the head VD, I don't know, came to Anya and offered her the power that was taken from her. In the next episode, she's demonic again.
14:42 / 16.05.02
And it's that Cordy/Angel romance that makes me think a Xander/Buffy could happen.

I'm still really annoyed with Angel because Connor-Steven is so damned fun to watch, and there's only one ep left to the season.
-kicks an imaginary rock-
15:13 / 16.05.02
The problem with the Cordy/Angel hook-up I see is the same problem Buffy/Angel had. That whole moment of happiness/lose the soul deal. Unless that was taken care of.

I just know we're going to end up with a cliffhanger ending sort of deal for this season of Angel. There is no way everything can be wrapped up in one episode.
Captain Zoom
17:06 / 16.05.02
Even a big fat juicy 2 hour episode?

Or is that Buffy I'm thinking of?


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