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Big Brother 2006


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21:56 / 13.06.06

To evict Grace call 09011 32 33 05 or text GRACE to 84444
22:00 / 13.06.06
Now, he's fucking hugging people!

And by Friday just plain fucking them, apparently.
22:05 / 13.06.06
I love the fact that several of the "little paranoia bombs" (copyright Richard 2006) are expressing confusion that some Housemates are continuing to "arse lick" Suzie even after nominations are over and there's nothing to gain1?!!1
22:10 / 13.06.06
True words are not beautiful.
Beautiful words are not truthful.

The Tao of Grace
22:27 / 13.06.06
I can't work out whether I'd be grateful for Pete's drumming in the eternally tuneless Big Brother compound, or whether I'd want to wrap one of his instruments round his head by now.
22:42 / 13.06.06
Hope Stoatie's watching.

Cooome, they told Pete, pa-ra pa pa pumm...
Alex's Grandma
23:06 / 13.06.06
On the up side as far as Pete's drumming goes, the silences in the coverage are actually now quite welcome. But that's about it. No wonder the odds on a win for the Welsh wonder seem to be improving.
07:10 / 14.06.06
I’ve gone right off Richard. I know he has a few fans here so allow me to explain. Compared to the Hollyoaks lot he is a perfect housemate but since the arrival of Aisleyne and Susie his maturity is shaky in comparison. Lea was never truly in the running with her seeing everything in black and white terms. Mikey was quite astute I think in seeing that Richard will rise up to people when he feels he has the group behind him, eg the thing with the crisps in the garden against Shabbaz once Sezer had already locked him out.

Don’t get me wrong, I do like Richard and think he has a lot more to offer than the plastic lot and think their behaviour toward him and the other’s apathy during the big bust up was appalling; however, Richard’s ambivalence between not bullying and standing up for people in the house seems to be a little disingenuous. Far from being “arse licking” or whatever, the new calmness in the house is down to Susie and people’s behaviour towards her. Aisleyne’s attitude in the diary room was spot on last night. Richard can smell blood and senses that the Hollyoak/plastic gang are all but finished, which they are and which makes his attitude all the more puzzling. Why re-open the b*tch*ng and b*ckst*bb*ng against those he thinks are bullys when they are this close to being vanquished? Surely now is the time to sit on their collective laurels?

Glyn still to win, but Aisleyne’s looking good now too.
autopilot disengaged
09:25 / 14.06.06
...but surely Richard is the one trying to overcome the divisions? he's attempted to rebuild bridges with both Lea and Nikki in the past few days.
09:53 / 14.06.06
Oh, I'm not saying he doesn't want to get on with people. All I'm saying is that he is opportunistic in when he decides to "stand up for himself" / others.
10:02 / 14.06.06
Well, there's something to be said for picking the right battles. Sun Tzu on the phone for you.

It could be because Big Dick feels, for all his alphaness, vunerable in the house. Everyone rushing to his aid during HoochGate must have cemented that.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:06 / 14.06.06
Compared to the Hollyoaks lot he is a perfect housemate but since the arrival of Aisleyne and Susie his maturity is shaky in comparison.

I have to disagree, Jub, but at the same time I knew someone was going to say this... Richard had a choice between keeping the moral high ground and ending up looking like a total victim, or starting to respond in kind. The problem is that the rhetoric of Grace and co was already the rhetoric of a victim of back-stabbing and bitching who didn't start it and is not bitching themselves... so when Richard, to whom (IMHO) all of that actually applies, says the same things, it sounds as if he is just as bad as they are. Whereas in fact I think he is just, for perfectly understandable reasons, at the end of his rope, and now has tougher, less hesitant allies to back him up. It's very easy for us on the outside to say "ah, he should rise above it", but I wonder how many of us would...

What's great is that if and when Grace goes, not only is Nikki likely to become reabsorbed into the main group, but I suspect Mikey is too, the big lunk. What's fascinating about Mikey is that he has terrible principles/opinions but then sticks to them terribly, and I'm sure this will be as true of his loyalty to Grace as it was of his belief that women should make the tea and not boss blokes about.

Where this leaves Lea... well, I've no idea, and I doubt she does either. This is a woman who on the live feed last night was convinced a) that she'd heard anti-Richard chants on Friday, b) that these chants were due to the public realising "what he's like", and c) that his denial that he heard these chants was another example of his duplicitous evil.
10:10 / 14.06.06
Oh, I just thought Dickie stood up for the people he likes when others are being totally out of order. He's never done this in an aggressive way and I've been a bit saddened that inevitably any action he takes is totally misconstrued, grudges are held, his motivations questioned. His mistake being that he treats them like rational beings and increasingly these people aren't. Soooo very frustrating, I'd imagine.
10:40 / 14.06.06
Compared to the Hollyoaks lot he is a perfect housemate but since the arrival of Aisleyne and Susie his maturity is shaky in comparison.

The difference being that neither Aisleyne nor Susie has yet been in the situation where they've had to defend a) themselves, b) anyone else, or c) the group as a whole. One can take issue with Richard's acceptance of the House Daddy role, but I don't think it's particularly fair to suggest that his "maturity" is in question (compared to Aisleyne, who never had to deal with Shahbaz, and Susie, who never had to deal with Shahbaz or HoochGate) simply because he's assumed a degree of responsibility for 'fairness' within the group.

His behaviour with Shahbaz is frequently thrown up as a supposed counter to this, but as previously discussed within this thread, I don't think Dickie's actions were unreasonable. I think he's concerned with group cohesion and, by the time Richard & co were blanking him, Shahbaz had done his damnedest to isolate himself from the group and undermine any sort of harmony.

Mikey was quite astute I think in seeing that Richard will rise up to people when he feels he has the group behind him, eg the thing with the crisps in the garden against Shabbaz once Sezer had already locked him out.

I think you'll find it was Sezer (himself Muslim) who suggested the crisps think. I also don't think it's especially fair to cite a particular decontextualised incident in isolation - and, frankly, I'm not sure the words "Mikey" and "astute" fit terribly well in the same sentence. I think that, in the early days, Richard felt that, as the oldest and 'alphaest' male (the others tending to take fairly passive positions), he represented the group and was in some way responsible for it. I don't think he used the group as justification for his own eeevil bullying tendencies, as Mikey appears to be suggesting here. Since then, I think Richard's found himself much more on the receiving end of unpleasant group dynamics - and yes, bullying.

Richard’s ambivalence between not bullying and standing up for people in the house seems to be a little disingenuous.

I don't see the ambivalence. He stands up for people he feels are on the receiving end of sharp, pointy group nastiness - even (and I think this is part of the reason he's been stigmatised) if these means taking issue with 'allies'. In standing up for Sam, he antagonised (Stupid Fucking) Lea. If, as seems highly likely, Suzie becomes a focus of undeserved hate and he stands up for her, he'll doubtless draw more venom.

Ambivalence? Don't see it.

Richard can smell blood and senses that the Hollyoak/plastic gang are all but finished, which they are and which makes his attitude all the more puzzling. Why re-open the b*tch*ng and b*ckst*bb*ng against those he thinks are bullys when they are this close to being vanquished? Surely now is the time to sit on their collective laurels?

Like fuck it is. Richard can smell Suzie's blood, as the anti-Suzie bitching escalates and is generalised to those who were perceived to have "arse-licked" her. Of those invited to the Golden Party, Lea escaped scapegoating by heading for the bedroom immediately afterwards to bitch about Richard. Glyn is largely unscathed, but has been the recipient of 'advice' from Mr Astute himself, along the lines of "you don't need to be so nice around people (Suzie, Richard) anymore; joinnn usss", and more aggressive anti-Richard propagandising from Lisa et al. Aisleyne is disliked anyway.

Richard has drawn most of the fire from the Golden Party and Big Brother's subsequent tasks aimed at making things difficult for the Golden Housemate. Far from being "vanquished", the amount of paranoid unpleasantness directed at him and Suzie (and, to an extent, Aisleyne) is on the rise - with the Gracists becoming bolder in expressing their dislike.

I suspect this is all very difficult for Richard. He's not used to being reviled by women (with whom he seemingly gets on better than with men, generally speaking), and having the majority of the female Housemates united against him must be both puzzling and frustrating. His attempts to build bridges (dinner with Imogen, the "Richard's not so bad" conversation with Grace) are thrown back in his face, and he's right in saying he defended Lea's corner in the early days, only for her to crap on him. I think the turning point for him was the evening of Hoochgate, when he became the single target of Team SmugHet, ostensibly for the heinous sin of stealing alcohol, which was actually carried out by Passive Pete and Lisa - and which since been repeated by Grace et al.

I'm not surprised Richard's feeling isolated, aggrieved and a little angry. Considering the above, I think he's being remarkably restrained in his criticism of other Housemates.
10:47 / 14.06.06
Wonder how Suzy felt seeing her face stretched beyond recognition across Lea's gargantuan bosom as they stood and chatted on highlights show last night?

Also Grace's torso is beginning to look like a tree trunk with it's defined musculature and mahogany colour, soon to be felled surely.

Pete's mohican resembles the kind of full and lush bush we only get to see in 70's horror flick shower scenes these days. I look forward to his inevitable skinhead.
10:57 / 14.06.06
since the arrival of Aisleyne and Susie his maturity is shaky in comparison

I basically agree with Flyboy and Ganesh on this, but also I think that this expectation that Richard should be ‘mature’ is a little unfair – and not a responsibility Richard envisaged having to take on. In the first week we got a sense that Richard is in many ways quite youthful – even childlike - in many respects. He enjoys being naughty, theatrically ‘bitchy’ banter, a certain skittishness… I expect he finds himself having to live up to very different expectations of his behaviour in the house than he would be used to in his usual environment. I wouldn’t be surprised if he feels that Big Brother is aging him.

I think Richard does tend to ‘rise above’ things, but I think the idea that he's to be held to a higher standard than other housemates is a burden he that’s he’s been lumbered with, rather unfairly IMO.
11:07 / 14.06.06
Rereading your post, Jub, I suspect I've misinterpreted what you're saying: you are, I think, suggesting that Richard is less 'mature' now than he used to be because, now he's got Aisleyne and Suzie, he's more able to give vent to his Inner BullyBitch - yes?

Flyboy's covered this. I think Richard was cowed around the time of HootchGate, when the people he believed he was defending (on charges of booze theft) - or, at least, taking the flak for their actions - failed utterly to effect any sort of rescue or back-up. Since then, Lea has ingratiated herself with Grace, Imogen et al by shitting on him fairly comprehensively, and Lisa uses him as a handy focus for her boundless insecurity (at least some of which, I believe, stems from Pete's rebuff), translating this into hate... so, from feeling himself alone in the House, Richard has moved toward feeling himself tangibly hated.

He has, IMHO, a strong sense of fairness, and repeatedly extends people the benefit of the doubt. Shahbaz wore this out in double-quick time (as he would/did with everyone) but, generally speaking, Richard's slow to dismiss anyone as an enemy. He's made a consistent effort to be pleasant to all the newbies, and this is in such contrast to the prevailing attitude of (most of) the House females, that it's not particularly surprising that Aisleyne and Suzie have gravitated towards him. I suspect that their friendship is providing some much-needed reassurance that, actually, he isn't the origin of all that's twisted and evil, and that the problem may just lie with the Grace/Lisa/Lea axis rather than him.

So... I don't think he's reopening the bitching/backstabbing now he's confident enough to start bullying again in earnest. I think he's articulating his (IMHO spot-on) take on the now-entrenched situation, now he's got apparently reliable, reasonable people with whom he can talk - and who can be more-or-less guaranteed not to actively aggravate things.
11:10 / 14.06.06
Oh looks as if they're about to have this conversation on the live feed.
Pete-I like Jack Nicholson in Little Shop of Horrors.
Richard-He wasn't in that.
Pete-Yes, he was.
Richard-Wasn't that Rick Moranis. The Musical?

I've had this conversation before.
Evil Scientist
13:17 / 14.06.06

I'm not a fan of Lea, but that's a cringe-inducing moment you wouldn't wish on anyone.

Might put a stop to the creepy mothering though.
15:30 / 14.06.06
Richard is less 'mature' now than he used to be because, now he's got Aisleyne and Suzie, he's more able to give vent to his Inner BullyBitch

Yes, more or less. Admittedly it’s a little unfair of me to go off Richard for disappointing me, but as SW says I did hold him in a higher regard because of the way he’s been handling himself recently. This was especially true when he fended off Sezer etc but moreover the total lack of backup he received. Good old Dickie, thought I – he won’t resort to the childish ways of the hollyoaks gang, and as people have pointed out, he made a great deal of effort trying to sort shit out after each bun fight and generally being an all round good guy.

Flyboy – I don’t see how him keeping the moral high-ground would lead him to look like a total victim. I know it’s easy for me to say he should rise above it, I know I’m being hard on him for thinking it, but I do. His past behaviour led me to think he was made of sterner stuff and his recent behaviour (post Susie / Aisleyne) is disappointing (in the same way that finding out a cool band you really like has sold out and turned shit because the music scene has got progressively cooler and they felt they couldn’t compete anymore). I think he’s more likeable when he’s being the peace maker – and I’m surprised that the introduction of Susie who is the very model of calmness and reason – has led to his getting involved in all the bitching etc – however justifiably.

I’m a bit worried he might get worse, and instead of enjoying the week knowing Grace will be going, he’ll get involved in matters which are best left alone. He’s been great in the past dealing with things in a positive way, so why not let it lie?
15:47 / 14.06.06
Good old Dickie, thought I – he won’t resort to the childish ways of the hollyoaks gang


His past behaviour led me to think he was made of sterner stuff and his recent behaviour (post Susie / Aisleyne) is disappointing (in the same way that finding out a cool band you really like has sold out and turned shit because the music scene has got progressively cooler and they felt they couldn’t compete anymore). I think he’s more likeable when he’s being the peace maker – and I’m surprised that the introduction of Susie who is the very model of calmness and reason – has led to his getting involved in all the bitching etc – however justifiably.

I’m a bit worried he might get worse, and instead of enjoying the week knowing Grace will be going, he’ll get involved in matters which are best left alone. He’s been great in the past dealing with things in a positive way, so why not let it lie?

Perhaps it would be useful if we could home in one exactly what it is that you identify as Richard's disappointingly childish "bitching"? Are you talking about his discussion of Lisa, in the bathroom with Aisleyne, or something else? I ask because I'm starting to genuinely feel I've missed some gobbet of Grace-like malice.

Which "bitching" are we talking about here?
15:49 / 14.06.06
I'd point out also that nobody in that House - with the possible exception of Suzie - can come anywhere close to "knowing" Grace will be evicted this weekend. An episode of chanting does not an eviction guarantee.
15:54 / 14.06.06
He's not "bitching" like Grace has been or anything near it, but for example - he was talking about Nikki and Grace being atom bombs waiting to go off. I agree with him, but it's like seeing a favourite uncle getting mardi after being previously the very model of calm.
15:58 / 14.06.06
Fair point about Grace - I just wish I had tickets for Friday night.
16:09 / 14.06.06
What is 'theatrical bitching', does Richard actually do this, and if so how is it different to ordinary bitching? Is it just bitching for show?
16:11 / 14.06.06
He's not "bitching" like Grace has been or anything near it, but for example - he was talking about Nikki and Grace being atom bombs waiting to go off.

Oh, I remember that. Wasn't it "atom bombs of paranoia" or something? Paranoia was mentioned, and I thought Lisa was too.

You're right; it's not bitching, but an expression of concern at the current situation. I guess we had rather different reactions to Richard mentioning the other Housemates in a negative context: I'd been worrying that he was largely oblivious to the various malignancies around him (he seemed genuinely happy after the meal with Imogen) and, when he finally voiced the "bombs" thing, I was, frankly, hugely relieved that he was aware of at least some of it. It showed that he wasn't a wilfully impercipient fool.
16:16 / 14.06.06
What is 'theatrical bitching', does Richard actually do this, and if so how is it different to ordinary bitching? Is it just bitching for show?

Maybe Mr Weaving's talking about archness? I remember him using this as a sort of early defence against Shahbaz and his Invasion of the Body Space. A sort of quickfire semi-jokey (at least on the face of it) cattiness - but it was generally face-to-face. One tends to think of "bitching" as being behind someone's back.
18:06 / 14.06.06
Oh, cool thank you Ganesh. Face-to-face catiness, yes that makes sense. Bitching generally is behind someone's back so I can see the difference there now.

Theatrical Bitching! I like that term!
18:13 / 14.06.06
The one I remember was back on Day One, when Shahbaz was all over Richard, and ignoring a variety of Get Out Of My Body Space, Please cues. It went something along the lines of:

Dickie moves back from hug.

Shahbaz: Ohh, you're not a huggy person!

Dickie: I am - just not with you.

Hmm. It seemed funnier at the time...
19:14 / 14.06.06
Richard, you were singing. That was singing. Nice try and all that but...

La la la
19:17 / 14.06.06
They were crap!
19:22 / 14.06.06
Well yeah, but it's one of those things that's probably unbelievably hard: not singing, especially when there's fuck-all else to do. I suspect it's one of those things one does automatically, instinctively.
19:24 / 14.06.06
Dickiehate yet to abate. "All he does is arselick, sleep and eat," says Imogen, the World's Most Entertaining Housemate.
19:28 / 14.06.06
Hey, at least she said it in Welsh...
19:29 / 14.06.06
Yeah, that was exciting.

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