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13:19 / 25.09.06
Invitation only.
pointless & uncalled for
13:24 / 25.09.06
Attention seeking by invitation only, you might just be a genius.
13:33 / 25.09.06
Policy. On separate board. Content inaccessible to non-members of board. Membership of board extended to people with a track record of worthwhile contribution both to Barbelith and too the Policy. Monthly audits. Winner!
13:40 / 25.09.06
How about moving the Policy to it's own MySpace page? Then it can have friends and cyber. Then anyone wanting to can post there, it will have no effect on the board except siphoning of those who just want metadiscussion, we could make do with a Policy thread in the Armory which already excludes non-members. Winner!
13:42 / 25.09.06
Quantum, you are my God. and Jesus.
pointless & uncalled for
13:50 / 25.09.06
Sorry, I was being a little wilful there. I did get the original meaning.

Hard to say though.

On one hand there is the issue of transparency, essentially moot given the presence of PMs but I think that it's widely understood that discussions for the most part are continually frank and open.

On the other hand, there is the issue of productivity, which is currently open to a form of abuse. Although if the Policy were closed to any portion of the board then that portion is forced to use alternative fora as their mechanism for addressing policy issues and raising matters of concern. There is a lack of policy based mechanism being made available and that is the equivalent of poor line management.

etc etc etc.

Closed posting access, full visibility. Running policy thread in Convo for extra contributions.
13:57 / 25.09.06
I klnow we're getting a little of the "anoy" thing here, and I know THAT's one of my main Barbannoys (so that's me briefly on-topic! yay!) but while we're here, I worry that a lot of things suggested- the flagging of threads in Temple, what to do with the Policy, etc- while good ideas, tend to rely on people either having read the Policy or the Wiki. Now, I read the Policy an awful lot, but I rarely check the Wiki. I've been here a few years, so I don't tend to go back and read the instruction manual just off my own back an awful lot. If, like many people, I didn't read the Policy, and a new (small "p") policy measure was introduced, I wouldn't know about it. And neither would a lot of people. And it would get very tedious very quickly for those who DID having to explain it EVERY FUCKING TIME someone posted.
Bed Head
14:14 / 25.09.06
Of course, I don’t know how this stuff works, really, but the Recent Changes page on the wiki seems to have a teeny little RSS logo, so I think you can maybe ‘subscribe’ to that, and then you'll be told whenever anything gets added to the FAQ. I think.
14:16 / 25.09.06
Which is all well and good, but the problem I'm talking about also applies to that...
16:34 / 25.09.06
I want to contribute and feel like I'm engaged but today I keep smashing into the glass desktop of high weirdness burnout/ straight up dehydration (not even the fun derived kind).

I'm reading intelligent posts I'd like to respond to yet I'm slipping off the meaning's surface and keep returning dull eyed to not caring. I'm annoyed because I want to post my language sets in the BDSM thread and yet my current vocabulary seems to consist of the words "fuck" and "you" and possibly "bite" followed by "me".

Every time I read Policy today I want to spoon catapult marshmellow fluff at people not because I resent their opinions but rather I'm just not up to standard and it pisses me off. If it had a myspace page I'd post nasty images to its public blogs comment section.

Going to go stare at dirt now.
17:06 / 25.09.06
David Tennant is so fit.
17:35 / 25.09.06
18:41 / 25.09.06
David Tennant is so fight.
19:41 / 25.09.06
I'm annoyed with myself that I have started reading the Policy primarily as a pleasantly infuriating time-waster when I don't feel like working, and I'm annoyed with the Policy (in a vaguely collective way) for making it so easy. I'm finding myself tracking arguments from thread to thread for far too long (yay Firefox tabbed browsing), and checking threads like, well, this one whenever they bump to the top, just to see who's put their foot in it this time, because it's just so irritating to read that it makes the workday fly by.

This is very sad (of me). It's the same reason I used to watch junk TV while complaining about it, and, ultimately, the reason I stopped watching TV altogether. I gotta stay out of the Policy for a bit (actually, I've been on the rest of the 'lith less and less, lately, too).

This post doesn't really add much to what's been said about the Policy before, but I guess if I'm going to moan about it, this is the place (barring Livejournal).
Liger Null
21:25 / 25.09.06
Dear posters,

If you have a problem with certain other posters for such harmless "crimes" as flirting, expressing celebrity crushes, offensive things they posted (and later apologized for) months and months ago, etc., please consider one of the following options:

a) Take it to PM.
b) Put the "offending" poster on ignore.
c) Just drop it already.
d) Go outside and get a life.

All this petty snarkiness is boring, negative, and needlessly cruel. It makes people afraid to post. Please stop.

Thank you,

miss wonderstarr
21:29 / 25.09.06
I guess this isn't a thread for dialogue, Liger, so perhaps I shouldn't really reply to your post: but surely it's precisely the thread for venting annoyance about petty "crimes"? I suppose that could be seen as sniping, but that's a problem inherent with the entire thread ~ it is designed as a place for people to let off steam about small things others are doing on Barbelith.
21:50 / 25.09.06
So who snipes the snipesters? Why only the super snipesters policed by the meta snipesters who are roundly sniped by all. Still it's all in good fun hey? And if we all learn something, even if it's just there may be folk out there who we roundly disagree with but cannot be swayed by informed logic, knowledge and general persuasion maybe it's their loss and the Brab goes on.

Hnag on what's pissing me off... well not much really, sorry.
21:51 / 25.09.06
did I say Brab? shit now that really pisses me off
Liger Null
21:53 / 25.09.06
but surely it's precisely the thread for venting annoyance about petty "crimes"? I suppose that could be seen as sniping, but that's a problem inherent with the entire thread ~ it is designed as a place for people to let off steam about small things others are doing on Barbelith.

You're absolutely right, MW. Unfortunately I've seen the same attitude spilling over into other threads.

I also have a problem with *this* thread as people tend to name names. If one were to say something along the lines of "I am really annoyed when posters repetitively talk about how they have a crush on a certain celebrity when it's irrelevent to the subject at hand" that would be one thing. One's ire would be expressed, and the behaviour mentioned could possibly lessen or even cease.

But when a specific poster's name is mentioned, and when other posters chime in with "yeah, ze's so desperate for attention!" or whatever, than the whole thing takes on a different tone.

Let us remember that these folks are real people with real feelings, and save our vitriol for truly unsavory characters such as Shadowsax* and the like.

*Yes, I mentioned his name, but I needed a specific "unsavory character" as an example.
miss wonderstarr
22:08 / 25.09.06
I also have a problem with *this* thread as people tend to name names. If one were to say something along the lines of "I an really annoyed when posters always talk about how they have a crush on a certain celebrity when it's irrelevent to the subject at hand" that would be one thing. One's ire would be expressed, and the behaviour mentioned may possibly lessen or even cease.

That's true, but personally I feel this way:

~I'd rather express an irritation with someone relatively politely on this thread than just fester about it and probably have it emerge as snark when replying to hir on other threads

~making it clear what behaviour I was referring to would probably make it pretty clear what poster I was referring to. It seems more snide to hint indirectly when you're expressing frustration with another person's behaviour. I think you're suggesting that the person (in your example) would read my post, recognise hirself in it, and maybe alter hir behaviour... in that case, surely other people would also know exactly who I meant.

I agree, when a lot of people chime in with their agreement, it could seem uncomfortable. On the other hand, I must admit I welcomed the feeling that I wasn't alone in my irritation. It's tough: I have in the past been the subject of a few posts where people agreed I was pressing their "scratchy button" or however it was termed, and though I didn't find it pleasant, I did have a chance to address it, and I prefer it that I was named, rather than having to wonder "are they talking about me?"
Liger Null
23:33 / 25.09.06
~making it clear what behaviour I was referring to would probably make it pretty clear what poster I was referring to. It seems more snide to hint indirectly when you're expressing frustration with another person's behaviour. I think you're suggesting that the person (in your example) would read my post, recognise hirself in it, and maybe alter hir behaviour... in that case, surely other people would also know exactly who I meant.

Perhaps, but it would also send the message that such behaviour is annoying from *everybody*, not just Poster X. That way Poster X isn't singled out, and *everyone* gets the message.
8===>Q: alyn
23:43 / 25.09.06
I wonder if Kali isn't being made the target of protestation because she is less likely to raise a stink than some others with whom she appears "aligned" in the eternally foolish war of Barbegood against Barbevil, and whose various styles are more egregious. Which is creepy, and makes me regret that I teased her about flirting.
Liger Null
23:55 / 25.09.06
You might be onto something there, Qalyn. Especially since most of the anti-love seems to have started *after* The Notorious Birthday Thread.

No, Kali wouldn't raise a stink. What she might do, however, is stop posting completely. Which would suck, because she seems like a very friendly, interesting, non-mean-spirited person. Such people are an asset to Barbelith, and shouldn't be driven away.
00:01 / 26.09.06
I agree with Liger Null about Tennant-loving not being all that bad. Although this thread is formally about expressing annoyance, it seems to me to also be informally used to protest annoying behavior that doesn't really rate formal complaints in Policy. I accept what you're saying, Miss wonderstarr, and I apologize if it seemed I was accusing you of malice. You certainly have a right to express your annoyance. Another option exists as well: the option not to choose to express annoyance at somebody who's already been recently criticized for a number of dodgier things and is now not really doing anything wrong so much as expressing herself in a style you don't care for. It's an option, that's all, and you certainly also have the option of posting about your annoyance anyway. Don't mean to try to tell you what to do. Just suggesting a possible alternative, and a somewhat gentler one.
8===>Q: alyn
00:24 / 26.09.06
Yes, I should stress that A) I am not proposing that there was a conscious decision by anyone to target Kali as a proxy and B) I may also have been guilty of it.
8===>Q: alyn
00:25 / 26.09.06
Liger Null
00:31 / 26.09.06
Oops, sorry.

Force of habit.
8===>Q: alyn
00:40 / 26.09.06
I shouted for emphasis; I am not wroth. But enough people do it that it constitutes a minor Barbannoyance and I've decided to shout until stops happening. Or until I lose interest.
04:35 / 26.09.06
what pisses me off is people like Kali whose name sounds
like mine but is spelled differently.
miss wonderstarr
06:16 / 26.09.06
Don't mean to try to tell you what to do. Just suggesting a possible alternative, and a somewhat gentler one.

Well, I see what you mean. In fact, if you read upthread, after posting and mentioning Kali (and saying in the first post that I felt bad about it) I then followed up apologising for it, saying that I'd been in a particularly touchy mood. So my expression of annoyance was a bit of a blip I suppose, and you can see that while wanting to get it off my chest, I felt a little guilty about mentioning it as well.
miss wonderstarr
06:17 / 26.09.06
Oops, sorry. I've just checked and saw that I apologised for another mention of Kali. OK, that does seem like overkill towards one person. And it's unfortunate that after I posted, people agreed with me, making it look like a group thing.
Kiltartan Cross
06:22 / 26.09.06

"...anyone else want to tell me how nice I am?"
Our Lady Has Left the Building
09:53 / 26.09.06
Oh dear Kay, what's brought this on?
Kiltartan Cross
10:36 / 26.09.06
Sorry, there just seemed something strange about Kali being called pacifistic! Darn ficsuits.
pointless & uncalled for
13:28 / 26.09.06
what pisses me off is people like Kali whose name sounds
like mine but is spelled differently.

Mulls changing name to Celidh when this one runs out.

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