Perhaps you should focus on things about Barbelith you like instead of fixating on all those annoying things you don't?
I agree that I'm a bit of a moaner*, but I find it difficult to help myself and I don't really see what harm it does, in fact, very often I think it's good to have a whinge, and I reject the accusation that I am censorious. It should also be noted that I do try - especially when other's feelings need to be taken into account - to be aware of my own subjectivity. My reserve comment wasn't so much intended to let me off the hook, rather to point out that I was writing from my own very special place. It was about me and my s(qu)ick buttons, not those that pressed them - most of whom are posters that I have a lot of time for.
For me this thread, when not being used to highlight something a tad more objectively problematic (PW's meltdown springs to mind**), has a kind of cathartic function that needn't be aggressive or confrontational, although I'll admit that that's not always how it's been used (I'm guilty here).
Stevely, for the record my thinking matches yours pretty closely around my use of the term "english reserve", and, Lula, I'd dislike that thread whether I was mentioned or not. Oh, and, er, I don't know what your internal image of me looks like but I wouldn't describe myself as shy.
*I like to think that I am very enthusiastic about those things that I like, and I'm of the opinion that I can also be very warm and friendly and generous from time to time, so GO ME!
**It seemed to me at the time that this thread was the best place to communicate to PW that he wasn't just being contentious or having a reasonable debate, but that he was actually annoying the bejesus out of board members other than Haus. Something I think he needed to hear |