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Burning down the Haus part 2 - Attack of the Clones


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17:48 / 22.08.06
.. and yet strangely different.

Is there a best sound effect in a post award available?

Also Reid why can't you use bold? Do you just not know how to or is there another reason?

Is the issue at hand the question of Haus being sassy/oppressive again or specificly abusing mod privilage?
Spatula Clarke
17:56 / 22.08.06
The issue at hand is somebody proving themselves incapable of making that distinction, xk. Again.
Dead Megatron
18:15 / 22.08.06
Oh God, not this debate again.

I thought we have already agreed that Haus' posting style can be a bit harsh and over-snarky, but he's still a valuable, unreplaceable member of the Barbelith comunity. And also, that he will not change his ways, no matter how many feedback threads it causes ("teflon, dude"), so why bother?

Plus, how many times does an issue with Haus involves FlyBoy in some way or another? Are we sure they are not actually, you know, the same person????
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
18:28 / 22.08.06

Oh it's working! It's working! (Actually if this doesn't come up bold I'm going to look pretty stupid.) I've never been able to get this to work, however it did occur to me that I probably haven't tried with this incarnation of Barbelith, so in many ways Jack's right that I am both ignorant and lazy. Now be a good fellow Jack and contribute or piss off.

Well, you weren't taking it at face value, were you? Because you then changed its wording to bring out what you wanted it to say, and then typed it in CAPS.

Obviously not, I didn't change a word of what he said. I assumed that he meant what he was saying and lampooned it (again perhaps not in the best way possible) in a way I felt was appropriate. What you seem to be implying I should've done is assume that he didn't mean what he was saying and in fact meant quite the opposite (in that he wasn't suggesting that the best way to get compassion on the board is to be racist, sexist and homophobic).

It was only when you were challenged that you made up this argument that your issue was with the suggestion that the statement:

Astonishing: making racist, sexist and homophobic statements really is the best way to be on the receiving end of an unprecedented amount of kindness and compliments and hand-holding from some people on Barbelith!

Was unacceptable because it was not factually accurate, if taken at face value, which orginally you had not done:

So again you know that wasn't what I was thinking, well then how do I respond...gasp...I can have no possible response if Haus can read my secret intent when I post. Clearly Haus I had issues with what Flyboy was saying or I wouldn’t have posted back with sarcasm. Yet you seem to think that when the reason for the sarcasm is explained, as an explanation to your own criticism no less, that my reasons have suddenly changed? To me that’s sort of odd reasoning. Can you please tell me what my initial reasons for being sarcastic to Flyboy was? Was it our feud that seems to exist in your head? Sorry Haus once again you explain what you believe to be fact whilst ignoring what people are actually saying, which forgive me isn't that what you're accusing me of? Also if Flyboy didn't actually mean what he said doesn't that rather make his post pointless? And if what you're saying is correct doesn't that rather seem to render sarcasm and satire somewhat obsolete (because it’s really just all changing what the person said rather than making fun of it)? Would you like to propose a sarcasm ban? Because I’d give you about a week before you actually exploded.

First up, you may notice that you've changed what Flyboy said again - from "the best way" (itself, I would hazard, rhetorical) to "the only way" and "some people on Barbelith" to "all people on Barbelith"

Tenuous but I'll concede it. Though you may want to bear in mind that the change was a result of me not thinking through every possible connotation of my post rather than an actual attempt to purposefully misrepresent Flyboy.

This makes it particularly bizarre that you then go on to suggest that the best way to get an outpouring of sympathy on Barbelith is... to be caught in the middle of a terrorist atrocity.

Weird. First of all I didn't say that I pointed it out as an episode in Barbelith's history where there was an outpouring of concern and sympathy but I think you know that. I think it's a way that you would receive sympathy on Barbelith, do you not? One would hope there's no requirement for a "best" (apologies for using old fashioned quote marks but I do like them) way to get sympathy on Barbelith and one would also hope that it's need is recognised in any given situation.

All this "how dare you slur Barbelith" stuff is a bit random, and again either means that you are tilting in headfirst without actually reading what he has said, which might be because you have decided to rely on what you said he said IN CAPS (this seems likely - you repeatedly use the word "compassion", which Flyboy did not), or that you are hoping that people will get caught up in your emotive claims that Flyboy is somehow disrespecting Barbelith and not look at what he actually said. Either way, you're rotting the thread, if only by responding to comments made on it in a parallel universe. A universe in which posts are the same as they are in our world... and yet strangely different.

Again "how dare you slur Barbelith" is your reading of my post not an objective fact. What Flyboy wrote seemed to fly very heavily in the face of my Barbelith experience, substantially enough for me to feel he deserved to have the piss taken. Note the "piss taken" not to change what he said (or indeed nit pick until it actually make no sense whatsoever) not to continue some, to my knowledge imaginary feud but just to take the piss. What followed was an attempt to answer your criticism of my post, yet again you feel I should not be allowed to substantiate what I say and bizarrely accuse of changing what has been said whilst you make assumption about what I really meant to say. I was trying to explain my reasoning not start some kind of coupe against Flyboy, to even think like that strikes me as strangely paranoid. Reductive at best, largely pointless and does a good job of making what you, I, Flyboy and God knows whom else say meaningless.

Haus all of the above is your supposition on what you think I meant whereas what I actually mean and what I hope Flyboy actually meant is all there in black and white unless I missed the PM about the secret Barbelith code we were using today, or of course we're in Wonderland. (That would be cool.)

Now, the fact that you have pulled in the July 7 bombings I find particularly annoying. Part of the reason for that is personal and autobiographical, and also not really my reason to give. Part of it is that it is simple bad manners to try to Godwin like that - if the Republicans aren't allowed to say "9/11" as if it won every argument, the British aren't allowed to say "7/7". Especially if they are doing so in an attack on an argument that was never made.

Perhaps you're right however I notice that you're now talking about your opinion, which is different to a rule that must be enforced on the board. However your opinion is noted and I will give it consideration.

I've been asked about this in private so I think I should make this clear. I would like to retract what I said about revoking moderator status (and it was in reference to Haus not Flyboy, who moderator wise has done nothing I disagree with). I neither have the time or the inclination to offer my services to Barbelith as a moderator so I think it is unfair for someone who is prepared to take the time and make the effort to moderate should have to suffer the suggestion from myself. Not that I would imagine that Haus is particularly bothered.
18:32 / 22.08.06
In Reidcourchie's defence, he did demand that I not tell anyone how to post again unless I did so with my mod hat on. This seemed odd to me, as he was telling people how to post, and doing so without apparently having looked very closely at how they _were_ posting, but there you go. So, I found myself looking at the thread, and seeing that actually, from a moderator's point of view, whereas Flyboy's original comment was, however sarcastic it might have been, referencing the ongoing discussion, reicourchie had almost immediately moved the discussion to i) a series of comments based on not having read Flyboy's post and ii) a series of comments bbased on not having read mine and deva's posts. Since (ii) was resolved, he stayed on (i), turning it to a critique of Flyboy's parallel-universe dishonesty, which was threadrot. Note that by that time I had already acted in a moderator-esque fashion, asking for the threadrot to cease here, although of course private citizens can do that as well, as they can ask people not to insinuate that they are being portrayed as fascists, as redicourchie looks quite a lot like he does here, although which he also he then denies, and who knows, perhaps denies truthfully, that that was his intention. I asked there for those who wished to continue the threadrot to start new threads. Reidcourchie decided not to, and made an attack on Flyboy which, being as it was not actually based on anything he had contributed to the thread, was offtopic and likely to bring the thread further offtopic. At which point, having been asked to look at the thread as a moderator, I decided that it was in danger of being derailed into a personality clash, and that if Reid really needed to be told that by somebody preceding the statement with "mod hat", then it was worth doing. As it diverted him into this thread, where the problems with his readings could be looked at without further offtopic posting in the Policy, that achieved my duty as a moderator to the Policy itself, albeit in a slightly off-the-wall way.
18:37 / 22.08.06
What Flyboy wrote seemed to fly very heavily in the face of my Barbelith experience

If you hadn't read what he had written, and instead had made something up, which you then decided was a completely accurate representation of what he had written, to the poin that, although he at no point used the word "compassion", you kept on using it because you were referring back to your own representation of what he had written, which featured the word "compassion".

Reid, I don't know whether your intention is to lie to Barbelith, or just to yourself, with the result that you end up lieing to Barbelith accidentally, but either way it makes it pretty hard to get any forward motion here.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
18:52 / 22.08.06
Haus where did I tell other people how to post? Unless of course you're saying that me asking you not to tell me how to post counts in which case I suspect we're in Wonderland territory again.

So, I found myself looking at the thread, and seeing that actually, from a moderator's point of view, whereas Flyboy's original comment was, however sarcastic it might have been, referencing the ongoing discussion, reicourchie had almost immediately moved the discussion to i) a series of comments based on not having read Flyboy's post and ii) a series of comments bbased on not having read mine and deva's posts. Since (ii) was resolved, he stayed on (i), turning it to a critique of Flyboy's parallel-universe dishonesty, which was threadrot.

An no. Again I had read Flyboy's post but I took what he said at face value, though you seem to imply that to take something at face value I would have to just repeat it rather than comment on it. However in terms of a debating gambit to portray it as read that I misunderstood Flyboy's post makes it of course much easier to dismiss my argument. Again a very good debating gambit and one often used by yourself.

Note that by that time I had already acted in a moderator-esque fashion, asking for the threadrot to cease here,

After of course making this statement:

As it happens, I didn't find Flyboy's comment particularly stupid. I think Miss Wonderstarr's explanation of why there is a tendency to find the best possible reasons for people's ongoing obstreperousness in the face of a partial climbdown is more complete and more useful, but Flyboy was identifying a tendency which he feels is deleterious to the good functioning of the board. You might have found it unhelpful and stupid, but LAMPOONING A POSITION WITH CAPITAL LETTERS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS DO NOT MAKE IT SELF-EVIDENT THAT SOMEBODY MEANT WHAT YOU CLAIM THAT THEY MEANT OR THAT THEY HAVE SOMEHOW LOST BY GETTING ANGRY! BECAUSE WE ARE IN THE MAIN NOT TWELVE! AS I HAVE ALREADY HAD TO EXPLAIN TO YOU ONCE ALREADY THIS MONTH!!!!

Which strikes me as provocative, not saying that I wasn't but to then tell me under the guise of moderator that my reply is threadrot strikes me as not in spirit of good for the goose and all that.

Reidcourchie decided not to, and made an attack on Flyboy which, being as it was not actually based on anything he had contributed to the thread, was offtopic and likely to bring the thread further offtopic.

Again your reading of the situation, it was an explanation of why I'd written what I'd written which you have chosen to characterise as an attack.
Dead Megatron
18:56 / 22.08.06
it makes it pretty hard to get any forward motion here.

My point exactly.

[keep in mind I'm not taking sides here - I didn't even follow the orginal argument between FB and Reidcourhcie - I'm just pointing out to the possible futility of this argument]
20:12 / 22.08.06
Reid, here's the problem. I'm trying to talk to someone who does not read posts and who makes stuff up all the time. How does that work? How can I make any sense to you when you do not read what I write, but make things up instead?

One more time:

Where you told other people how to post.

Quite frankly I thought his post was so ill meant and utterly inaccurate as to be offensive to the many people who do show consideration and compassion routinely on Barbelith probably everyday.

What you claim:

Again I had read Flyboy's post but I took what he said at face value, though you seem to imply that to take something at face value I would have to just repeat it rather than comment on it.

Why this is bollocks. Flyboy said:

Astonishing: making racist, sexist and homophobic statements really is the best way to be on the receiving end of an unprecedented amount of kindness and compliments and hand-holding from some people on Barbelith! Now it transpires that what's getting in the way of 33's attempts to apologise is that he has too much dignity. Is that what everyone else has got from his posts to date? An excess of DIGNITY?

You read that as referring to all members of Barbelith. You did not bother to check this. You are still making up shit to try to justify the threadrot that your inability or reluctance to read things properly then led to, as you also didn't bother to give my or deva's posts a second read either.

You carried on believing that what Flyboy had said was actually what you had written:

Yes if we could just get rid of that human capacity for compassion we could show what good people we are KICKING THE CRAP OUT OF THE ENEMY! THE ENEMY I TELL YOU!

You claim that this is "taking what he wrote at face value". It is not, because the face value of what he said did not mention compassion and did not identify any failing in "humans" as a whole, only in some members of Barbelith. What you took it on was your laziness and inability to make the effort to read written English before advertising your existence. This was, to quote yourself, unhelpful and rather stupid. Since you did not read Flyboy's post, and still have not read Flyboy's post, you could not possibly have understood what was happening in the thread, which explains why your flailings became progressively more confused and aggressive, culminating in your histrionic demands about my moderator status. In between, we got this:

Secondly if Flyboy is unable to find any acts of compassion on this board that aren’t tied to racist, sexist or homophobic comments then clearly he's not looking hard enough. Macro I would suggest checking July of last year for an outpouring or warmth, concern and compassion, micro many posts in the conversation, from the one on best men to the many Barbelithians in need threads. Quite frankly I thought his post was so ill meant and utterly inaccurate as to be offensive to the many people who do show consideration and compassion routinely on Barbelith probably everyday. And even if that is not the case I don't really see the problem with answering snide comments with snide comments, as I didn't in the other thread you've bizarrely referenced.

Flyboy never claimed to be unable to find acts of compassion on the board not tied to etc. You are misrepresenting what he said, because you did not read what he said, which given how many times you have cut and pasted it is really quite impressive. Indeed, your representation of what he wrote is so utterly inaccurate as to be offensive to the many people who do show consideration of what other people write on Barbelith, to the extent of actually reading it.

And, of course, you will not read this, and will respond to something else completely that you would rather I had said. Either you are sincerely disabled in some way, in which case hang fire - plans are afoot to start a thread in Policy about how to make your experience of Barblith more comfortable - or you are now attempting to create as much noise as possible in order to try to conceal the fact that you were consistently misrepresenting Flyboy's post, as the ever-popular Internet equivalent of squirting ink out of your arse.

OK, guys: pop quiz. Does anyone here actually buy Reidcourchie's self-justification here? Just raise your hands.
Char Aina
20:32 / 22.08.06
which bit?
i'm finding the whole thing a bit squidgy to hold on to when i try and see it as a cohesive whole.
Dead Megatron
21:04 / 22.08.06
I'm not really sure myself, actually. Ze does seem to have ashred of a point, but ze is also stretching waaayyy to much, thus loosing any point ze mau have had at first. But, to be honest, I'm also, as pointed out already, not really that invested in this debate, sooo...

But, Haus, I just want to say that, just because someone is misunderstanding or misinterpreting (on purpose or not) one's post, it does not automatically follow that they did not read said post. I believe that, if you insist in this line of arguing, you may as well loose your point. (unless ze admited ze didn't read FB's post and I missed it, in which case just disregard this)
Tryphena Absent
22:52 / 22.08.06
Reid, Fly's post was directly referring to the subject of the thread, your post wasn't. As Wallace Wells would say to Scott Pilgrim "suck it up".
05:03 / 23.08.06
*whilst sitting on a settee, nibbling at a beautiful bunch of grapes, a laurel on top of head*

Le sigh. This drama does bore me so. Bring on another play so that my eyes might stay open.

And more wine, of course.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
05:08 / 23.08.06
Preferrably a play with *dancing bears*.
07:39 / 23.08.06
But, Haus, I just want to say that, just because someone is misunderstanding or misinterpreting (on purpose or not) one's post, it does not automatically follow that they did not read said post.

Fair enough. Please substitute "did not read with enough attention to get even a vaguely accurate idea of what it was saying, in order not to bog the discussion down with threads trying to untangle the consequences of a rude and irrelevant response".
07:51 / 23.08.06
Maybe this could go to PM, unless Reid has any concrete proposals he'd like the board to discuss? I realise it can feel unfair to leave anotehr poster's accusations unaddressed, but I feel that posters have enough material, in the first thread and the discussion of it here, to make up their own minds on the original issue.
08:07 / 23.08.06
Hmmm. Contrariwise, I'm not sure we should be legitimating the process of sending people nasty private messages - and that is what would happen - as an alternative to responding in a public forum. The absence of witnesses often, I think, raises the temperature yet further. Better, if everyone is sick of this thread, to propose a lock and/or let it sink.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
13:40 / 23.08.06
How Haus posts 101:

If you hadn't read what he had written, and instead had made something up, which you then decided was a completely accurate representation of what he had written, to the poin that, although he at no point used the word "compassion", you kept on using it because you were referring back to your own representation of what he had written, which featured the word "compassion".

Reid, I don't know whether your intention is to lie to Barbelith, or just to yourself, with the result that you end up lieing to Barbelith accidentally, but either way it makes it pretty hard to get any forward motion here.

No. Here you have set me up as working from a falsehood. You've done this several times even though it is contrary to what I wrote initially and what I have since explained. And again my use of the word "compassion" again may have been incorrect in assigning it to Flyboy, though I'm not sure that was what I was doing, but that is largely, as I have already said, through not fully exploring every possible connotation of what I have written. We now seem to be in the repeat stage of how Haus argues. Do you have a point?

Reid, here's the problem. I'm trying to talk to someone who does not read posts and who makes stuff up all the time. How does that work? How can I make any sense to you when you do not read what I write, but make things up instead?

Here we actually veer away from debating gambits and into the world of propaganda. Tell the lie first and tell it very loudly. Basically set up the paradigm where your perceived opponent cannot possibly be right. Actually quite clever, quite bold and works a lot better than many people would give it credit for. Also incidentally what Haus is accusing me of.

It also relieves the reader of the burden of having to think for themselves.

Where you told other people how to post.

Quite frankly I thought his post was so ill meant and utterly inaccurate as to be offensive to the many people who do show consideration and compassion routinely on Barbelith probably everyday.

Obviously not an order. I would kind of call it expressing an opinion in this case one prompted by Haus' own criticism.

Now of course the old favourite. Semantic gymnastics! I hope you'll forgive the exclamation mark, I get into trouble every time I use them but it's the excitement you see.

You read that as referring to all members of Barbelith. You did not bother to check this. You are still making up shit to try to justify the threadrot that your inability or reluctance to read things properly then led to, as you also didn't bother to give my or deva's posts a second read either.

Flyboy said some I said many, to me it's you say tomato I say tomato argument. However lets say you're right, I misrepresent Flyboy, in which case I apologise to Flyboy. Do you honestly think it's because I'm too stupid to understand it? Because I have a vendetta against him? See even allowing for what I would call a slight somantic differance (not the total mis-reading you are portraying it as) my response is still reasonable (in as much as sarcastic responses ever are) to what Flyboy has written.

You carried on believing that what Flyboy had said was actually what you had written:

Yes if we could just get rid of that human capacity for compassion we could show what good people we are KICKING THE CRAP OUT OF THE ENEMY! THE ENEMY I TELL YOU!

No this is something you want people reading this to believe so you keep on saying it. A lot. What I wrote was a send up of what I honestly believed to be what Flyboy was saying. But now I'm repeating myself.

Thing is Haus seems to be contradicting himself here, some times I'm too stupid to understand a simple post and other times I'm manipulative and cunning in my one man war of vile slander against the vulnerable and defenceless Flyboy (just a note Haus hasn't actually said that I'm exaggerating for my own entertainment.)

You claim that this is "taking what he wrote at face value". It is not, because the face value of what he said did not mention compassion and did not identify any failing in "humans" as a whole, only in some members of Barbelith. What you took it on was your laziness and inability to make the effort to read written English before advertising your existence. This was, to quote yourself, unhelpful and rather stupid. Since you did not read Flyboy's post, and still have not read Flyboy's post, you could not possibly have understood what was happening in the thread, which explains why your flailings became progressively more confused and aggressive, culminating in your histrionic demands about my moderator status.

Now some people would call my histrionic demands a question. Perhaps they are also disabled.

"human compassion" first of all is pretty common phrase. Are you saying that when sending up another poster we can't bring in new words, but rather only use the ones the previous poster used? Weird. So now you're attacking conversation as a concept? Okay that would explain why you enjoy repeating yourself but perhaps for another thread? I used the phrase "human compassion" because I felt that Flyboy's post lacked it. Now I'm pretty sure that you both understood that and understand the concept of taking the piss but lets gave you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't I'm happy to clear that up for you.

Anyway fortunately another poster came to my aid as far as questions of not understanding Flyboy's post when he described my: religious adherence to taking Flyboy absolutely literally but hold on a second that was Haus so am I misrepresenting him or taking him to literally?

And, of course, you will not read this, and will respond to something else completely that you would rather I had said. Either you are sincerely disabled in some way, in which case hang fire - plans are afoot to start a thread in Policy about how to make your experience of Barblith more comfortable - or you are now attempting to create as much noise as possible in order to try to conceal the fact that you were consistently misrepresenting Flyboy's post, as the ever-popular Internet equivalent of squirting ink out of your arse.

Wonderful. Strange how my words seem to be connected to what Haus has said, except in his head, like my secret vendetta against Flyboy. Now you seem to be implying that to disagree with you mean's that you are mentally ill (though doubtless that's not really what you've said) which is a new and interesting way of diagnosing mental health problems.

Thing is the debating tactics of creating a false paradigm, setting yourself up as the ultimate arbiter of discussion, creating false impressions and being dismissive etc. etc. are all well if and good if this is all about the win but it does require: that people will believe whatever they have been told most recently. The problem is the attitude required for tactics like that is that everyone else is stupid.

Fair enough. Please substitute "did not read with enough attention to get even a vaguely accurate idea of what it was saying, in order not to bog the discussion down with threads trying to untangle the consequences of a rude and irrelevant response".

Or if you prefer did not read in a way that agreed with Haus's retrospective view of it.

Maybe this could go to PM, unless Reid has any concrete proposals he'd like the board to discuss? I realise it can feel unfair to leave anotehr poster's accusations unaddressed, but I feel that posters have enough material, in the first thread and the discussion of it here, to make up their own minds on the original issue.

Pretty much I'm venting, squirting ink out of my arse, though I am doing it in the Conversation. I have no intention of entering into PM about this with Haus as he, apparently, would send me “nasty private messages” (well I wouldn’t send them to him so that must have been what he was talking about). However I do agree with Haus if not for you then let in sink.
13:59 / 23.08.06
Flyboy said some I said many, to me it's you say tomato I say tomato argument.

That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? They said two different things (Reidcourchie is not telling the exact truth about what he said, but we don't need to worry about that right now, nor be particularly surprised). As far as Reidcourchie is concerned, they said the same thing: what he said they said.

Thing is Haus seems to be contradicting himself here, some times I'm too stupid to understand a simple post and other times I'm manipulative and cunning in my one man war of vile slander against the vulnerable and defenceless Flyboy

It makes perfect sense. You're trying to be manipulative in a stupid way. That's why it doesn't work and, if my respect for Barbelith's members is in any way well-founded, it won't work here.

So, pop quiz again. Is anyone buying Reidcourchie's war of attrition on sense here, now spanning two threads? Anyone at all?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:13 / 23.08.06
Dude, wake me up when you two start making out, otherwise I'm beyond caring.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
14:55 / 23.08.06
That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it? They said two different things (Reidcourchie is lieing about what he said, but we don't need to worry about that right now, nor be particularly surprised). As far as Reidcourchie is concerned, they said the same thing.

Okay Haus, little worried about you now, you seem to be coming more....what was the word you used...histrionic. Now do you actually believe that to be true? Or rather what possible reason would I have for lying? Because if so we do have something of a problem, now I would not be disingenuous enough to suggest that you have mental problems over something so trivial as a disagreement on an internet discussion forum, because I think in many ways that belittles people who do suffer from mental problems. However you may need to unplug a bit, take it easy for a while, read a book perhaps. Because at the moment you seem to be investing far too much of your self esteem in the Barbelith Project. What I'm saying is that it's all right to admit you're wrong and we're all here for you man.

It makes perfect sense. You're trying to be manipulative in a stupid way. That's why it doesn't work and, if my respect for Barbelith's members is in any way well-founded, it won't work here.

And of course the increasingly more desperate act of throwing my own argument back at me.

You know why I think there's no pop quiz because people are bored. You know why I think they're bored because someone has just done to you what you have done to many others. Nit pick, belittle, act dismissively, go on and fucking on. Why? Because it's easy, any single poster on this board is capable of it. Do you know why I think they don't bother, other than the time it takes? Because it's boring nasty and (maybe this'll make you feel better giving you the last word in my own post) :it makes it pretty hard to get any forward motion here.
15:01 / 23.08.06
Flowers: I'm very much afraid that I cannot guarantee sex.

Everyone else: Anyone? Anyone? Reidcourchie has just made actually one accurate point in there, although as a reward for trogging through the rest of the delusory self-justification it's not really convincing. Does anyone think he's got a point? That the description of the actions of some posters made by Flyboy in any way justifies his first misrepresentation or his following mad self-exculpatory ramble about July 7, which I have a feeling nobody who was actually in London at the time would have pulled? That his bracing blast of capital letters and enthusiastic look-at-me threadrot was in any way appropriate to the Policy? Come on, people! I can think of a good few people here who can be expected to be buying this shit wholesale.




(Yes! Made it.)
15:08 / 23.08.06
Because it's easy, any single poster on this board is capable of it.

Elsewhere, 33 thinks that he is making perfect sense and that people who claim not to understand what he is saying are being deliberately malicious.

it's easy to think that you are capable of it if you don't have the skills in reading comprehension to understand what "it" entails. And, of course, there is no point in trying to explain why you are making a godawful mess of it, because you wouldn't read what I wrote and would not understand it if you did. You would simply quote it in bold and then go off on an ad hominem ramblie with no real relationship to the text you have quoted.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
15:15 / 23.08.06
What would you like me to do Haus? Play to the house and ask them if anyone has any real problem understanding what I have posted and it's relation to what I've quoted? Or perhpas just to admit that I'm a deeply, deeply stupid person? Yes I am, does that make you happy? Because I'm wasting my time with this, for no other reason than innate stubborness I should be reading a book and listening to music right now.

Do you not get it? We, that's you and I, are fucking boring. The circus is empty dude.
15:27 / 23.08.06
You know, Reid, when you put it like that I feel bad about resurrecting this thread to pump my ego with a motley of poorly-founded attacks on other members of Barbelith based on lazy misreadings of what they have said.

Oh, hang on...

Still nobody? C'mon, guys?

Kiltartan Cross
16:01 / 23.08.06
I thought we have already agreed that Haus' posting style can be a bit harsh and over-snarky, but he's still a valuable, unreplaceable member of the Barbelith comunity. And also, that he will not change his ways, no matter how many feedback threads it causes ("teflon, dude"), so why bother?

For his sake? Being unable to accept any error or modify your views in the slightest seems like hell to me.
16:29 / 23.08.06
Ah. Not the same Kay who started an entire thread to explain why he was right and everyone else was wrong, then stormed off his own thread in a huff when they did not carry the day, then? Righty.

The interesting thing is, I admit I'm wrong all the time. If you pop over to the Policy, you'll find me apologising to Deva for failing accurately to interpret her position. What you mean is that I don't admit I am wrong to you, even though I clearly am, because I'm not agreeing with you. That's fine. I get stubborn and bad-tempered myself. Just not all the time.

The question of right and wrong is quite tricky. For example, I was pretty sure the Reid had pointed out accurately an inaccuracy of mine, above, as I said. When he wrote:

Anyway fortunately another poster came to my aid as far as questions of not understanding Flyboy's post when he described my:
religious adherence to taking Flyboy absolutely literally but hold on a second that was Haus so am I misrepresenting him or taking him to literally?

I thought to myself, "oh yes - he's right. I've messed up there, haven't it?" Then I checked, and it turns out that he was selectively quoting me, and what I actually said was:

Also, you are giving yourself the right to make rhetorical overstatements and denying it of anyone else, in particular with your religious adherence to taking Flyboy absolutely literally, while not actually replying to what he has written [emphasis mine], which is likely to and indeed has caused threadrot.

So, in fact, I was consistentlly pointing out that Reid was insisting that Flyboy meant literally precisely what he had written, without actually speaking to what he had written. So, you know, I actually admitted I was wrong about something above when I wasn't, even. Funny old thing. As I say, it's just that I don't admit I'm wrong when I'm not, to shore up those who are. It's one of my least apppealing features.
16:53 / 23.08.06
It's like watching a nature documentary.

Two bears fighting in a stream, their erections rubbing and slapping against themselves. They've forgotten why they were fighting. They had pretended it was over a salmon, but it has long since floated away downstream. The confusing mixture of anger, lust and the strange tinlgy feelings coming from their penises had led to a trance-like state where neither is aware of ther surroundings, or even themselves.

But really guys. Calm down. Have a kiss or a feel, or just put your cocks away and walk off.

Haus. In response to your question, yes, i can see some degree of sense in some of Reid's comments.

I found his lampooning of Flyboy's post to be quite an amusing critique of the overt cynicism found there.

I was confused by your seeming anger at Reid's use of an example where compassion was evidenced on the board. I realise that you may have your own emotions and self invested in the events, but i feel that these may be clouding your view of what was said. I don't think there's anything particularly offensive about what Reid said, and I disagree with your diagnosis of 'Godwinisation' and emotional manipulation.

I think that many of your posts show some degree of the very things you are criticising Reid of: Loose or unforgiving reading, overly critical assumptions about the poster/the posters arguments put forward as fact, needless continuation of an argument, possible trolling behavoir...

Your observation that Reidcourchie's war of attrition on sense (actually an argument with you - you are a part of it) is now spanning two threads seems to be an attempt to claim that this whole thing is just dragging on and on and on... and that it's Reid's fault. But you annoyed him. He had the manners to bring his annoyance here, instead of carrying on in the Policy thread. He brought it to this thread that you started with the intention of provoking discussion about you. The only reason that this has carried on so long is because you stay involved. Two to tango and all that...

I have many problems with what Reid is saying, and there are lots of points in your debate that i'd like to pick up on, but I think you should think about looking at your own motivations behind the argument you are currently involved in.

And you must admit that sometimes you are unwilling to admit error or apologise. Just sometimes.

And I really have no idea why you decided to make the Either you are sincerely disabled... comment. I can't decide if it's an attempt at a slur, a joke, genuine concern, or simply distasteful. Either way, the language isn't too clear (yes, multiple interpretations are often possible).

Reid - Your posts aren't as unfounded, stupid or nonsensical as Haus seems to find them. But that doesn't mean that they're a bastion of rationality and good sense. You might do better just to go read your book, listen to some music and post in some other threads.

There's more points that could be made, but that would just encourage more cock-swinging and cirle-running.

I don't think this thread should be locked though.
16:58 / 23.08.06
As I say, it's just that I don't admit I'm wrong when I'm not, to shore up those who are. It's one of my least apppealing features.

I dunno, I find Hausness very refreshing because you hold your ground rather than back pedalling just so everything goes warm and fuzzy. Thataway when it goes warm and fuzzy its because real progress has happened.

I'm very much afraid that I cannot guarantee sex.

..this however, is a less apppealing feature.
Spatula Clarke
17:20 / 23.08.06
Just out of interest, how many people are reading this stuff all the way through and how many, like myself, are scanning it for the funny bits?
miss wonderstarr
17:24 / 23.08.06
I've read it all, but then I found myself repeatedly refreshing the Question and Answer thread today just to see if there had been any addition to a discussion about Coffee-Mate.
Dead Megatron
18:02 / 23.08.06
For his sake? Being unable to accept any error or modify your views in the slightest seems like hell to me.

Yeah, I'd be there with you, if I thought it was working. But I don't. Haus is still Haus is still Haus is still Haus is...

It's like being caught in a freaking time loop here.

I dunno, I find Hausness very refreshing because you hold your ground rather than back pedalling just so everything goes warm and fuzzy. Thataway when it goes warm and fuzzy its because real progress has happened.

Well, such instances (warmness and fuzziness due to real progress) seem awfully rare, don't they? Almost urban legend-like. And holding your ground for the sake of holding your ground - just to "win the argument" - is not (paraphrasing Haus) what Barbelith is supposed o be about...

Scott, one to beam out.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:50 / 23.08.06
Just out of interest, how many people are reading this stuff all the way through and how many, like myself, are scanning it for the funny bits?

The latter.
19:59 / 23.08.06
I'm only in it for the bear references.
20:11 / 23.08.06
I'm only in it for the bear references.

Should we start a bear thread? I'd quite like to tell more stories of bear fights...

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