There are all manner of reasons why Shahbaz can't be sent back in, both in terms of BB precedent and the practicalities of readmitting someone who's clearly got a personality disorder incompatible with staying in the BB House and for whose inclusion Endemol has been widely criticised.
Also, Lisa doesn't look to be especially, you know, all that, um, emotionally balanced.
This is really quite unfair. After last night's jiggerypokery, Lisa has been branded a "bunny boiler" a la Octopoid Michelle of two BBs ago. This is partly down to the usual low-grade pathologising of female sexuality within Big Brother (women are there to withold sex, not to suggest or demand it) and partly a skewed reading of the bedroom dynamic. As is probably apparent from the wee-sma'-hours posts a page or so back, Pete and Lisa were sharing a bed, Pete ticcing and "wankers!"ing away with obvious anxiety. When Lisa got up to go for a wander (to the Diary Room, I think), Pete changed beds, sliding into his usual mattress-share with a sleeping Lea. Lisa returned and there was a why-have-you-done-that? stand-off which was approximately 50% jokey and 50% offended. Or haven't-yet-decided-whether-I'm-offended. The whole thing struck me as similar to those situations when 'good mates' share a bed and are suddenly unsure whether the rules of their relationship have changed - and both attempt to cope via self-conscious humour.
I don't think Lisa is emotionally unbalanced. If anything, the fault lies with Pete. Don't get me wrong here: (Saint) Pete is a lovely guy and I'll be very happy if he wins Big Brother. One of the reasons he comes across as gentle and lovely, however, I'm realising, is his near-absolute inability (or unwillingness) to confront anyone about anything. He's confrontation-avoidant in the extreme - and this, when one is looking at potential relationships and relationship partners, is not necessarily a Good Thing. Rather than address the issue with Lisa beforehand (and I think the problem's not so much him not wanting to be more than friends with her so much as, by his own admission, tending to take months to get to that stage), he got into bed with her. Rather than a) continue to deal with it, or b) say anything, he waited until she was elsewhere before simply hopping beds.
Frankly, I think I'd be pissed off if someone who'd got into bed with me (knowing I liked them) did this. At the very least, I'd be slightly hurt and/or wonder whether I'd done something wrong. In his reluctance to be explicit, Pete just got up and changed beds without explanation, leaving Lisa to wonder why. She dealt with it via half-jokey(-but-not-really) "get back into that bed" pseudo-japery.
Point being, I don't think anyone's being emotionally unbalanced here. I think Pete's going out of his way to avoid confrontation with someone he probably can (and ought to) be straightforward with. |