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Big Brother 2006


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19:49 / 01.06.06
We got it pretty much verbatim, h1ppychick. I was more drawn out than this suggests though.
If the editor is a friend of anyone's, ze's a friend of Mikey's.
Jawsus-son Starship
19:50 / 01.06.06
Richard's tears make me feel sadder when he wears that jumper with those glasses. I want to cry now. Can't we make wanky old Imodium fuck off too?
19:54 / 01.06.06
But I have a feeling he was going to use it for some kind of leverage.

I'm sure he was. He was going to use it as a way of maintaining some degree of moral high ground, I think, in the face of the you're-wrong-to-be-drinking stuff from Sezer. I'm not sure where he was going with it, or how he'd have linked talking-in-the-bedroom to alcohol, but I'd have liked to have had the chance to find out. As it was, Mikey interrupted him.

They've missed out a substantial amount of the insistent "what did you say about me?" stuff from Imogen before Dickie came out with the "dull and boring" statements.
Tryphena Absent
19:54 / 01.06.06
Well this bit has definitely stopped representing what had actually happened.
19:55 / 01.06.06
Sezer revealed his own opinions there on Lea, methinks, shame Richard didn't have chance to pursue that very strongly.

Dissolution into tears - oh dear. That's not going to play well with a lot of the viewers. Poor Richard.
Jawsus-son Starship
19:56 / 01.06.06
Did Mikey seem quite reasonable then? Too late.

I think it's the bow tie that makes me extra sad.
Mourne Kransky
19:58 / 01.06.06
Richard: I don't think I have any friends in this house. True, miserable little cocks, all of them. Not a single one of his tribe said a word in his defence.
19:59 / 01.06.06
I was more drawn out than this suggests though.

We're not getting anywhere near the amount of haranguing that Richard withstood before coming out with the "dull, boring, ordinary" comment. This makes it look like he threw that at her without provocation.

Heartbreaking seeing Richard's "I don't have any friends" monologue in the Diary Room while Lea, Lisa and Pete faffed around ineffectually outside.
20:01 / 01.06.06

Nina, you were right! "I love it when my tourettes is in context" *hug*
Tryphena Absent
20:02 / 01.06.06
There's no indication of the time either- they need to start putting a clock up so we know how long these arguments go on for. There's no sense that he was left to defend himself on his own for 2 hours at all.
20:03 / 01.06.06
Thank God they ended up with a Stadler & Waldorf voice of sanity moment from Pete and Richard. I was beginning to despair of even a pretence of nonbias and even-handedness in the edit.
Jawsus-son Starship
20:04 / 01.06.06
But Pete gets really good. When he said he loved it when his tourettes was topical!
20:04 / 01.06.06
Yeah, the worst thing here is that we don't have any sense of the full impact of Richard's haranguing. It looks like it happened over fifteen minutes.
Tryphena Absent
20:04 / 01.06.06
We should go en masse to the eviction on Friday. How can we swing that?
20:05 / 01.06.06
That's so unfair. Lisa and Pete's 'We didn't get a chance to do anyfing!' rewrite was such a load of bollocks, but I expect taken on face-value by who anyone only watched this version.

Didn't Glyn try to explain that he heard Mikey ('outside on the chairs') use the phrase 'false bitch', but didn't overhear Richard say it?
Mourne Kransky
20:08 / 01.06.06
Good Lord, I'm agreeing with John McCririck, on BBBM. I didn't see that coming.
Tryphena Absent
20:09 / 01.06.06
Russell clearly dislikes Sezer. I love the fact that when he realised that women was going to say she disliked Richard he pulled the mic away sharpish.
20:09 / 01.06.06
Right... so where's that mobile...eight...double four...double four...send.... Job done.
Tryphena Absent
20:11 / 01.06.06
YES Russell, counteract that terrestrial show with your biased opinion! W00t!
20:11 / 01.06.06
The fact that it's been appended with Richard's "I didn't want to be a bully... but I think I might have become one in here" comment will make people think he has bullied Imogen.

The 'karmic retribution' theory is in force on BBBM: Richard bullied Shahbaz so now he's getting his. Bag o' shite. I'm just waiting for someone to say OMG!!! IT'S TEH L*RD *F TH* FL**S!1!
20:14 / 01.06.06
Yeah, Ganesh, I picked that up too. Nasty nasty nasty editors.
20:16 / 01.06.06
It's been a while:

To vote for Sezer, text SEZER to 84444 or call 09011 32 33 13
20:19 / 01.06.06

Early Nathan Barley

Mourne Kransky
20:21 / 01.06.06
Even my sister's telling me Richard is getting payback for his bullying earlier. Just can't connect with that PoV at all. And, you know, I am absolutely free not to do so. That's the joy of BB!
20:22 / 01.06.06
But let's not overlook this gem, "Shall we go pretend to be trains on the train-track?"

Glyn knows how to charm a lady.
20:26 / 01.06.06
Richard's been blessed by Street Pete. He's gonna be alright.
20:27 / 01.06.06
Anyone else notice how Russell uses the words 'ballbag' and 'you swine' in every link before the ads? Now that's classy. It's nice to see McCrirrick back, my all-time favourite HM.
Mourne Kransky
20:29 / 01.06.06
BBBM latest: some bookies not taking bets on Sezer Out any more because it's such a cert. Instead they're taking bets on the size of his majority in the eviction vote.

I notice that the "geek" clothing Nikki is wearing under protest includes what appears to be one of Sezer's cardies, from the BB site photo.
20:55 / 01.06.06
Digital Spy's invaluable and evolving poll thread.
Evil Scientist
21:02 / 01.06.06
Bit of a drop there. Better top up the Sezer vote.


There ya go.
21:03 / 01.06.06
It's the vehemence with which Sezer attacked Richard that worries me (not so much that I think it will turn the tide of voting against Richard) but that his attitude (and, indeed, that of all TeamSmugHet) was so bloody righteous. Dickie was visibly upset, even begining to question his own credibility, perhaps regretting his action despite the being-pushed-into-a-corner-ness of it all.

His concerns that above everything else he didn't want to give in to any bullyish tendencies while in the house, in contrast to Imogen's (previously Grace's) claims of "I'm such a nice person"-just, splutter, agh, god, fuck, poor guy.
Tryphena Absent
21:11 / 01.06.06
But where's the actual poll?
21:19 / 01.06.06
But where's the actual poll?

The DS thread isn't a poll in itself; it's a thread wherein people post updates of the various online polls (Yahoo, AOL, MSN, etc.).
Mourne Kransky
21:36 / 01.06.06
Well, I'm off to bed. Can't be bothered hanging around watching this group-hugging and people being nice to one another. Where's the fun in that?
Lama glama
22:24 / 01.06.06
"Shall we go pretend to be trains on the train-track?"

I had to hide behind the cushion during that. That was the most cringe-inducing moment of the year so far. Still, it was nice of Emma Frost to play along with him.

I look forward to hearing the en masse hissing in Slezer's honour from any Barbeloids that turn up.

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