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Big Brother 2006


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11:06 / 06.06.06
I’m pretty bored of him; he does no work

He does no work in terms of trying to influence things either way, no matter how much those he cares about are suffering. There's been, what, an isolated attempt to upbraid Grace for mimicking Aisleyne five seconds after she entered the House? That's pretty much it. Pete seems, more commonly, to hang back, saying and doing nothing. Okay, so he'll come up and 'give paw' to the wounded party after the event, but I'll be a bit pissed off if he wins the thing on the basis of a) having a neurological disorder, and b) remaining uninvolved in everything.
11:19 / 06.06.06
oh but he's just so pretty. I can forgive him pretty much anything.
11:20 / 06.06.06
Lisa to Grace: "After today, don't fucking trust Nikki one fucking little bit... short-arsed little twat"

Perhaps it'd be easier to enumerate who Lisa hasn't warned against (fucking) trusting?

The fact that Grace is "fed up with all the bitching and the backstabbing" is, as ever, more ironic than ten thousand spoons. Increasingly, I'm wondering to what extent Grace is consciously aware that she constantly contradicts herself. Is it a steely g*m*pl*n to confuse her fellow Housemates and set them against one another? The beardy 'lying expert' on last night's BBBB would seem to confirm that she's an exceptional liar - but is she always aware that she's lying? I have a feeling that there might be no criminal masterplan, no blueprint for House domination - and Grace simply lies instinctively, as self-empowerment and to make herself look/feel good - but that she believes what she's saying at any given time, rather than doing a mental "bwahahahahh" every time she stirs.

I dunno. I have a feeling she'll be as surprised as anyone when it's pointed out to her that a goodly proportion of the bitching and backstabbing has been engineered, or at least catalysed, by her.
Eloi Tsabaoth
11:23 / 06.06.06
You're the doc, Doc.
11:26 / 06.06.06
Well, I'm a doc.
13:15 / 06.06.06
According to this thread Grace is not the bitch she appeared to be on the C4 version. It seemed to me that Grace, who probably made her school chum's teenage years a misery is dispassionate, condescending, snide, cunning, grossly disloyal, competitive, delusionally nasty and deserve the stocks!

However, it was all down to Sam, apparently.
13:39 / 06.06.06
Delusionally nasty? Does that mean she or we mistakenly think she's nasty when she's not?
14:20 / 06.06.06
If HMs were allowed to discuss nominations, it wouldn't be inconceivable for them (or at least some of them) to come to an agreement and split the prize money.

There'd also be far less fighting. Which would be nicer, but rubbish telly.
Alex's Grandma
14:24 / 06.06.06
I'd guess the shit-stirring is Grace's default mode, especially in the house. Her personailty seems to have been forged in endless late night school dorm bitching sessions, to the point where she probably isn't all that aware of what she's doing, particularly in a situation that must in some ways feel very similar. That pose of hers looks so practised - legs crossed, back straight, face like an aggrieved goldfish, mouth spitting bile.
14:58 / 06.06.06
She was talking on one of the live feeds about having spent thousands on Harley Street dentistry - possibly having her teeth made easier to lie through.
15:33 / 06.06.06
I feel sorry for her dentist.

Unless ze asked for the money up front, how would ze know ze was ever gonna get paid?
16:07 / 06.06.06
If HMs were allowed to discuss nominations, it wouldn't be inconceivable for them (or at least some of them) to come to an agreement and split the prize money.

How? And couldn’t they do that anyway? There’s nothing in the rules to prevent them saying “If I win, I’ll split the money with you”.

I think nominations are forbidden because, if it were possible to talk about them openly, they could be used as explicit bargaining tools or threats, either individually or en masse. It can be argued that this sort of manipulation happens anyway, but being able to say, "we've agreed all to nominate you, Richard, unless blah" would probably give the manipulation a particular edge.

Absolutely this sort of manipulation happens anyway, and I don’t see why it would be a bad thing to make it explicit. It might take some of the tension and uncertainty away if coordinated nominations were allowed, and nominations were cast publicly, but if the actual ballot is secret, let them hatch schemes if they like. Someone might promise to vote one way, but do something quite different from the privacy of the Diary Room. It could actually increase the jeopardy, uncertainty and political machinations.

Maybe it depends on what you watch BB for, but I *like* the way they form pacts and allegiances, navigate and negotiate consensus. Nominating is always going to be partly tactical, and normal social behaviour (making allies, doing favours, forming pairs or groups, managing information) is going to manipulate nominations. Talking about the nominations themselves is, relatively speaking, a pretty weak way of influencing people’s vote – so I just wonder why they make a particular prohibition out of it.
16:21 / 06.06.06
Presumably Grace had her molars sharpened for enhanced backbiting.
Peach Pie
16:25 / 06.06.06
I can't follow the psychology of this house any more. I got as far as:

- The group bonded against shahbaz when he drove them nuts
- a rift between sezer and richard developed when richard tried to take him up on his behavior toward women
- after he was nominated with richard for eviction, sezer contrived a fight with richard to make himself look good
- richard asked ashlene(sp?) to lead his faction if he left the house
-the group was split down the middle when sezer left. grace hated ashlene because she saw her as sexual competition at a time when her protective dominant male had gone
-richard became dominant again.
-grace seduced mikey to shore up her position. remember how she suddenly became "interested" in George after she found out he was friends with princes william and harry?

now grace is trying to suck up to *ashlene*, one half of the duo she labeled "beavis and butthead". what the fuck is going on?
16:30 / 06.06.06
Maybe it depends on what you watch BB for, but I *like* the way they form pacts and allegiances, navigate and negotiate consensus.

I do too - and I like the way they specifically have to talk around nominations.
Mourne Kransky
17:37 / 06.06.06
Nikki struggling to keep her pecker up at the news of nomination.

Sam accepting the inevitability of an early bath.
17:38 / 06.06.06
Wow. Didn't see that coming. I really feel for poor ol' Sam, having been there only a few seconds - but I'm afraid I'll be voting her out.
Peach Pie
17:41 / 06.06.06
Oh they are treating her in a vile way.

"ahh am quite shocked akkkshulllleee that she would suggest that ahhh woulld do such a thing on national televisiiioooon! That... maaan beeassssst!!"
17:50 / 06.06.06
I do too - and I like the way they specifically have to talk around nominations.

I'm with Ganesh on this one.

Just got back from the pub- have noms been announced now?
17:55 / 06.06.06
Yeah, ManBeastGate happened yesterday. As Flyboy says, a large part of it is probably down to the playground phenomenon of deciding to take offence at a newbie voicing a sentiment which might be accepted from someone who hadn't already been semi-stigmatised. Some it's also down to misjudging Princess Nikki, and some of it probably related to Sam's unfortunate tendency to assume slightly more familiarity with the House females than she has perhaps earned - possibly because she's trying too hard to "live my life 100% as a woman".

Poor Sam.
18:02 / 06.06.06
Ganesh- it looks like Sam's going, whether you vote her out or not.

And you feel sorry for her- why are you voting at all? It's not compulsory or anything...

I'd rather have Nikki in than Sam too, but not to the extent that I'd give my money to add numbers to a foregone conclusion.

I'll save my phone credit for when Grace is up!
18:07 / 06.06.06
And you feel sorry for her- why are you voting at all? It's not compulsory or anything...

Because my feelingsorryness for Sam is outweighed by my beingentertainedness by Nikki; outweighed to the extent that I want to vote. Not multiply, as was the case with Sezer, but I'll at least vote the once.
18:11 / 06.06.06
But surely it's a dead cert? Why add the the humiliating percentage Sam's gonna get when the result you want is almost certain to happen anyway?*

*note- if, by some really bizarre means, Sam actually wins and Ganesh hasn't voted, I solemnly promise here I'll take him (Ganesh) out on the piss.
Mourne Kransky
18:13 / 06.06.06
Yeah poor Sam but sorry, kthxbye! Glad it wasn't Nikki versus Richard. Really surprised it's Nikki up actually and not Lisa. But then this is the House of Weirdness and Skewed Perspective.
Peach Pie
18:14 / 06.06.06
Nikki *is* very entertaining, but her inability to resist kicking someone who was far from endearing. Her whinging had seemed largely non-malicious up to then IMO.

Complaining that you want a man you are sexually attracted to for some sort of ... sexual agenda? I'm surprised the sky hasn't fallen.
18:14 / 06.06.06
But surely it's a dead cert? Why add the the humiliating percentage Sam's gonna get when the result you want is almost certain to happen anyway?*

Because I want a particular result, I don't believe in dead certs or foregone conclusions, and I can afford the 25p (or whatever). If Sam is 'humiliated' by the result, then somehow - somehow - I'll manage to sleep through the undoubtedly crushing guilt my single vote will occasion.
18:28 / 06.06.06
Fair enough...

...but you shoulda seen the pub I was gonna take you to...
Peach Pie
18:31 / 06.06.06
I'm seriously wondering if Nikki is a professional actor plant.
18:31 / 06.06.06
Complaining that you want a man you are sexually attracted to for some sort of ... sexual agenda? I'm surprised the sky hasn't fallen.

You don't think there's a gap between wanting to be around someone sexually attractive and wanting to "shag" that someone? I mean, I agree that Nikki overreacted in a ludicrously How Very Dare You manner and she probably wouldn't have had the same reaction if she didn't already harbour amniosity toward Sam ("he fancies all of us! he's a man! he must do!" etc.) but despite that, I do think Sam was slightly clumsy to conflate Being Sexually Attracted To and Wanting Sex With.
18:34 / 06.06.06
I'm seriously wondering if Nikki is a professional actor plant.

You saying that makes me wonder if you're a plant from Digital Spy. Next, you'll be talking about g*m*pl*ns and Endemol's Chosen One.
Peach Pie
18:44 / 06.06.06
You don't think there's a gap between wanting to be around someone sexually attractive and wanting to "shag" that someone?

Of course... but... Sam was clearly trying to say anything to fit in the group. Having made herself very vulnerable by showing how upset she was, she tried to go to the other extreme and said something thoughtless. I don't think it was worth nikki taking it at face value in anyway. Sam might as well have said "Insert comment intended to sound lighthearted... NOW!"
Peach Pie
18:46 / 06.06.06
You saying that makes me wonder if you're a plant from Digital Spy. Next, you'll be talking about g*m*pl*ns and Endemol's Chosen One.

That's the price of a good first-ish thread impression.

18:56 / 06.06.06
Having made herself very vulnerable by showing how upset she was, she tried to go to the other extreme and said something thoughtless. I don't think it was worth nikki taking it at face value in anyway.

I don't either, but neither one of us is Nikki, and Nikki thought otherwise. I guess it's one of those judgement calls where one decides whether and to what extent one ought to take offence - and the outcome depends on a number of factors, including how much one values the offender. Nikki doesn't value Sam much. I don't think anyone does.
19:11 / 06.06.06
Has someone slapped Sam in the face? She doesn't believe in moderation with the blusher, does she?
Jack Vincennes
19:12 / 06.06.06
I was wondering if it was for a dressing up game they are playing.

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