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The Dark Knight - speculation and news


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Dead Megatron
21:30 / 20.12.07
I've been busy arguing with the guy from the aforementioned blog.

His justification for the aforementioned remark? Fanboys/geeks are prejudiced and macho anyway, so it's ok to say homophobic things when talking to them...

And he always finishes with a smiley... ()

21:45 / 20.12.07
He is Teh Jokester!
22:05 / 20.12.07
I watched Batman Begins for the first time last night, now I can be excited about the new one like the rest of you.

Who do you think the big baddies will be?
Jack Fear
23:08 / 20.12.07
I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the Riddler. And possibly Egghead.
23:20 / 20.12.07
Jason Statham has been tipped as The Kingpin.
Alex's Grandma
00:33 / 21.12.07
Apparently, Mark Millar had a _major_ script editing role on "The Dark Night". Expect Ledger to refer back to his Oscar-nominated role quite a bit.

Aye, just you carry on like that, ye wee radge! Mocking the work of Mark Millar!

What I'd suggest you bear in mind, pal, is that Mark Millar will have his own project out this summer, which'll be going head to head, balls out, with the bloody 'Batman' one, give or take a month or so. And that what's more, Mark Millar's film has more A-list, box office openers involved than this other idea ye seem intent on implying Mark Millar's involved in, and is therefore likely to tan the Batman's leather arse! At the box office as well as the Oscars!

Bring it on, is what Mark Millar says.
01:25 / 21.12.07
I care.

02:12 / 21.12.07

Anyone who thinks that bats has lost the gravel is so very seriously wrong
08:06 / 21.12.07
Is "lost the gravel" as filthy a euphemism as it sounds?
09:52 / 21.12.07
(It's a euphemism for taking heroin)
09:52 / 21.12.07
11:07 / 21.12.07
Would anyone mind if I started a new thread for discussing this film?
11:10 / 21.12.07
Two threads would be better - one for discussing the trailer and one, which we can start now but delete any posts to before the film is released, for the film itself.
11:22 / 21.12.07
I think a thread for each scene is the only way to go, really.
11:52 / 21.12.07
I was thinking we could have a thread for each viewing of the film when it is finally released so that insights from repeated watches can be separated out, and with there being one final concordance thread which refers back to everything else with exhaustive hyperlinks. It would also be a great way to measure the level of an individual's Batman love: I can only imagine the camaraderie between Barbelithers massaging each other's batcocks in the 17th Viewing thread, ecstatic in the knowledge that it will soon be out on DVD for them to indulge in a frame by frame analysis.
15:29 / 21.12.07
15:31 / 21.12.07


Someone must pay for this!
22:37 / 23.12.07
I only wanted the pearls, grant.

I only wanted the pearls!
H3ct0r L1m4
12:31 / 24.12.07
19:27 / 24.12.07
....I don't get that joke at all.
The Falcon
17:34 / 03.01.08
No-one has posted to this thread in a week.

I have found a very good reason.
This Sunday
21:17 / 03.01.08
Oldschool movie Joker wears a mask. New grittydark movie Joker wears a mask.

And is 'knives and lint' just the best line, or is it... just the best goddammed line?
H3ct0r L1m4
10:34 / 04.01.08
Cameron, the thread was getting so surreal that I thought Crispin Glover [nerds' favourite first choice as the Joker before watching the trailers] as Depp's Wonka seemed so... sane.
Jack Fear
20:04 / 22.01.08
Mug Chum
20:14 / 22.01.08
oh my god...

(a two year old daughter... this is fucking heart-breaking)
Psych Safeling
20:17 / 22.01.08
Just came onto thread to break the news. Unbelievable. RIP.
miss wonderstarr
20:30 / 22.01.08
It's hard to know what to say, but you want to register your shock and sadness.

I guess this film will be remembered for entirely different reasons now. Can't help wondering if they'd still be able to complete it (cf. Oliver Reed in Gladiator / Brandon Lee in The Crow) and release it as some kind of tribute to Ledger. But it would inevitably acquire an uncanny... ghoulish air. I mean, God. The guy you're watching playing the Joker died suddenly at the end of production.

Maybe it's tasteless to consider what will become of his last film, when this young and talented man has been lost, leaving a daughter. But it is horribly fascinating (to me... maybe that's wrong of me) to think what kind of cult will become of The Dark Knight, and Ledger's last footage.
20:32 / 22.01.08
wow. So sad. Such a talented guy... I was just walking down the street and saw the news headline on a TV in a store window. I felt like I'd stepped into some sort of alternate universe.

And yes, one does wonder what this will do to the film, in terms of how it's perceived and such...

Such a waste.
Dead Megatron
20:42 / 22.01.08
Just heard the bad news. Amazingly sad and pointless.

Is the shooting of The Dark Knight over? Because, if it's not, this is totally gonna mess the film. And what about a third part? No Joker in it? (not that it is more important than the poor guy being dead, of couse)
20:44 / 22.01.08
from what I know (and it's not like I'm a Hollywood insider or anything like that), it sounded like shooting was pretty much completed/over.

But I note that the CNN article said "Ledger was to appear in The Dark Knight, a sequel to 'Batman Begins'." I really hope they don't have to recast or do some crazy camera trickery to finish the film - I hope Ledger's performance was filmed in complete. (most films do reshoots a few months after principal photography; obviously those would be out regarding the Joker, unless they recast)
miss wonderstarr
20:47 / 22.01.08
I would suspect from the type of promotion we've been seeing that it is (if not actually finished) at a stage of production where they could finish it if they wanted, by cheating shots and/or reshuffling the story based on what they've got.

But that's just a guess.
20:49 / 22.01.08

Now some articles are saying it looks like suicide... uuggh.. So tragic.
miss wonderstarr
20:54 / 22.01.08
It's also interesting in a sad way to think of how Ledger's career and star persona will be set now; what he'll be remembered for, compared to all the range and maturity he could have been remembered for. James Dean crossed with Kurt Cobain, maybe, rather than someone with (maybe) James Stewart or Cary Grant's eventual pedigree and history.
Dead Megatron
20:56 / 22.01.08
I dunno, looks more like he misused his sleeping pills. I mean, he had a masseuse scheduled for that day. Doesn't seem like something a person about to commit suicide would do.

Unless,of course, the decision to take his own life was taken pretty quickly. But I just don't think so. (not that I know that much about the suicidal frame of mind*)

* thought about it a little when I was in the angst teen phase, granted, but not really seriously.
21:56 / 22.01.08

I'd hoped he'd have a lot of great work inside him yet.

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