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Saint Keggers
21:37 / 17.02.05
Back in a bit...going to eat food
Grey Area
21:40 / 17.02.05
No Stoatie! Quick, look at this picture of Queen Victoria!
Bed Head
21:45 / 17.02.05
Ooh, URL, please Stoatie. It could be like a day trip for us all. Or like that cheeseboard you found. That is, like that discussion board you once found, which was all about cheese. (I have no idea if you’ve ever found an actual cheeseboard. Hope you have, that would be a nice thing to find. Actually, hmm, it would depend where you found it, but still..)

Er, yes. URL. Please.
21:46 / 17.02.05
You're not suggesting that... no, surely not... the BTK Strangler couldn't possibly be Queen Victoria... could he?

Whoah. Horribly, horribly addictive stuff, especially when they start raising suspicion about their fellow posters. It's all a bit weird.
Saint Keggers
21:49 / 17.02.05
Its obviously Bob The Killer!
Saint Keggers
21:51 / 17.02.05
Its obviously Bob The Killer! (incase it wasnt obvious enough)
21:53 / 17.02.05
Scary serial killer stuff

God, I'd forgotten that cheese place. That was cool!!!
doozy floop
22:00 / 17.02.05
no *way* is there a whole message board about cheese!

if only i could find that elusive board all about crisps and how great cats are...
Bed Head
22:14 / 17.02.05
God, what a weird board. It does actually seem rather dramatic. Yet dull at the same time. What a trick, my mind is properly boggled now.

..although it's not quite as weird as cheesenet, or whatever it was called. Yes, it really exists. Or existed.
doozy floop
22:18 / 17.02.05
... a lovely lovely marriage between cheesenet and winenet... that's what I will dream of tonight.
Jack Denfeld
22:20 / 17.02.05
i need to get smokes and ephedrine. going to the gas station soon
Bed Head
22:23 / 17.02.05
Et voila. The net that is cheese. Still going strong, but the discussion board appears to be down. Shame, for it was probably the best place for cheese-related chat on the interwebnet. Er, probably.

Winenet. Um, that's barbelith, pretty much. And we have a cheese thread about the place somewhere, too. We're ever so sophisticated.
22:23 / 17.02.05
Ooh, maybe it was cheesenet... believe it or not, I've spent the last 15 minutes trawling Google for it.
22:25 / 17.02.05

It was Cheesenet

Cheese of the day? Port Salut, apparently.
22:26 / 17.02.05
Ah, you got there before me.
Jack Denfeld
22:27 / 17.02.05
We have like a 30 page thread on cheese in conversation. will search for it when i come back.
doozy floop
22:29 / 17.02.05
Port Salut? It's a five out of ten from me, but I once lived in a land made entirely of cheese so I do have a very discerning palate.
22:30 / 17.02.05
Wanna know what's REALLY spooky? I'm eating French bread, cheese and houmous sandwiches RIGHT NOW!!!
22:30 / 17.02.05
Salutations all.

There's a little too much cheese and not enough plinths here for my liking.
doozy floop
22:32 / 17.02.05
Well, I also once lived in a land made entirely out of plinths, if that helps.
For what it's worth, I found it a bit...lumpy.
Bed Head
22:32 / 17.02.05
Ooh, I’ve just noticed, it's past midnight. Hunting with hounds is now *officially* illegal. Perhaps we might raise a toast? To progress.
Bed Head
22:32 / 17.02.05
(Mm, toast.)
Jack Denfeld
22:33 / 17.02.05
what's a plinth? is it uk like ruth madok?
unheimlich manoeuvre
22:35 / 17.02.05
did someone mention a cheeseboard?
hmmmm ... stilton
doozy floop
22:36 / 17.02.05
I'll put me cheese on a plinth and we can all hunt some hounds. Or hound some hunters. Hunt a plinth? Hmm, they're large, slow-moving, easily idenfiable...
22:37 / 17.02.05
Did you hear Stevie Wonder got a cheese grater for Christmas?

He said it was the most violent book he'd ever read.
22:38 / 17.02.05
Good point! As of 37 minutes ago, hunting with hounds is finally illegal in the UK!!!

I'll fucking drink to that!!!
doozy floop
22:39 / 17.02.05
identifiable, that should've been. I'm tired and emotional, what can I say...
22:39 / 17.02.05
Dang! Bed Head got there WAY before me! And I didn't even notice. Ah well. I'll drink to it anyway.

Meludreen, did you hear Sir Paul McCartney got his wife a plane for Christmas?

...she uses Immac on the other leg.
22:40 / 17.02.05
Don't underestimate the plint, doozy. Slow and large they may be, but they'll topple on ya in an instant. You'll be tastefully mounted and enclosed in a glass case by the end of the day if you're not careful.
22:41 / 17.02.05
And my cheese is ON a plinth.

What, don't you keep YOUR cheese on a plinth?

What, are you on CRACK???
22:42 / 17.02.05
Surely you mean CRACK(ers)?
doozy floop
22:53 / 17.02.05
crackers...oh my...

Tis time for bed for doozies, and I wanted to leave you with a fine and mighty plinth but all I found was this.
23:04 / 17.02.05
'Night Doozy.

Stoatie - Sorry I missed that post. Teeheehee!

I want to thank you for starting the Plinthshift. It's given me some of my finest lateshift reading since I've been here. I never realised that hole in the middle of my soul was plinth shaped.
Spatula Clarke
23:30 / 17.02.05
Goddamn it. When does the Cheesenet clock roll over? The suspense of finding out what today's Cheese of the Day is going to be is killing me.

Wait up. What the hell is this? Babybel's not cheese!

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