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Big Brother 2006


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Whisky Priestess
11:02 / 26.05.06
I'd settle for a fabulous homosexual of either sex

Seconded with feeling. I'd settle for someone nice with half a brain - but what are the chances, eh?
Alex's Grandma
11:39 / 26.05.06

19:27 / 26.05.06
Bonnie's out.
20:05 / 26.05.06
Someone posted this on DS, which I actually found quite tragic-

She's probably never been clever enough, or rich enough, or pretty enough, or thin enough. Poor bloody Bonnie. Used and thrown back again. Her one big break ends with having to beg for her clothes which she and her mum probably brought special.
Breaks you heart.
Can't watch.

Why are so many of these cunts booing? What's she actually done wrong? Though it's mostly cheers now. That's nice.
20:08 / 26.05.06
I might cry.

Stoatie, please don't post things like that.
20:15 / 26.05.06
Sorry. Just thought I'd share the throatlumpiness.
20:46 / 26.05.06
If I were Mel C, I might write a song about it.

Saltwater wells in my eye.
20:53 / 26.05.06
Shahbaz is on E4... I swear, if he uses the "only gay in the village" joke ONE MORE FUCKING TIME...
Tryphena Absent
20:57 / 26.05.06
I'm a bit pissed off that Bonner's gone because she was just, you know, a bit ordinary in a house full of show offs.
21:00 / 26.05.06
Yeah, she really wasn't BB material. I think that's why I liked her.
Alex's Grandma
21:19 / 26.05.06
In all fairness, Bonnie did suggest that her performance would be tho sexah, that even Davina would be 'flicking her bean.'

I can't really say I'm going to miss her, exactly
Evil Scientist
21:30 / 26.05.06
She wasn't as annoying as her promo suggested she might be. I think one reason she may not have succeeded in terms of popularity is that, compared to some of the other housemates, she wasn't as articulate.

It's a fine balancing act in the first few weeks. Being quiet is fine, but once you're nominated it often seems to be a good idea to shift up a gear. Glyn became a lot more active (although he did get more help on that front).

Ah well.

Any news when/if the newbies are going in?
21:31 / 26.05.06
Monday, judging by what Davina said at the eviction.
21:57 / 26.05.06
Stoats, that's one heart wrenching assessment.

"I could ignore these cameras and microphones and enjoy you..."

*Boboss runs away screaming*
Tryphena Absent
22:02 / 26.05.06
I'm beginning to really dislike all of these people.
22:05 / 26.05.06
That happens every year, no? Then you watch through it, decide who you dislike least, root for them to win, go back to hating them the week after. Such is Big Brother life.
Tryphena Absent
22:17 / 26.05.06
Yes but, no. Usually only the Craig of the house will wind me up via facial expression. I hate all of their faces.
22:23 / 26.05.06
It'd be more fun if they setup a load of cameras in a mental ward. In fact it'd be fuckin mental.
Tom Paine's Bones
22:38 / 26.05.06
No. It wouldn't.
Alex's Grandma
23:05 / 26.05.06
Now that she's showing us a bit more of the real her, I'm liking Imogen more and more and more. She seems so earthy

I'm wondering if her hooking up with Slezar wasn't, on balance, a fairly dreadful mistake, but you can't live their lives for them, can you?
Tryphena Absent
23:23 / 26.05.06
Akira, I have never seen one person commit him or herself to hell more effectively with one sentence.
23:24 / 26.05.06
I think you are supposed to find her earthy aren't you? Didn't she go in wearing a floaty hippy skirt?
23:34 / 26.05.06
Oh dear.
tea and biscuits
23:36 / 26.05.06
For those (not) watching at home BB has briefly turned into non-celebrity love island, currently:

Imogen is slowly beginning to realise Sezer's sleazing and is annoyed he is flirting with Grace.

Nikki is terribly upset because she fancies George but Grace is flirting with him, she is attempting to manouver Mickey around the house to keep Grace away from George.

George however finds Nikki boring and has arranged to "go out for dinner and then go out" with Grace after the show.

Pete and Lisa are currently taking things slowly but were (jokingly) told to stop having sex in the pool.

Glyn has an unrequited schoolboy crush on Lea who, along with Richard, is bemoning a lack of appropriate men in the house.

All touched upon in the last half hour on the live feed...
23:39 / 26.05.06
How's the prickhat, akira? Snug?
23:47 / 26.05.06
I spent 4 days in a mental ward once, it was fun.
23:49 / 26.05.06
I have spent much of my career on a "mental ward". It is not, generally speaking, fun.
23:51 / 26.05.06
I played pool with a guy I thought was John Lennon, and watched MTV.
23:59 / 26.05.06
23:59 / 26.05.06
Does Richard remind anyone else of a buff Simon Pegg?
00:05 / 27.05.06
Does Richard remind anyone else of a buff Simon Pegg?

No, but now you've mentioned it, I love him slightly more.
Jawsus-son Starship
07:22 / 27.05.06
Glyn has an unrequited schoolboy crush on Lea

Maybe he could 'whisk' her off her feet?
Jack Vincennes
10:15 / 27.05.06
Thanks for the synopsis tea and biscuits, it looks like a complicated logic puzzle that will allow everyone to work out who will be in the final four and who will win. I hope some of the couples split up, sometimes if people seem to stay together in the house just because they don't want to have a breakup on television (for which, I suppose, fair play to them)
11:34 / 27.05.06
But that's the problem, isn't it? The couples have formed so early that a televised break-up (possibly due to the boys not being able to stay in the y-fronts in a few weeks' time) is inevitable. Can't wait, myself.
11:46 / 27.05.06
Watching it this morning, the crack of Dawn:

"Oh shut up. Oh shut up. Ohshutupohshutupohshutup."

Interestingly, she's apparently considering pressing charges for kidnap/false imprisonment.

In other news, Digital Spy suggests the two replacement Housemates may be twins. Hmmm.

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