Made the schlep out to the only comic shop I can get to today, and picked up #1. Read it twice before I got home.
I loved it.
I gushed about it on another board. This is what I said:
"IMO, it was damn good. Very dense, lots going on. A whole ton of plot points right off the bat. Very claustrophobic in most parts, a lot of enclosed things, very craped panels. A lot of playing with twos (although that could just be the way I read it. Still: Two cops, Turpin and Montoya, two sets of police figures, the Earth-bound ones and the Lanterns, two sets of Lanterns, Green and Alpha, two Green Lanterns (contacting two bodies of authority, two bodyguards at the club, two benificiaries of Metron's gift, two deaths, villains working in twos (Light and Mirror Master, Libra and the Human Flame, Light and that other guy I didn't recognize), two sets of outside forces observing (the Guardians and the Monitors), Mas y Menos, It's pretty two-riffic.). I like how Anthro and Libra almost mirror each other in a couple panels (makes sense, given exactly what both characters are doing). Was that Vandal Savage in the beginning sequence? I absolutely love the page where Stewart and Jordan are examining Orion's murder site. They have a bubble up to close it in (again with that!), and what's outside it? A Mister Miracle poster. Once again, Scott (or Shilo?) evades imprisonment. Also a very nice parallel in regards to Scott and Orion's roles in the New Genesis/Apokolips conflict: Orion is well inside, trapped mortally, and Scott is outside the violence, a conscientious objector. Metron-as-Prometheus is a very cool idea. The first and last boys meet! Dark Side is creepy. I love that the toy guns (!) at the crime scene have a picture that looks amusingly like Turpin in his Boy Commando days on the box. The evolution of the Monitors is fascinating. A classic Morrison idea, regarding the relation of fiction and reality put a new way (and much more subtly than in, say Animal Man, The Invisibles, or Seven Soldiers). The beat-down on the Z-List Titans was amusing, but very, very expected. At least the injuries didn't look fatal there. Nice cameo from Rev. Al Sharpton. Fire is very clearly a big motif here. And there's a 23 in the background! 
Plus, the art is abso-fricken-lutely gorgeous. Jones done good."
Yeah. I'm embarrassingly enthusiastic about this comic. |