I'd actually forgotten that the "scary background noises" in Lost Highway were done by Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson of Throbbing Gristle/Coil. I was basking in that.
On a more 'lith-related note, I've been thinking of starting a thread about 'lithers you'd LIKE to meet, kind of like Anna's one about 'lithers she HAS met.
The shifters, to be honest, come first... keggers, Sally and Strix (where IS Strix? keggers, you know hir in real life, I think is ze okay? it's been a while!)... Meludreen, too... and I'd LOVE to meet toksik. I nearly did, once, for Notting Hill, but I was a bit shit and didn't make it. Oh, and Denfeld, obviously. He's starting to frighten me with his absence, to be honest.
There's a whole bunch after that, but I can't be arsed listing them, really. Oh, Sax. I'd love to meet Sax, too.
Threadworthy, y'reckon? Or just drunken ramblings? |