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Baz Auckland
23:31 / 24.05.05
No creo en Venus ni Marte
No creo en Carlos Marx
No creo en Jean Paul Sartre
No creo en Brian Weiss

Solo creo en tu sonrisa azul
En tu mirada de cristal
En los besos que me das
Y hablen lo que hablen
05:05 / 27.05.05
You know, with the amount of meta-urine pissed on Xyu, Quimper666, Morpheus, and myself over the last year or so, we could start one of those businesses that sells pee to athletes to help them cheat their steroid tests.
05:57 / 27.05.05
Well I think you and me have been walking around in sometype of pre-flick-the-switch-purgatory, quimper666 seems to be half-rant, half-fucking troll, and Morpheus, I don't know.

I don't like judging anyway.

We'll all get there in the end, fuck it.
Not in the Face
09:27 / 27.05.05
Given the possible range of substances that could be found in a heady mix of Barbelith urine, surely a better target audience would be workers and school children looking for medical evidence for pulling a sickie?

"Barbwazz - would you go to work if yours was this colour?"
09:45 / 27.05.05
You know, with the amount of meta-urine pissed on Xyu, Quimper666, Morpheus, and myself over the last year or so, we could start one of those businesses that sells pee to athletes to help them cheat their steroid tests.

And given the amount of bollocks you've collectively talked, we'd have a profitable sideline in extracting and selling testosterone shots.
03:43 / 29.05.05
I could care less, they don't bother me and when I started many years ago, I realized then how easy it was to get these sanctimonius gas-bags who seem to spend most of their time explaining to others here how wrong you may be in the most condescending way they can muster up, to flip out. I laugh so fucking much sometimes, and think man, they won't stop this shit will they. And wow they don't. Anxiety disorders run rampant, and if you have a problem with me, maybe you should look at yourself first. Your "cruel" posts make me think that you are all to dizzy to catch your heads and are suffering the symptoms of mental diarrhea.
Just because I've said that I think the world in my opinion is total shit, doesn't make me think I'm better or for that matter, better off. But some people here are so inflated they can't wipe their own ass most of the time, and rather get off on being the self-rightous twits that they are. It's funny and boreing all in the same moment.
The pride of those who "meanly admire a mean thing", is something to watch.

Global warming + corporate interest & Imperialist desire{fear$greed$}+ military nuclear ambition = Fox media's latest Shit Storm!
05:00 / 29.05.05
The pride of those who "meanly admire a mean thing", is something to watch.

You wanker, you just cracked me up with that.
08:44 / 29.05.05
I laugh so fucking much sometimes, and think man, they won't stop this shit will they. And wow they don't

Your gin-rummy-and-discussion shit? No, no mean-minded old meanie meanster can stop that...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:54 / 29.05.05
Hey, if you're making up the numbers with fictional 'storms' then I'm just taking my toys and going home right now...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:56 / 29.05.05
Good lord. You have absolutely no conception of how bloody pompous you sound, do you?
12:18 / 29.05.05
Your "cruel" posts make me think that you are all to dizzy to catch your heads and are suffering the symptoms of mental diarrhea.

Regrettable Juvenilia
13:01 / 29.05.05

18:02 / 29.05.05
Fox news is the the little bitch voice of the Bush agenda

How's about

"Morpheus is the little bitch voice of Fox and has now even started linking to their fucking ADVERTS on Barbelith"?
19:14 / 11.06.05
The first storm hits ground today. 45 inchs of rain in Florida for april and they will hit the normal year total this weekend and the really bad ones haven't even started.
Anymore assholes out there with some shit storm that they can add...feel free to open your gapping holes like you do so well. Come a trolling you fucking rats.
19:19 / 11.06.05
I've missed this thread.
19:21 / 11.06.05

Mr Kettley, sir, they told me you were dead!!!
19:24 / 11.06.05
He was just gapping.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:26 / 11.06.05
Does anyone have a good recipe for banana cake?
19:59 / 11.06.05
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05

Banana Cake
Yield: 10 Servings

1/4 c Sour cream
1 ts Baking soda
1/4 c Butter; softened
1 1/2 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 lg Banana; mashed
1 ts Vanilla
1 1/2 c Flour

2 tb Butter; softened
1 c Powdered sugar
1 tb Milk
1 tb Lemon juice

1. Preheat oven to 350°. Grease & flour a loaf pan.

2. Combine sour cream & baking soda in a bowl; set aside for 5 minutes.

3. Beat butter, sugar and eggs together; stir into sour cream. Mix banana in well. Add vanilla and flour; mix well.

4. Bake in prepared pan 1 hour or until cake tests clean. Cool in pan 10 minutes; transfer to wire rack to finish cooling.

5. Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Beat in milk and lemon juice until spreadable. Frost top and sides of cake.
Mourne Kransky
22:04 / 11.06.05
When you're a bear
Learn to swim and everything
You'll get your share
When you're a bea-ea-ear

Bears keep swimming
Bears always work it out
23:17 / 11.06.05
That 'nanner cake is rad.
00:34 / 12.06.05
Will this suffice, childe?

Less searchable M0rd4nt
02:39 / 12.06.05
I hate you. I hate you a very lot. And I bet that cake's not even banana.
Tryphena Absent
05:01 / 12.06.05
I think it has a lot of food colouring in it. And poor old vampycake didn't get the brace it deserved, look at those gaps. Let's hope he's an ancient vampire and not a new one, I hear ancient vampires get less stick about their teeth.
06:15 / 12.06.05

Hi, my name is fuckbaked, and I'm a google-aholic.
09:04 / 12.06.05
The first storm hits ground today. 45 inchs of rain in Florida for april and they will hit the normal year total this weekend and the really bad ones haven't even started.
Anymore assholes out there with some shit storm that they can add...feel free to open your gapping holes like you do so well. Come a trolling you fucking rats.

Oooh, feed me! FEED ME!

Fucking brainwank. The longer this thread stays around, the dafter you look. Don't you get it yet?
11:54 / 12.06.05
Now now, Xyu. That would be hurting his feelings, that.
15:57 / 12.06.05

I don't know what to say. Sometimes I love Barbelith so much it makes me want to cry.

I will add, however, in case Morpheus/Quimper or other localized avatars of the Greenland Posse are still cruising about, that you have been lied to about the tinfoil...despite what your contact may have said, more recent evidence suggests it does not block out incoming beams so much as couple with your skull to create an orgone accumulator focused on your pineal gland. This will not stop the dreams, and will in fact only serve to further enthrall you to the plutonian vampire consciousnesses that live at the bottom of the San Andreas trench. Word to the wise.
22:00 / 12.06.05
I had another dream about polar bears ass fucking Jolly old England and her queen until ice cubes starting popping out of the anus's of all of you, until all of that fuck faced land were covered in ice and all of you pin pricked bastards stood their with a warm pint of piss toasting each other over the wonderous cakes you've made for your mum's.
Keep milking your tiny toys and Shrivel up.
22:24 / 12.06.05
Dirk "Morpheus" Diggler.

22:27 / 12.06.05
You'll troll like fuck but you won't return my pm's will you?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:37 / 12.06.05
Did that guy just call me a homosexual?
23:04 / 12.06.05
Pay no mind, MC. These sorts of Tourette's-like glossolalic outbursts are merely the last sputtering signals of a dying cerebrum as the trench-minds devour it from within. If only we knew more, maybe, just maybe we could have decoded what symbols are buried there: the repeated references to the excretory functions; the Anglophilia; the pervasive cold; the cake. Alas, we know so little.

Poor, poor creature. Could we have saved you if only we had gotten the foil off sooner? Now, nothing more than the shrivelled husk of troll remains. Tragedy, thy name is Morpheus...
Spatula Clarke
23:04 / 12.06.05
Morpheus, if you're going to swear at least learn to do it properly.
23:06 / 12.06.05
How do you ass fuck England, anyway? Is that like Run the World?

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