Hm. DS is abuzz with the fallout from last night's coven meeting, and it's perhaps unsurprising to find Grace manipulating from the fringes, where she can catalyse without drawing fire. From what I can piece together from the various OMFG!! accounts, it goes a little something like this:
1) Sam got into a veritable bilefest in the wee sma' hours of this morning, with Lisa and Imogen. She bitched about Lea, Aisleyne and Richard.
2) Lisa and Imogen have presumably recounted the conversation to Grace (in fairness, I think Sam did say something along the lines of "make sure Grace knows").
3) Grace told Lea that Sam had been bad-mouthing her (Lea) but told her to keep it between the two of them. Having set Lea on her path, she then sat back.
4) Lea mentioned some of this to Richard, who warned that Sam is vulnerable and desperate to fit and, and she (Lea) ought to approach things gently.
5) Lea initiated a fairly calm conversation with Sam, but Lisa intervened and Sam ended up bursting into tears.
6) Richard appeared, assumed Lea had disregarded his advice and instead laid into Sam; he criticised her for this, resulting in he and Lea falling out.
7) Grace turned up in time to comfort a distraught Sam.
8) Lisa and Imogen asked Grace if she'd told Lea about Sam's bitching, and Grace denied this.
If this is true, then I'm a little more impressed with Grace's Machiavelli-fu - although, from Nasty Nick onwards, it's been fairly clear that this sort of duplicity doesn't play well with the Great British Public. Of course, if Grace consistently manages to influence things so she's never nominated, it's going to be a while before the GBP can pick her off... |