How Haus posts 101:
If you hadn't read what he had written, and instead had made something up, which you then decided was a completely accurate representation of what he had written, to the poin that, although he at no point used the word "compassion", you kept on using it because you were referring back to your own representation of what he had written, which featured the word "compassion".
Reid, I don't know whether your intention is to lie to Barbelith, or just to yourself, with the result that you end up lieing to Barbelith accidentally, but either way it makes it pretty hard to get any forward motion here.
No. Here you have set me up as working from a falsehood. You've done this several times even though it is contrary to what I wrote initially and what I have since explained. And again my use of the word "compassion" again may have been incorrect in assigning it to Flyboy, though I'm not sure that was what I was doing, but that is largely, as I have already said, through not fully exploring every possible connotation of what I have written. We now seem to be in the repeat stage of how Haus argues. Do you have a point?
Reid, here's the problem. I'm trying to talk to someone who does not read posts and who makes stuff up all the time. How does that work? How can I make any sense to you when you do not read what I write, but make things up instead?
Here we actually veer away from debating gambits and into the world of propaganda. Tell the lie first and tell it very loudly. Basically set up the paradigm where your perceived opponent cannot possibly be right. Actually quite clever, quite bold and works a lot better than many people would give it credit for. Also incidentally what Haus is accusing me of.
It also relieves the reader of the burden of having to think for themselves.
Where you told other people how to post.
Quite frankly I thought his post was so ill meant and utterly inaccurate as to be offensive to the many people who do show consideration and compassion routinely on Barbelith probably everyday.
Obviously not an order. I would kind of call it expressing an opinion in this case one prompted by Haus' own criticism.
Now of course the old favourite. Semantic gymnastics! I hope you'll forgive the exclamation mark, I get into trouble every time I use them but it's the excitement you see.
You read that as referring to all members of Barbelith. You did not bother to check this. You are still making up shit to try to justify the threadrot that your inability or reluctance to read things properly then led to, as you also didn't bother to give my or deva's posts a second read either.
Flyboy said some I said many, to me it's you say tomato I say tomato argument. However lets say you're right, I misrepresent Flyboy, in which case I apologise to Flyboy. Do you honestly think it's because I'm too stupid to understand it? Because I have a vendetta against him? See even allowing for what I would call a slight somantic differance (not the total mis-reading you are portraying it as) my response is still reasonable (in as much as sarcastic responses ever are) to what Flyboy has written.
You carried on believing that what Flyboy had said was actually what you had written:
Yes if we could just get rid of that human capacity for compassion we could show what good people we are KICKING THE CRAP OUT OF THE ENEMY! THE ENEMY I TELL YOU!
No this is something you want people reading this to believe so you keep on saying it. A lot. What I wrote was a send up of what I honestly believed to be what Flyboy was saying. But now I'm repeating myself.
Thing is Haus seems to be contradicting himself here, some times I'm too stupid to understand a simple post and other times I'm manipulative and cunning in my one man war of vile slander against the vulnerable and defenceless Flyboy (just a note Haus hasn't actually said that I'm exaggerating for my own entertainment.)
You claim that this is "taking what he wrote at face value". It is not, because the face value of what he said did not mention compassion and did not identify any failing in "humans" as a whole, only in some members of Barbelith. What you took it on was your laziness and inability to make the effort to read written English before advertising your existence. This was, to quote yourself, unhelpful and rather stupid. Since you did not read Flyboy's post, and still have not read Flyboy's post, you could not possibly have understood what was happening in the thread, which explains why your flailings became progressively more confused and aggressive, culminating in your histrionic demands about my moderator status.
Now some people would call my histrionic demands a question. Perhaps they are also disabled.
"human compassion" first of all is pretty common phrase. Are you saying that when sending up another poster we can't bring in new words, but rather only use the ones the previous poster used? Weird. So now you're attacking conversation as a concept? Okay that would explain why you enjoy repeating yourself but perhaps for another thread? I used the phrase "human compassion" because I felt that Flyboy's post lacked it. Now I'm pretty sure that you both understood that and understand the concept of taking the piss but lets gave you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't I'm happy to clear that up for you.
Anyway fortunately another poster came to my aid as far as questions of not understanding Flyboy's post when he described my: religious adherence to taking Flyboy absolutely literally but hold on a second that was Haus so am I misrepresenting him or taking him to literally?
And, of course, you will not read this, and will respond to something else completely that you would rather I had said. Either you are sincerely disabled in some way, in which case hang fire - plans are afoot to start a thread in Policy about how to make your experience of Barblith more comfortable - or you are now attempting to create as much noise as possible in order to try to conceal the fact that you were consistently misrepresenting Flyboy's post, as the ever-popular Internet equivalent of squirting ink out of your arse.
Wonderful. Strange how my words seem to be connected to what Haus has said, except in his head, like my secret vendetta against Flyboy. Now you seem to be implying that to disagree with you mean's that you are mentally ill (though doubtless that's not really what you've said) which is a new and interesting way of diagnosing mental health problems.
Thing is the debating tactics of creating a false paradigm, setting yourself up as the ultimate arbiter of discussion, creating false impressions and being dismissive etc. etc. are all well if and good if this is all about the win but it does require: that people will believe whatever they have been told most recently. The problem is the attitude required for tactics like that is that everyone else is stupid.
Fair enough. Please substitute "did not read with enough attention to get even a vaguely accurate idea of what it was saying, in order not to bog the discussion down with threads trying to untangle the consequences of a rude and irrelevant response".
Or if you prefer did not read in a way that agreed with Haus's retrospective view of it.
Maybe this could go to PM, unless Reid has any concrete proposals he'd like the board to discuss? I realise it can feel unfair to leave anotehr poster's accusations unaddressed, but I feel that posters have enough material, in the first thread and the discussion of it here, to make up their own minds on the original issue.
Pretty much I'm venting, squirting ink out of my arse, though I am doing it in the Conversation. I have no intention of entering into PM about this with Haus as he, apparently, would send me “nasty private messages” (well I wouldn’t send them to him so that must have been what he was talking about). However I do agree with Haus if not for you then let in sink. |