After all that, it didn't even satisfactorily answer the ages old question of who would win in a fight between a Cyberman and a pterodactyl.
This was enjoyable, pantomime fare, with the occasional fun set-piece, but suffered from taking itself far too seriously and some annoying production weaknesses. The device that Toshiko used to open the door was the exact same as the one she used to scan books in the first episode. The cyberwoman's design was pretty impractical-cyber-stilettos? At least they retained the satisfying clunking noise of the parent show.
I would have believed Ianto's angst a little more, if it had been previously established that he doesn't enjoy cleaning up the other's shit, but unfortunately in the preceeding episodes he seems quite happy to do it.
A lot of the humour this week was fairly puerile stuff: hard-ons, shit for the sake of (sh)it.
Other than those few quibbles, I quite enjoyed it. "Small Worlds" looks excellent and if Cube still doesn't want to read anything about it, then look away now: I wonder if the elderly woman is a previous lover of Jack's from back in the war. Seems like it'll be fairly Jack/Gwen centric, with very little Ianto, Tosh, Owen. I hope that Ianto doesn't slip back to being a tertiary character after an energetic performance this week, he deserves to stay in the foreground-especially over Lee Evans Jr. |