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Night of the Lateshift


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02:18 / 16.08.05
'Night Tango!
02:20 / 16.08.05
G'night, Mr Mango sir!

I'm having problems focusing now. And the Hell's Angels haven't even turned up yet. Ah well. The zombies are gonna win anyway! They do that, y'know.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:21 / 16.08.05
'night, Tango-Mango.

The California burger is the finest meat substitute I've yet encountered. I fear, and yet am fascinated by, the tofu turkey- which looks like an actual turkey. Has anyone else seen this abomination?
02:26 / 16.08.05
No, but my in-laws eat a turkey meat substitute called Quorn that's shaped like a turkey breast. You can roast it and slice it and everything.

It's made out of fungus.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:27 / 16.08.05
I'm a vegetarian. I do eat the veggie burgers, because they fit nicely in a bun with delicious toppings. However, I just can't see the appeal in eating a meat substitute that actually looks like a dead animal.
02:28 / 16.08.05
Don't you go dissing Quorn. It's ace.
Saint Keggers
02:29 / 16.08.05
Even though it may get me lynched. I love my meat.
02:31 / 16.08.05
All I said was it's made out of fungus... It's actually fairly tasty.

You know, for faux fowl.
02:31 / 16.08.05
Stoatie, have you started converting everything in the movie into Urban Dead terms yet?

I'm off to bed, too much excitement for these triplets!

Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:31 / 16.08.05
Hey, I love meat, too. I drool on myself every time somebody orders a bloody, ultra-rare steak at a restaurant. I love carpaccio. I just don't eat it anymore.
Saint Keggers
02:33 / 16.08.05
Oooh! Ep. 6 of Jesus Christ Super Cop is out!
02:39 / 16.08.05
Oh yes, Triplets, I so have!!!

Nah, my whole take on the whole vegetarianism thing is- yes, meat tastes nice. (Or it did fifteen years ago when I last tasted it... I'm assuming it still does!)
BUT... we can make stuff that tastes like that now WITHOUT killing animals to do it. And even if we couldn't, or even if the substitutes don't taste quite right... I'd rather give up my tasting pleasure in favour of NOT KILLING THINGS. It seems a small sacrifice to make, really.

(My only problem with that, really, is that the meaty thing I miss the most is black pudding. What with it being fried blood, basically, I can't ever see a day when someone makes a veggie substitute for that. I think I'm the only member of its target audience. But fuck it, I can live without it. And nothing has to die for me!!)
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:39 / 16.08.05
What's that? It sounds like something I need to see.
Tryphena Absent
02:39 / 16.08.05
God is it that time already? I'm off to do the washing up. Night all.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:41 / 16.08.05
"It" being Jesus Christ Super Cop.

Sounds like you and I have similar attitudes towards vegetarianism, Stoatie. Cheers.
Saint Keggers
02:44 / 16.08.05
My theory is why should only the animals be allowed to eat animals?

As for the JC:SC..
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:49 / 16.08.05
Well, my theory is that we're privileged enough so that we don't have to eat animals to live. We can eat substitutes. Animals don't have that option.

Thanks for the link, Keggers. I'm about to check it out.
02:52 / 16.08.05
Keggers: without wishing to get into a fight, I'd say that animals don't have any other options. I didn't make my dog eat vegetarian stuff, because as a dog, she couldn't have lived too well on it- you can get veggie dog food, but it's not very good. We can. We have a choice. ((I don't have anything against meat-eaters, though- I should point that out, really. Most of my friends eat meat. It's just that I don't.)
02:53 / 16.08.05
Mr Gnosis- are you actually me from some other dimension?
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:58 / 16.08.05
It's uncanny. Are we Supermans Red and Blue? I get to be blue.
03:01 / 16.08.05
As an ex-Commie, I can't really complain about being red.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
03:04 / 16.08.05
I just look crap in red. Blue is SO my color.
03:07 / 16.08.05
Black's really my colour. (Not just for the anarchism thing... I'm just crap at matching, and black goes with everything. Especially black.) Red always looks good with black, though. Just ask Frank Miller!
03:09 / 16.08.05
The zombies are eating EVERYONE. I remember why I love this film!
03:12 / 16.08.05
And now to bed.

Good night all!
Jake, Colossus of Clout
03:13 / 16.08.05
Fucking hell. I just watched Jesus Christ Super Cop #1. I love you, Keggers.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
03:13 / 16.08.05
'Night, Sekhmet.
03:14 / 16.08.05
G'night, Sekhmet.
03:21 / 16.08.05
Goodnight, everyone.

I can hear them. At the door. I've barricaded the windows as best I can, but I don't know how long it'll hold out.

Barbelith, I l
Jake, Colossus of Clout
03:27 / 16.08.05
Stoatie? Stoatie!? STOOOAAATIEEEE!!!!
Jake, Colossus of Clout
03:54 / 16.08.05

Anybody else shiftin'?

I'm watching bad anime, keeping tabs on my fantasy baseball team and drinking. Heavily.
03:58 / 16.08.05
I like Boca burgers. They're my favorite sort of veggie burger. The rest are all shit.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
04:21 / 16.08.05
Horseshit. The California Burger is supreme
04:29 / 16.08.05
I live in California and I don't know what a California burger is. odd, eh....
Jake, Colossus of Clout
04:56 / 16.08.05
Can't remember the name of the company, but they also make the Texas Burger and the Chicago Burger. The Chicago Burger is quite good, but the Texas Burger is awful. Shocking, I know. I'm confident that the names have nothing to do with anything.

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