Not particularly wanting to be led, Morpheus, no, however impressive your card-sharp (and presumably Vampire: The Masquerade) skillz. Just trying to get some clue to what's driving you here. You unveil your revelations with a flourish and much (somewhat confused) pomposity, with the now-familiar 'WAKE UP SHEEPLE I AM TEH ORICLE!!!!!' posturing, but the stuff you're actually telling us is hardly news to anyone able to follow the Guardian editorials or Google 'Project for the New American Century'. Perhaps this stuff passes for earth-shattering in the context of US news but, over here, it's discussed daily on the Today show. I don't think people are blithely ignorant of the neocon agenda, environmental time-bombs, etc., etc.; on the contrary, we're rather well-informed.
So... given this disparity between the content (worthy but nothing new) and the style of your delivery (oracular, peevish when corrected), I'm wondering whether you're motivated by a desire to have people react in a particular way - take some sort of specific political action, say - or whether you're simply mouthing off as a rather tedious means of self-aggrandisement we have come to know and love here on Barbelith.
Or whether you do indeed follow the shattered path of Malkav... |