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Evil Scientist
11:40 / 03.10.06
I thought Barbelith smelt a little funky today.
11:43 / 03.10.06
What was that word again? Fiod...Ford...Frod??? I know there that there is a magic word that would get me out of tricky situations like that thread but i just can't place it at the moment. A half remembred memory from my adolescence. On the tip of my tongue...
pointless & uncalled for
11:45 / 03.10.06
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:46 / 03.10.06
11:48 / 03.10.06
Floyd! Thats it, cheers MC.
11:55 / 03.10.06

Floyd was my best frieeend...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:58 / 03.10.06
Kiltartan Cross
12:12 / 03.10.06
Anyone cares for some hen? Or an egg?

I don't want no hens and eggs, nuh-huh, not at all.
Liger Null
12:34 / 03.10.06
This exchange.

Haus, could you point out where Kali refers to either paranoidwriter or Policy Forum? (I assume that's what your post refers to, correct me if I'm wrong) I believe Kali was referring to the same incidents that I was referring to in my own open letter post. In effect, people being snarkily called to task (unnecessarily, in my view) for light-hearted, innocently "offensive" posts and/or threads in the Convo Forum.

And no offence to anyone here, but it does seem to me as though certain posters do get picked on more viciously than others. Usually (again, correct me if I'm wrong) it's newer posters and non-moderators, which somewhat seems to validate the "Barb-elite" perception.

Also this disturbing trend of judging posters based on the "value" of their "contribution". Who's to determine such value, exactly? For example, though Haus feels that DM's contribution to this particular discussion to be "repetitive, tedious and hackneyed," I found it to be a pretty accurate description of what frequently goes on around here.
12:45 / 03.10.06
And no offence to anyone here, but it does seem to me as though certain posters do get picked on more viciously than others. Usually (again, correct me if I'm wrong) it's newer posters and non-moderators, which somewhat seems to validate the "Barb-elite" perception.

How exactly did you intend that not to cause offence to anyone here, Liger? I'm just curious.
12:51 / 03.10.06
Further, I think I'm annoyed at how little you think of Kali, Liger. The flirting issue was in the ground before you even managed your contribution to the attempt to keep the scrap going, and to suggest that Kali would, a week on even from that tardy contribution, still be flogging that horse... well, that's tantamount to calling her slow. I doubt that's going to impress her much, and I don't think she deserves to have you implying it.
Liger Null
12:53 / 03.10.06
How exactly did you intend that not to cause offence to anyone here, Liger? I'm just curious.

Meaning that I didn't mean the statement as a specific attack on any one person, just as my perception based on what I've read. I honestly didn't think that it would offend anyone at all, seeing as many others on the board share a similar perception. Even those who disagree with said perception have no cause to take offence, in my opinion.
Liger Null
13:04 / 03.10.06
Further, I think I'm annoyed at how little you think of Kali, Liger. The flirting issue was in the ground before you even managed your contribution to the attempt to keep the scrap going, and to suggest that Kali would, a week on even from that tardy contribution, still be flogging that horse... well, that's tantamount to calling her slow. I doubt that's going to impress her much, and I don't think she deserves to have you implying it.

I wasn't trying to keep any scrap going with my "tardy" contribution, merely trying to prevent future such scraps from happening. I meant no offence to Kali (or anyone else for that matter) I merely used "Birthdaygate" and the like as an example of how these things can get out of hand, and my desire to not have to read page after page of that stuff.
13:07 / 03.10.06
I can't help it. My duty is to educate.

What you've done there, Liger, is constructed a conclusion based on an unstated premise. The unstated premise here is that people are picked on. By advancing the statement:

it does seem to me as though certain posters do get picked on more viciously than others. Usually (again, correct me if I'm wrong) it's newer posters and non-moderators, which somewhat seems to validate the "Barb-elite" perception.

You have presumed the statement:

Posters are picked on viciously

The reader is under no obligation to accept this presumptive statement. You have also drawn an unsafe conclusion:"

Usually (again, correct me if I'm wrong) it's newer posters and non-moderators, which somewhat seems to validate the "Barb-elite" perception.

In what sense does it do this? Since I do not accept your unstated premise - that people are picked on - I don't see any real value in the pastime of making statements about what the identity of the people picked on. However, if you accept that unstated premise, to what extent does it seem to validate the "Barb-elite" perception? Perhaps you could list the people you think are being picked on, provide evidence that they are being picked on and we could see how long they have been here - although, since "new members and non-moderators" includes all but about thirty people on the board, it's a pretty meaningless assertion anyway, especially as "new members" would not be moderators anyway.

In short, if you could vague that up for me, that would be terrific.
Liger Null
13:44 / 03.10.06
Would DM's post have been labled "repetitive, tedious and hackneyed," if it had been posted anyone other than DM? Perhaps.

But the point is that it's people's *perception* that they and others are being picked on, not necessarily the reality. In fact, I feel like I'm being picked on right now, even though I know you're only trying to help.

Maybe the Barbelith search engine is the problem. Not everybody here can remember the exact thread or context in which they saw a given statement. Perhaps if people could search for "that mean thing that Poster X said to me" using a series of keywords, they could see that that wasn't what Poster X said at all, and all would be forgiven.
13:53 / 03.10.06
Perhaps, but the point is that it's people's *perception* that they and others are being picked on, not necessarily the reality. In fact, I feel like I'm being picked on right now, even though I know you're only trying to help.

Well, there we are then. So, your unstated premise is actually a false premise - it isn't that people are picked on, it's that they feel picked on. That's very different. How do we stop people feeling picked on? Well, we could treat everyone with incredible politeness all the time, and ban anyone who was rude or offensive in any way but to be honest I'm not even sure that would work.

In this context, would a repetitive, tedious and hackneyed post have been identified as such if it had not been made by Dead Megatron? If it had beem inserted in the same context then yes, probably so. Does DM get treated differently than alas? Yes, he does, because he is not the same person as alas. Is this the action of a sinister Barbelite? It's possible, but I have yet to see a convincing argument to link cause and effect.
14:15 / 03.10.06
do we only get to discuss this area if someone stands up and admits "Yes! I am teh crazy!"?

Or, not to be too precious about it, actually uses a mental illness as part of their username?
14:21 / 03.10.06
Grant does have a bit of a point, there.

Maybe the Barbelith search engine is the problem. Not everybody here can remember the exact thread or context in which they saw a given statement. Perhaps if people could search for "that mean thing that Poster X said to me" using a series of keywords, they could see that that wasn't what Poster X said at all, and all would be forgiven.

That's a possible - in a perfect world, we'd have better tools for following trails, recalling posts and so on. Unfortunately, we've got quite a coding queue, so that probably isn't on the cards for a while. The new search works better than the old, if you're still using that. But yes, sometimes people do get confused either about what people have said in the past. Kali was confused by something Randy said in this very thread, which I tried to explain more clearly, or at least in a different way. You and I are both uncertain about what Kali is talking about in her Barbannoy - I thought it was what is going on at present with Paranoidwriter, you think she is returning to the harpooning of the hetlove. The references to contemporaneity - the need for people to go outside now, the iterative qualities of once a month, all that - suggest that I am correct, but people often do not express themselves perfectly or read entirely accurately, and into those gaps can crawl misunderstandings.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:35 / 03.10.06
Um, if I may speak up, my annoyance was with the Tennant thing.

That is all.

I go back to work now.
14:39 / 03.10.06
Oops. Both wrong.

If it helps, I was pretty gleeful about Tennant singing "The Boy with the thorn in His Side". It was the head-tilts that did it. On the plus side, a good chunk of the arguable Barbelite - Qalyn and Fred, for starters - were pro-Daveysquee, or at least open to a squee-friendly environment. So, allay your fears. It's all about individual attitudes to the Scots Sexrat.
14:49 / 03.10.06
When the hell did I become Barbelite? I'm Barbe-lite, maybe.

Can we resurrect this thread:

Save us rehashing old stuff, maybe?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:07 / 03.10.06
If it helps, I was pretty gleeful about Tennant singing "The Boy with the thorn in His Side". It was the head-tilts that did it.

Exactly, Haus, exactly. I've got the clip up on Myspace page and I swear to Christ I can't stop watching the damn thing.
Jawsus-son Starship
16:18 / 03.10.06
i'm annoyed with the conflicting feeling I feel about policy at the moment - I should read it to see what is developing here, but it looks long and boring and personal, and I don't get off at watching people air thier dirty laundry in public.

Well, sometimes I do. Being a voyuer makes me feel dirty.

Also; where are all the killers fans on this board? Guys - album came out yersterday! No comments?
16:24 / 03.10.06
Math - a simple answer would be to avoid it. I really can't recommend that highly enough. Unless you genuinely want to try to improve Barbelith, and are ready to grind out results, there's no need to be there.
Jawsus-son Starship
16:30 / 03.10.06
Team Win! What your saying is let someone else do the hard work and reap the rewards? Is it my birthday?
16:45 / 03.10.06
"There's no need for us to stay here any longer than we have to, let's split up, look for survivors and get out!" (Spaced/Resident Evil)
That's how I feel about the policy right now.
16:50 / 03.10.06
I think what he's saying is that if you can't help, then try not to hinder. If he's not saying that, I'll say it.
8===>Q: alyn
23:11 / 03.10.06
Fred, you became Barbelite when you started hanging out with me.
01:09 / 04.10.06
02:58 / 04.10.06
I appreciate people's engagements with my wandery post. I'm not really good at thinking about this stuff yet. I feel uncomfortable about some of the ways that some people talk about mental health issues. (I'm deliberately not going back to look for who said what, because it doesn't matter; I could just as easily say these things as anyone else on here and I don't want to rouse ire.) I'm not too clear on what would be a better way of handling it. I hope other posters will continue to help me think through these issues over time.
Disco is My Class War
06:22 / 04.10.06
On the 'crazy' issue, can't we distinguish between 'crazy behaviour' on the part of someone for whom it's impossible to ascertain mental health; and people who do, certainly have mental health issues and need to be treated with respect?

Me, I think it's important to be able to say, in relation to a poster's behaviour, "This is not sane," or, "This is crazy," without being accused of stigmatising people who are mentally unstable. Because, as far as I can see, it's not about stigma -- it's being able to opine that an act or event is not rational, and thus is perplexing, also possibly crazy-making.

On the other hand, I tend to use 'crazy' in everyday parlance to mean 'great, awesome, wonderful and interesting.' It's been pointed out to me (by someone off-board, in fact) this this is my own special weirdness. Words have multiple meanings, in short. It depends on who uses the word and for what purpose, and maybe in what specific interaction.

Anyhow, this is a difficult question. But I don't know if it's worth beating ourselves up about it, eh, id? You know that you don't mean to derogate people with mental illnesses, and perhaps that's all that's needed.
Liger Null
07:17 / 04.10.06
Um, if I may speak up, my annoyance was with the Tennant thing.

Oops. Both wrong.

For the record, I was talking about the Tennant thing as well. It was in fact, what set me off in the first place. Sorry.

Carry on.
18:42 / 04.10.06
Width="500" is your friend, it's your friend yes it is. There is no excuse to be on the board for decades and not to resize your photos. I don't know if people just can't be arsed and leave it to the mods or what but it's very annoying indeed.

I probably should get a life. But so should everyone resize their own photos.
18:48 / 04.10.06
Ack. I do this sometimes, Lula. I'm ashamed to say I've never quite worked out how to accurately resize photos on iPhoto...
19:57 / 05.10.06
You should have a "constrain" option in the set of options underneath the picture, 'Nesh.

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