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London Terrorist Attacks July 2005


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lord henry strikes back
11:37 / 07.07.05
They seem to be steering well clear on the BBC of drawing a link with the Olympic bid, but they have just pointedly gone to Usedtoberedbutnowjustabitofadick Ken in Singapore giving a statement.

I very much doubt that this has anything to do with the Olympics. This was a planned attack. I don't know how long these things take to organise, but the bid winner was only announced yesterday and that doesn't seem long enough. I'm pretty sure that this was timed for the G8 and the Olympics was pure coinsidence.
11:38 / 07.07.05
here at the Royal London Hospital we are on emergency procedures, most routine appointments have been cancelled and make shift emergency rooms have been set up, i here 95 people admitted so far, 7 critical, all i think from the Aldgate East blast. no kids thankfully and it looks like our emergency plan is going brilliantly well. helcopters, ambulances, police, reporters everywhere but plenty of blitz spirit by the looks of it

a weird time, it's happening all around us but we are none the wiser than the rest of the world
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:38 / 07.07.05
Ermm... anyone heard from Stoatie?

As for who did it? If it's an Islamic group, it seems weird to target Edgware Road. There's a big Muslim community around there, isn't there?

Shit. I had a fucking weird feeling last night that something BAD was going to happen.
This is just what they want.
11:39 / 07.07.05
I'm here. I just have a new name, is all!
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
11:39 / 07.07.05
i hope i'm not seen as being alarmist but i think that the casualties will be huge...

I think huge might be over-egging it a bit, but certainly more than 2. I wouldn't be at all surprised if low triple-digits was the end result.

Still, too damn many.
11:39 / 07.07.05
Ermm... anyone heard from Stoatie?

Erm, hasn't he posted already in this thread?
11:39 / 07.07.05
Stoatie's been posting all day, don't worry.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
11:39 / 07.07.05
Watching the BBC Londoner seem to be handling it very well. An American tourist near the bus explosion said that people on the street were looking out for each other.
Spatula Clarke
11:39 / 07.07.05
Stoatie posted to this thread earlier.

Glad everybody seems to be okay.
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:41 / 07.07.05
This is no time for sarcasm.

He'd changed his name, and as I've just woken up to this UnHoly mess and am being swamped by media (Emails, texts, Barbelith, TV news, etc), I didn't spot his name.
11:42 / 07.07.05
Just wondering, with the "power surge" thing- it seems kind of unlikely to even be impossible. Do you think LT of TfL or whoever actually believed this themselves, or was it just a panic-calming measure until it was confirmed to be a bomb? Cos, you know, that would be quite a sensible strategy.
waxy dan
11:42 / 07.07.05
Gumbitch I'd second that. It's a bloody huge comfort to be able to log on here. Thanks
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:42 / 07.07.05
Glad you're all well.

One love.
Jack Denfeld
11:42 / 07.07.05
MSNBC reports that the Israeli warning was issued immediately after the 1st attack.
11:42 / 07.07.05
This is no time for sarcasm.

It's not sarcasm: he has been posting to this thread.
Peach Pie
11:45 / 07.07.05
i think the mobile network's clear again.

very worrying.
11:46 / 07.07.05
I want to echo Gumbitch's sentiment.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:47 / 07.07.05
Me too.
11:47 / 07.07.05
Yeah, I'm getting texts and voicemail - including solicitor saying, "mortgage transferred; you can pick up keys now".
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
11:48 / 07.07.05
*raises hand in agreement*
11:48 / 07.07.05
PW- Yeah, I don't think anyone was being snarky. Anyhow, I appreciate the concern!

Much as a lot of people (myself included) seem to be panicky, there seems to be very little in the way of actual "panic in the streets" type panic. (Can I just say I love this fucking city?) The tabs'll probably be rolling out the old "spirit of the Blitz" shit, but I think it's cos we remember the IRA.
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:48 / 07.07.05
Wondering how well the CCTV systems have worked?
11:49 / 07.07.05
Me too. And congratulations, Ganesh - one bit of good news, anyway.
A fall of geckos
11:49 / 07.07.05
"Just wondering, with the "power surge" thing- it seems kind of unlikely to even be impossible"

I can't find it now, but I definitely read that it's possible that most of the tube problems this morning (the breakdowns etc rather then the fires) are likely to have been due to a powersurge caused by an explosion at a tube electrical waystation.

I'm taking this somewhat sceptically due to the wide variety of speculation that seems to be flying around.
11:50 / 07.07.05
Yeah, mobile seems to be back- and I'm with 3, so it's a fucking miracle. Also handy, cos I can't be far off my posting limit AGAIN...
Jack Vincennes
11:51 / 07.07.05
[sorry to get all soppy but can i just say that this is one of those strange occasions when i'm really, really, really glad that barbelith's here. stay safe all.]

Yes, thirded. (or fourthed by now) I've been shaken up all day, no-one else at work lives in London and it's been good to be able to talk about this here... glad everyone seems to be okay.
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:51 / 07.07.05
Sorry Ganesh. You know I love you, right?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
11:53 / 07.07.05
And in America, the racists are starting to wake up...

As Israel has learnt, and London is being taught
Im ein aravim, ein piguim
If there are no Arabs there are no attacks
How many more need be sacrificed ?

Oh fuck right off...
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
11:53 / 07.07.05
Right, I'm off to relax by kneading dough and baking fresh bread.

Might be back quite soon, but I wanted to make a point of saying thanks for the conversational support in a time of tension and sadness.
11:55 / 07.07.05
Sorry Ganesh. You know I love you, right?

This is no time for sarcasm...
lord henry strikes back
11:55 / 07.07.05
Well said Stoat. Londoners really do seem to be pulling through this well. Now I just need to get doozy home and I can begin to relax.
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:57 / 07.07.05
But humour helps. Nice one mate. ; )

This reminds me of the Birmingham Pub Bombings.
11:58 / 07.07.05
Woman on BBC London: "... and the good news is, the Congestion Charge has been suspended today."
Baz Auckland
11:58 / 07.07.05
I can't find the link now, but I read an article a few hours ago, with Scotland Yard saying the 'Israel was warned' story is a load of crap...
11:59 / 07.07.05
They're re-opening Brighton station soon after the controlled detonation of the suspect package, seems like a false alarm.

'Power Surges'!? Read as 'Prepared cover story for terror attacks'. No power surge I've seen blows the top off a london bus.

Just to say it now so I can say I said it early, this would not have been prevented or alleviated by ID cards, a colour coded system of how terrified to be, or more stringent laws to restrict our freedom (how do you stop and search all the people who use the underground?). What may have stopped it is a less isolationist US foreign policy, an unwillingness of the UK to engage in an illegal war and perhaps a more proactive attitude to world poverty etc. from the G8.
Prevention is better than cure.

Anyway, I love you barbefolks and I'm impressed how sensible, swift and accurate the information Barb provides is.

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