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Big Brother 2006


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23:21 / 29.05.06
It looks like Aisleyne might be more of a galvanising force for that group, rather than a destabilising one. At least in the short term. Ho hum.
23:42 / 29.05.06
Bit of a ratings-dropper for Team SmugHet, though, as they go all out to rip her to shreds in the first five minutes.
00:07 / 30.05.06
Why does Big Brother insist that new Housemates lie? They're already at a disadvantage in terms of team bonding; why compound it by forcing them into a situation which risks making them appear permanently compromised?
Evil Scientist
07:46 / 30.05.06
"If someone's playing a game, they stand out like a sore thumb. We've got rid of all the ones we didn't like."

Umm, no Sezer you didn't. In fact you had nothing to do with two of them going and only minimal input into the last.

Horrible, horrible man with horrible attitudes.

Challenging Aisleyne, Sezer demanded to know: "So why do you think you're here?"


"The reason they brought them in is to even up the groups, because Richard's group is crumbling," added Sezer. "Lea and Richard are already latching on to them."

No Sezer, you ferret-faced little turd, the reason they brought them in is because two housemates left without being evicted. Cretin!

(Although they may well have been chose to try and blow some holes through the couples-night that BB's been over the past few days, I'm not letting that get in the way of a good rant).

I haven't seen a whole lot of Aisleyne or Sam yet, but if that behaviour is standard for him I hope they at least outlast SexPest.
09:07 / 30.05.06
Grace's previous classmates have gone on record as saying that, despite her insistence on playing Gabriel, Grace is no angel...
Whisky Priestess
11:46 / 30.05.06
The reason I have always felt a little queasy at the idea of having kids is people like Nikki - what if they NEVER grew up? Well, I'd just, I'd have to kill them. I'd HAVE to, milord!

But the real reason I hate Nikki is that she has made me sympathise with Grace, who is equally hateful in her own different and special way (partic. if school bullying rumours are true). But Grace has the less-hateworthy edge for me because she is at least trying to behave like a rational (if unpleasant behind Nikki's back) human being and reduce conflict rather than create it.

I'd struggle not to punch anyone who whined about my food after I'd just spent an hour cooking for them; Grace's restraint was, IMHO, pretty impressive.
Evil Scientist
11:53 / 30.05.06
Speaking of children, is Sam the youngest person to ever go into a BB house?
haus of fraser
11:55 / 30.05.06
if school bullying rumours are true

Her behaviour in this house has you doubting this?
11:58 / 30.05.06
I don't think Nikki's trying to create conflict. In the discussion with Grace, she was the one who probably 'gave' more - and she specifically conceded that, if their situations had been reversed, she'd have wanted to throw the plate of food at the complainant. Nikki's as able as Grace, I think, to have an adult, conflict-smoothing discussion; she's just less good at keeping her anxiety under check the rest of the time. Possibly, if she were in Grace's position (inamorata of not one but two of the House's attractive, desirable males), she'd feel more relaxed and be less shrieky. Conversely, Grace, when her position's under threat from newcomers, is somewhat less than reasonable in her interactions.
Tryphena Absent
12:08 / 30.05.06
For me the difference between Nikki and Grace is quite easy. Nikki is spoilt and a Princess but not specifically horrible to other people (and when she is she generally aims it right at them). Grace is hypocritical and dishonest and specifically horrible about other people, generally behind their backs. I've lived with someone just like Nikki and she was annoying, attention seeking and loud but she was never, ever nasty and I would choose to live with her over a Grace any day.
tea and biscuits
12:12 / 30.05.06
But Grace has the less-hateworthy edge for me because she is at least trying to behave like a rational (if unpleasant behind Nikki's back) human being and reduce conflict rather than create it.

I don't think Grace is trying to reduce conflict, I think she's just trying to reduce explicit conflict involving her. She's quite happy bitching and stirring behind other's backs (such as turning George against Nikki or making fun of Aisleyne) and only attempts to "amend" her actions when she realises that other people think badly of her for it.

In the case of her mocking Aisleyne it's very telling that when she is caught out she tries to minimise the damage by talking to the person who disapproves (Pete) rather than apologising to the "victim". She then goes further to place herself in the victim position by claiming that her actions are being misunderstood by everyone and attempting to use Nikki to convince Pete she's a nice person. All this still without apologising or behaving civily to Aisleyne.

And Evil Cybermen: Glyn is the same age as Sam so I'm going with no?
12:16 / 30.05.06
But Grace has the less-hateworthy edge for me because she is at least trying to behave like a rational (if unpleasant behind Nikki's back) human being and reduce conflict rather than create it.

It doesn’t read like that to me, WP. If Grace is trying to reduce conflict, her ‘unpleasantness’ is a pretty strange way of going about it. Nikki’s tantrum over the food was, it looked to me, like the excuse Grace was looking for to escalate her campaign against her. I don’t really blame Nikki for wanting to scweam and scweam and scweam, given that she is constantly being belittled, insulted and condescended to.

Grace might claim that snobbery plays no role in her assessment of Nikki, but every other comment she makes belies that. Grace’s advice to Nikki that she shouldn’t wear hotpants all the time, lest people judge her the worse for it, wasn’t hard to deconstruct as making a particular distinction between Nikki and herself. Nikki’s gluteal displays are of a different *clarse* to her own. Grace doesn’t think that revealing outfits make Nikki *look* cheap, she thinks they reveal her *as* cheap. Not a concern for Lady Grace, obviously.
Evil Scientist
12:30 / 30.05.06
And Evil Cybermen: Glyn is the same age as Sam so I'm going with no?

I knew that...I did.

(eyes dart from side to side to denote unconvincing lie)
Whisky Priestess
12:39 / 30.05.06
So does anyone hate Grace partly because she forces them into sympathising with Nikki?
12:40 / 30.05.06
Not me, no. My Grace-hate is stand-alone.
12:40 / 30.05.06
Looks like George really is leaving- apparently he's just been called to get his suitcase.

Crikey, they're haemorrhaging contestants this year, aren't they? Something tells me whoever was in charge of picking this bunch may be, at this very moment, flipping throught the Guardian jobs section...
Whisky Priestess
12:41 / 30.05.06
And I agree re the shortie shorts that both ladies sport - WTF? As though Grace doesn't do the exact same thing. Perhaps she thinks her arse is better than Nikki's, (both socially and aesthetically), as you suggest.
12:42 / 30.05.06
Yup, he's gone- on the Channel 4 site it says "walked" under his picture.
Evil Scientist
12:43 / 30.05.06
By the way...the last line of this conversation makes me chuckle.
Hattie's Kitchen
13:27 / 30.05.06
Apparently Grace tried to convince George to stay by offering to share her bed with him. He still walked.

Love it. Mean Girl is gonna get pounced on by the others now.

So, 3 walkers in less than 2 weeks. Is Big Brother Dying?
Evil Scientist
13:41 / 30.05.06
In a way it's a good thing that they're cracking this early. If they started dropping out in Week 4 or 5 then the replacements would have no chance (much like the oncoming Golden Ticket winners if they don't get dropped in sharpish).

Does Big Brother have more than one back-up plan for dropping newbies into the house in ker-azy and suprising ways? One would hope so.
tea and biscuits
13:46 / 30.05.06
So, 3 walkers in less than 2 weeks. Is Big Brother Dying?

I think they just pushed people too far this year. The house is smaller (and before the show started the designers were crowing about how uncomfortable they'd made it), there are more people and the withholding of suitcases was particularly traumatic for many of the housemates in their fragile first week.

I think one factor is that there really doesn't seem to be anywhere to get away from people: almost every time there's been a fight someone's ended up hiding in either the Diary Room or the toilet crying. Endemol wanted to push everyone's buttons but didn't allow anything to help release them, so the housemates are grasping for what little relief they have and leaving.
Whisky Priestess
14:00 / 30.05.06
If Grace is trying to reduce conflict, her ‘unpleasantness’ is a pretty strange way of going about it.

OK, let me clarify: reduce the sort of conflict that involves the entire house, including bystanders. I'm no fan of bitching but at least if you don't want to be involved, you don't have to listen to it despite yourself: not so with a screaming hissy-fit.

I suppose I loathe the attention black hole that is Nikki precisely because of that - she forces everyone to share her pain, and more often than not recruits them to comfort her, however reluctantly or insincerely. Grace just mutters darkly with her mates or slinks off to the diary room - which I still think is better for the mental wellbeing of those not directly involved in the Nikki/Grace hatey mchatefest. If any of them can, in that house, be said not to be directly involved
14:06 / 30.05.06
So, 3 walkers in less than 2 weeks. Is Big Brother Dying?

3 walkers? Dawn was ejected, and although Shahbaz officially walked, I get the impression he was nudged after some powerful lobbying. George is the only one to go entirely of his own accord, as I understand it.
Hattie's Kitchen
14:35 / 30.05.06
Dawn had already requested to leave as I recall, and BB overplayed the "code" ruckus in order to have a valid reason to eject her. You can't eject someone if they've already made it clear they're leaving.
Evil Scientist
14:39 / 30.05.06
Just then Sezer joined the slightly panicked pair in the garden.

"It's easy to watch someone walk," he said. "But when it's one of your own walking out, it's nasty. Half the f****** don't give a s***. They'll see it as a good thing."

I think that Team: SmugHet might be in danger of getting a little isolated. In the same way that Team: Saskia were when the people they'd "othered" started to out-number them.

Them against us doesn't work. Housemates need to be flexible enough to break out of failing groups if they want to survive.

Of course it's a bit early to write the couples off yet. But with a fresh housemate on the way in, they're going to have to scramble to either keep the rest sweet or go on a recruitment drive (Aisleyne perhaps?).

Sweet Darwin it's only the second week? Hypercompressed BB rules.
14:43 / 30.05.06
Well, practically everyone makes some gesture at walking out at some point. If Dawn had been serious, they wouldn’t have bothered overplaying a ‘valid reason to eject her’, would they? You don’t *need* to eject someone if they’ve already made it clear they’re leaving.

Or do I misunderstand you, HK?
Hattie's Kitchen
14:50 / 30.05.06
What I meant was that Dawn was adamant she wanted to go in protest at the suitcase situation, had requested her suitcase on several occasions, and had harangued BB in the Diary Room for not letting her go immediately. She definitely had had enough and wanted out.

I get the impression that the producers were looking for a way to make her look less than honourable in order to fend off criticism in the press etc about their less-than-successful "cruel twists" format, so they overplayed her code revelation. Let's face it, they're bound to be mightily embarrassed that contestants are proving to be less malleable than in recent years. It's better to be seen to eject someone for rule-breaking than for someone to walk out of their own accord because she won't put up with their crap.
Evil Scientist
15:05 / 30.05.06
I understand George's reasons for walking. But cheap, tacky pseudofame is the primary result of being in Big Brother. How exactly did he expect to avoid it?

Both he and Nicki really ought to have done some research before going in there.
15:16 / 30.05.06
Hmmm, possibly, HK. Except I don’t think they are getting any criticism in the press about the ‘cruel twists’. In fact, so far, the one hardship they have had to endure (a delay in getting their suitcases) is mild compared with the stunts they’ve pulled in the past (Rich House / Poor House etc).

I agree that they seemed uncharacteristically strict about Dawn’s single act of rule-breaking, but I imagine the nature of it genuinely fucked people off. Faking an illness in the family to get a message to a housemate is pretty low. I expect they just have very little tolerance to abuse of that particular arrangement. I honestly doubt it was a face-saving measure.
Alex's Grandma
16:00 / 30.05.06
I think George basically panicked at the idea of how a long stay in the house might impact on his social/work life, once he left. The circles he moves in ('yeah, I met Princess Diana a couple of times') seem to be reliant on a certain amount of anonimity, let's say. It's a fact of life that these hyper-priviledged characters exist, but it's not too often you'd be able to say, if you saw one walking down the mean streets of Fulham or wherever 'Oi George, you wanker!' or related. I suspect he saw a year or so of that stretching out ahead of him, and decided that really, it wasn't for him. Especially since he seems to have been strongly advised by friends, family etc not to bother in the first place. His decision to apply may well have been, like the eye-ring, a small act of rebellion against the stultifying world he grew up in, the world he'll now scurry back to, a bit chastened, etc, and yes, all right, that's the sound of the world's tiniest violin, playing just for him, but it's hard not to feel he made the right decision. He'd have *learned* more, I'm guessing he's thinking, and it would have cost him less, long-term, if he'd taken ten weeks out to go on orgy in a Vietnamese opium den - On the one hand, I'd guess a lot of his friends have done that already, and it's rather passe, but on the other, if he's going to flourish and prosper in the world he grew up in, he's made a mistake, because there's nothing that world likes less than having to deal with the hated red-tops.

(I should stress that these are only guesses - I've no idea really, but I'd imagine that George will be feeling a bit nervous tonight.)
Jawsus-son Starship
19:09 / 30.05.06
Glynn = The Fuckest Upest. Lovely Boyo. So sweet! And bang on the money with his comments about Grace.
19:12 / 30.05.06
But you caan't fooool the chilldren of the revolooooshon.
19:21 / 30.05.06
Introducing the new Housemates has majorly polarised the House - or, more accurately, it's caused Team SmugHet to crystallise around a kernel of resentment which incorporates insecurity, class prejudice, homophobia and general nastiness. George's departure has amped things up even further. The distinction between Team SmugHet and Not Team SmugHet is firming up, with Richard being progressively 'othered' as enemy leader (with Imogen using his homosexuality to corrode the easy relationship he's enjoyed with Sezer, and force Sezer to pick sides). It's all hugely unpleasant and I really hope it's starting to reflect badly on Grace, Imogen and Sezer.
Mourne Kransky
19:29 / 30.05.06
Well, I'm thinking badly of them.

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