I guess that's the stereotype, although Islam is about as far from racially monolithic as you can get; what would it be for Iran, anyway, Aryan? (ha!)) Muslims?
Persians, mainly. Help me out, though - how is this relevant?
Yah, Persian = Aryan; Iran* is derived from it, and all. It's relevant only insofar as you were suggesting that I was racially stereotyping them.
Given that you are talking now in the thread about Ahmadinajehad, who is not a spiritual leader but a political leadaer, I really don't think you have much idea of where you're going with this one. I recommend you take a breath, and think about whether you are talking to or attempting to distract attention from the point.
Talking to? But fair enough, Ahmadinejad is a political leader, fair point, although so far as I know he was simply agreeing with a long-held viewpoint of the religious cadre. There is, I'd say, a degree of difficulty to be had in separating religious from political leadership in some (most?) areas of the world, particularly when political figures are apt to frame policies in religious terms, something which is by no means the unique province of Islam and the Middle East.
Keeps coming up - that you weren't talking about naughty black people, but about naughty music that's bad for perceptions of black people, because you love music so much, that, hey, you'll talk about everything in terms of music. Could you actually show me any other times you have randomly ignored the actual topic under discussion and started talking tangentially about music?
Heh. That's an invidious thing to request of me! Is there a "show last n posts of this user" function anywhere? I don't particularly fancy trawling through a thousand pages otherwise, but I would hope that our audience have noted my tendency to spuriously quote. It's not, of course, confined to Barbelith...
For example, I don't see any Percy Sledge lyrics in this thread
Again, heh. That'd be because I had to look him up just now... "When a Man Loves a Woman", of course. So that's who that is.
This claim sounds to me right now like a post factum justification. Easier to stomach - hey, who doesn't want to be a music-lover? - than taking a look at the possibility that you might be harbouring conscious or unconscious prejudice, but in the long run perhaps less useful.
Well, I've taken a good long look, y'know, and my conscience is quite clear. I get the feeling that you'd decided quite early on "what I must have been thinking", and have proceeded on that basis, leading to no end of grief. Consider, please, how you'd respond if someone accused of doing something you found intrinsically unpleasant; might you not get rather peeved? I did. I'm no angel - I used, for instance, to be a virulent critic of Islam, and was quite guilty of treating the religion and its followers as a monolithic and evil entity until I learned better - , I'm not the world's best poster, and I'm sure I do harbour prejudices; but I do not harbour those you suggested.
magical snowflakitude
Heh. There's something of a correlation between being androgynous-identifying and being a music nut, if you ask me. I'd have to rely on my astrophysics, thieving and nonpareil facility for causing electronic equipment to burn and/or electrocute myself to really stand out.
Aaanyway, I think you're right about our terminology being imprecise when it comes to Crusades / crusades; I think it's fair to say that the classic image of a Crusade only really covers the First to the Third Crusades, the Fourth being the spectacular let's-loot-our-allies fuckup and the remainder being localised struggles or doomed adventures.
*while we're on the subject, can anyone confirm for me something I heard on a radio play once, that the Farsi word for "gay" roughly translates as "with head held high"? That's just the coolest thing ever if it's true; go Freddie! |