Runs: I think so too... I'm just so disappointed with what I've seen, and I love the show (I wouldn't have spent over £300 on the videos if I didn't). I guess quality is subjective, but watching the older episodes, I'm just struck by the difference, and it's not a difference I like, or even can respect. But there you go.
Willow too emotional to be a Watcher? As Giles has intimated repeatedly, being a Watcher is about training someone to kill and then to be killed. It's about waiting for your protege to grow, mature, become everything you've dreamed, and then to just die. And to hope you die before you get a chance to see it. If Willow's experienced the agonies of losing someone that important to her (just her 'girlfriend'? Love don't work that way...) she might be ready for the training that would make her Watcher material. But right now she's a dangerous bundle of homicidal energies, and no one should be trusting her until fucking YEARS after she's proved she's stable again. That's why I find WillowWatcher so insulting, Runs - it's the idea that anyone would consider an unstable, murdering uberwitch in her early twenties suitable material to be the caretaker for 'the one girl in all the world', whether it's Buffy, Dawn, Faith or someone new. Let's face it, she was on the fucking ragged edge long before Tara even dumped her, let alone died. Remember her hubris in bringing Buffy back in the first place, her decision not to let anyone more mature get involved because she knew they'd try to stop her?
The Watcher's council has a centuries-long history of putting such people down, not training them to take on a position of severe trust. Remember the last ex-Watcher-turned-magus who went bad? That glove that threw lightning? The only thing I can see possibly happening is them trying to brainwash her into being their hook into getting Buffy 'back in the family' again, which I've got to admit could be an interesting storyline...
Even if the council weren't involved, and Ripper trained her himself (echoes of Kenobi training Anakin despite everyone's reservations), I can't see him trusting her that much now. She's been protrayed as a junkie, however crass it may or may not have been. And you can't ever fully trust a junkie. |