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23:38 / 17.09.06
The above post...
23:53 / 17.09.06
Cripes. Greenland posse ahoy. There's a bit of nostalgia for us.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
23:55 / 17.09.06

My god, ze's somehow transcended the "I before E except after C" rule and come out the other side. For his next trick he'll turn the word "ostentatious" into a palindrome.
Kiltartan Cross
08:44 / 18.09.06
Listen, Kay. You are of course free to believe that you are being misrepresented based on a partial reading, in either sense, of what you have written, and it is of course rotten to be told that you appear to be advancing the cause of prejudice, but a good way to avoid that might be, next time you see a thread and think that the important point is not whatever the thread is about but how much worse something else (which, so far, has been done by people who happen not to be white) is than whatever the thread is about, perhaps just not posting at all? Or, as a thought experiment, try instead having a think about what the thread is actually about and contributing your thoughts on that instead? I think that would help.

Righto, Haus. Our difference seems to lie with what we each feel is relevant to these various threads. I believe that things should usually be treated in a wide context, you'd prefer usually to treat them in a tight context; fair enough. You're probably right for most threads, although I think there's a place for wide comparisons and I naturally prefer to use them.

Anyway, that's a reasonable and civilised difference to have; I'm happy to accept a "please confine yourself to the matter at hand" rebuke, so long as it's not accompanied by "you racist swine you". Pax?

To Stoat and all, my apologies that this has dragged on.

To suggest something relevant to this thread, the lack of search tools is a bit of a pain on Barbelith. Did Tom hand-code the board or something? Kudos if he did, but I'd love a good search facility.
08:58 / 18.09.06
Well, the issue is also that your divergences have so far thrown non-white groups into the line of fire directed at powerful institutions helmed by rich white people. However, if you stop demanding that we stop thinking about (a) while (b) remains unaddressed, then we will also be able to avoid that issue. So, take your pick, really. Conflict is avoided either way, at least in this arena.
09:36 / 18.09.06
Oh, and Barbelith is hand-coded, by Tom and Cal. The old board used to have a "search this member's recent posts", but it was discontinued in the new model, partly due to concerns that people were using it to follow people around the board hassling them. There's an improved search function here.
10:16 / 18.09.06
That search function is TEH BOMB!
Thanks Haus.
Kiltartan Cross
13:14 / 18.09.06
powerful institutions helmed by rich white people

Heh. My natural allies.

Thanks for the search function link, much obliged.
Regrettable Juvenilia
23:40 / 18.09.06
"Those goshdarn illegal immigaunts! Why do they expect to be treated like human beings rather than just shot, and why is it so politically incorrect to say so?"
23:45 / 18.09.06
Oh, not again, surely?
23:47 / 18.09.06
Yup. And the "i" word's been used as a noun AGAIN despite having been talked to death in that very thread.
23:59 / 18.09.06
Well, TPC hasn't read the thread, and I think we've probably explained that to her to a satisfactory degree.

On a tangent, and not really a Barbannoy but more a "could we change this" - any chance we cpould peddle back on the metaphors a bit when we are trying to help people through their first mistakes? Natty Rah Jah and TPC, whatever the merits of what they are saying, have both been on the receiving end of what feels to me like unnecessary confrontation.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:04 / 19.09.06
The fact that this thread really couldn't happen in the Temple because it would be overrun with idiots in nothing flat, a fact which doesn't seem to be changing. Which, you know, sucks.
13:34 / 19.09.06
Mordant, Haus could we please consider moving it to the Temple and just enforcing the no thoughtless post rule? Mods can delete useless posts?

The Temple doesn't have to be a slum of indulgent slack witted babble if we don't let be one.
15:12 / 19.09.06
Sorry, but no - apart from anything else, it is not primarily a discussion of the practice of Catholic faith, but rather the influence of that one the political and social impact of the Catholic church. A thread dedicated to the Catholic faith as a a magical or mystical practice I could see in the Temple, but I'd rather not turn the thread in the Head Shop into even a successful version of that.
15:49 / 19.09.06
Agreed. I sorted my thoughts out and posted to Policy.
miss wonderstarr
06:50 / 20.09.06
The "how perverse are you" list-thread on this forum. It's dodgy in its attitudes to ethnicity, its terms and categories are immature, it seems primarily designed for Kali to show everyone how sexy she is, and I think it's an unfortunate precedent to just paste in really old memes as a thread idea.

On the other hand, people seem to be enjoying it, so what the hell.
miss wonderstarr
07:19 / 20.09.06
I'm sorry, that may have been unfair. It was the first thread I read today, it irritated me, I then unloaded a little on Miserable thread, I feel more mellow.
pointless & uncalled for
07:22 / 20.09.06
I concur, it's dubious subject matter at best and something designed to give teenagers cheap thrills bragging rights or actively seek them. It is rather icky and cheapens the concept of perversity to tabloid naughty sex ™, gay sex ™ and intoxication ™, both of which aren't perverse themselves in the current western social climate. They are norms, and fairly boring ones at that.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:02 / 20.09.06
Yes, I've got to say I went off in a bit of a mood after reading that.
10:02 / 20.09.06
That and the slimming cameras have cheered me right up for today. I so hope there are more life lessons in bollocks tomorrow.
10:16 / 20.09.06
Echo others displeasure of the perverse thread.
Evil Scientist
08:57 / 22.09.06
I want to hop on the Deadwood thread, but I missed the final (EVAH!) episode last night and have to wait until Saturday to watch the repeat. Me not want spoilers in my eyes.

Can't. Read. Deadwood. Thread. But. Want. To.

Disco is My Class War
16:12 / 22.09.06
We could wait to discuss it until you downloaded and watched it. Just to be nice.
16:13 / 22.09.06
No, be really MEAN. Discuss it now in special html stuff which disappears over time.

Not sure where that came from. I'm a nice person really.
miss wonderstarr
17:20 / 23.09.06
I really don't want to pick on you, Kali, but do you have to mention that you fancy David Tennant in every post you write.
11:07 / 24.09.06
Thank you!

I was going to start a thread called International Talk Like Kali Day.

David Tennant is really fit, though. I would sex him.
13:39 / 24.09.06
Come on guys, lay off. She's not acting out sex in text with the guy, it's a celebrity crush.
miss wonderstarr
13:53 / 24.09.06
Many of us have celebrity crushes. Even when I was actually commenting on a show (Extras episode 2) featuring David Bowie, though, I don't think I went anywhere near the dribblesome level Kali exhibits on threads that ostensibly have nothing to do with David Tennant.

It has just become a bit... "one-note" for me. Sorry.
21:14 / 24.09.06
Anyone who doesn't fancy Tennent annoys me. His Doctor has a strange androgynous appeal that all must obey. OBEY!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:24 / 24.09.06
I'm my Barbannoy right now, I'm all headmelty and can't put naything across...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:43 / 25.09.06
....Yes! Naything.

I meant to do that.
12:49 / 25.09.06
Sounds Joycean.
13:11 / 25.09.06
If anyone can think of a really compelling reason not to move the Policy to another board, I'd like to hear it.
pointless & uncalled for
13:15 / 25.09.06
Because the shift in the location of demanding of attention would e the ruin of a different forum?

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