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Big Brother 2006


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20:10 / 03.06.06
The "fucking freakazoids" are going to vote you out, Lady Grace. Impressive to combine so many borderline isms in one Diary Room monologue, I suppose. She makes Saskia look like political correctness gone maaaaaaaaaaad.
Mourne Kransky
20:11 / 03.06.06
Mikey is surely going to go from BB straight into the diplomatic corps

Ambassador Mikey was busy at the UN yesterday. Kofi Anan asked for his help dealing with Darfur. Would you like fries with that, said His Excellency.

And Timor is all messed up again, said Kofi, plangent in his despair. The ambassador for Stoopidland said, Fookin, I'm quiet me, discount the word Timor.

Kofi Anan then asked for Ambassador Mikey's help resolving the Israel-Palestine situation. I can light my farts, said Big M. Grace is a great girl, eh? I fancy her. She's mint. And it'll be a step up the social ladder for me. I could watch the Notting Hill Carnival from the windows of the lovely flat her Ma bought her.

At this point the Secretary General of the United Nation kneed Mikey in the nuts and went for a pint.
20:14 / 03.06.06
Is that possible? (Maj vote bigger than Sezer's)

She did herself no favors with that diatribe about "the freaks and versus the normal people" either.

If she's normal, normal is very ugly indeed.
Evil Scientist
20:18 / 03.06.06
Oh Grace, Grace, Grace. Don't like the freaks eh? Well I've seen this one before and I can tell you how it ends up.

Grace the Bird Woman! Stumping around covered in feathers.

Gabba gabba hey!
20:20 / 03.06.06
If she's normal, normal is very ugly indeed.

Well, it gives some sense of why Team SmugHet could only ever be Team SmugHet. In fact, I'm wondering whether it should've been Team SmugRichWhiteHet.

The "wigger" comments chimed with her earlier assertion, to one of the girls, that the Notting Hill Carnival is "fierce", but only if one stays in one's flat and watches out the window. One wouldn't want to get to close to touching them, after all.
20:24 / 03.06.06
She actually said "just stay in your flat and look down on them" which I thought was too appropriate to even comprehend.
20:25 / 03.06.06
20:26 / 03.06.06
What did Aisyling(?Sorry I know I'm spelling it wrong) say or do that aroused Grace's "wigger" comments?

God, watching TeamSmugHet in action... it truly is like nightmarish return to high school. Awful awful awful. And yes, you're right, Ganesh. If you are white enough, rich enough, popular enough and straight enough, you're "Normal."

Wow, I hadn't texted BB since Nadia's big night til Sezer came up for eviction. And I cannot WAIT til Grace's name comes up so I can begin texting again!!
Evil Scientist
20:28 / 03.06.06
I'm kind of confused by Grace's comments about Aisleyne anyway. I haven't seen any of this supposed gangsta behaviour. So either Endemol's cutting out vast swathes of White Queen doing an Ali G impersonation or Grace is making this shit up.

Now which is more likely? Hmm?

Granted I'm mainly watching the highlights rather than the live feed (I know, I know. Bad cyberman!), but one would have thought that it would come across at least a little in the daily updates.
Lama glama
20:28 / 03.06.06
I think I may despise Grace more than I did Sezer, especially after unearthing just what wigger meant on the Wiki. If I had the facilities, I'd command myself to projectile vomit at will whenever she appears on-screen.
20:34 / 03.06.06
I dunno, Evil. Maybe she used some "language that only negroes use" and offended the (quite accurately named) White (Power) Queen.
20:35 / 03.06.06
What did Aisyling(?Sorry I know I'm spelling it wrong) say or do that aroused Grace's "wigger" comments?

She didn't

a) dress in a sufficiently clarsey manner when she entered the House,

b) gush,

c) acknowledge sovereignty of the "normals",

d) respect Grace's authoritah,

e) give much of a shit.

Grace's Queen Bee position is hugely threatened, not least because her remaining drone, Mikey, is playing kiss, cuddle or torture with Ms Frost - and both George and Sezer have gone. She's frantically attempting to 'other' her rival on grounds of class and race (she's allegedly trying to by other-than-white), but it's only working with the stupider females, and Emma's more resourceful than that.

Emma in the Diary Room, very perceptive. She could make mincemeat of Grace. At some level, I like to think Grace knows this.
Alex's Grandma
20:37 / 03.06.06
In Grace's defence, she has just aired a pretty impressive range of prejudices.

Short of sticking a short sword into her belly, it's difficult to see what else she could do to ensure her non-survival in the Big Brother house as of next Friday, but AT LEAST SHE IS BEING HERSELF.
20:43 / 03.06.06
Maybe she used some "language that only negroes use" and offended the (quite accurately named) White (Power) Queen.

Methinks the 'White Queen' references are confuzzling you, Ms LaBombe. When people talk about the White Queen or Emma Frost, they're actually meaning Aisleyne. It's basically a mildly geeky comics reference. When Aisleyne entered the House, she looked not unlike a Grant Morrison X-Men character:

This White Queen was a "shark among minnows", so there are character similarities too.
20:47 / 03.06.06
Thanks, G for clearing that up. My bad! Not sure how I confused that one..
Mourne Kransky
20:52 / 03.06.06
Well, I thought the references to Ms Frost meant she reminded them all of Sadie Frost, but what do I know? I am 105.
20:55 / 03.06.06
It really is hard to keep up with the kids these days, isn't it?
Mourne Kransky
21:17 / 03.06.06
I have the comfort that it was all so much better in the age of the Werther's original, when I were a lad. In those days, people took fright when you turned up at public functions dressed in a torn bin bag. Not so much these days. I'm sure neither Nikki nor Aisleyne would parade about in black plastic wisps unless they came with a Burberry Prorsum label.
Evil Scientist
21:23 / 03.06.06
Richard and Imogen having a fairly amicable chat over chocs and champagne.

Poor boy, she'll be slagging him off later about how he's trying to recruit her.
21:23 / 03.06.06
21:48 / 03.06.06
Poor boy, she'll be slagging him off later about how he's trying to recruit her.

I dunno; they seem to be connecting. She's sort of apologised for the homophobic stuff (although Dickie's been forgiving to the point of don't-even-talk-about-it). Imogen also seems, genuinely, to be having fun, way more fun than she's had for quite a while. I think this was a good move on Richard's part - and Sezer, if he's watching, must be grinding his little rat teeth in frustration. This is the nearest a gay alpha can come to shagging his vanquished rival's mate.
22:04 / 03.06.06
This is a seriously intriguing turn of events. Dickie choosing Imogen was out-of-the-blue but, on the other hand, not. He's mentioned the fact that, during HoochGate, when none of his allies came to his aid, Imogen was the only one to try to talk him out of walking. I was suspicious of her motives at the time, but Dickie obviously wasn't, and clearly feels he has ground to make up with her. Watching them, she seems to be coming alive in a way she hasn't seemed to be alive since becoming half of the Sezer-Imogen pairing. I think Richard's sli-i-ightly overdoing the Gay Best Friend thing ("let's never let a man come between us again!") but the two of them do, on the face of it at least, seem to be managing to put the "dull, boring, plastic" stuff behind them.

What this means in terms of Imogen's relations with Team SmugHet is anyone's guess. If she later rationalises it all in terms of a cynical 'recruitment' by Richard, I'll be disappointed. At the very least, she ought to be aware that it was a kindness on his part to choose her for the champagne meal; it's reflective of his tendency not to bear grudges (or to do his best not to bear grudges). I'm wondering to what extent this will bring her into conflict with the newly Grace-headed Team SmugHet.
Mourne Kransky
22:28 / 03.06.06
Grace gave her a bodkin laced with ipecacuanha to take to the dinner table but she hasn't used it, so beguiling was Big Dickie over their luxury dinner. Have never heard her chatter so much. Rich is skilled at shutting up and letting her ramble. I take such heart from imagining the vile Sleazelet sitting at home, furiously sinking his head in the plasma screen in his opulent living room.
Mourne Kransky
22:30 / 03.06.06
And nice shirt, Richard. Nice hat too, as always. Lovely boy.
22:48 / 03.06.06
This has been an incredibly effective charm offensive from Richard. Even if Imogen recants (and I'm hoping she won't; if she does, it'll reflect on her very badly) and avows again that Dickie is the two-faced scrotum of Satan, him making the gesture (choosing Imogen) shows everyone that he doesn't bear a grudge.

Crucially, Richard is steadily isolating Grace from her bitchery network. I'm not sure he knows that's what he's doing, but he's doing it very effectively. Not only did he make Imogen feel special in a way Sezer didn't (ie. by listening to her) but he seems also to have impressed others in the House - Mikey, in particular - with his lack of grudge-bearing.

It's slightly pathetic of Lisa, for fuck's sake, to have taken Imogen aside immediately after her champagne meal, and attempted to impress on her that "you know the score" with Richard ie. it's all a recruitment drive. I'm not sure Imogen's accepting that, but it's disappointing that Lisa - who's turning out to be a seriously shit judge of character - is the one trying to poison Richard's well.

Even if Imogen - with Lisa's (and, without doubt, Grace's) input - trashes everything from this evening, I think it'll play well with the public.
23:05 / 03.06.06
Compleeetely with Richard on this one.
The Falcon
23:22 / 03.06.06
Nikki: hygiene obsessive?

Not so, says promotions girl, Aisleyne, 27: "My God. It's all for drama though," she commented. "Cos if someone's hygiene obsessed they don't leave their hairbrush in the middle of the sink. There's a lot of drama in here."
Mourne Kransky
23:25 / 03.06.06
Just watching Lea on the infra red night-time-vision cam. The stretch marks on her breasts are very alarming. Not surprised she freaked when Sam was waving a knife around and might have nicked one. If the gay niche market for silicone injected dicks is any measure to judge by, she must be the cynosure of all eyes with a large percentage of the straight male viewershiup.
The Falcon
23:33 / 03.06.06
They are kind've unavoidable.

p.s. if Grace = Queen Bee & Mikey = Yellowjacket, then OMFG they are teh evil insect peoples from Invisibles!!! Imagine if they bred. Little nasty grubs... *shivers*
23:50 / 03.06.06
I'm wondering if Nikki may have some sort of... not sure if it's the right word (Dr G?), but autism or Asperger's or something. For all her "any more stupid and she'd need watering"-ness, she seemed to learn Klingon pretty damn well.
00:01 / 04.06.06
I'm wondering if Nikki may have some sort of... not sure if it's the right word (Dr G?), but autism or Asperger's or something. For all her "any more stupid and she'd need watering"-ness, she seemed to learn Klingon pretty damn well.

Wellll, it falls short of labels of autism/Asperger's. One might well claim that Nikki's obsessional, particularly in terms of what she allows to enter her body/sensorium.

It may be pertinent here to point out that, certainly with 'softer' diagnoses or milder variants of proposed disorders (eg. "on the autistic spectrum" as opposed to "autistic"), there's a huge amount of a) clinical subjectivity, and b) overlap with 'normal' behaviour. This being so, in my own opinion, Nikki's behaviour probably is obsessional, certainly borderline-obsessional. I'm not sure there's sufficient evidence to suggest she's up there on the autistic continuum, however.
00:12 / 04.06.06
00:13 / 04.06.06
But being good at learning Klingon must mean something's wrong, surely?
00:26 / 04.06.06
Mild nerdiness. Nothing more, nothing less.
Lama glama
00:32 / 04.06.06
Coming late to tonight's live feed. So, who's Sam talking about right now?

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