I debated whether to post this to the "Urgh! Fuck!" thread, but decided on here, since I'd say I'm more depressed about these things than outrightly angry, though there is some of that in the mix.
I'm upset that the two major opportunities that came into my life in the past couple months have, either by my own entropy or the blockheadedness of others fizzled into nothing. One was a job with an upscale toy store about to reopen in town, for whom I'd have been a toy demonstrator, being paid to mess around with kids all day. Unfortunately, unlike every other job I've had in the past 2.5 years, they would not accept my expired MD driver's license as a legitimate form of ID. They would have accepted my passport, except I've not had cause to use it for about 7 years, so I have no idea where it is. It may have even been stolen by an ex-roommate. I'd go get a replacement, but by the time I'd get it the opportunity would have passed me by, and in fact may already have done so. So, a little bit of my stupidity, and a little bit of bureaucratic myopia.
The other opportunity was to be in an indie film that's been postponed twice, now set to film next month. The role I'd have played came to me from the film's writer/director/producer/costar/etc., with whom I've corresponded on and off online for something near eight years now, and with whom I previously attempted collaborate with sad results. Unfortunately, history has repeated itself: I've been as supportive as I know how, roping in talent with whom I have connections, lending my own extratheatrical abilities to the production, even being willing to take on administrative roles that I didn't want all to help make this happen, but the moment I voice concerns, try to help all parties involved be happy, or point out that my collaborator ought to be involving himself in aspects he's avoided, I get called the Judas and cast out of Eden. This is quite sad, as I think this guy is quite talented, but is altogether too much of a primadonna, and takes a foot when offered an inch. It breaks my heart, not because I won't be involved, but because he'll likely alienate everyone else before he's done, sending yet another project into the abyss.
I'm depressed about a good many other things, one of which can be read about in the "What Ate Your Life?" thread, but if I go into too much detail I tend to annoy people, so I'll leave it with these two.
/+, |