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Big Brother 2006


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Regrettable Juvenilia
20:10 / 29.05.06
I'm hoping Ashleen has been brought in with the specific intention of destroying Grace's world.
Jack Vincennes
20:10 / 29.05.06
I'd like to draw everyone's attention to Grace's 'slapped arse' look when realising there were two more pretty girls in the house.
Tryphena Absent
20:10 / 29.05.06
We're all hoping that.
20:13 / 29.05.06
Hang on, Grace is pretty? Just well-groomed, surely?
20:15 / 29.05.06
Ah, okay, Cube. Your initial comment seemed implicitly approving of Grace's supposed save-it-for-the-Diary-Room approach. I didn't read the intonation there.

Pete is great, but I still think his passivity/conflict avoidance is problematic, relationships-wise. Perhaps it's just lack of experience on his part, but I think that, if Lisa hadn't smoothed things as well as she did (allowing a mutual retreat into it-was-a-JOKE!!1!1 bezzie mates territory), his lack of ability to address the situation could've led to mucho tears before bedtime. He needs to work on that.
The Strobe
20:15 / 29.05.06
technically "he"

I presume, for the benefits of the average BB audience: biologically male. The old sex / gender boundary, again.
20:15 / 29.05.06
And the other housemate is...Jesus, another of the fucking Romford Cuckoos. Where do they get these blonde MAWs? Is there a master-mold shitting them out somewhere? And if so, does anyone want to join me in hitting it with the mother of all fastball specials?
20:16 / 29.05.06
20:18 / 29.05.06
I presume, for the benefits of the average BB audience: biologically male.

"Biologically" in the sense of... what? Chromosomes? Genitalia? Secondary sexual characteristics?

I take your point, but I don't think Davina handles the sex/gender distinction at all well where trans Housemates are concerned. She does tend to say stuff like "but she's really a he!" (chortle, etc.) I'm pretty sure she was the same with Nadia.
20:21 / 29.05.06
Ashleen seems to have the same cosmetic surgeon as Lea, but operating using his dominant hand.
20:32 / 29.05.06
But still not both hands.

I was hoping for something with a bit more oomph, but she's still terrible news for Grace, and good news for George. Could be worse.
20:45 / 29.05.06
I dunno. Ashleen seems a bit pointless, frankly - but that could be my prejoodices speaking. Continuing the Comics forum semi-crossover, she makes me think of a sort of dumbed-down Emma Frost.

I'm extremely apprehensive about how Sam's going to be treated by Housemates, Endemol and the Great British Public. Nadia - several years post-op and determinedly 'stealth', at least in the House - was one thing; I wonder whether a pre-op transwoman (if that's what Davina meant by "technically 'he'") might evoke a little more hostility on the OMFG HE'S DECIEVING THEM JUST LIKE IN TEH CRYING GAME!!1! front. Of course, Sam might simply be a cross-dresser who's decided to identify as female while in the House. As yet, we don't know.
20:54 / 29.05.06
Okay, so she spells it Aisleyne. A model and promoter, who confirms stereotypes by having "Not Known" for Favourite Book and Favourite Food (this may be because her details are just up on the official site, however, rather than because she's a dimbo bulimic).

Sam is referred to there with "he" and "his", suggesting a male identification at the time of his initial interview. Curiouser and curiouser.
21:04 / 29.05.06
Veve, what does MAW mean?
21:12 / 29.05.06
Model Actress Whatever, I believe.
21:12 / 29.05.06
Cheers, Lula. I was working up to asking that myself.
21:18 / 29.05.06
Sam and Aisleyne go in joint 4th favourites at 12/1. Let's see where that goes.
21:20 / 29.05.06
And cheers M LeWeaving for answering the query before I'd even seconded it.

Hell, we may well be wrong about Aisleyne: I'm aware that I'm kinda judging her on appearance and the first five minutes of gushiness - which, actually, isn't terribly different from anyone's first five minutes in the House. There is a tradition, though, of Big Brother bringing in an attractive Housemate - usually female - to unsettle a potentially-stultifying established hierarchy. There seems to be a popular liking for seeing the Alpha Female's nose put firmly out of joint as all males scramble for the novel newcomer.
Jawsus-son Starship
21:25 / 29.05.06
On BBBM, the main questions; What university did Rachel the psychologist go to? The University of life? Because she seems pretty micky mouse to me, describing the girls as "Bimbos!!!!!1!!" and the trans lady as teh mans, just ratting on about bollocks really.

How can I get her to be my therapist, as her screaming insensitivity is the kick up the arse I need.
21:25 / 29.05.06
There is a tradition, though, of Big Brother bringing in an attractive Housemate - usually female - to unsettle a potentially-stultifying established hierarchy.

I'm all for unsettling the stultifying hierarchy that way, although I'd like them to do that some way other than trumping the dominant leader's physical appearance. And that might not be all they're doing with Aisleyne; I'm reserving judgement.
haus of fraser
21:28 / 29.05.06
On BBBM, the main questions; What university did Rachel the psychologist go to? The University of life? Because she seems pretty micky mouse to me, describing the girls as "Bimbos!!!!!1!!" and the trans lady as teh mans, just ratting on about bollocks really

Mmmm makes you wonder what sort of counselling the housemates get when they see the shows psychologist in the diary room?
Jawsus-son Starship
21:30 / 29.05.06
Probably on the "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" tip.

Still, explains how Shehbaz got through.
21:34 / 29.05.06
They certainly don't seem very prepared for the experience. Lea getting anxious about whether the papers will dig up anything that will embarrass her or her son seemed a bit late in the day, and it was interesting to see George confiding his anxiety about being famous. No one has ever expressed that concern before, and I felt for him because I'd have the same fears. It just seems like no one took them through the well-established BB trajectory and asked them, at least twice, "Are you 100% sure you want to do this?".
21:39 / 29.05.06
I'm all for unsettling the stultifying hierarchy that way, although I'd like them to do that some way other than trumping the dominant leader's physical appearance. And that might not be all they're doing with Aisleyne; I'm reserving judgement.

Yeah, there might be more to it. In past years, though, appearance-trumping of the dominant female has been the most common way of mixing things around.
21:43 / 29.05.06
It just seems like no one took them through the well-established BB trajectory and asked them, at least twice, "Are you 100% sure you want to do this?".

Well, there is a tension between the roles of therapist and gatekeeper. It's quite plausible that they were asked that question repeatedly, and repeatedly denied any doubts or ambivalence for fear of it counting against them.
22:00 / 29.05.06
Because she seems pretty micky mouse to me, describing the girls as "Bimbos!!!!!1!!" and the trans lady as teh mans, just ratting on about bollocks really.

Rachel The Psychologist was pretty shit on gender, wasn't she? Not just the essentialist schtick but her apparent surprise that Richard, as a gay man, wasn't attracted to Sam. "I can't imagine what sort of partner Sam would have" denoting a failure of imagination on her part rather than anything else.

How can I get her to be my therapist, as her screaming insensitivity is the kick up the arse I need.

I can simulate screaming insensitivity with ease, but I'd set you back £200 an hour.
Tryphena Absent
22:13 / 29.05.06
Defcon 4: meeting in the bedroom.

Imogen, Nikki and Grace vs. the newbies.
22:28 / 29.05.06
Imogen, Nikki and Grace vs. the newbies.

Lisa's involved too.

Much uncertainty about Sam's gender and sexuality - and, frankly, I don't blame them. It's difficult to know how Sam identifies: we're told explicitly she'd like to be referred to as "she" but she's also described herself as "a guy - although I live as a woman" and even, I think, describing herself as "gay" to Richard. Is she attracted to men, women or both?

All of which leaves us in some doubt as to whether she's an extremely feminine gay man who, for reasons other than viewing herself definitively as female, wants to be called "she" - or (and this'd be my bet) someone just starting out on a process of gender transition, somewhat uncertainly, and perhaps lacking the confidence to go 'stealth' in terms of completely presenting herself 100% as female.

Wonder if she's taking hormones?
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:39 / 29.05.06
Sam apparently really likes (the movie) 'Mean Girls'.

She's come to the right place, then.
22:40 / 29.05.06
Much fevered Sam-speculation over on DS (which itself refers to Sam as a "cross-dresser". One poster claims

samuel brodie is 18, hes had a boob job, and is booked in for his full operation,
his parents back him completely and have even paid for a few of his operations,
he lives a mile from me, and went to school with my daughter

while another says

Sorry- a lot of that is rubbish. She hasnt had any ops. He needs to wait 3 years since his 18th birthday, he is 19 and has 2 years to go.
And what you say about his parents is untrue as well........

and the first one reiterating

i dunno where your getting your info from, but i know for a fact it was his father who paid for his boob job,and his father backs him in his bid to change sex,
and yes i know a very good friend of his who is also a friend of my daughters.
it said on bb that he was a nail technician ? but thats news to us cos last we heard he was working at prestwick airport

Genderfuck confusion reigns.
Tryphena Absent
22:40 / 29.05.06
I'm a little confused as well, especially reading the profile on the official site, which refers to Sam as "he" throughout.
22:47 / 29.05.06
Most recently from the DS trenches:

he just said to Richard that he fancies men. he is not having an operation. he is happy with his body and feels sad that there are people who are not happy and have to have implants etc.

So... fancies men, female-identifying in terms of pronouns, happy with feminine appearance but (presumably) male genitalia. Seems a fairly genuine person.

Chick with a dick with a heart?
23:08 / 29.05.06
Aisleyne is already in effect:

"I'm gonna give her a hard time, the promotions girl," glowered Sezer.

Grace and Sezer on great form, clearing up any misconceptions people might have about them:

"That blonde one, you can imagine what she'll look like without make-up," added Grace cattily.

"We got rid of one mongrel and now we've got another one, s*** for s***!" said Sezer, much to the others' amusement. "They'll slip up," he concluded ominously.

Not certain exactly what those astrisks are obscuring. Can anyone fill in the blanks?
23:12 / 29.05.06
"Slag"? If he's referring to poor old Bonneh, God knows she never got the opportunity to do anything which might even vaguely qualify her for that enviable epithet.

Bitchfest, though, eh? We'll see how the White Queen reacts; at the moment, she seems to be holding court fairly serenely.
23:14 / 29.05.06
Checking out that link, though, it's interesting to see that there's a perceived antagonism between "Richard's group" and the Smug Hets (to which Lisa, to my dismay, appears to be gravitating).

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