I've never lived in a place with really harsh winters. I saw snow nearby once. I was sleeping at a friend's house (about 10 minutes away) and I woke up in the morning and it was snowing. I drove for a while in it. The road that I was on was closed, due to the snow, but they didn't have it blocked off once you were already on it, due to waking up at the house of a friend who lives up that way. There wasn't really enough snow to merit closing a road anyway. It was like being in an alternate california that is covered in snow. totally strange. I mean, I know there are parts of this state where it snows, and it wouldn't seem strange to me to see snow there, but to see snow here is strange and wonderful. Winters do suck here. Lots of rain (by my standards, although having never lived in another place, I can't really say relative to where we have a lot of rain.) and it gets cold at night. I never look out my windows, although I'm a fool for it, because if I did I would see trees and stuff like that. I live next to a river. A few years ago I lived somewhere where I could look out my bedroom window and see the ocean. That was pretty cool. |