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Big Brother 2006


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Mourne Kransky
19:55 / 04.06.06
Fucking, fucking Lisa has fucking turned into some fucking kind of fucking monster, fuck it. Fuck, she's fucking incoherent in her fucking paranoia. Fuck.
19:55 / 04.06.06
Started a Digital Spy discussion about Richard's accent, and it's sort of evolved into a discussion of camp. I'm wondering if this is key to the way he's being (mis)perceived: in the same way as gay men are not infrequently characterised as being 'affected', Richard is reckoned, by some, to be 'playing up' his sexuality and therefore being inauthentic/not 'himself'. This taps into the whole idea of heterosexuality being the 'natural' order and anything else being 'unnatural'. The perception of Richard as a two-faced creature of artifice may well map onto deeper prejudices.
19:57 / 04.06.06
Does Grace not realise that all her work trying to protect herself from nomination will mean fuck all, because the public sees her being completely two-faced on the topic of Richard because of the different audiences she's addressing, within the space of 5 minutes?
19:57 / 04.06.06
that post was almost as incoherent as Lisa.
19:59 / 04.06.06
God, what a fiendishly duplicitous bastard Richard is, slyly attempting to make peace with people and cynically being nice all over the shop.

"Fucking g*m*pl*n!"

Oddly enough, we didn't get Lisa's "fake fucking faggot" comment.
Tryphena Absent
20:07 / 04.06.06
It's amazing that only Grace, Richard, Aisleyne and Pete actually grasp what's going on. I ask myself- what planet have Imogen, Lisa, Sam, Mikey, Glenn and Lea arrived from? Every year I wonder if the people inside the house have neglected to observe the standard responses and comments. For instance, "I'm being myself" comes up from someone who's basically a bit of a twat every year but it's still used by the majority of uglies in the house every year. Why don't they hear it come out of their mouthes and blush like the red sky at night?

Imolisam sit in the living room chatting away as if they're talking about anything significant- not once do they talk about themselves because they're too busy analysing everyone else's attitudes. Totally emotionally incompetent. How do these people live. I don't get it.

Grace is a different case. She's not emotionally incompetent is she? She seems to be emotionless.
The Falcon
20:12 / 04.06.06
Yeah, I think you must be right about the incendiary, hatepeech stuff, Ganesh, because I don't recall ever having seen anything of the sort on BB's highlight show (or indeed live feed, but that's chance, really.)

Watched some of Sam/Imo/Lisa's convo last night, and what struck was just how much of a dreadful cipher Sam is; so pathetically desperate for approval, I'd imagine she would pretty much agree with any statement offered her and likely contrasting ones in a matter of seconds. Didn't react to the 'faggot' bit at all, did she?

I fear this week may see the n00bs up against one another in nommoes, with Grace somehow making another conniving, hard to credit, escape.

Lisa: "Everyone's so two-faced. I can't be two-faced, me." *yawn* Same discussion, same statement, every fucking year.
The Falcon
20:14 / 04.06.06
x-post there, clearly.
20:19 / 04.06.06
I don't think Sam was there for the "faggot" statement; this was after she'd gone to bed, and was Lisa talking to Imogen only. I thi-i-ink.

I share your frustration, Nina, not just with the collective failure to evaluate dunderheaded cliches like "I'm being myself", "he's sooo two-faced" and "she's got a g*m*pl*n" but with what appears almost akin to a folie en masse on the part of over half the House - so that, whatever he says and does, Richard is perceived as Teh Eeevil. I'm not at all sure what would have to change for a less venomous reality to return. Possibly the eviction of Grace, Lisa, Imogen, Sam et al.
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:48 / 04.06.06
No, just the eviction of Grace: I think while she was at the dinner table with him, Imogen probably genuinely thought he was being nice to her, and momentarily forgot about the 'sides'. I think it's clear now that Sezer was always just the attack dog - Grace is the real leader of Team Evil, and without her they might disperse. Lisa might still flail, but at the moment she's just this crazy person who Grace is pointing in a chosen direction...
20:59 / 04.06.06
I'm not sure, Flyboy. I'd like to think it's all about Grace, but I'm feeling rather pessimistic about the House at the moment - like it's going to be weeks and weeks before the poisonous element is even halfway gone. I agree that Grace is the epicentre of that, but I suspect there'd still be some residual "I hate two-faced Richard"ness after her departure. I hope to God she'll be up this week, but can't see it happening.
The Falcon
21:00 / 04.06.06
Yeah, that's what I think, too; as soon as she's not there to excite everyone else's lizard backbrains the Richard-hate, at any rate will diminish. Lea, otoh, has 'stolen' both Lisa and Sam's chosen bed-partners, as and when they chose to be in her bed, so she'll probably have to go at some point, tragically stacked up against her younger self, Aisleyne.
21:02 / 04.06.06
Loving your use of "stacked up" there.
21:05 / 04.06.06
Who was Sam's chosen bed-partner? Richard? She was making coy noises about him in the Diary Room 24 hours ago, not long before her "I like Richard but you can't trust these poofters" bollocks.
21:19 / 04.06.06
Actually, let's have some nomination predictions. Usual proviso: this could all change in an instant.

Imogen: can't nominate.

Lisa: can't nominate.

Grace: Aisleyne and Richard.

Sam: Lea and... Richard?

Pete: Grace and... Lisa?

Aisleyne: Grace and Nikki.

Nikki: Lea and Sam.

Mikey: Richard and... Aisleyne?

Glyn: fuck knows.

Hm. Suspect Richard's gonna be nominated again, and beyond that I'm not sure. I've a feeling Big Brother's going to have to continually contrive reasons to ban people from nominating, or find creative ways to deal with the Imogen/Lisa/Grace/Sam/Mikey bloc that's likely to have Richard, Lea and Aisleyne up for eviction every week.
21:22 / 04.06.06
This really is the year of fear and loathing, which is a little frustrating to endure watching cos you want to reach through the screen and knock some heads together, or at least expose some of the lies and dole out some justified slaps...
21:26 / 04.06.06
Did Lisa get banned from nominating for discussing her nomination as well?
21:28 / 04.06.06
Did Lisa get banned from nominating for discussing her nomination as well?

Yes. With Imogen, I think. Although I suspect it was also a preemptive move on Big Brother's part, to try to avoid the nominees for eviction being completely predictable.
21:33 / 04.06.06
maybe BB should just chuck out grace and imogen...
The Falcon
21:45 / 04.06.06
Glynn's noms were quite eminently sensible last time about, as I recall, air-punchingly so (Grace & Sezer?); if he plumped for Grace again, following your schema there it'd be a Grace/Richard face-off which = buh-bye, Gracie. Think Nikki might opt for Aisleyne as one of hers rather than Lea, though, which'd mean a threeway again.

I've a terrible fear Grace will escape Richard's - oh, you've not done him, hmm - maybe Lisa and one of Mikey/Grace/Sam.
21:48 / 04.06.06
Glyn nominated Richard last time, for mispronouncing his name.
21:49 / 04.06.06
'Glynn' vote for Richard last time cos Richard kept calling him 'Glenn' - not sure if that will be a consistant strategy...
Alex's Grandma
21:49 / 04.06.06
Slight threadrot, but Dominic Holland is about to his imitable thing on BB's LB - It would be good, I think, if someone just shot him.
haus of fraser
21:50 / 04.06.06
Missed tonights and last nights- you missed Richard off your list Ganesh- who'd ya reckon?

Grace and Mikey?

Imogen and Lisa?

As i say i've missed the last couple so i'm relying on you now for hot tips!
21:57 / 04.06.06
Knew I'd missed somebody, but couldn't work out who! I'm not at all sure who Richard will nominate: he seems to be under the impression that the House is lovely and harmonious at the moment, poor bloke. I believe also that, through a sequence of Gracist machinations (involving Sam), Lea has again been induced to believe she cannot trust Dickie (stupid, stupid woman).

I think Richard will leave Imogen alone in this week's nominations; he reckons they've connected. Hopefully he'll nominate Grace (on the strength of his brief conversations with Aisleyne) and... maybe Mikey? Or Glyn?
22:59 / 04.06.06
Hm. DS is abuzz with the fallout from last night's coven meeting, and it's perhaps unsurprising to find Grace manipulating from the fringes, where she can catalyse without drawing fire. From what I can piece together from the various OMFG!! accounts, it goes a little something like this:

1) Sam got into a veritable bilefest in the wee sma' hours of this morning, with Lisa and Imogen. She bitched about Lea, Aisleyne and Richard.

2) Lisa and Imogen have presumably recounted the conversation to Grace (in fairness, I think Sam did say something along the lines of "make sure Grace knows").

3) Grace told Lea that Sam had been bad-mouthing her (Lea) but told her to keep it between the two of them. Having set Lea on her path, she then sat back.

4) Lea mentioned some of this to Richard, who warned that Sam is vulnerable and desperate to fit and, and she (Lea) ought to approach things gently.

5) Lea initiated a fairly calm conversation with Sam, but Lisa intervened and Sam ended up bursting into tears.

6) Richard appeared, assumed Lea had disregarded his advice and instead laid into Sam; he criticised her for this, resulting in he and Lea falling out.

7) Grace turned up in time to comfort a distraught Sam.

8) Lisa and Imogen asked Grace if she'd told Lea about Sam's bitching, and Grace denied this.

If this is true, then I'm a little more impressed with Grace's Machiavelli-fu - although, from Nasty Nick onwards, it's been fairly clear that this sort of duplicity doesn't play well with the Great British Public. Of course, if Grace consistently manages to influence things so she's never nominated, it's going to be a while before the GBP can pick her off...
Alex's Grandma
23:00 / 04.06.06
It is im-potent to Glym that every-one get his name right proper, like. He be representing Wale, and such. He have a tumnsecsnce, he fire a magical rainbow from out of the end of his local Plaid Cymru representative, and into the eyes of the English-speaking world!

(Not meaning to have a go at native welsh-speakers in general - It's only Glen that I worry about, I guess.)

Increasingly warming to Grace, though, and her obvious total contempt for the BB house and everyone in it. And it must be a bit hard for the poor girl to have to keep on reminding Mikey, every five minutes, that they're in fact going out.
23:09 / 04.06.06
Grace is certainly a fantastic liar. All the while she's engineering conflict, she's telling Richard she really really hopes the House doesn't divide again, as that would be the worst thing evar!1

Does she have a g*m*pl*n? I'm not at all sure that she does. I suspect she's a natural at this sort of self-protecting manipulation, and probably dissembles fairly instinctively. Positively Blairite.
00:13 / 05.06.06
Not sure if this has been mentioned, or indeed on which day the conversation occurred, but according to the Daily Star (so it MUST be true!),

The gender bender [Sam] broke BB rules and told Imogen of things he had read about Sezer before he went into the house.
He said Sezer had a few 'sleazy secrets' which he'd hidden from Imogen, including the fact he was once quizzed over a rape allegation.
Sam whispered: "There's something about Sezer's womanising ways outside you don't know about".

What I've been wondering is, given Richard and Imogen's lessening of hostilities, if Sezer and Imogen DO get married, will Imogen invite Rich to the wedding?
00:24 / 05.06.06
Hmm. I do recall Sam making a couple of references to "Sezer being a womaniser" then refusing to go further, but at the time I didn't twig that it was about the alleged sexual assault.

Apparently no fewer than five separate Housemates have taken Sam aside for one-to-one variants of "could you stop saying 'amaaazing' please?"
Hattie's Kitchen
06:33 / 05.06.06
As much as Grace deserves face-knives, I really want her to stay in the house because there will come a time when she and Aisleyne lock horns in spectacular fashion. I hope the voters realise that and keep her in when she's nominated.

I wanted Sezer to go, but if we vote out all the conflict-causing, irritating housemates so early on, we end up risking a borefest of BB3 proportions.
07:32 / 05.06.06
BB4 was the borefest: BB3 was the year of Jade.
Hattie's Kitchen
07:36 / 05.06.06
Ta, it was BB4 I was thinking of when Cameron whatshisface won.
Mourne Kransky
07:57 / 05.06.06
I'm with you HK. I would like to see Grace get her comeuppance but, if that's delayed by some weeks because of the success of her manipulations with in the house, that will only make the eventual Fall from Grace of Grace the more satisfying.

Whereas Sam is just a rubber duckie, bobbing up in all the wrong places: an amazing rubber duckie with a transatlantic whine.
autopilot disengaged
08:28 / 05.06.06
am i right in saying lisa's comments don't appear to have been reported by any newspaper? obviously the boards are abuzz, but a quick flick through the tabloid sites yields only general references to lisa's tirade...

it does seem that either she's being shielded for a moment of stupidity (in itself, perhaps not such an awful thing, so long as it is applied consistently - though they did air Shahbaz's racist comment as i remember) or the press don't think it's newsworthy (which raises questions of its own).

meanwhile Richard & Grace pal up..?

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