I'm here. Despite the fact that it's my week off, I had to go into work for four hours this evening. Long, boring story. And I have to go in all day Saturday and Sunday. (Brian Blessed Brigade's in the same boat... pity us both).
And I'm cross. CROSS, I tell you. A friend of mine (who happens not only to owe me seven thousand pounds (okay, I was stupid, and to prevent us getting evicted every time she couldn't come up with the rent would cover it for her- for FIVE FUCKING YEARS), but has somehow managed to land me with the responsibility of paying the three thousand she owes our old landlord AS WELL, has just, in the same phone call, told me that she didn't rent out her spare room to someone who came to see it today because she thought they were "a bit young", despite the fact she's on the verge of eviction for- you guessed it- not paying her rent- but that it was all okay because she'd borrowed three hundred quid off someone to cover her for the next couple of weeks, and, I quote "will pay him back first because he's pretty old and you're going to live longer". Oh, and that an old flatmate of ours, who I got on really well with, is convinced that I've owed him a hundred quid for the last fifteen months, purely because the money I gave her to give him to pay off my "half" of his deposit (£150), he thinks that was her money, and is pissed off that I haven't given him the remaining £100. I don't care about the cash, really- but the fact that someone I had a lot of time for has spent the last year-and-a-bit convinced that I've just fucked off with his money really, really fucking hurts me. Mono is not the only person telling me I should try to take legal action, but there's no paperwork. You trust your friends, right?
Other than that, I'm great!
Ah. Actually, I am fairly good. I feel much better posting that. Should have gone in the "Urgh Fuck" thread, probably, but I just got the the Late Shift and it all came spilling out, like a bunch of breakable stuff you've just put in a really flimsy bag would do, just as you were crossing the road.
Let's start again.
How's it going??? |