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17:07 / 22.08.04
Actually if Joss has a hand in writing this I'd like to see him flesh out Scott a little more. I don't think there's any need to bring up Alex, as Logan and Scott's tension hasn't even been fully explored yet. Let's not complicate matters now, you know. I really would like to see Logan and Scott team up to fight sentinels... kinda to give Cyclops a chance to cut loose and add a nice parallel between them. Also it'd be nice if the second stringer's that've already been introduced get some spotlight. Maybe a B-Team comprised of Iceman, Rogue, and Colossus.
Benny the Ball
20:50 / 22.08.04
And Kevin Pollack, as anyone...
07:12 / 24.08.04
Kevin Pollack might make a good Arcade or, with the help of extensive prosthetics, Mojo. I don't, however, see these as ever being the antagonists of any of the X-flicks.

I think the next flick has to bring in Bishop, Cable, Rachel Summers, Gambit, Graydon Creed and the FOH, in order to talk at length about the fate of mutantkind in relationship to humanity. This then allows for the introduction of the Sentinel. Go into some detail about the various possible futures, and then consolidate them with the resurrection of Phoenix. This actually would then allow for Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister to be in an X4.

This being the most logical direction means, of course, that it won't be what they do. Sigh.

Regrettable Juvenilia
07:34 / 24.08.04
I think the next flick has to bring in Bishop, Cable, Rachel Summers, Gambit, Graydon Creed and the FOH... Go into some detail about the various possible futures...

Hahahahahahaha! Good one! I tell you, we really do have some of the wittiest people writing on this board, I couldn't have come up with a better joke than that if I'd tried.
06:23 / 25.08.04
But but but but but

Christ, it's not as though I pointed out that it's going to be damn hard to explain the Phoenix concept without bringing the bloody Shi'ar into this mess, which will likely not play well. If they'd been smart they'd have kept the whole thing stripped down so they could go with more domestic threats like the Hellfire Club or the Legacy Virus, but since that seal is halfway broken, don't blame me for choosing to think epic.

Regrettable Juvenilia
07:19 / 25.08.04
it's going to be damn hard to explain the Phoenix concept without bringing the bloody Shi'ar into this mess

Er... why? All you need to know/tell is that Jean comes back as something more than just mutant - that she's now a being with potentially godlike powers. That's it. Fuck the Shi'ar.
12:49 / 25.08.04
I agree 100% with Flyboy. Shi'ar not necessary. FUCK THE POLICE!!! ....I mean the Shi'ar
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:33 / 25.08.04
One could almost say that while including characters like Cable, Sinister, and so on would be ill-advised and unnecessary, including Lillandra, Deathbird or the Imperial Guard would be...

Wait for it...

Shi'ar folly!
13:43 / 25.08.04

*readies tomato salvo*
16:52 / 25.08.04
Well, the problem with leaving the Shiar out of it is who then do you have to decide Phoenix must die? I suppose you could have the X-Men turning against each other, some wanting her dead, some wanting her to live. I suppose Xavier to this end would have to be the potential executioner (perhaps teamed up with Magneto). But then how do you get them to the Blue Side of the Moon.... oh, that has to go too?

see, the story just gets less and less fun...
18:34 / 25.08.04
Um, who's said X3 will be taking any elements out of the DP saga? No one.

For all anyone knows none of the DP saga even applies tangentially, apart from two characters called Jeanix.
21:59 / 25.08.04
Um, who's said X3 will be taking any elements out of the DP saga? No one.

I kind of took the great big Phoenix reflection in the last frames of X2 to be a fairly large clue. Plus Famke Jansen (Jean) has said as much in interviews when asked about the future of her characters.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:02 / 26.08.04
Nobody is arguing that the Phoenix won't be in the next film, just that they don't have to tell exactly the same story Claremont did.
09:44 / 26.08.04
I think they have really missed a trick on this one, and have written to Avi Arad to that effect. With modern CGI and the budget allowed by a successful series, they could at last have told the greatest X-Men story ever told.

Yes, Kulan Gaath takes Manhattan.

This strikes me as having all the best elements of the ideas above. There is the possibility of cool gadgetry (Nick Fury in the Helicarrier watching the action and complaining about not being able to do anything), as in the Sentinel storylines. In lieu of Cable, Bishop, Shard, Genesis, Tyler, Ship, Blaquesmith, Nate Grey, the Dark Beat, The Sugar Man, Maddy Prior and the other exciting characters from the X-Men's many alternative futures and universes, we have other exciting new characters like Starfox and Captain America (and I reckon Matt Salinger might be free for the role - hint hint!), *and* the setting of a New York transformed into medieval times would provide plenty of the fine corsetry and breastage for which the Dark Phoenix saga is rightly famous. Not sure how to get the Shi'ar in, though... maybe Shi'ar versus Sentinels versus SHIELD could be the next film? It could be called X-ESSES. Because they all begin with "S".

Oh, AND! it could feature an audience-pleasing cameo by SPIDER-MAN. Or, as Kulan would have it, "the Man-Spider". Clever...
19:45 / 27.08.04
who knows if this is true, but I saw this on the Net:

>> Our sources say Joss Whedon is set to Write and Direct X Men 3 with the start date now pushed back to the Summer of 2005.

thats all there is but hnp is usually reliable.

Would be so lovely if Joss really did direct X3, methinks.
04:29 / 29.08.04
With a character-driven franchise like X-Men it's far easier to write a story around characters that might not involve canon than it is to write it around a pivotal event. There are, to my mind, certain elements that have to be established for the whole Phoenix saga to make ANY sense. OK, we know Jean is a really fucking powerful psychic, but that's only been marginally demonstrated in the films thus far, and no hint of the origin of the Phoenix has been given, so whatever back story they provide in this next film will feel tacked on, whatever it is. The problem with the Phoenix is that it's ancillary to the core point of the X-Men's story, which is that they fight to protect a world that hates and fears them. That's it in a nutshell. When you involve cosmic forces where none have yet been suggested, I can't imagine it not sounding hollow. I really think it was a misstep for the movies to "kill" Jean this early. The only salvation I see is exactly that: Jean as Phoenix emerges as the mutant Messiah, seemingly everywhere and inspiring mutants to throw off their shackles and come out of the closet and whatever other "fringe" groups' metaphors seem appropos. THEN you examine Phoenix as this possible discrete entity from Jean, and whether she's inspiring freedom or a different kind of fascism.

But I still say the Sentinels have to be in there. Don't fight me on this one. Just close your eyes and think of England.

14:19 / 30.08.04
Um, who's said X3 will be taking any elements out of the DP saga? No one.

The actress who plays Jean has suggested in a couple interviews that they're doing some version of the Dark Phoenix storyline.

And really, why do Phoenix (which they're obviously doing)if you're not going to do Dark Phoenix? Not very interesting without it...
13:46 / 08.09.04
from comics2film:

by Hannibal Tabu, Staff Writer
Posted: September 8, 2004

Perhaps the WB has given up on the "Dawson's Creek" vibe altogether and given in to the mad urges of the Silver Age. According to the spoilers page at Kryptonsite, the season's seventh episode (called "Jinx") will feature yet another DCU character, this one with a mind for mischief.


The film's principals are all over the web, talking sequel. First actress Selma Blair talked to XFM about what she expects to happen. "mean, come on, Liz saves the day at the end and she's with Hellboy the hero. I figure she will be more prominent in the second one or at least have a bit of a sense of humour. (sic) Ultimately I do trust Guillermo del Toro and Mike Mignola so I'll see the tone that they are going to set. I trust Guillermo completely. Yeah I probably will work on making her a little more aggressive than I let her be in the first one."

Ron Perlman also talked to XFM, saying, "He gave me a perfect character to play the first time around. I'm of a mind that if it ain't broke, then don't fix it. Why would I ever presume to tell Guillermo Del Toro to change something that he knows incredibly well how to do. I would much rather open the Christmas present without knowing what it is on the day and be totally surprised and delighted like I was the last time, like I am every time."

Finally the site interviewed the man himself, Guillermo del Toro who said, "I think that the first movie deals with Hellboy and his immediate family and his immediate environment. The second movie will deal with Hellboy in the world. It will be more of Hellboy facing the real world and more of his real role on this earth. You know, does he belong with the humans. The first one was 'Tarzan,' the second one is 'Tarzan In The City' (laughs)."


According to the industry rag Production Weekly, Buffy veteran Joss Whedon has already signed on to direct the third mutant-themed Marvel adaptation with production slated to begin in Vancouver in June 2005.

WOW!!!! If this is true, that would be freakin' great.
15:16 / 08.09.04
I think a good way of doing Phoenix with only the Dark Phoenix paranoia is by mixing a good deal of Grant's NXM into Jean's original resurrection. Instead of Jean getting "corrupted" by an "agent of evil", have her seemingly possessed of a mysterious cosmic awareness.

Everybody would be freaked out by the increase in her power and ridiculously amped-up telepathic/telekinetic ability, and when she fliles off to save some unknown mutants from a batch of Sentinels, she freaks out the US Government by torching a city where the Master Mold was being hidden. Xavier abruptly shuts her mind off while anti-mutant hysteria grows exponentially.

Wideawake is released and giant robots are flown in for real action. Magneto takes advantage fo the situation and uses the robots to take Manhattan. Holocaust redux.

Jean breaks free of the blocks and races off to Manhattan to save the day, but instead of torching NYC like they think she'll do, she focusses all the world's camera and satellite equipment on Erik and forces him to rant about his hurt feeling and fascist ideals. He's shown to be an old selfish broken man, and he kills her, with the world watching.

I think that might work. No Shi'Ar. No Hellfire Club. No cosmic clones. No "Force" save Jean's own tangible volition. And a sacrifice at the end. Maybe even an Emma Frost!
18:30 / 08.09.04
I mean thematically, Phoenix is only relevant becasue it's a sublimated super x 10 mutation of a biological mutant. With everything gettting hella spiritual and clawing at meaning, i think treating Phoenix as another evolution is the the best option for the franchise. -which is excatly what mister morrison did.
17:30 / 30.09.04
from Comics 2 Film:

>> X-MEN 3

According to, producer Lauren Shuler Donner said, "that she is looking forward to continuing with the X-Men franchise and that 'X-3' will continue with the Dark Phoenix saga. After 'X-3' there may be a Wolverine movie."

I also saw an article somewhere the other day where Patrick Stewart says X3 will start shooting in about 8 months, but they still don't have a script or director yet.
09:28 / 02.10.04
I just spotted this on and thought I would post it here since you guys have been talking about it -

X-Men 3 has a writer! .... Rather, it’s Simon Kinberg!!!

When Bryan Singer decided to throw his chips in with Superman, and leave the X-Men franchise recently, there were those who were worried about the state of X-Men 3.

After all, Singer took his writers, Dan Harris and Michael Dougherty, with him, while Fox had not closed any deals for any of the principal actors - Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen et al - to return. The future looked about as bleak as Days of Future Past (Geek alert!)

But, given that the the X-movies have grossed almost a billion dollars worldwide, theatrically, Fox and Marvel were never going to let the series die. And so it was announced today that the merry mutants have a new writer - Simon Kinberg.

Simon Who? Well, it’s certainly not the Joss Whedon appointment that many fanboys had been trumpeting - hardly surprising, though, as the Buffymeister is busy on his pet project, Serenity (and, given that, according to a very good source, he wrote that Godawful ‘Do you know what happens to a Toad when it’s hit by lightning?’ line in the original, it might be a blessing in disguise). But nor is it a big-name writer.

Yet Kinberg is quietly making a name for himself in Hollywood - and with Fox and Marvel especially. He’s already carried out rewrites on both Elektra and Fantastic Four, has written xXx: State of the Union for Sony, and is a huge comic book fan.
14:19 / 18.10.04
from Dark Horizons:

>> Robert Sanchez is up in Vancouver today covering the set of "The Fantastic Four" for Dark Horizons and his own site IESB. During a chat with Avi Arad, he got a full breakdown on how the assorted Marvel comic movies are progressing:

Is Joss Whedon being considered as rumored? Arad says yes. Whedon getting the movie will have nothing to do with how well Serenity does. The look that Avi Arad apparently gave the on-set reporters lead them to believe that Joss Whedon may indeed be directing. He also confirmed that Singer's departure was simply that Warners offered him more money for "Superman".
20:16 / 25.10.04

from aint it cool news:

At a pro-Kerry conference call/party event he hosted, Whedon said...

>> * Joss told the world he will not be writing and directing “X3.” “After looking deep into my heart,” he confessed to thousands over a conference call, “I realized that Fox did not ask me to write and direct ‘X3’.”

Also, I read on that Joss joked that since no one had asked him to direct X3, he figured that showing up to direct it on its first day of shooting might be seen as bad etiquette.

No word yet on who they DO want to direct it...
21:44 / 25.10.04
That sucks...
01:52 / 26.10.04
Funny enough, Avi Arad apparently alluded this in regards to X3:

"Is Joss Whedon being considered as rumored? Arad says yes. If I was a bettin' man by the look that Avi Arad gave leads us to believe that Joss Whedon may indeed be directing X-Men 3... Serious gut feeling people."

I saw this over at SuperHeroHype, which I believe someone mentioned a few posts up.

So I suppose in the studio's "consideration process" he wasn't contacted. Now wouldn't it be funny if Fox ultimately decided on him? Would his aforementioned admission perclude him from recieving the project now? Faaaaaack... Fox should get off their collective ass and hire him IMHO... guy's just what this movie needs: some positive energy after losing Singer to Superman.
15:01 / 26.10.04
I know, I heard Arad's comments and thought that was odd...
14:01 / 22.03.05



Variety reports (subscription required) that "20th Century Fox and Marvel Entertainment have tapped Brit filmmaker Matthew Vaughn ('Layer Cake') to helm the second sequel to the beefy franchise. Filming's skedded to start in early summer with many of the cast from the first two films expected to reprise their roles."

Meanwhile, has a scooper's rumormongering on cast: "Gambit and Beast we can confirm. Not sure about Angel. Hugh, Famke, Ian, and Patrick are back as of today. This is in addition to the actors already optioned for 'X3.' Anna, Halle, and James are NOT signed yet, though by the end of the week, they should know what will happen with Anna Paquin. Looks like besides Phoenix, the SENTINELS are in, including a character called Dr. Bolivar Trask."
22:45 / 03.05.05
So it's Vinnie Jones as the Juggernaut is it?

I dunno. Something about that has potential but I honestly can't imagine Juggy looking like anything else but a steel-plated baboon penis in live action, no matter how mad crazy Jones would be in the role.

Is there some Ultimate Juggernaut costume that doesn't look so daft as this?

22:56 / 03.05.05
Bard: One-Man Humaton Hoedown
00:51 / 04.05.05
You could always do the Shi'ar as being a secret society dedicated to the shaping and control of the Phoenix. Opposed on the other side by the Hellfire Club. The Shi'ar think that mutants are the result of alien experimentation and that the Shi'ar, themselves, were invested with their mandate by aliens.

The current leader of the Shi'ar is named Lilandra, attended by her mutant bodyguards, with their goofy names, who have been thoroughly indoctrinated.

Sort of more of a 2nd season Dark Angel vibe there.

This is my first random thought of how the Shi'ar could work. It probably wouldn't work, but it's just amusing to consider.
07:22 / 04.05.05
The current leader of the Shi'ar is named Lilandra, attended by her mutant bodyguards, with their goofy names, who have been thoroughly indoctrinated.

Which would be completely unlike Stryker and Deathstroke.


I can't see Juggernaut looking good. FX still struggles when making actors appear huge. Both The Hulk and LXG's Hyde looked pretty naff. The Juggernaut is fuck off HUGE.

As for his cossy, I think the Ultimate version look appropriately uncomfortable and claustrophobic enough. Just remove the bondage overtones and they could be onto something.
07:38 / 04.05.05
He’s already carried out rewrites on both Elektra and Fantastic Four, has written xXx: State of the Union for Sony, and is a huge comic book fan.

Holy crap. This is the best CV ever.
Eloi Tsabaoth
08:17 / 04.05.05
Jones doesn't need a costume to look like a giant penis.
Oooh, but I wouldn't be saying that if he was here, would I? What with him being a 'hard-man' and all.
X3 is suddenly looking like a very dim prospect indeed.
Benny the Ball
09:47 / 04.05.05
When I read about Jones being mentioned as Jugganaught, I cringed, thinking of his cold, dead eyes in any film makes me shudder.

I guess Mr Vaughan is thinking along the lines of 'not my actors, going to have a whole slew of suits around me, better get some friends in' - still, Jones, I mean really - Cox, McKellan and, erm, Jones....

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