Watched the first episode last night and here's my two cents.
Stylistically, it's not too bad. It manages to make Cardiff look sexy--and no offence to the Welsh, it's just that you don't equate Cardiff and sexy in the same sentence--and exciting. In fact, in some of those shots, it makes Cardiff look downright hyper-modern.
Captain Jack Harkness as the lead. Well, I like John Barrowman even if he was a bit hammy and over the top at times. I think it's a bit silly to constantly introduce yourself with your full name and title at every given moment. (I can just imagine: "All right we go, one gin & tonic..." "That would be for me: Captain Jack Harkness.") True, the shot of him standing majestically on top of the building was nothing more than a homage (I'll be kinder than Flyboy) to the many times David "Look at my broody forehead" Boreanaz did it on various L.A. rooftops. Still, he's got sex appeal, a rather laissez-faire attitude to most things, and a chance to make this show quite fun. (By the way, still not buying that it's the Doctor's doing he's immortal. It might be by extension of TARDIS, but it was Rose's doing. She undid everything.)
That bit with Gwen talking to the monster at the end of the hallway. Either they're used to monsters or people in masks going round in Cardiff or her eyesight is complete shit. No one would have acted that calmly when faced with something like that. (I know, I know, not watching this for reason, I get it.)
I like the Torchwood team, was still surprised by Susie's suicide at the end, even though I'd already read about it here on the board.
I really like the invisible lift. I think the Doctor's hand bubbling away in a vat of liquid--I called it!--was terribly silly.
Overall, it's a pretty good show. I like the possibility of it, I like the feel of it, and the cast seems pretty swell as well.
Pretty much all I can think of at the moment. Maybe when the tea kicks in I'll have something else. |