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Page: 12345(6)7891011

03:21 / 15.02.05
'Night Keggers.

Show 'em who's boss now.
03:24 / 15.02.05
My work here is done.

*Tips hat and sets of down the cobbled, streetlit alley*

Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum...
00:05 / 16.02.05
Is no one shifting tonight?
Saint Keggers
00:09 / 16.02.05
I Keggers, ruler of the savage seas and parts both known and unknown, am here!
00:20 / 16.02.05
I, too, shall shift these seven seas. Though I may pass out soon.
Saint Keggers
00:23 / 16.02.05
Hello Stoatie... how's things?
00:26 / 16.02.05
Things are drunk.
VERY drunk.
Saint Keggers
00:31 / 16.02.05
Hehehe...its still early here so Im going to wait a few hours before getting into drink mode.
00:32 / 16.02.05
Stoatie must go to doctor in the morning about ear thing.
Stoatie sleep now.
Stoatie love you all long time.
Saint Keggers
00:33 / 16.02.05
Goodnight Stoat...

Good luck with the Dr. tomorrow.
Saint Keggers
02:55 / 16.02.05
Has everyone abandoned ship?
04:02 / 16.02.05
04:09 / 16.02.05
But since you asked that over an hour ago, you may well have done.
23:33 / 16.02.05
Anbody about yet? Or am I unfasionably early?
I'll, um, just hang out by the snack tray then.
Bed Head
23:39 / 16.02.05
*sashays up with tray of champagne glasses*
23:47 / 16.02.05
I'm here. Despite the fact that it's my week off, I had to go into work for four hours this evening. Long, boring story. And I have to go in all day Saturday and Sunday. (Brian Blessed Brigade's in the same boat... pity us both).

And I'm cross. CROSS, I tell you. A friend of mine (who happens not only to owe me seven thousand pounds (okay, I was stupid, and to prevent us getting evicted every time she couldn't come up with the rent would cover it for her- for FIVE FUCKING YEARS), but has somehow managed to land me with the responsibility of paying the three thousand she owes our old landlord AS WELL, has just, in the same phone call, told me that she didn't rent out her spare room to someone who came to see it today because she thought they were "a bit young", despite the fact she's on the verge of eviction for- you guessed it- not paying her rent- but that it was all okay because she'd borrowed three hundred quid off someone to cover her for the next couple of weeks, and, I quote "will pay him back first because he's pretty old and you're going to live longer". Oh, and that an old flatmate of ours, who I got on really well with, is convinced that I've owed him a hundred quid for the last fifteen months, purely because the money I gave her to give him to pay off my "half" of his deposit (£150), he thinks that was her money, and is pissed off that I haven't given him the remaining £100. I don't care about the cash, really- but the fact that someone I had a lot of time for has spent the last year-and-a-bit convinced that I've just fucked off with his money really, really fucking hurts me. Mono is not the only person telling me I should try to take legal action, but there's no paperwork. You trust your friends, right?

Other than that, I'm great!

Ah. Actually, I am fairly good. I feel much better posting that. Should have gone in the "Urgh Fuck" thread, probably, but I just got the the Late Shift and it all came spilling out, like a bunch of breakable stuff you've just put in a really flimsy bag would do, just as you were crossing the road.


Let's start again.

How's it going???
23:52 / 16.02.05
Great, but who dropped all this breakable stuff all over my zebra crossing?
23:52 / 16.02.05
I am also here. Good for me.
23:54 / 16.02.05
Oops! Sorry... is there any traffic coming? (hastily begins sweeping)
Bed Head
23:55 / 16.02.05
Bloody hell, stoat. I’m sure I had a big basket of things I was meaning to whinge about tonight, but they’ve all just evaporated. So, that's a good thing at least.
Spatula Clarke
23:55 / 16.02.05
You trust your friends, right?

About as far as I could sneeze them, in a lot of cases. Friends like that? About as far as I could fart them. That ain't friends, dude.
00:07 / 17.02.05
I'm not sure what that says about you, spatula. Friends tend to move further off at a fart than a sneeze.
00:08 / 17.02.05
hah. There's all manner of other stuff I didn't get round to putting in that post, and I'm kind of glad I didn't, because I'd never have stopped. (Like, for example, the fact that this evening's call began with a "I'm about to run out of credit, can you call me back?" which meant I used up MY remaining credit HAVING that conversation... fuck, I'm stupid.)

ANYWAY... (finished now, honest)

I'm having a last couple of beers and a spliff before bed. Can we talk about fun stuff?
Spatula Clarke
00:12 / 17.02.05
You've not experienced my sneezing, Sally. And my farts have the sweet, sweet odour of rose petals.
00:13 / 17.02.05
You've been eating flowers and snorting poo again, haven't you, Spatula? I've warned you about that...
00:15 / 17.02.05
Have you had a chance to check out that Android Lust track yet, Stoatie? I'm curious to kow what you think.

I've had friends similar to yours, and roommates, but yours takes the cake. For people like that I recommend a stout plastic bag, strong rope, and a trip to the seaside.
Spatula Clarke
00:15 / 17.02.05
The secret of my success - revealed to the world! Damn you, Stoatie! Damn you all to hell!
00:19 / 17.02.05
Sometimes you gotta stop and eat the flowers. Wait, no, it's sometimes you gotta stop and smell th'...

Stoat, the question of the week: hows the ear?
00:20 / 17.02.05
Actually, lekvar, I haven't... but thanks to the miracle of tabbed browsing I shall do so now! Well, in a bit when it's downloaded, anyway.

Ah, it's not all shit, though. My next-door neighbour (who was already a friend before I moved here) will let me use his wireless broadband for- get this- a pint a month! I work nights, he works days... should work out nicely! (This weekend I shall buy a wireless card, then Star Wars: Galaxies here I come! Or maybe World of Warcraft. Or City of Heroes... ahh, the agony of choice).
00:28 / 17.02.05
Hey, that's alright, actually!!! Will DEFINITELY check their stuff out. (But then, I'm a huge NIN/RevCo fan... that had ALL the right noises).

(Oh, other cool stuff- I'm trying to make up for my doomy arrival, feel free to ignore this bit- I, for the SECOND FUCKING TIME, went seven days between beers!!! Okay, I'm hammered now, but still...)
00:36 / 17.02.05
Bah. Double posting. Slow connection and bad timing. An' all that. (And probably triple posting, too, though maybe not. You're reading this a couple of minutes into the future, right? That's fucked, cos you know whether it's double or triple, and I DON'T!!! Whoah)

Ah, the ear. Still fucked, I'm afraid. The infection's totally fucked off, apparently. If I can't hear again in a few days he's given me a letter to take to the ear unit thingy at St Bart's, where apparently they have a "small machine". Probably neither as sinister nor interesting as it sounds, but they have one. Apparently. I think's it's a syringing-type thingy. STILL CAN'T HEAR PROPERLY, THOUGH, AND IT STILL SUCKS!!!

Being fucked seems strange now there's no Battlestar Galactic left, however... (ah, how short the memory!)
01:02 / 17.02.05
Sorry to hear your ears still fucked, Stoatie, but I thought you might enjoy AL, given your stated tastes in music. At the risk of enthusing too much, AL blew me away on so many levels - she obviously was paying attention to Industrial's roots instead of just assuming that it's Electronica with a heavier beat. And she's not all etherial and whispy. That has its place, true, but I'd love to see more women in industrial doing more than just providing backup vocals.
01:07 / 17.02.05
Heard Lydia Lunch/Clint Ruin(Foetus)'s "Stinkfist"? That fucking rules.

And the more recent KMFDM stuff?

Ah. Lateshift. The place I hang out while I'm forgetting to take my supper off the stove...
Saint Keggers
01:07 / 17.02.05
Hello alls!!!!
01:15 / 17.02.05
Hey, keggers. How's shit?

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