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The Dark Knight - speculation and news


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Dead Megatron
20:31 / 13.12.07
Looking forward to a monday is not within my nature, but here's hoping, yeah!
20:41 / 13.12.07
At risk of sounding overly fanboyish, I really wanted the fucker to go online tonight
Mug Chum
23:05 / 13.12.07
International Poster

(Edited after getting some brainjuice back and realizing it was a really big pic)

The trailer description came out as well. But I assume most who would want to read, could search for it (specially since I don't want to 'ruin' it for myself).
Thorn Davis
07:14 / 14.12.07
It's a nice, glossy image, but it's not as potent as the Why So Serious? image on the previous page. This doesn't say much more than "another Batman film is coming", whereas the previous one was threatening, spooky and humourous. Also, for me it mostly evokes the Emperor in Return of the Jedi, and Return of the Jedi isn't a good association when it comes to sequels. Still. It looks pretty slick and really any imagery whatsoever from this movie makes me ache to see it all the more .
Dead Megatron
08:14 / 14.12.07
Forget about monday
08:38 / 14.12.07
Love both posters. Now to watch the fucking trailer.

Mug Chum
08:39 / 14.12.07
I always heard compliments about the cartoon's original voice from Mark Hammil on the Joker, but never actually heard it. But Ledger's voice and delivery on these few bits is impressive work.

And I've had very few experiences in comics and movies with the Joker that felt as "Joker-y" as "like me!". It hit me with an "aaaah!". A certain sense of "not funny, goddamn it!" that becomes somewhat funny for it, can't really explain it...

His froggy little face actually gave me a little chill. I'm very fanboyish right now.
08:40 / 14.12.07
Actually, scratch that. It's a bootleg isn't it? I don't watch bootlegs, because they're shit.
Mug Chum
08:45 / 14.12.07
Damn you Boboss for making me envy you for showing class in your restraint! Damn you!
09:00 / 14.12.07
While I don't actually want to wait until Monday, I just can't stand those bloody things, which makes showing restraint remarkably easy.
H3ct0r L1m4
10:27 / 14.12.07
bootleg trailer, gogogogogo before it's taken down.


not the bank robbery preview, an actual trailer with everybody in it and a lot of Joker.
10:35 / 14.12.07
Isn't that the one Megatron put up earlier?
H3ct0r L1m4
10:38 / 14.12.07
oh, sorry - it was. shot from another angle, maybe.

i was so blinded by my own nerdgasm and didn't even read what was posted before.
11:25 / 14.12.07
Joker one-sheet
Benny the Ball
12:15 / 14.12.07
good for you boboss - stupid pirate things!

Love the one sheet.
12:29 / 14.12.07
There's another poster out there according to BOF. Sounds creepy.
12:37 / 14.12.07
Ah, here it is

12:37 / 14.12.07
That bootleg is really good, Boboss. Really good!
H3ct0r L1m4
12:59 / 14.12.07
this one hosted at myspace is even better.

fullscreen goodness. man, i got to go back to work; damn, you, Jokerrrr.
13:48 / 14.12.07
Not even tempted!
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:51 / 14.12.07
"Heh heh, y'know, Boboss, you seem like kind of an uptight guy, heh heh, you really need to learn to see the funny side, heheheheheheheheheh..."
13:59 / 14.12.07
H3ct0r L1m4
15:32 / 14.12.07
he's already seen it, he's the goddamn Bobboss
16:21 / 14.12.07
Throwing in another MySpace one that doesn't have nearly the sound issue the last posted one did.

Are bootlegs shit? Absolutely.

Was the trailer worth it? Mmmm hmmm you bet your sweet bippy.

He really is a creepy looking fucker, ain't he?
17:37 / 14.12.07
Trailer should be up Sunday, right here
Dead Megatron
18:53 / 14.12.07
This Sunday
19:31 / 14.12.07
he's already seen it, he's the goddamn Bobboss

He'd better. I'd hate to think, as much as he's looking forward to this, Boboss has that much more restraint than me in his fannishness

That said, this is certainly the first time outside of comics that I've come across a Joker who looks like he could hurt people. All day long. And never two in the same way. And I still don't know if he's nuts in a goofy hahahaha hallucinatory way or if he's nuts in a lacking-in-emotional-affect sociopathic genius way. I actually don't know which is better: Joker with a plan, or Joker with the illusion of a plan that just keeps going until the big reveal of it all going nowhere in particular. Joker feuled by entertainment value, instead of pulled along by plan?

Why so serious, indeed.
19:47 / 14.12.07
[singsong taunt] I haven't watched it [/singsong taunt]

And now that I know it's gonna be online on Sunday I'm extra pleased that I haven't.

Honest, guys, it has nothing to do with restraint, I just don't want to watch a bootleg cam. I never want to watch bootleg cams.
21:11 / 14.12.07
I liked watching the Iron Man comicon trailer bootleg, the picture quality wasn't great but it was surprisingly really fun to hear the crowd erupt with applause and cheers throughout.

The audience is silent for this one, however, so you may as well wait.

Heath Ledger's voice is fantastic.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
00:06 / 15.12.07
Delete if I got this wrong, please.
00:16 / 15.12.07
It is fantastic... if only you'd heard it a few days earlier, Boboss. You could be as happy as us when
The Falcon
09:18 / 15.12.07
Yes, I liked it when.

Ledger's voice really is fantastic though; he's somehow managed to straddle Nicholson and Romero (straddle? leash) and add some real Clown at Midnight gusto - summarising, it sounds like both, but he looks and sounds fucking terrifying.

I have the excite.
Dead Megatron
10:04 / 15.12.07
Am I the only who really dug Mark Hamil's take on the joker (the later the work, the better - Batman Beyond's Return of the Joker best of all)?
This Sunday
11:00 / 15.12.07
I found Hamill's Joker to be really damned entertaining... a little more nuanced than Jack Nicholson or Cesar Romero, but a little too easy to sympathize with, as well. It's a cartooned voice, one where menace is clearly menace, sadness and enthusiasm, are clearly sadness and enthusiasm. It's easier for me to buy his Joker when it's all about being stagey. (I know, this Joker's being stagey too... um, personal bias with no founding in objective reality, then.)

The ups and downs of Ledger's Joker intonations are what get me the most.
Dead Megatron
14:48 / 15.12.07
For the Bobosses fo the world who like to patiently wait in line

[I jest, as I hope to be obvious. We all know Boboss is the greatest revolutionary of all]

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