You've seen a Knight's Tale, right, or Ned Kelly?
That's just shooting low, there. Actually, it was other things that actively annoyed me in A Knight's Tale, and not Ledger.
I was thinking BBM/Bros. Grimm, really.
And I might not take kids to see this, but I know that as a kid, I'd probably have snuck in.
The question I have from that pic, is if the new DIY Joker, did, in fact, do it himself. The Kakihara vibe is nice, but it's so rough, the scarring so prominent, it almost cries attention getting. Oh, and he needs to smile or something. Seriously. Mope on yer own time, Joker, this is for the cameras and desperate fans everywhere. It's got a bit of the Cesar Romero sharp-upturn on the mouth, but if he can do a little hop thing and then eat someone's tongue, there's the merger to a unified Joker.
And really, how cool is it the promo pic looks good instead of, like the batsuit last time, or the clipless guns of the Matrix posters, the promo dispositions you to not liking something that looks fine onscreen? |