BARBELITH underground

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01:18 / 17.02.05
Hey Keggers!

(What's tabbed browsing?)
Saint Keggers
01:20 / 17.02.05
Firm, yet suprisingly flavourful.

All is good in Kegland. Sorry to hear about the ear.
01:24 / 17.02.05
That'd be a no to the Stinkfist and a yes to the KMFDM. On an aside, have you been able to find any Drill, Lucia's first band? Out of print, and aparently slipped through the cracks when one label ate another... but these things always end up popping up on teh internets...
01:26 / 17.02.05
Usually do...
01:30 / 17.02.05
Usually do...

tabbed browsing. Firefix does it. You can open your browser on more than one location at once, without actually starting the browser up again. And skip back and forth at will. I doesn't sound like much, but I'd find it hard to live without now).
Saint Keggers
01:31 / 17.02.05
This is my barbflag! Fear it.

01:37 / 17.02.05
1 f33r ur fl4g. F33R 1t, 1 54y!!!
01:39 / 17.02.05
Arr. 'tis toime fer this poirate ta sleep. G'night shipmates... and happy sailin'... even those ninjas... arr, even they ninjas.... G'noight
Saint Keggers
01:39 / 17.02.05
My timbers shiver at your leetspeak!
Saint Keggers
01:42 / 17.02.05
G'night! (insert some piratey saying here)
Saint Keggers
01:45 / 17.02.05
A send-off with one of the great modern pirate songs... (mostly to piss of the ninjas)

Last Saskatchewan Pirate
by The Arrogant Worms

Well, I used to be a farmer and I made a living fine
I had a little stretch of land along the C. P. line
But times got tough, and though I tried, the money wasn't there
The bankers came and took my land and told me, "Fair is fair"
I looked for every kind of job, the answer always no
"Hire you now?" they'd always laugh, "We just let twenty go!" (Ha ha!)
The government, they promised me a measly little sum
But I've got too much pride to end up just another bum

Then I thought, who gives a damn if all the jobs are gone
I'm gonna be a pirate on the river Saskatchewan! (Arr!)

And it's a heave (ho!) hi (ho!), coming down the plains
Stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains
And it's a ho (hey!) hi (hey!), farmers bar yer doors
When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores

Well, you'd think the local farmers would know that I'm at large
But just the other day I found an unprotected barge
I snuck up right behind them and they were none the wiser
I rammed the ship and sank it and I stole the fertilizer
Bridge outside of Moose Jaw spans a mighty river
Farmers cross in so much fear, their stomach's are a-quiver
'Cause they know that Captain Tractor's hiding in the bay
I'll jump the bridge, and knock 'em cold, and sail off with their hay

Well, Mountie Bob he chased me, he was always at my throat
He'd follow on the shoreline 'cause he didn't own a boat
But the cutbacks were a-comin' and the Mountie lost his job
So now he's sailing with me and we call him Salty Bob
A swingin' sword, a skull-and-bones, and pleasant company
I never pay my income tax and screw the GST (Screw it!)
Prince Albert down to Saskatoon, the terror of the sea
If you wanna reach the co-op, boy, you gotta get by me! (Arr!)


Well, the pirate life's appealing but you don't just find it here
I hear in north Alberta there's a band of buccaneers
They roam the Athabasca from Smith to Fort MacKay
And you're gonna lose your Stetson if you have to pass their way
Well, winter is a-comin' and a chill is in the breeze
My pirate days are over once the river starts to freeze
I'll be back in springtime, but now I've got to go
I hear there's lots of plunderin' down in New Mexico


When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores! (2x)
01:56 / 17.02.05
hee hee... You know, Keggers, like Stoatie, I do fear your flag, but it's hard to imagine, in the abstract, a ferocious band of Canadian pirates. You can't help but think they'd be well-spoken, polite, interested in world politics, and that they'd come up with a good solid health-care plan for everyone, pirate or plundered.
Saint Keggers
02:08 / 17.02.05
Haha! Thats because amongst countries we have the best P.R. department.

There were actually quite a few pirates in Canada.
electric monk
02:50 / 17.02.05
Yyarh! That flag be so impressive, I tripped o'er me yard arm and broke me plinth!

(But not before I looked up "plinth" to make sure that joke'd make some kinda sense, me hearties.)


Steady on lads!
Saint Keggers
02:57 / 17.02.05
G'day E.M.! Hows things?
electric monk
02:59 / 17.02.05
Fine and dandy like sour candy! It's my first late shift, I'm blogging in my other WINdow, and I fear I've smoked too much to be comprehensible in either.

How's by you alls?
Saint Keggers
03:05 / 17.02.05
Wow! First lateshift! Thats calls for a toast!

electric monk
03:09 / 17.02.05

electric monk
03:17 / 17.02.05
G'night. Gotta go find my spirit guide in m' dreams. Dumpy guy. Dumpy Groucho Marx lookin' guy. With red hair.

Be on th' lookout fer 'im.

Tell 'im I can pay 'im back the fifteen bucks.
04:12 / 17.02.05
Good night, Keggers--if you're still up! I'm off to bed--my project will just have to wait another night (or 12) before it's complete.
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:05 / 17.02.05
Tabbed browsing is The Shit, as I believe they don't say in learned publications. One taskbar space, forty-seven opened windows. Rock.

I have just come home from watching The Dwarves, who were somewhat shit, though they had a nude guitarist. In a Mexican wrestling mask.

Tomorrow (today) is my last day of gourmet food magazine workiness. Hurrah! I am leaving for a week off, doing BUGGER ALL, and preparing for the fact that I'm already booked up to hand out awards to outstanding vet sci students.

I am as mystified at this turn of events as anyone.
18:58 / 17.02.05
Are you sure? I mean, I'm PRETTY FUCKING MYSTIFIED. Explain more!
Grey Area
19:16 / 17.02.05
You know, I'm almost sure that The Last Saskatchewan Pirate was sung by Captain Tractor and not the Arrogant Worms. But mayhaps I'm being too pedantic. Anyway, evenin' all. I haven't got a plinth but I do have this rather attractive pedestal, which promises to mature into a mighty plinth given due care and attention.
doozy floop
19:41 / 17.02.05
a-HA! A lateshift... I've heard rumours of such...

Plinths? bugger, I had no idea... How embarrassing, to come to a lateshift without a plinth... *the shame*... But it's my first time; does that excuse me??
19:45 / 17.02.05
They've spare plinths in the cloak room. Git yerself one and have a seat.
19:46 / 17.02.05
No- if you forget your plinth, you have to use one of the crappy old ones we keep in the supply cupboard, and all the other kids laugh at you.

Congrats on gettin on the board, btw- and apologies again for not being more help before. The Late Shift is indeed where it's at.

Sooo... as a "two-headed being", do you both post at once, or do you take it in turns?
Saint Keggers
19:52 / 17.02.05
Wow... Lateshift...but early. (its only 4:52pm where I am)
doozy floop
19:53 / 17.02.05
Ah, the old two-headed chestnut...

Our heads had a bit of a scrap over our posting etiquette, and now we've got two separate identities for the purposes of Barbelith. The other head has been a bit quiet so far, but can be rather highbrow so probably won't deign to leave the Headshop and Switchboard much when they get going.

We auditioned for a certain part in the Hitchhikers film but didn't get it, believe it or not.
Grey Area
19:53 / 17.02.05
Doozy Floop has two heads? How very unusual...
19:57 / 17.02.05
I believe it's quite normal in the year 2040...

So... everyone got their plinths? Cool.

How is everyone this fine evening? I've just, to my eternal shame, given in to the demon beer and have cracked open what will probably be the first of many. I was asleep for most of the afternoon (my sleep pattern's totally fucked this week) so it could be a nice long night of watching Millennium DVDs. Haven't decided yet... I'm sitting here listening to Futon through my one good ear and arsing about online.
Saint Keggers
20:04 / 17.02.05
Im quite fine. It seems that my lil pirate flag was such the hit that I now have orders for babydoll t-shirts with it on them. Yay me. My cult expands! Arrr!
20:09 / 17.02.05
How much would you charge for a proper, full-size manly one for a butch pirate such as I? (Or maybe in weedy, skinny-guy size. Just in case, you know?)
Saint Keggers
20:12 / 17.02.05
Im not all depends on the doubloons to $ exchange rate...

I really havent a clue... I may just open up a cafe press shop or something like that. I'll see how much they're going for and all that..
It would also give me a place to sell some D!MIT comic related stuff.
Grey Area
20:12 / 17.02.05
And how much for a flag-sized version thereof, decoration of office walls for the use of?

I've just finished my page for the wandering notebook #3, and am celebrating with a Lidl mini-beer. Yes sirree, the party never stops.
20:19 / 17.02.05
I totally need a new pirate flag, my old one (that I always took to demos) having accompanied my little dog to her final resting place...
Although I do have a rather spiffy skull-and-crossbones towel which Jack the Bodiless gave me and which spends all its time when not being used hung on my door...

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