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14:22 / 16.09.06
Can I respond to this, briefly, here? I don't want to derail the AF&D thread again with our spat.

'Special female reading skills' came up because you said that my use of 'pressure group' and 'lobbying' (which I still believe were the correct words, and you haven't responded to my request for what terms you'd have preferred) implied to you - *as a female reader* - that I don't think they have a legitimate cause for protest. As if the implication was contingent on you being a female reader. Given that I'd *said* in my first post and subsequent ones that I found the ban troubling, I was asserting (with somewhat artless irony) that even if you being female was relevant to your position on the larger question, it was irrelevant to inferring my position. It was just sarcasm, because I was narked at your persistent dissembling following a snide accusation earlier that I was making stuff up that wasn't in the article, when it was.

And (back ontopic for this thread) I find it quite annoying that you're continuing to misrepresent me here.

I'm so angry. I don't have special female reading skills. I never said I did.

You said that the word 'lobbying' implied to you - as a *female reader* - that I mean x. As if being a female reader (rather than a male or any other kind of reader) gave you special powers of inference. That's all I meant.

So, you like your models to be thin? You hide behind posts about healthy body size but actually you are OUTRAGED that unhealthily thin people could be banned from modelling, aren't you?

I didn't say anything about how I like my models. The closest I got to saying anything about my personal aesthetic taste with respect to thinness was, in fact, to the contrary. But no sweat. I'm not OUTRAGED that unhealthily thin people could be banned from modelling - I only have so much OUTRAGE to go round. But the precedent concerns me, yes.

And why are you so interested in banning obese people? I keep asking you why you're bringing it up but you won't reply. Is it so you don't have to look at them?

I've not got any kind of vested interest in banning obese people. I brought it up to question the stated rationale behind banning thin people. It was a hypothetical. I was suggesting it was the thin end of the wedge (har har), that it was a move towards only optimally healthy bodies being acceptable for display.

You're the sort of person who perpetuates outrageous images of women just because you prefer thinness to the norm. And don't mention the word fat. What kind of a world do you live in where these views are OK, poster X?

I don't understand where you get this from. I can only assume that you believe that I'd support a ban of fat models because I asked why the ban only extended to thin models. I'm happy to accept that that sounded like a rhetorical question and was therefore a genuine misunderstanding.

I'd like an apology from you because you are using my gender in a sarcastic and offensive way? But will I get it? Will I fuck.

Fair dos. I was not trying to use your gender against you, merely saying that it was irrelevant to what two common or garden words mean. But if it came across like that - and concede that it must have - then I'm sorry.
Alex's Grandma
15:52 / 16.09.06
Alex, I didn't want to derail the thread even further than I had but I still had more to say about it.

I'll admit, I admit, that I've never really understood the concept of 'thread-rot' in the first place. It seems needlessly prescreptive - surely us people on Barbelith are mainly in the businesss of dicusssing the latest overdose, and not much else?
8===>Q: alyn
15:57 / 16.09.06
Man, Barbelith is all about needless prescription!
15:58 / 16.09.06
I know this is thread rotty-ish but I'm not sure where else to address it.

I want a place to write about it, but the women-friendly thread is locked and the reason it is locked is because I proposed it should be!

Why not unlock it, Lula? Seriously - it's not really something I want to be involved in, for obvious reasons, but I know that Saturn's Nod and xk were talking about how to make the thread viable

If the women's only thread functioned as a place for f-i's to dissect and look at an issue (on board or off board issue) critically without the lens of male privilage being a point of disaggreement in the perception of the posters' arguements, it might be useful. HOWEVER the problem that arose last time was the discussion of posts by m-i's and their desire to represent themselves and their views directly in the exchange.

In the current upthread disaggreement I can see the exact same dynamics. Would it be helpful to either of the posters for the issue to be discussed in a visible examination by the f-i members of the board? IMO the only value would not come from addressing the m-i's unique post at ALL but rather the f-i poster's experience of the broader issue.

It's a difficult technique to speak only of your own experience and not project intent onto another person. If a f-i only thread was to come into existence again this line would have to be upheld and it is a very very hard thing to do especially when emotions run high.
That said, I have found dialogues in such spaces to be of great value and I have been quite saddened to see that it has not been viable on Barbelith when clearly some f-i's would be encouraged in their overall community experience by it.

To make this relevant to the current thread I will state it annoys me when this medium goes all clunky and I feel like we're all typing with lobster claws.
8===>Q: alyn
16:59 / 16.09.06

But this stinks of egomania. I'M BACK threads are never good. This is worse.

Sure, because long, recursive arguments about who is allowed to say what to whom, and how, have nothing to do with ego. Shame, shame on the ego.

I think the Joy Corps has been very gracious in backing off and allowing the haters and their eager victims to have the run of this place for so long. We tried to show you a good time, with various results, and then we left you alone, like you asked us to. Now we'd like to have a little fun. Won't you please just chill?
17:30 / 16.09.06
Qalyn, I want more of YOU, big guy.

8===>Q: alyn
18:18 / 16.09.06
Dear -o-oss-oy, how is your young clone? Pretty awesome?
18:39 / 16.09.06
He is awesome.

He now has a beard and broadband access so we may be seeing more of him.
8===>Q: alyn
18:41 / 16.09.06

I'm annoyed that I've never lived in a shithole, because now I can't participate in your thread without "rotting" it.
22:48 / 16.09.06
Surely without unnecessary prescriptions Pete would not have an overdose, and therefore we would have nothing to talk about?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:05 / 17.09.06
The Temple. Digimon. It buuuurrrrns ussss.
00:11 / 17.09.06
There's no point blaming Sony Netherlands for popularising offensive images of black people when black people themselves don't behave. There is no point criticising the Pope for hating on muslims when we should be looking at what those crazy Iranians are getting up to.

I look forward to the moment when every single non-white person has been scolded or castigated, and we can finally get permission to have a look at the behaviour of a single rich white guy.
02:57 / 17.09.06
cabalistic quantum physics paradigm....
ah yes what happens when your understanding of magical work comes from listening to other people talk about a great comicbook they once read with chics in leather and TV shamans. Only you thought TV stood for television.

I'm about 3 posts away from going atomic in the Temple.

Is it me or is someone dropping terms they most likely have no fucking clue about? The sensation is much like being sprayed with perfume by a nasty sales clerk in a crowded mall when you are only in the godforsaken place to run an errand for your sick mother and hate the stale air bright lights consumer hell to begin with.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:17 / 17.09.06
Oh fuck yeah. Would that being permanently fucking stuck in fucking 1997 were a banning offense.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:37 / 17.09.06
Also "Writing foot-long Temple posts about magic when you don't actually practice anything remotely resembling magic, have no direct experience of the things you're pretenting to understand, and in fact no clue about the subject that you've been droning on and on and on and on about for the last four pages." Can that be a banning offence too?
Kiltartan Cross
10:25 / 17.09.06
There is no point criticising the Pope for hating on muslims when we should be looking at what those crazy Iranians are getting up to.

There is no point posting on Barbelith when there's someone convinced they can read your mind?

I invite everyone to take a good look at the quote Haus appears to find so offensive: I can't help but feel that the speech should be considered in context; in two contexts, even; firstly, that, regardless of whether it was wise to include it at all - House is probably right to suggest the conquest of Latin America as being a more telling example -, Ratzi was at least at pains to say he was using it as an example, and secondly, before criticising the Pope too heavily for being a religious figure bent on stirring up hatred it might be wise to consider some of the proclamations coming out of Tehran, beside which his speech appears positively, uh, saintly, and about which far less furore has been raised.

You'll note that I don't suggest not criticising the Pope. I suggest not criticising him too heavily. Ratzi was at best naive and at worst deliberately provocative, although I personally believe him not to have meant to cause offence. In point of fact, I disagree with a lot that comes out of the Pope's mouth, and again, I invite you all to follow the thread in question; as I hope you'll see, I'm far from the position Haus would like to attribute to me. I find it deeply regrettable that Haus seems so determined to continue his, ah, crusade against this "single rich white guy". Haters keep on hating, and all that.
I can only suppose, incidentally, that he means "rich by comparison to most people in the world", which is true, and not "rich by comparison with most people around me", which is comic.
10:35 / 17.09.06
I didn't say you were a rich white guy, Kay. I said that whenever a rich white guy, be that the head of Sony Amsterdam, the advertising agency they employ, or now the Pope, does something wrong, your first instinct appears to be to find some people - who happen to be a bit dusky - who have done something that you feel to be worse. It's perfectly common for people who are themselves also not done any favours by the actions of dominant power to be suckered into supporting it - for example, by being convinced that there's always something darker and more dangerous at the gates.

I should not have engaged in this style - I was frazzled and short-tempered. But all the evidence - in what you write, notwithstanding your attempts to occlude this with flannel about what you think - suggest that you would do well to take a look at your attitude to race and how you express it on the board. Sadly, you have at no point so far suggested that you are inclined towards that kind of self-examination, which means that we are just going to have to carry on coping with these repeated "Look! A tiger!" moments.
Kiltartan Cross
12:38 / 17.09.06
I said that whenever a rich white guy, be that the head of Sony Amsterdam, the advertising agency they employ, or now the Pope, does something wrong, your first instinct appears to be to find some people - who happen to be a bit dusky - who have done something that you feel to be worse.

Ach, y'know, believe it or not my facility for instropection has been hard worked recently. What can I say to convince you that I meant neither bad black musicians nor bad Arab (I guess that's the stereotype, although Islam is about as far from racially monolithic as you can get; what would it be for Iran, anyway, Aryan? (ha!)) Muslims? Seriously; while my instant use of a musical example in the first thread was perhaps ill-advised - although nothing more attaches, for heaven's sake, haven't you noticed? I use music everywhere for everything, it's me! It's not showing me up for some crypto-rascist, damnit, it might be showing me up as an egotistical fool keen to insert the spurious relevances to music I see even though it isn't really that important - , criticism of the Pope positively invites comparison with criticism of Islamic leaders; I'd go so far as to say that there is no more relevant comparison which could be made than between the leaders of the world's major Abrahamic religions.

Incidentally, I did mean to ask you about something you said on that thread, which seemed strange to me - I held off so as not to be perceived as trying to pick a fight, y'know, insert a rolling eyed smiley at this point - you suggested that Manuel II was busy trying to organise crusades before the fall of Byzantium; I think that's really stretching the term "crusade"; I'd be very surprised if the Christian world of 1400 would treat the idea of crusading with fire and sword to Palestine with anything other than scorn, but I'd be interested to know what source you were reading. The last "real" crusades were a couple of hundred years before, after all, although there were certainly a variety of minor raids (none aimed at the Holy Land so far as I know) which were sometimes called "crusades". But, yeah, I'm curious?
13:28 / 17.09.06
I guess that's the stereotype, although Islam is about as far from racially monolithic as you can get; what would it be for Iran, anyway, Aryan? (ha!)) Muslims?

Persians, mainly. Help me out, though - how is this relevant?

It is a matter of simple historical fact that Manuel II travelled to the western courts during a lengthy siege of Byzantium and sought military assistance against the Ottoman Turks. At about the same time, Sigismund of Hungary was indeed launching military assaults on the Ottoman Empire. But fair enough - I'm happy to accept your correction that the provision of troops from the Catholic west to fight the troops of the Muslim east as part of a religious and political struggle to maintain the Christan lands of the Byzantine empire does not, in itself, count as a crusade. No probs. However, it is nonetheless the case that Manuel II was seeking military support to fight what was being represented as a struggle to preserve Christian lands from Muslim control.

criticism of the Pope positively invites comparison with criticism of Islamic leaders; I'd go so far as to say that there is no more relevant comparison which could be made than between the leaders of the world's major Abrahamic religions.

Given that you are talking now in the thread about Ahmadinajehad, who is not a spiritual leader but a political leadaer, I really don't think you have much idea of where you're going with this one. I recommend you take a breath, and think about whether you are talking to or attempting to distract attention from the point.

Incidentally, this:

Seriously; while my instant use of a musical example in the first thread was perhaps ill-advised - although nothing more attaches, for heaven's sake, haven't you noticed? I use music everywhere for everything, it's me! It's not showing me up for some crypto-rascist, damnit, it might be showing me up as an egotistical fool keen to insert the spurious relevances to music I see even though it isn't really that important

Keeps coming up - that you weren't talking about naughty black people, but about naughty music that's bad for perceptions of black people, because you love music so much, that, hey, you'll talk about everything in terms of music. Could you actually show me any other times you have randomly ignored the actual topic under discussion and started talking tangentially about music? For example, I don't see any Percy Sledge lyrics in this thread, where you also cut to the heart of the problem and identify the real enemy - those feminists, and their claims that all men are rapists.

This claim sounds to me right now like a post factum justification. Easier to stomach - hey, who doesn't want to be a music-lover? - than taking a look at the possibility that you might be harbouring conscious or unconscious prejudice, but in the long run perhaps less useful.
13:52 / 17.09.06
Actually, correction - there is a lyric, an Erasure lyric at the top of one post, but I don't think that that in itself is grounds for special pleading - a lot of people quote song lyrics, in more or less apt and ept ways, and although that is a part of their magical snowflakitude, it does not privilege that magical snowflakitude above the magical snowflakitude of others.

A more accurate comparison might be if you had claimed that talking about sexism in role-playing games was ridiculous while... Christ, I don't know. The sheer mentalism of the argument is chipping away at my sanity. While musical groups made up of female role-players continued to write and perform music that portrayed female role-players in a negative light.
15:26 / 17.09.06
In fact, supplementarily, the siege of Nicopolis in 1395-6, which had a direct impact on the siege of Byzantium, of which Manuel II was at the time emperor - is often referred to as the Crusade of Nicopolis: see this timeline here Of course, "crusade" is not a contemporary term, and I don't know offhand whether the knights at Nicopolis were thinking of it in terms of a peregrinatio, or whether they had taken the cross. Probably not, although they might have seen expelling Muslim forces from the Baltic as part of the greater quest towards the Holy Land. So, I think our terminologies are imprecise, here. One could certainly, if one was so minded, call Manuel II if not himself an according-to-Hoyle Crusader king then a perpetuator of the ideological and military struggles of the Crusades for the benefit of the Byzantine empire, "crusades" FSVO crusades to defend the invested capital of which were declared in 1399 and renewed in 1400 and 1401, as a result of Manuel's trip to the Western courts. Not intended to reach the holy land, but Vatican-backed military exercises against Muslims.

So, you know. Pays your money, takes your choice. Manuel II spent his time looking for allies to help him kill Muslims. If George Bush is called a crusader by the enemies of fun, I imagine he's pretty much going to be a shoo-in.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:33 / 17.09.06
No music here either, in which we learn that global inequality of wealth is due to the weather, not rich white men who yadda yadda yadda...
Kiltartan Cross
17:58 / 17.09.06
I guess that's the stereotype, although Islam is about as far from racially monolithic as you can get; what would it be for Iran, anyway, Aryan? (ha!)) Muslims?

Persians, mainly. Help me out, though - how is this relevant?

Yah, Persian = Aryan; Iran* is derived from it, and all. It's relevant only insofar as you were suggesting that I was racially stereotyping them.

Given that you are talking now in the thread about Ahmadinajehad, who is not a spiritual leader but a political leadaer, I really don't think you have much idea of where you're going with this one. I recommend you take a breath, and think about whether you are talking to or attempting to distract attention from the point.

Talking to? But fair enough, Ahmadinejad is a political leader, fair point, although so far as I know he was simply agreeing with a long-held viewpoint of the religious cadre. There is, I'd say, a degree of difficulty to be had in separating religious from political leadership in some (most?) areas of the world, particularly when political figures are apt to frame policies in religious terms, something which is by no means the unique province of Islam and the Middle East.

Keeps coming up - that you weren't talking about naughty black people, but about naughty music that's bad for perceptions of black people, because you love music so much, that, hey, you'll talk about everything in terms of music. Could you actually show me any other times you have randomly ignored the actual topic under discussion and started talking tangentially about music?

Heh. That's an invidious thing to request of me! Is there a "show last n posts of this user" function anywhere? I don't particularly fancy trawling through a thousand pages otherwise, but I would hope that our audience have noted my tendency to spuriously quote. It's not, of course, confined to Barbelith...

For example, I don't see any Percy Sledge lyrics in this thread

Again, heh. That'd be because I had to look him up just now... "When a Man Loves a Woman", of course. So that's who that is.

This claim sounds to me right now like a post factum justification. Easier to stomach - hey, who doesn't want to be a music-lover? - than taking a look at the possibility that you might be harbouring conscious or unconscious prejudice, but in the long run perhaps less useful.

Well, I've taken a good long look, y'know, and my conscience is quite clear. I get the feeling that you'd decided quite early on "what I must have been thinking", and have proceeded on that basis, leading to no end of grief. Consider, please, how you'd respond if someone accused of doing something you found intrinsically unpleasant; might you not get rather peeved? I did. I'm no angel - I used, for instance, to be a virulent critic of Islam, and was quite guilty of treating the religion and its followers as a monolithic and evil entity until I learned better - , I'm not the world's best poster, and I'm sure I do harbour prejudices; but I do not harbour those you suggested.

magical snowflakitude

Heh. There's something of a correlation between being androgynous-identifying and being a music nut, if you ask me. I'd have to rely on my astrophysics, thieving and nonpareil facility for causing electronic equipment to burn and/or electrocute myself to really stand out.

Aaanyway, I think you're right about our terminology being imprecise when it comes to Crusades / crusades; I think it's fair to say that the classic image of a Crusade only really covers the First to the Third Crusades, the Fourth being the spectacular let's-loot-our-allies fuckup and the remainder being localised struggles or doomed adventures.

*while we're on the subject, can anyone confirm for me something I heard on a radio play once, that the Farsi word for "gay" roughly translates as "with head held high"? That's just the coolest thing ever if it's true; go Freddie!
Kiltartan Cross
18:08 / 17.09.06
No music here either, in which we learn that global inequality of wealth is due to the weather, not rich white men who yadda yadda yadda...

Would you care to explain to everyone how living in somewhere green and pleasant like England doesn't provide any advantages over living in, say, the Gobi desert or the Amazon? Perhaps some pictures of the lush wheatfields of the Sahara?
20:04 / 17.09.06
Yah, Persian = Aryan; Iran* is derived from it, and all. It's relevant only insofar as you were suggesting that I was racially stereotyping them.

Actually, no. I said that when somebody criticised a white person, you directed their attention to all the non-white people who needed criticising more. I don't think I accused you of racially stereotyping Iranians - only of changing the subject onto how we should look at how naughty _they_ were before we look at the Pope.

Heh. That's an invidious thing to request of me! Is there a "show last n posts of this user" function anywhere? I don't particularly fancy trawling through a thousand pages otherwise, but I would hope that our audience have noted my tendency to spuriously quote.

It isn't invidious; since you excuse yourself on those grounds, it is reasonable to ask you to evidence them. And it isn't spurious quotation: it is specifically going off on a tangent utterly (you claim) unrelated to the subject in order to talk about music. The only time I can think of is changing the subject from the offensive behaviour of Sony Netherlands to those silly, self-destructive Black Americans. I don't think there has been another example of this, but I am happy to be corrected by you or by other member of Barbelith.

Your opinion on what is called a crusade is interesting, but I think incorrect. The fourth crusade, for example, was identified as a praeteritio, the participants took the vow and received the cross. Just because the Venetians took it over, that doesn't mean it wasn't a crusade. However, that is largely irrelevant in the face of the main issue. All I'm asking is that you look at your attitudes, preferably before you repeat precisely the same pattern. If you can't manage that, just try not to repeat precisely the same pattern.
Kiltartan Cross
20:47 / 17.09.06
Actually, no. I said that when somebody criticised a white person, you directed their attention to all the non-white people who needed criticising more. I don't think I accused you of racially stereotyping Iranians - only of changing the subject onto how we should look at how naughty _they_ were before we look at the Pope.

Ok, fair enough. I imagined that when you said I was discriminating against "dusky" people you were implying that having mentioned Iranians I must've been thinking of them as a "bad" racial group.

If you want to criticise me for annoyingly tending to leap in and say that group B should be censured before group A, go ahead. Mea culpa. I believe that while we're going around being nasty about people then maybe some are more deserving than others; am I to understand that the correct form is to be nasty to everyone, even if things seem to be of splinter-in-your-eye/plank-in-mine dimensions? Please stop trying to make out that it's because I've some secret innate tendency to favour white people over any bugger else. I don't have.

Is there a search facility for posts by a particular user? There's usually one knocking about somewhere on a forum. If there is one, I'll cheerfully trawl back through my posts to find you some random digressions. Failing that, if we can find a handy third party I can link them to something off-site which showcases my oh-so-imitable style of quoting very well (but, alas, contains personal details, which - forgive me - I'm not going to post here).


Hmm... I'm not sure about the Fourth Crusade. I think it depends whether we look at the defining feature of a crusade being the "Christians vs Muslims for the Holy Land" aspect or the "papal blessing" aspect. The latter is probably a better definition, I suppose, but encompasses an awful lot of things (cool things, Cathars and Sword Brothers and whatnot, to be sure) that are far from the usual image of Ricky III and Saladin duking it out at Arsouf.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:51 / 17.09.06
Please stop trying to make out that it's because I've some secret innate tendency to favour white people over any bugger else. I don't have.

Yes, you do.
22:02 / 17.09.06
Please stop trying to make out that it's because I've some secret innate tendency to favour white people over any bugger else. I don't have.

I'm very glad to hear it. However, it is very definitely the impression you have given so far that you seem to find some things much less acceptable than others - things so unacceptable that you find yourself compelled to mention them even in threads which are not actually related to them at all - and when you do that it's the white fellows whose criticism is put on the back burner - in threads specifically devoted to the discussion of their actions - and the darker fellows whose criticism is put on the front burner. This may simply be a coincidence, and your rigid stratification of blame may well even out over time, but at the moment I think you're batting a thousand, just as you are emphatically not batting a thousand with this claim that you naturally go off on tangents about music in the middle of discussions which have nothing to do with music and with which you have not previously been involved, which is what happened in the Sega thread, rather than the quoting of song lyrics - to the extent that not only can I not think of a comparable action, but neither can you.

I am pinching the top of my nose as if to ward off a headache and taking a deep breath.

Listen, Kay. You are of course free to believe that you are being misrepresented based on a partial reading, in either sense, of what you have written, and it is of course rotten to be told that you appear to be advancing the cause of prejudice, but a good way to avoid that might be, next time you see a thread and think that the important point is not whatever the thread is about but how much worse something else (which, so far, has been done by people who happen not to be white) is than whatever the thread is about, perhaps just not posting at all? Or, as a thought experiment, try instead having a think about what the thread is actually about and contributing your thoughts on that instead? I think that would help.
22:26 / 17.09.06
I really want to slap people with my big ol' boot to the head when they act like fucktards and insult posters I respect.

Mordant, you rule and those childish twits should be flushed out to sea with their own dirty diapers for sustenance.

Oh and as a note whenever I see a Haus/Kay duel I feel compelled to post this link again.
22:40 / 17.09.06
It's not a duel, xk. Trust me on this.
22:50 / 17.09.06
I'm MOST annoyed at the way the Barbannoy thread has stopped being a thread about Barbannoyance and has, yet afuckinggain, become a ground for fights which should really be either in the thread/forum in which they started, or the Policy.

Where the FUCK am I supposed to put my minor annoyances about the board, which at the moment may seem important to me?

Regrettable Juvenilia
22:54 / 17.09.06
It's certainly not a rap battle, anyway, as don't those always involve shooting each other and fucking some rakes, or whatever it is those ghastly rappers do, which I'm sure isn't the kind of behaviour Kay would indulge in. I'm sure Kay would rather settle things like men, and roll some nine-sided dice. Of course women could roll some nine-sided dice as well if they wanted, as long as they didn't kick up some kind of crazy feminist objection about having to play as a busty Amazon. The Amazon, which is very dry, arid, inhospitable ohyougetthefuckingidea
22:56 / 17.09.06
Right. So what annoys you about Barbelith that would actually be appropriate for this thread?
23:09 / 17.09.06
That I stay on it to long and waste my life waiting for a conversation to start rather than actually starting one?
The local Goth prototype has become a run-of-the-mill example of the apocalypse.
23:10 / 17.09.06
Rules for Ladies to stay ahead of their packs (1995)

Rule 1:
Make sure u r a working woman. Tell your female colleague this
"How come I only see guys following garbage trucks and emptying garbage bins but not ladies?"
I know you'll get the point if not, spice this up along this line of thought but please, do not claw away at your spouse. And if this spiral into a long drawn debate between the sexes, insert this line _________________________(pls write this line yourself, I know u can do so much better; if not, don't worry, I am sending u the messages telepathically, u'll receieve them in no time) somewhere in between the long drawn debate to divert.............

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