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Big Brother 2006


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Happy Dave Has Left
01:05 / 28.05.06
They're doing that self-conscious play-argument thing, where it risks nudging into real argument at any moment.

Nail, Head. Smack.

The ghosts of a hundred teenage sleepovers rise to greet me...
01:08 / 28.05.06
Feeling quite sorry for her now. A bit like Richard, I expect she came into the house anticipating sex bomb status, only to be relegated to a parental supporting role. Right now she seems to be in greater need of strokes and reassurance than anyone else, and yet she's left having to dish it out.

Yeah... but, unlike Dickie, she actually is a parent (as she's reminded us a few times). She's a weird combination of maternal and sexual, a Welsh dream but a bit of a Freudian nightmare.

Maybe Glyn will be her saviour here. If she's casting round for allies now that Dawn and Bonneh have gone, she should probably capitalise on that ability to turn Welsh wee white. Particularly as Glyn's stock seems to be rising.

Obvious joke: not just his stock (ho de ho).
Tryphena Absent
01:14 / 28.05.06
I was going to wend my way down the wooden hill to bedfordshire. Then I found this thread and turned the TV on. Dear Pete and Lisa, OPEN YOUR BLOODY EYES.

Honestly, don't these people know they're contestants? Why are they trying to sleep?
01:14 / 28.05.06
Look at that body language from Pete. He isn't welcoming any of Lisa's advances right now, is he?

I don't think he's rejecting her advances so much as dreadfully self-conscious, worried about managing the situation, and aware that his anxiety is manifesting in tics aplenty - which Lisa, presumably because she's also self-conscious, is giggling at every time they happen. I think they're both aware of the audience, both in the bedroom and on the other side of the cameras, and that's magnifying their best-friends-sleeping-together-for-the-first-time giggly awkwardness. It's cute, but I really feel for them, especially Pete. The fact that everyone wants them to get together must be piling on additional stress.
01:16 / 28.05.06
Do we reckon he's going to *koff*"wank!" all night?
Lama glama
01:19 / 28.05.06
Aw, Lisa and Pete are all cuddly again. The housemates seem to be heading to bedfordshire themselves now- methinks Imogen and Slezer are still awake, but they'll hardly make entertaining 3:30 am television, will they?
01:21 / 28.05.06
Imogen and Slezer have actually been quite endearing too (although his "I know I'm not going to get anywhere with you, and I respect you for that" schtick continues to tickle my gag reflex). I'm starting to get googly-eyed over all this het coupledom. Big Brother is rotting my Big Gay Brane.
Lama glama
01:24 / 28.05.06
I'm starting to come around to Imogen myself, mainly because of her incredibly infectious laughter, but Sezer remains elusive. It might have something to do with him reminding me of an incredibly annoying person that I used to associate with, but I suppose that's no reason to write him off completely because of such an association.
01:25 / 28.05.06
I mostly hate his hair.
01:30 / 28.05.06
I like Slezer's hair, particularly his body hair. There's something attractively simian about the young Turk. Looking forward to the inevitable Week 5 crewcut, though.

Doesn't seem to be Glyn doing the snoring, although he's lying on his back, open-mouthed. Probably tenting the duvet with dreams of being drowned in a sea of warm orange basketballs...
Lama glama
01:32 / 28.05.06
He's like a small, Londonian Wolverine.
Tryphena Absent
01:35 / 28.05.06
Oh come on. Don't give us shots of the garden! Also Endemol, it's the seventh series and you're still using rubbish mics in the bedroom. What is that?
Lama glama
01:36 / 28.05.06
Yes, that is annoying. What's more annoying is that I keep expecting subtitles to come up whenever their voices go too low.
01:38 / 28.05.06
He's like a small, Londonian Wolverine.

He is indeed. No snikting for him, though, bub. Not from Imogene Grey, anyway.

He and George seem to be tittering about Lisa and Pete. Hoping the latter's asleep by now, because being tittered about is sure to raise the "wank!" rate.
Happy Dave Has Left
01:43 / 28.05.06
Thought you were going to bed 'Nesh?
01:44 / 28.05.06
Thought you were going to bed 'Nesh?

I did too. Will do now, though. Cuddlywanks seem to be over.
08:36 / 28.05.06
Today's News of the Screws carries a kiss 'n' tell on "cocky city trader" Slezer. While Ms Guerin's account of their evening together is rather hmmm, the stuff about spending hours trying to talk someone into sex is consistent with his current wear-'em-down approach with Imogen - and the posting of "intimate" photos online would seem to reveal a somewhat stalkery element.

A Digital Spy poster comments:

Funny the way the media works. Wronged girl in the story Shareen is in a band called Mrs Robinson - Mrs Robinson is managed by the same guy who owns Big Pictures - the paparazzi agency who regularly sell to the NOTW/Sun. TRUFACT!

Elsewhere, it looks like SirAlan was terribly remiss in passing him over. Doesn't he look a smug, shit-haired twatbiscuit? He's definitely grown into his visage.
13:13 / 28.05.06
I don't really understand that Digital Spy poster's point. Did Big Pictures sell pictures of Guerin to the NOTW/Sun? Did anyone sell pictures of her to the papers?
So Daz Lyons manages her band. He also sells papped pictures of other people to the press. So what? She sells a kiss 'n' tell to the press. Where's the media conspiracy/hypocrisy/'funny way the media works'?
16:51 / 28.05.06
I read it as the poster suggesting that the manager of her band had, in some way, facilitated a kiss 'n' tell aimed at publicising said band. Presumably already having tabloid contacts, he was in a particularly good position to advise how to present the story. Or something. I don't really think the poster in question is suggesting conspiracy/hypocrisy beyond that.
18:02 / 28.05.06
Oh, right. It just plucked at my meeja conspiracy!!1! gag reflex.
Not sure how much facilitating a phone call to the NOTW could take, but yeah, I suppose she might have needed some gentle persuasion to spill the beans (particularly as it reads as a flimsy cover-story for a regretted infidelity).
20:11 / 28.05.06
Yeah, fair enough - and Digital Spy has plenty of the OMG MEEJA CONNSPIRACY!!1 stuff. I think that particular poster was being a bit more measured, though, or at least trying to be.

What's tapping at my itchyscratchy buttons is the run of descriptive cliches. Andrew Anthony, in today's Observer, confirmed that 'L*rd *f th* Fl**s' is this year's 'g*m*pl*n'. Bonus Shit Points for using "only gay in the village" to summarise one homosexual person's motivation for wanting another homosexual person out of the House. Nice one, Mr Anthony - because obviously competitive gayness is the sole criterion at play here. Arse.

Mind you, that nice Mr Anthony reckoned that "by the time he asked to leave [Shahbaz] seemed like a perfectly nice chap", making me wonder whether he was watching the C4 version or streaming footage beamed directly into his brane, possibly from the Twatbiscuits satellite.
The Falcon
21:01 / 28.05.06
As super-tiresome as all the Little Britain references are, and oh, they are super-tiresome, apparently the sketch's origins do actually lay with BB2 and the Josh/Brian hatefest. Which is, um, mildly interesting.

I actually like Nikki a lot more having expended my month's bile on her; certainly more so than sanctimonious Grace, tedious Mikey and... well, those two. She is quite fabulously entertaining, at the very least. Fortunately, the pickaxe shop did refunds.
21:04 / 28.05.06
As super-tiresome as all the Little Britain references are, and oh, they are super-tiresome, apparently the sketch's origins do actually lay with BB2 and the Josh/Brian hatefest. Which is, um, mildly interesting.

Yeah, I know; Lucas and Walliams have talked about it in several interviews. I think it was probably a valid observation with Brian and Josh. This doesn't mean it's broadly applicable to every situation where a gay man dislikes another gay man within the Big Brother House. Believe it or not, it's not always about being Top Gayer.
21:48 / 28.05.06
It's easy to say that from the top.
21:51 / 28.05.06
More of a pushy bottom meself.
Alex's Grandma
21:55 / 28.05.06
I can't see it happening, but I do like the idea of Shabaz being choppered back in, like Sly or Arnie on one last mission, to torment the housemates in a few weeks time. At least if Endemol are beginning to wonder if the show's a bit dull by then, as seems likely if they're serious about this twins thing, unless the twins are especially perverse, the return of Shabaz would have to be somewhere high up on the list of mean, disruptive and underhand tricks they could pull.

The Pete/Lisa romance looks a bit horrific thus far - I'm not sure if anyone's cut out for having sex live on British television, but Pete really doesn't seem to be, and it's depressing to see Slezar in particular, about whom the red-top revelations seem to keep on coming, 'loving' his obvious discomfort. Also, Lisa doesn't look to be especially, you know, all that, um, emotionally balanced. They seem harmless enough, the pair of them, but it looks like a car crash waiting to happen, and not in a good way either.
22:26 / 28.05.06
There are all manner of reasons why Shahbaz can't be sent back in, both in terms of BB precedent and the practicalities of readmitting someone who's clearly got a personality disorder incompatible with staying in the BB House and for whose inclusion Endemol has been widely criticised.

Also, Lisa doesn't look to be especially, you know, all that, um, emotionally balanced.

This is really quite unfair. After last night's jiggerypokery, Lisa has been branded a "bunny boiler" a la Octopoid Michelle of two BBs ago. This is partly down to the usual low-grade pathologising of female sexuality within Big Brother (women are there to withold sex, not to suggest or demand it) and partly a skewed reading of the bedroom dynamic. As is probably apparent from the wee-sma'-hours posts a page or so back, Pete and Lisa were sharing a bed, Pete ticcing and "wankers!"ing away with obvious anxiety. When Lisa got up to go for a wander (to the Diary Room, I think), Pete changed beds, sliding into his usual mattress-share with a sleeping Lea. Lisa returned and there was a why-have-you-done-that? stand-off which was approximately 50% jokey and 50% offended. Or haven't-yet-decided-whether-I'm-offended. The whole thing struck me as similar to those situations when 'good mates' share a bed and are suddenly unsure whether the rules of their relationship have changed - and both attempt to cope via self-conscious humour.

I don't think Lisa is emotionally unbalanced. If anything, the fault lies with Pete. Don't get me wrong here: (Saint) Pete is a lovely guy and I'll be very happy if he wins Big Brother. One of the reasons he comes across as gentle and lovely, however, I'm realising, is his near-absolute inability (or unwillingness) to confront anyone about anything. He's confrontation-avoidant in the extreme - and this, when one is looking at potential relationships and relationship partners, is not necessarily a Good Thing. Rather than address the issue with Lisa beforehand (and I think the problem's not so much him not wanting to be more than friends with her so much as, by his own admission, tending to take months to get to that stage), he got into bed with her. Rather than a) continue to deal with it, or b) say anything, he waited until she was elsewhere before simply hopping beds.

Frankly, I think I'd be pissed off if someone who'd got into bed with me (knowing I liked them) did this. At the very least, I'd be slightly hurt and/or wonder whether I'd done something wrong. In his reluctance to be explicit, Pete just got up and changed beds without explanation, leaving Lisa to wonder why. She dealt with it via half-jokey(-but-not-really) "get back into that bed" pseudo-japery.

Point being, I don't think anyone's being emotionally unbalanced here. I think Pete's going out of his way to avoid confrontation with someone he probably can (and ought to) be straightforward with.
Happy Dave Has Left
22:34 / 28.05.06
Well said that man!

As someone involved in the late night postings and having witnessed things FIRST!1!!! HAND!11!! on BBLive, I have to say the 'Nesh has hit the nail squarely on the head once more.
Lama glama
23:05 / 28.05.06
At least Saint Pete(r) is aware of his inability to confront people about stuff. Over on the live feed just now: "I'm really not comfortable saying stuff to people/about people, y'know?"

Sweet Lordi, I've just been overcome with the urge to hurt Sezer again. I'm just being irrational now and can't really find a very specific reason as to why. I'm going to lay the blame on him wearing his bright golden chains outside his teeshirt.
23:18 / 28.05.06
At least Saint Pete(r) is aware of his inability to confront people about stuff. Over on the live feed just now: "I'm really not comfortable saying stuff to people/about people, y'know?"

Being aware is well and good. Doing something about it would be better. I can totally see why the bed-sharing thing upped anxiety levels all round but, frankly, Lisa deserved better than Pete simply buggering off to another bed while she briefly left the room. That kind of avoidant shit hurts people - or, at the very least, confuses them.

Lea gave good advice.
23:26 / 28.05.06
I'd say Lisa handled it beautifully.

This house actually seems quite good at conflict resolution. Just seen Grace and Nikki sit down to sort out their problems and it was strange to see. They listened while the other person spoke, they were honest, they made lots of 'I feel' statements, they both admitted fault, apologised... It's Bizzaro-Big Brother.
23:32 / 28.05.06
It's certainly Bizarro BB6. They're almost the diametrical opposite of last year's conflict-hungry emotionally unintelligent cohort. Different freakshow.

And yes, Lisa handled it beautifully, managing to remain just the right side of good-humoured, so when Pete was eventually prodded into a 'just good friends' discussion, she could withdraw with good grace, making light of it and saving face all round. Not emotionally unbalanced in the slightest, and I'll be majorly pissed off if the borderline-misogynist "bunny boiler" label sticks.
23:46 / 28.05.06
Yeah, the Nikki/Grace conversation was a pleasant surprise.

I have to say I feel a lot of sympathy for Pete's conflict avoidance stuff. I do the same thing myself, and I am aware it can be very frustrating. It's hard to overcome, though, if you have a total fear of conflict.
23:53 / 28.05.06
Total fears are indeed hard to overcome. If you're to avoid treating people shoddily, however, it's something that must be attempted.
23:58 / 28.05.06
It's hard to overcome, though, if you have a total fear of conflict.

Yeah, and Lisa has been everything he could wish for. Not the easiest person to flirt with, Pete, I'd have thought. Guiding him through his duck and cover move, in front of a heckling audience, was skillful and generous.

I'm still optimistic for them. In terms of het representation and the stereotypes currently playing out in the house, I'm hoping that Pete and Lisa show the others how it's done when you're not an enormous, crashing cliche.

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