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18:18 / 06.06.05
Hmm. I really liked Red Dragon and Cage's Family Man was okay. Besides the Rush Hour flicks, which don't exactly score points directing wise, has anyone else seen After Sunset, the Pierce Brosnan/Selma Hayek flick Ratner did last year? Was it any good?
17:27 / 10.06.05
from comics 2 film:

>> X-MEN 3

Speaking of, IESB has a video interviews with screenwriter Simon Kinberg and Fox exec Tom Rothman, who discuss the beleaguered production, and both confirmed that we'll see Beast, Juggernaut, Angel, Kitty Pryde and Dark Phoenix.

and apparently Variety and other periodicals have said that Maggie Grace will be playing Kitty Pryde after all...
17:30 / 10.06.05
Which means she's dead on Lost.
19:12 / 14.06.05
There's a script review over at aint it cool news...not sure if this is the script Ratner will use.

the link.
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
14:15 / 19.06.05
Oh god no...

According to actor Alan Cumming's official website, Fox has not picked up his option to play Nightcrawler in 'X-Men 3'...

Fucking hell, just when I thought it wasn't capable of getting much worse...
17:59 / 19.06.05
The script review sounds horrendous.
I do hope this isn't the way forward. I pray that this doesn't kill the franchise.
03:45 / 20.06.05
To be honest, if it's how it sounds like it will be, maybe the franchise should be killed now, and we can remember the first two fondly.
lonely as a cloud...
08:32 / 20.06.05
"Also, one of Rothman’s chuckle-headed notions that he kept trying to shoehorn into the first film, the idea of Storm and Wolverine having a steamy sexual relationship, has resurfaced now."
Jesus wept.
16:53 / 20.06.05
And now we've lost Nightcrawler.
18:15 / 20.06.05
I agree with Staotie.

Perhaps, after Marvel has lost money on its other comic franchises, and Singer loses his hat with Superman, they can round up the X actors and do a five years later Dark Phoenix story.
18:22 / 20.06.05
Oh, I agree. lets stop at X2... only it won't be killed now and X3 will come out.
22:09 / 20.06.05
There's a script review over at aint it cool news...not sure if this is the script Ratner will use.

Don't believe everything you read on the intertron.
18:51 / 21.06.05
Regarding Brett Ratner’s X3, Avi Arad said [at a press conference covered by Newsaram just now], "Dark Phoenix should not be the centerpiece of the movie."
12:54 / 01.07.05
Maggie Grace is apparently not going to play Kitty Pryde (she didn't want to be written out of LOST, so the story goes).
15:10 / 01.07.05
more X3 news from comics2film:


Speaking of Neil Gaiman, the writer wrote in his weblog that he visited the offices for the production. "I spent about 45 minutes a few days ago in the 'X-Men 3' offices, seeing what they'd planned for the movie, watching animatics of some of the sequences, admiring the concept art. I heard people there muttering about the fact they'd got a movie coming out in May 2006 and they didn't seem to have the budget to make the film they were planning, and how they'd probably be reduced to a pulse-pounding tiddlywinks battle between Magneto and Wolverine in the final sequence -- but they all seemed very committed to the project, while hoping that their budget and time issues could be worked out with the powers that be."

The Writers Guild of America site has two interviews worth noting. Their chat with Simon Kinberg gives a taste of what we can expect. "I am working on 'X-Men 3' right now and that's certainly a more somber, serious tone. And it's really about character. I thought the first two 'X-Men' movies were so effective because they were truly rooted in this strange, dysfunctional family of mutants, versus just about what they can blow up."

They also talked to Sheldon Turner about the "Magneto" spinoff. "With Magneto, the first thing I did was go back and read every comic book with a reference to him in it. What you find is that there's some really smart stuff there. There's some stuff you can take and some things that you respectfully reject because you have to ask: Is it going to play cinematically? It's a negotiation of sorts because you don't want to get all the 'X-Men' fans abuzz about how you didn't pay respect to the core origin, but you also have to make it accessible to those who don't know who Magneto is. Even if you haven't seen an 'X-Men' movie, good drama is good drama."

With Avi Arad confirming that Maggie Grace is out as Kitty Pryde (more on that in a bit), "Serenity" star Summer Glau is allegedly next in the queue, which prompted creator Joss Whedon to respond on the Serenity Message Boards (registration required). "Summer did read for Kitty in 'X3.' I know because she called me and mentioned she was going to and did I know anything about the character (there were no 'sides' to study -- they had to get them when they came in). So the girl I turned into sort of a superhero in my movie was going to read for the character that most influenced ALL my girl-heroes, Kitty Pryde. Karmically funky. Anyhoo, she called me after and said it was very emotional and kind of like when she read for 'FIREFLY,' she just got into a very intense groove. She started telling me about the scene she read and that's when I realized WHY it was kind of like she read for 'FIREFLY.' 'Cause (as you may know) it was a scene I wrote for 'Astonishing X-Men' issue #5. I assume they just didn't have sides ready and used that but this was like a karmic Moebius strip, it was just too folded in on itself. In this time of odd, I turned to beer. (No I didn't. Stay in school.) I don't know what the X-peeps are looking for -- or even if that other girl has really dropped out -- but for my money, Summer would make a wonderful Kitty. (And I don't say that lightly)."

Finally, the New York Post (registration required) has a rumor in its notorious Page Six column that one of the X-Men's more controversial characters may sneak in the next film. "RED-blooded director Brett Ratner is having his dream character written into the new 'X-Men 3' movie. The mutant is, according to an inside source, 'an unbelievably hot and sexy hooker. Her super power is that she secretes a pheromone that helps her to seduce men. She can seduce anyone.' The source added the character has not yet been cast but, 'they are open to all ethnicities who are in their early-to-mid 20s.' Unknowns Kate Nauta and Aya Sumika are apparently auditioning. A rep for Ratner didn't return calls."
15:47 / 01.07.05
Ah, River. A strangely superhuman child-woman with ninja skills and a genius-level intellect.

Can't see how Joss Whedon is influenced by Kitty Pryde in every single female heroine he has ever created.
16:28 / 01.07.05
The mutant is, according to an inside source, 'an unbelievably hot and sexy hooker. Her super power is that she secretes a pheromone that helps her to seduce men. She can seduce anyone.'

Oh shit, it's Poison Ivy. With Vinny Jones as Banernaut. Is Joel Schumacher directing this? I have seen the future, Barbeloids, and it involves X-Nipples.
Lama glama
16:55 / 01.07.05
Gah, Stacy X. Why on earth would they choose such a boring character, when there are a wealth of interesting personalities to choose from.

I can see the Stacy X seducing Wolverine scene already...

...well, this mightn't be so bad.
17:13 / 01.07.05
Summer as Kitty might be cool... but everything else (especially this hooker thing) sounds horrible.
18:44 / 01.07.05
Damn, I was planning on skipping this movie, but if it has Summer as Kitty, the collision of my crushes will no doubt force me into a $10 seat.
This Sunday
17:57 / 02.07.05
Am I the only person who was amused with Stacy-X? Even under Austen - wait, no, especially under Austen's pen - she was just wrong enough to be included. There's something terribly braindamaged fanboy-fantasy about the video she left behind, y'know, naked jumproping or whatever it was. Personally, I think they should have kept her around just because no one else at the mansion could maintain any level of social/public respectability so long as they were associated with her.
You just know, there are legions of fans who secretly - and some not so - who've fantasized about falling on Nightcrawler naked while coming on with cheesy lines. What was odd to me was that none of the X-Men responded to her in an affirmative way. Aside from the JeanScott entity, or the inexplicable Rogue/Remy (now that not-Magneto is dead), how many of these guys and gals are really picky? Where's the free-for-all mutant morality?
Anyhow, aside from my desire to see all things fall into a pit of goofiness and rob the franchise of any respectability and moral integrity and scare all the fanboys away... from what I can recall of his films, Ratner's never been real big on properly developed women. Sex(y) as character development, and all. It's his directing that worries me more than who'll be in it, character-wise; there's no character that nobody can write a good story around.
15:00 / 04.07.05
RED-blooded director Brett Ratner

Oh how I do fucking hate this turn of phrase.

And Stacy X... I can't imagine this being good but let's wait and see.
This Sunday
20:34 / 04.07.05
I dream of the day I'll see someone - in some mainstream press thing - be referred to as 'green blooded,' if only because 'weird mobile slightly luminous and possibly intelligently blooded' doesn't scan well.
lonely as a cloud...
14:33 / 07.07.05
From Bang! media...:
Tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams are competing for a starring role in 'X-Men 3'. The sisters - who are used to going head to head on the tennis court - reportedly both want to play the part of a bisexual hooker in the upcoming film.
Good grief. I don't know what to think...
16:59 / 07.07.05
jeez, that can't possibly be real...I hope.

Now another rumor is that Nick Stahl might play Warren Worthington III. Hmmm. He's a good actor, at least.
16:46 / 18.07.05
on the time crunch for X3 issue, Bryan Singer had this to say about Ratner directing the movie recently:

>> Question: What do you think of Brett Ratner directing the third X-Men movie?

>> Singer: I think it's great. He's a good friends of mine; I've known him for years. And I'm excited for him. I hope he has enough time to make the picture.

13:05 / 19.07.05
>> According to Variety (subscription required), actor Ben Foster ("Six Feet Under") will be donning the white wings of Warren Worthington III, the team's Angel.
paranoidwriter waves hello
08:57 / 24.07.05
(Sorry for not reading all this thread and maybe repeating information, but) WOW!

I just saw an interview with Kelsey Grammer who said his next role was playing a highly intelligent, blue furry mutant in X3! Frasier as Dr Henry McKoy! That (IMHO) is genius casting. I can't wait!
06:26 / 28.07.05
For those of you who still care, they've cast Kitty Pride (It isn't the girl from Lost or River, it's someone new.) I can't be bothered to link it but you can check aintitcool or cbr.
11:15 / 28.07.05
Ellen Page
13:04 / 02.08.05
"an unbelievably hot and sexy hooker. Her super power is that she secretes a pheromone that helps her to seduce men."

Every time I read this on some entertainment website, I'm just dumbfounded by the boringness of it. What is interesting about a hot and sexy woman with the super power to seduce men? What? Because men are are normally so resistant to being seduced by hot and sexy women?

Why not make this mutant ugly or better yet incredibly inhuman in appearence, like Slick in Grant's X-Men?
15:56 / 02.08.05
Hookers always need help seducing their discerning not at all desperate clientele who would otherwise go elsewhere!

I know if I could seduce anyone with my special powers I'd be a hooker.

It all just makes the kind of perfect sense that hurts to think about because it's so perfect.
This Sunday
23:15 / 02.08.05
Am I the only one who thinks the seducto-scenting probably helps people overcome the scales? This is why rhinestone lingerie isn't such a great idea - or chainmail romance; it hasn't stopped the formation of a venue, but.... Scratchy, itchy, chafy... okeh, yeah, there's a market for that, too, but I'm thinking you'd have more business without. Or by balancing it out with pheremones. And naked jump-rope.
01:52 / 03.08.05
Well, sorry for not having the full info, but wasn't there some issue or other where the scales starting coming off to reveal red skin, Stacy shrieking "Don't look at me!" repeatedly?

Meaning, indeed there could be a horribly ugly little thing going on, for which the "smells" DO make up for.

But then, I avoided Austen like the plague or the preacher, so, hum, this might be redundant.

Regardless: Stacy X's inclusion seems like an incredibly stupid way of taking advantage of the franchise, when there are a number of characters to be brought in... Still hard to believe (or maybe not really, cough) that they invest in what will most likely little more than a consistent source of T & A to what has so far been a series completely free of that ridiculous trap (Oh. Well. Except for the naked blue lady. So I might take that back. Oopsie!).

Even if she were taken advantage of properly (doubt it, to be honest), still think it would lead to veering off in a weird direction, thematically, for the third movie (maybe with a fourth...?).

Bah. Am rambly, pardon. Anyway. Completely unexcited about this, by now, THOOOOugh Frasier McCoy is just a joyously brilliant choice.
16:53 / 09.08.05
Out of all of Austen's car crash of a run I liked Stacy the most. She got a hard time for being a prostitute by the X-men (like none of them have dubious pasts) but also by fandom for being "too adult".
I can't say she's my first choice for another X3 cast member (and of Peter David's X-Factor will do) but she won't kill it as much as the awful script and the hackneyed repeated plot from the last two films.

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