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Big Brother 2006


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00:42 / 04.06.06
Lisa seems to have evolved into one of the House's biggest suppliers of misinformation. She's currently sitting with Sam and Imogen, telling Sam that the only people she can trust are Mikey and Grace - and that Lea bitches about her "and Richard does too".

I'm not quite sure what's powering Lisa's impressively misguided sense of who is and isn't reasonable within the House. I suspect some of it's about Pete being very close to Lea and Lisa therefore hating everyone who's associated with Lea. I just wish she hadn't gone on to throw her hat in with Grace as a result. Crap judge of character, Lisa.

Sam's bitching about all the wrong people apart from Richard, who she really likes "he's my first gay friend". Lea seems to be Teh Satan as far as Sam's concerned.
00:49 / 04.06.06
I kind of wonder if there's something about Richard's accent - sounding American - that's making people project their own paranoid fantasies onto him. I think he genuinely does attempt to be nice and resolve differences with people before they fester - but it's almost as if he's too nice, or incongruously nice, and that works against him. Imogen, for example, seems to find it impossible to believe that he might have honestly wanted to get to know her better and hopefully address his own guilt about the "dull, boring, plastic" thing.

Lisa needs a good slap, though. Just listening to her, my slappy hand is itching like buggery.
01:01 / 04.06.06
If the gay niche market for silicone injected dicks is any measure to judge by, she must be the cynosure of all eyes with a large percentage of the straight male viewershiup.

I have no idea what the hell you just said.
01:14 / 04.06.06
Ah well, that's that. Imogen is sitting with Lisa and Sam, who are doing their level best to convince her that yes, the Richard-plus-Lea bloc (and they're being conflated) "do not deserve to be here". Lea is seen as beyond the pale and Richard, as a friend of Lea's, is now seen as equally "two-faced". Any pleasantries or kindnesses from this evening's champagne dinner have been neutralised, rubbished, "they just want you in their fucking gang". He might as well not have bothered. Stupid-ass Lisa projects all her Pete-insecurity and Lea-jealousy onto him. Sam projects all her Lea-insecurity and group-anxiety onto him. He's become the receptacle for everyone's shit.

The public "have no idea" according to Sam, because we're watching edited versions. No, Sam, I'm watching the unedited E4 footage right now, and you're coming across like a stupidly misguided twatarse. As are Lisa and Imogen.
Mourne Kransky
01:18 / 04.06.06
I have no idea what the hell you just said.

Just that there's a market (hard to fathom but it's unquestionably there) for men with incredibly oversized dicks pumped full of silicone. That niche market I know about, so I was translating that to the straight world and imagining that women with ridiculously oversized breasts full of silicone would have a similarly eager market of straight men panting. Like uncomplicated young testosterone-controlled Glyn, who would ejaculate if he saw two Q tips accidentally positioned close together. Two chicken drumsticks in a packet and he'd propose marriage.

Sorry for any confusion, you naturally blessed mesomorph you. *MWAH*
01:20 / 04.06.06
"Fake fucking faggot".

Lisa on Richard. She's not only pissed on her chips, she's shat on them. "I'm not homophobic or nothing".
Mourne Kransky
01:24 / 04.06.06
Get to fffffffuck, Lisa. Out! out! out! In a two way contest between you and the Gracist, I'm not sure which way I'd jump at the moment.

Sam's busy stirring like fuck too and reaping my disdain. Go to bed, people, before you do more harm.
01:48 / 04.06.06
*mwah* back to you, helpful Xoc. It was more the word cynosure that put a spanner to my langworks.

Not watching the live feed (tv and puter very far apart for a drunk Triplets) but will catch the evilevilevil editedlites tomorrow.

Was going to ask why Lisa is being such a titbiscuit but Elliot Nesh has covered that pretty solidly. Boo Lise!
01:56 / 04.06.06
I can't quite understand why Lisa, Sam and Imogen have been such Shakespearean witches this evening with regard to Richard. There seems to be a consensus that he's been "nice", and that this is to be viewed with suspicion - "fake nice". Sam and Lisa started off slating Lea with qualifying "I quite like Richard, though" statements. In the course of discussion, however, the coven has turned against him, culminating in Lisa's "fake fucking faggot" statement.

I suspect that's going to be edited out, which is a shame because I feel it's significant.
02:04 / 04.06.06
Right now, my ire is spread between four female Housemates. I'm not sure which I'd evict first out of Sam, Lisa, Grace and Imogen. I think they're all crappo judges of character, shit-stirring ingrates and, occasionally, fucking homophobes.
08:53 / 04.06.06
I kind of wonder if there's something about Richard's accent - sounding American - that's making people project their own paranoid fantasies onto him

I think there's something in that. Here in Britland we have always been fed that the "Have a nice day" phenomenon is false and grating, mainly because when we try it it usually is, which is why "greeters" in shops in Britain are a pain in the arse. In the States, though, it more often than not actually IS genuine.
There is a genuine positivity to many Americans which simply doesn't map on to our slightly more cynical worldview. Add to that inability to really understand another culture's sarcasm delimiters (translated as the persistent lie that "Americans have no sense of irony") and you get a lot of misunderstandings.
It's such an ingrained way of thinking about the US (because we are so SHIT at importing the good stuff they have to offer) it's become almost another -ism, so unless you have spent much time with Americans the default response - especially if you're as convinced you know what is normal as Grace and Co are - is not to trust them.
10:05 / 04.06.06
Ahh, la belle dame sans merci. Poor, sensitive Mikey.
10:24 / 04.06.06
There is a genuine positivity to many Americans which simply doesn't map on to our slightly more cynical worldview. Add to that inability to really understand another culture's sarcasm delimiters (translated as the persistent lie that "Americans have no sense of irony") and you get a lot of misunderstandings.

I think that's generally true, but in Richard's case, he does understand sarcasm, etc. I do think his Canuck accent - American to British ears - is possibly feeding into our suspicion of that "have a nice day" vibe. In addition, the Big Brother House acts, for many, as a magnifier of paranoia; the set-up encourages one to be distrustful. Richard, possibly partly because of the accent, is attracting a lot of essentially undeserved nastiness; other Housemates cannot believe that someone being that pleasant can be genuine.

Of course, niceness is more generally perceived as weakness:

The first thing Lisa and Imogen did after waking up - before breakfast, before brushing their teeth - was head into the garden and bitch about Sam. The reason? He's just too damn nice.

"I hope she isn't going to be nice as pie, I'll f****** walk all over her," scowled Imogen. "She needs to toughen up."

"Yeah, I hope she's learned," agreed Lisa.

The pair then had a little bitch about Richard, "he's trying to get everyone on his side," and Lea, "she mothers Pete all the time."

Just then Sam came over, offering them both a morning cuppa.

"No thanks babe," chirped Imogen.

"Hiya babe," smiled Lisa. Sam went back into the kitchen, but unfortunately his actions had been way too nice.

"F****** knob," sneered Lisa. "Making everyone tea in the morning. She's gonna f*** me off today."

This is Lisa who, lest we forget, was promising last night: "we'll look after Sam now". Mind you, after Sam's stupidly misguided bitchfest at Richard and Lea, my sympathy for her is somewhat limited.
10:37 / 04.06.06
Oddly enough, the official accounts of last night's coven meeting don't seem to be picking up on Lisa's "fake fucking faggot" comment. Wonder if Big Brother will haul her into the Diary Room for it?

Actually, it's occurred to me that Shahbaz's "sucky sucky, ten dollars" goading of Lisa went largely unreported too, in the official accounts of that fight - and I'm remembering that much of Craig's frank racism last year was cut. I've a feeling Endemol tend to play down racist/homophobic comments, either because a) it might be considered relaying of hatespeech if they broadcast it, or b) it'd make the Housemate in question so unpopular that it might put them at risk of actual physical harm when they leave the House.

Sam is playing a dangerous game too: having lauded Richard in the Diary Room as her "first gay friend" and even speculated on him possibly fancying her (unlikely), she got into some rather unedifying impersonations of "what gay men are like" last night, upshot being that those camp bitchsters are not to be trusted.
11:35 / 04.06.06
Aaaargh, I am finding this all so infuriating, in the sense of wanting to literally break in to the house and go "No! No! THIS is what's going on!"

Tom Paine's Bones
11:41 / 04.06.06
Fucking hell. Surely they have to show Lisa's comment or at the very least all hell will break loose on Digital Spy.

The odd thing about the Sam situation is, wasn't she saying she fancied Richard in the Diary Room Uncut show yesterday?
12:42 / 04.06.06
On Richard's accent- this wasn't a conscious thing, so I'm not sure where it came from, but because his accent's not particularly strong, I didn't read it as an accent, more a tone- when I realised he was actually Canadian, I think I started finding him a lot less patronising.
12:45 / 04.06.06
They should definitely show Lisa's comment in some form- it's got to be tricky, though, because I doubt they'd actually be allowed to broadcast what she said during the day, and given her propensity for swearing, bleeping the offending word isn't gonna really count for much. I'm hopeful it'll get shown on the later show, because people really do need to know what she said.

She may be a bad judge of character, but I think I'd have to join her in that- she was one of my favourites at the start, and she's really let me down.
13:23 / 04.06.06
Aaand apparently she's been banned from nominating.
Evil Scientist
14:12 / 04.06.06
Grace seems to be going on the attack after her little band of "norms" lost their weasel-faced messiah.

Stirring up Lea against Sam.
14:28 / 04.06.06
I like Lea, but I think she is so desperate for acceptance that she can be very easily swayed. I think I preferred it when the Plastics hated her- now they're trying to get her on-side they may well succeed.

I think she's kind of out of her depth in the house, to be honest. I pray God she doesn't outlast Richard and Pete (not that that's on the cards, obviously) because I don't think she could handle it in there without them. By the same token, I hope her need for acceptance doesn't lead to her alienating them- they genuinely seem to care about her well-being, whereas the Plastics just want her to bump up the numbers. If only she could see the difference...
14:32 / 04.06.06
Aaaargh, I am finding this all so infuriating, in the sense of wanting to literally break in to the house and go "No! No! THIS is what's going on!"

Indeed. I'm both mystified at and frustrated by what seems to be a general - and possibly increasing - tendency for Housemates to direct every ounce of ire, frustration, paranoia and spite at Richard. In the case of Lisa, I actually want to climb through the television screen a la Ring and slam her face repeatedly against a hard surface - perhaps the edge of the pool - until she stops spouting bile and starts spouting blood and cerebrospinal fluid. The fact that I've thought this through to such an extent is perhaps reflective of my bright, iridescent hatred of Lisa at this particular moment.
14:35 / 04.06.06
Now you wouldn't be allowed to say THAT on DS...
14:49 / 04.06.06
Mourne Kransky
15:32 / 04.06.06
When shrinks go wrong...
15:52 / 04.06.06
Grace is doing on excellent job of fomenting argument between people too stupid to question her relaying of inflammatory gossip snippets back and forth.
16:12 / 04.06.06
I'm glad I haven't watched for a week or so, I think the current state of affairs would drive me potty.

Suedey, I'm not sure you're willing to go far enough, perhaps persuading the housemates to see reason would be better left to Ganesh.
19:07 / 04.06.06
Nikki truly is Queen of the Diary Room.
19:16 / 04.06.06
Oh, thank god, my annual bout of summer static on Channel4 has kicked in again, and it's so infuriating, I'll have to stop watching.
19:31 / 04.06.06
Oh please can I slap Lisa? Please? Stupid stupid stupid.
19:33 / 04.06.06
You can slap Lisa once I've finished fracturing her skull.

Roll on evictions - so long as I can vote for even one of the fucking coven.
Tryphena Absent
19:51 / 04.06.06
God, I wish Lisa would just shut up.
19:51 / 04.06.06
Oh dear Nikki, on the topic of Sam. "She fancies us. She's a man, she must do."
19:52 / 04.06.06
She must have Guinness Book of records-standard PM
19:54 / 04.06.06

double post.

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