This is a seriously intriguing turn of events. Dickie choosing Imogen was out-of-the-blue but, on the other hand, not. He's mentioned the fact that, during HoochGate, when none of his allies came to his aid, Imogen was the only one to try to talk him out of walking. I was suspicious of her motives at the time, but Dickie obviously wasn't, and clearly feels he has ground to make up with her. Watching them, she seems to be coming alive in a way she hasn't seemed to be alive since becoming half of the Sezer-Imogen pairing. I think Richard's sli-i-ightly overdoing the Gay Best Friend thing ("let's never let a man come between us again!") but the two of them do, on the face of it at least, seem to be managing to put the "dull, boring, plastic" stuff behind them.
What this means in terms of Imogen's relations with Team SmugHet is anyone's guess. If she later rationalises it all in terms of a cynical 'recruitment' by Richard, I'll be disappointed. At the very least, she ought to be aware that it was a kindness on his part to choose her for the champagne meal; it's reflective of his tendency not to bear grudges (or to do his best not to bear grudges). I'm wondering to what extent this will bring her into conflict with the newly Grace-headed Team SmugHet. |