I could care less, they don't bother me and when I started here...how many years ago, I realized then how easy it was to get these sanctimonius gas-bags who seem to spend most of their time explaining to others here how wrong you may be in the most condescending way they can muster up, to flip out. I laugh so fucking much sometimes, and think man, they won't stop this shit will they. And wow they don't. Anxiety disorders run rampant, and if you have a problem with me, maybe you should look at yourself first. Your "cruel" posts make me think that you are all to dizzy to catch your heads and are suffering the symptoms of mental diarrhea.
Just because I've said that I think the world in my opinion is total shit, doesn't make me think I'm better or for that matter, better off. But some people here are so inflated they can't wipe their own ass most of the time, and rather get off on being the self-rightous twits that they are. It's funny and boreing all in the same moment.
The pride of those who "meanly admire a mean thing", is something to watch.
Global warming + corporate interest & Imperialist desire{fear$greed$}+ military nuclear ambition = Fox media's latest Shit Storm! |