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London Terrorist Attacks July 2005


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12:02 / 07.07.05
Good God, I agreed with all that. The correct way to respond to terror is not to be scared, otherwise it's worked. I think we learned that well during the IRA campaign.
12:06 / 07.07.05
This is awful. Please be safe and take care.
12:07 / 07.07.05
ITN saying confirmed dead now at 12.
12:09 / 07.07.05
Met have confirmed rumour about a suicide bomber being shot is false.
12:10 / 07.07.05
God, this is the first time I've seen Bush's speech. I know it's hardly an original sentiment, but he really is an insufferable arse, isn't he?
doozy floop
12:12 / 07.07.05
Just ventured outside to get some grub and everything seems very normal around here (Great Portland Street/Charlotte Street area). Nice to see the usual deliberations over which sandwich to buy taking place in the shops. This bit of London does seem to be very stoical about the whole thing. Stiff upper lip and all that. Now let's get the kettle on...
odd jest on horn
12:13 / 07.07.05
I'm trying to find a transcript of Bush's speech, but can't. Is there any such thing on the internets yet?
12:14 / 07.07.05
so, does anyone fancy a drink this evening? Somehow I remain convinced that the pub is the safest place in the world at the moment...
Mike Modular
12:15 / 07.07.05
That's very Shaun Of The Dead...
12:16 / 07.07.05
Might be a bit tricky all getting to one, though...

You know, every time I take time off work something bad happens. And finding out someone's blown up bits of your home city WHILE YOU'RE HAVING A ROOT CANAL definitely falls into that category.
Disco is My Class War
12:16 / 07.07.05
Be well, London Barbelites, and be safe. Thinking of you.
12:17 / 07.07.05
No, you're not all going to one pub. I won't allow it. If you must go drinking, you must go to separate pubs, like the royal family and separate planes. You can all chat by text.
12:19 / 07.07.05
Just throwing out my two consolatory sense. I'm keeping London (and London 'Lithers) in my thoughts today. I hope everyone is safe.
12:20 / 07.07.05
I refuse to read That Man's inane speech.

Just wanted to say to doctorbeck (see hir above post!) WELL DONE, GOOD LUCK, YOU HERO. I can't imagine what it's like working in a hospital in this sort of situation.
12:20 / 07.07.05
God, this is the first time I've seen Bush's speech. I know it's hardly an original sentiment, but he really is an insufferable arse, isn't he?

Heap of fucking shite, wasn't it? We folks at the G8 summit are teh Good-doers, curing AIDS, poverty and crap climate, in contrast with teh Evil-doers blowing innocent folks up in a way we in no way did. War on terrrrrrr continues.

paranoidwriter waves hello
12:21 / 07.07.05
It's always odd to think that somewhere someone is rubbing their hands and is really pleased with themselves. This is going to make it all so much harder. I.D. cards, CCTV, armed police,..... Shit it!
12:22 / 07.07.05
Bus was a Number 30 Hackney - Marble Arch they've just said.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
12:23 / 07.07.05
So this is a bit big, but it's a sentiment that I think we all share, so I'm posting it because it gives me a warm feeling instead of a nameless dread...

Thanks, Alan.
electric monk
12:24 / 07.07.05
Caught wind of this on the Today show this AM, and instantly hoped you all were okay. Thanks for checking in, and for the reportage.

Be well, London.

Be well, Barbelith.

My thoughts are with you.
12:25 / 07.07.05
Geez. Sorry to hear this thoughts & prayers are with you over there.
12:26 / 07.07.05
Various agencies are now reporting at least 40 dead:

23 at Kings Cross
9 at Edgware Road
7 at Aldgate
2 at Russell square

Whisky Priestess
12:27 / 07.07.05
Yoda: I was wondering why a bomb would go off in Edgeware Road so far from the others.

I think you'll find that all the stations thus far affected, with the exception of Russell Square, whose bomb was actually on a Piccadilly Line train leaving King's Cross, are on the Hammersmith & City (and Metropolitan and Circle Line) route between Edgware Road and Aldgate East.

One reason this may have been targeted is that part of it is the oldest (and therefore shittest and smallest and nearest the surface and least able to cope) section of the Underground, nearly 150 years old. The stations on this section are, West to East:

(Original/oldest stations in italics, affected stations in bold)

Edgware Road
Baker Street
Great Portland Street (Portland Road as was)
Euston Square (Gower Street as was)
King's Cross
Liverpool Street
Aldgate East

I think someone researched the history of the tube and really knew what they were up to. Plus King's Cross and Liverpool Street are two of the busiest interchanges in Central London, with six tube lines going through KX and four through Liverpool Street ... which is at the heart of the City.
A fall of geckos
12:28 / 07.07.05
We're all leaving work now, so it's the long trudge to Manor House.

Just considering how much this board grounded me this morning. Good to see post after post of people being concerned, but generally positive.

Huggles to all, good luck and all that.
12:29 / 07.07.05
Whisky- I hereby unmask you as the Iain Sinclair of terrorism.

Phone networks seem to have re-fucked themselves. Bum.
paranoidwriter waves hello
12:29 / 07.07.05
... which is at the heart of the City.

Hmm... good point. Remember all the stuff about the markets and dodgy trading just before and after 9/11? I wonder....
Not Here Still
12:30 / 07.07.05
Constantly monitoring news, not much to add which is relevant (Pope, Archbishop, Putin all making statements - who cares though?), hope all are OK.
12:30 / 07.07.05
"Home Secretary Charles Clarke said blasts occurred between Aldgate East and Liverpool Street tube stations; between Russell Square and King's Cross tube stations; at Edgware Road tube station; and on a bus at Tavistock Square. "

Not Here Still
12:33 / 07.07.05
BBC has text of statement claiming responsibility:

BBC: The organisation calls itself the Secret Organisation Group of al-Qaeda [literally the base] of Jihad Organisation in Europe.

The group not previously been heard of.

The website has previously carried statements purporting to be from al-Qaeda. It is not possible to verify such claims published on the web.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:35 / 07.07.05
Incidentally, if there are any 'Lithers who are currently in London but live further out (than, say, Kentish Town) and don't know how they'll get home tonight - we have a decent-sized living room. Not entirely sure how I'm getting even that far, though...
Yay Paul
12:35 / 07.07.05
Gecko> if you've not left yet and see this, come to mine.

Whisky> Aye that would make a lot more sense, i actually didn't think about which line it could be or take in to account the age of that part of the network, silly me.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:38 / 07.07.05
Um, did someone just say they were leaving work? BBC is still saying the advice is "stay where you are"...
12:41 / 07.07.05
A lot of the people we work with in London are saying they're leaving now. Whether that's on official advice or because they've just had enough, I don't know.
That's very decent of you, offering people space to stay, Flyboy. I love Barbelith.
Whisky Priestess
12:43 / 07.07.05
Back home in King's Cross I have an uncomfortable sofa and an unfriendly cat, and the place is a tip, but we are very central so if it's that or the streets, feel free to PM me and we'll sort out a duvet and pillow.
Gypsy Lantern
12:43 / 07.07.05
I'm on a press day and therefore have to sit here and think up witty captions for last night's glittering business awards dinner... Which is exactly what I feel like doing this afternoon... It's fucking surreal...
doozy floop
12:43 / 07.07.05
We received an official looking circular, I think from Westminster police, saying that walking was now ok as long as people stay away from the affected stations.

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