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Night of the Lateshift


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Saint Keggers
01:37 / 17.08.05
Jake, Colossus of Clout
01:41 / 17.08.05
Wow. Those are really, really good. I've seen (and owned) some really shit tarot cards before. Considering the art quality on a lot of decks, you should be able to get someone to produce those.

Really beautiful work, Keggers. I'd buy you a beer, if I wasn't thousands of miles away.
Saint Keggers
01:42 / 17.08.05
Maine isnt that far from Montreal, I'll be there in a bit.

Saint Keggers
01:45 / 17.08.05
Im pleased with what I have so far. Im going to redo a few of them, (mage & tower for sure).
The pics I took this weekend are looking more serious than those cards. SO really have no clue how Im going to proceed. Maybe limited edition single cards...with foil and holograms!!
Jake, Colossus of Clout
01:50 / 17.08.05
Ack! I thought you were British, for whatever reason. Seems like just about everybody on this board is a Brit, so I guess I just assume.

If you're ever out this way, the offer stands. Us North American Barbeloids gots to stick together.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
01:52 / 17.08.05
The High Priestess is fantastic, and I love the way the Death card is shaping up. You have excellent design sense.
Saint Keggers
01:54 / 17.08.05
Thank you. You dont get thrown out of two college art programs without doing something right!
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:07 / 17.08.05
That's for damn sure. I got thrown out of a Sociology one, myself.
Saint Keggers
02:09 / 17.08.05
Is putting Barbelith on a resumé a good thing?
Tryphena Absent
02:12 / 17.08.05
It depends what kind of job you're going for I guess.
Saint Keggers
02:14 / 17.08.05
I guess something along the line of "Dictator For Life"
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:16 / 17.08.05
In that case, Barbelith is a huge plus. The breeding ground of future dictators.
Saint Keggers
02:26 / 17.08.05
Heheh. We need a Barbelith's Guide For Future Dictators
Tryphena Absent
02:29 / 17.08.05
As long as you're not going for 'incredibly boring job with internet access all day.'

I need to get some of that dictator action going. I have oodles of posts on this board and does anyone quake when I enter a thread? No. That's got to stop. Or start. Or something. Little did you know that the singing people were just the start of a plan that's going to make people's heads break... if only I could find a video of people singing to (wait for it, wait for it, my ongoing legacy to barbelith) Roxette.
Saint Keggers
02:31 / 17.08.05
Um... I dont quake when anyone enters a thread.
Tryphena Absent
02:33 / 17.08.05
Really? Not even Godzilla? Or that big dinosaur from Jurassic Park? Or Mr Funny? Or Rachel from the TV hit show Friends?
02:34 / 17.08.05
I'm going to bed, but I wanted to tell Keggers those are incredibly gorgeous and I would pay a ridicululous sum for a set of them!

Good night, my lovelies!
Saint Keggers
02:34 / 17.08.05
Nope. Not even them. In fact I laugh at them and pat them on their heads like Benny Hill used to do to that old guy.
02:38 / 17.08.05

Saint Keggers
02:38 / 17.08.05
Jake, Colossus of Clout
02:38 / 17.08.05
Night, Sekhmet.

I'm not much for the trembling, either.

I don't know if you've seen this yet, Nina, but it's technically singing people. Enjoy.
Tryphena Absent
02:45 / 17.08.05
I will deeesssttrrroooyyyyy yoooouuuuu. (If you could imagine that in a kind of high-pitched dalek tone it would be much appreciated. Thanks ever so!)
Jake, Colossus of Clout
03:15 / 17.08.05
No problem. I'll keep my eye out for more silly singing. has a ton of silly video, and not just singing. Specifically, there's a few of George Dubya and the Governator making totall asses of themselves that I keep going back to.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
03:45 / 17.08.05
Well, I'm off to bed curl up with an anime DVD. G'night all.
Saint Keggers
22:05 / 17.08.05

Im listening to Bowie, my stomach is filled with spaghetti and wine and the scent of cut grass is wafting in through the window. Does it get any better than this? Maybe. But all is good for right now.

How's you?
22:08 / 17.08.05
Not too bad. Just been watching Lost, which was good. Though my stomach could be fuller. There may be a sandwich on the horizon.

Might I say, those Tarot cards are stonking.
Saint Keggers
22:09 / 17.08.05
You might, but then I'd have to google 'stonking'.
22:14 / 17.08.05
They're the cat's meow, the duck's quack, the bee's knees, the clam's garters, the elephant's wrist, the eel's ankles, the gnat's elbow, the sardine's whiskers, the bullfrog's beard, the cuckoo's chin, the leopard's stripes, the pig's wings, the snake's hips, and the tiger's spots. All at once.
22:16 / 17.08.05
How's about "they're really cool"? (Which they are, obviously!)

Evening, Keggers and Meludreen...

Just been out with some people I've not seen in a long time... and it turns out they know Goodness Gracious Meme! Funny how this shit happens (which for some reason has now translated in my head into Bowie on Outside going "funny how secrets travel"...)
22:19 / 17.08.05
Meludreen- you missed "the badger's gun". Sounds weird, at first, but think how cool a badger with a gun would be, and Keggers... they're THAT cool.

Keggers- exactly WHY aren't you famous again? I don't get that part at all.
Saint Keggers
22:20 / 17.08.05
Hey Stoats, heheh on the Funny how shits happen by Bowie. I was listening to thats song as I read it so it made it all the more funny
22:22 / 17.08.05
And funnily enough, there's a badger pointing a gun at me right now...
22:24 / 17.08.05
I think I should put that album on as I browse the 'lith. It seems fated, really.
Saint Keggers
22:24 / 17.08.05
Dammit! I sent him to kill Veludreen! Damn things and their small ears!!
22:28 / 17.08.05
...except I can't find the fucker, and I'm too drunk to go looking through stuff (that generally means big piles of stuff falling over, which would be BAD...)

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