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Mafia 4: Space Station Whisky - The Game


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01:21 / 17.05.03
"Very interesting."

'szaBelele looks at the little mud-pie on its pillow, and her claws flex.

"Qal Yn, as ninja, was responsible for only one death; he saved us from a MAFIA. 'Revenge had to be had'? Why, tell please, might you need revenge for the death of an evil brainsucking horror?"
Baz Auckland
03:48 / 17.05.03

"My comments were strictly in a ninjas vs. pirates context. Not a innocent vs. MAFIA."
08:52 / 17.05.03
Uh-oh. Not a good memory to go with a hangover. Imagine the previous picture but with limp tentacles.
8===>Q: alyn
17:57 / 17.05.03
Is this really it? thinks Able-Bodied Spaceman First Class Qal Yn as he plummets head-first toward the black hole. It was my duty to sacrifice myself for the good of the group, but can I really be destroyed by the panic and petty jealousy of my genetic inferiors?

As he approaches the black hole's gravity something-or-other, a rift opens ahead of him, darker than the darkest dark, and a sexy tenebromorphic cheerleader pops her head through.

=Hey, cutie,= she narrowcasts, =need a lift?=

"And how!" Qal Yn somehow says into the vaccuum. Then he's whisked away to Schpilkis Prime where you can't see a thing but citizens routinely earn doctorates in "Swedish Massage for Kryptonians" and "Preparation and Serving of Peeled Grapes. To Kruptonians."
Nietzsch E. Coyote
03:02 / 19.05.03
but can I really be destroyed by the panic and petty jealousy of my genetic inferiors?

The psychic residue of Nietzsch E. pops his head in from the Western Lands and says, "Why not, I was."
Whisky Priestess
16:15 / 19.05.03
The Captain Priestess dreams ...

Whisky Priestess
16:29 / 19.05.03
The Captain Priestess relaxes as she sips Boravian bloodwine and savours the pedicure from the replacement service drone. Life is sweet, life is easy, life slipping into an alcoholic haze. Suddenly, an ear-shattering klaxon rends the air around her.

"Identitify and report!" she snarls at the cowering droid.

"It's the panic alarm in the quarters of the ex-Emperor Bizunth, your regal scrumptiousness, ma'am."

"What does the old fool want now?"

"Unknown at this time, your incandescant radiance. Perhaps we should investigate?"

"Possibly. The last time it went off, he'd lost his rubber ducky." Reaching a decision, she picks up the remaining flagon and heads for the corridor. "You'd better stay here and work on your grovelling."

The Imperial cabin is in chaos on her arrival. Lackeys scurry around in a mixture of confusion, shock and - could it be - glee?

"What's going on? Where's your master ?" Before the minion can answer, a loud buzzing issues from the Imperial bathroom, the lights flicker out and the sweet aroma of roasted flesh fills the air. Racing to the other room, the Captain is greeted by a twisted corpse; its scrawny, senile features all too familiar.

"Sweet Mother of the Holy Ghost!" she gasps, considering resuscitation for the tiniest sliver of a second before relising that this might involved touching the wizedned and very obviously dead thing in front of her.

A tiny pool of grey matter puddles beside Bizunth's eggshell skull.

"They've sucked his brain, the fiends!" she cries, outraged. A minion humbly begs to report that no brain-sucking had taken place, but that was indeed all that was left of the old tyrant's grey matter.

"Why?" weeps the Captain Priestess, flailing at the walls before regaining her balance. "Why?"

Then she spots a rather familiar cheap magazine on the floor by Bizunth's jelly-bed.

"Oh. He was a Detective. Well, that would explain why."
Whisky Priestess
17:22 / 19.05.03
But what's that feeble scrawl in the murdered man's My First Book of Tyranny?

It has three names -

Qal Yn
and Flyboy

and the single word

Ethan Hawke
17:38 / 19.05.03
If someone was the Vampire, but not activated yet, would they come up innocent when a Detective asked about them?
Eloi Tsabaoth
18:22 / 19.05.03
The eyes of one of his weeping attendants roll back into his head and he rasps:
"Curses! Now I don't get to have my big revelatory speech, about how I, a simple evil overlord of the galaxy, became a part-time PI, complete with intricate and exciting back story! Get the MAFIA, you fools, and show them the meaning of the words 'painfully tortured and then ejected into the boiling wastes of infinity'!"
Whisky Priestess
20:45 / 19.05.03
T.O.D.D. - an unactivated Vampire shows up innocent when a Detective asks about them. Or in other words, either Flyboy or bjacques could indeed be a Vampire.
22:48 / 19.05.03
We hurriedly point out that the tan on our tentacles didn't come out of a bottle! And our world has
two suns.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:25 / 20.05.03

Well, now my innocence is secure, I see no reason not to lead off the voting against the entity clearly responsible for noble Bizunth's death.

Let's dismantle that pesky toaster, Tez.
11:34 / 20.05.03

Well at least we now know that Flyboy and Bjacques are innocent. And on that note: "Um, sorry Bjacques... blue tentacles... mumble, mumble... iszabelle said... mumble, mumble... didn't mean it..." [looks down at floor].
11:54 / 20.05.03
Hell, I just realised that it might actually be worthwhile paying attention to our good Captain: "Or in other words, either Flyboy or bjacques could indeed be a Vampire." Bugger, is nothing going to be simple in this game?

I am kind of tempted to follow Flyboy's lead on this one... What do you know Flyboy? You seem very sure... And we all know that you are at present innocent. Hm...
14:27 / 20.05.03
'szaBelele shakes her head, slowly.

"I am deeply ashamed to have accused an innocent. Happenstance and my thirst for retribution clouded my judgement, and I am embarrassed beyond words. At least in this language...

"But, you - barkeep - how often do you trust what you hear here? I appreciate the vote of confidence in me, but speculation in a cantina is poor grounds for a life or death decision. It's a pity that's what we have...."
14:38 / 20.05.03
Yup - innocence includes unturned vampires and the baddie FINK.

We have good reason not to lynch Flyboy or bjacques...
Rev. Orr
22:43 / 20.05.03
Well, yes, if we think that the vampire remains unturned and there is but a solitary mafia waiting for a just and swift death.

Wish I was that optimistic.

Who was pushing hardest for the ninjas death? Oh, that's right, the bloody ninja. Back to square one. Anyone have a talent for quadratic equations? I can't cope with so many variables and unknowns.
08:21 / 21.05.03

The collective SeuqcajB, to celebrate the Black Camel kneeling in front of someone else's door for a change, downs a few Bloody Marys (a drink with TOMATO JUICE, NOT BLOOD! We're not pulling another "100% Mafia" non-Freudian slip...)

And we, too, accuse Tez, on the grounds that innocent-looking iron could leap into somebody's bath while plugged in.
08:23 / 21.05.03

*burp* excuse us.
08:33 / 21.05.03

09:23 / 21.05.03

The light atop Tezcatlipoca begins to flash wildly, then dims. A low humming suddenly erupts from deep within the shell of the entity, and a whisp of yellow smoke curls up into the air. Then the hum becomes a buzz, then a whine, then a cry.

"self-preservation mode booting up..."
Yurf awakes from his slumber, lifting his head from the puddle of beer.
"'Ere. It's doin sommat."
"mode installed. assigning routines. assigned."
"Flllrip! FjkXxc-Lj?"
"starting voice modular run-time. started."

Then the bar falls into silence. The two aliens stare at the iron, then at each other, and then back again. The device hums softly, a pale blue aura surrounding its shell, its light winking gently.

"The entity known as Tezcatlipoca wishes to appeal before any more senseless votes against it are made," says a voice deep within the device. "It is not responsible for the deaths on this station." The voice dwindles into silence, as though contemplating something. The light begins to glow a savage red. "The entity known as Tezcatlipoca wishes the entity currently listed in its files as Flyboy to explain why he finds the former entity 'clearly' guilty of being Mafia. As the entity listed in its files as Rat has pointed out, being declared innocent has not necessarily absolved Flyboy from being a threat to us. The entity known as Tezcatlipoca would like to hear Flyboy's theory before the lynch mob votes."
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:04 / 21.05.03
Several people have asked me why I'm voting for Tez - I'll admit that the phrase 'clearly' was poorly chosen, the result of both my taste for hyperbole and the fact that in Maths GCSE, 'clearly' or 'by definition' was what you put when you couldn't figure out how to show your working.


I was recently shown a private message from Tez to another poster which seemed very suspicious - presented with a number of theories, his only reply was to suggest that the poster in question revealed their identity to him at once - with no information offered in return. While that PM *could* conceivably have been faked, it had the ring of truth to it, and came from one of a several posters whom I believe to be innocent.
12:00 / 21.05.03

The light dims red again. The blue aura returns and a string of garbled vowels and fragments of words spills from the household appliance.

with no information offered in return

"You are mistaken, entity labelled as Flyboy. The PM was a response to a message first sent to this iron by another member of the station crew. It should be painfully obvious from that reply that this iron did not trust the sender in the slightest, and so reponsded with caution by suggesting they could make me trust them by revealing their identity; the response then being that I would reveal mine. The fact this wasn't mentioned in my message doesn't make it untrue, simply unsaid. The entity known as Tezcatlipoca is happy however, since for a few brief moments he was worried that Flyboy actually had a valid theory which might cause an uneccessary lynching, but, just in case there are more doubters out there: I am not - nor to my knowledge ever have been - a member of the Mafia."
13:53 / 21.05.03
It does kind all boil down to trust, doesn't it?

Why should any of us believe you?

'szaBelele addresses the appliance with curiosity.

"I understand the exchange of information, "tit for tat" as I've heard it expressed. I think we all do; no entity at this stage of the game would expect something for nothing. Do you have a theory or basis for your suspicions? Any reason other than the stated word of a small appliance which has, up until now, communicated in an obsolete code and only when obligated to vote?"

Her crest fluttters, pulses briefly with a blush of colors. "If I needed a small appliance, I think T.O.D.D. would be more ....useful...."
Whisky Priestess
14:12 / 21.05.03
Now I understand the frustration of spectators of the previous games ... I feel like jumping up and down with my hand in the air...

... thinks the Captain Priestess as she listens in to the deliberations of the onboard entities on her secret induction loop.
14:18 / 21.05.03
I am very inclined to agree with Flyboy and bjacques. I am deeply suspicious of Tez and the behavior of that little iron.

I am, however, witholding my vote for a little bit in the interests of "fairness and justice" - just to give an opportunity for Tez to explain why we should trust him.

I would also like to point out that it's possible to be completely innocent, and still want the MAFIA to win - one could be a FINK.
14:22 / 21.05.03
I didn't mean for that to be ambiguous - I'm pointing that at Tez's denial of a MAFIA identity, not at Flyboy.
lolita nation
14:24 / 21.05.03
I'm with Flyboy. I accuse Tez.
Rev. Orr
16:44 / 21.05.03
I think that Tez is being unfairly targetted because everyone hates ironing. Frankly, rat is a much more likely target and I don't buy this 'no access to the internet' excuse for one moment.

Lynch the barman and free drinks all round!
Ethan Hawke
17:25 / 21.05.03
Well, since both known innocents are voting Tez, I may as well, too.
17:48 / 21.05.03

"Well, it's pretty obvious that this trend will continue, and will result in the removal of poor Tez. Since a majority vote against me seems unavoidable, I urge people to take note of who votes for me and which of those entities are pushing most strongly for my removal, since closer investigation of them may be warranted when our fine captain reveals that I am not Mafia."
03:19 / 22.05.03
Question for the Captain

Our recently deceased detective had asked about Bjacques, Qal Yn, and Flyboy - are those in reverse chronological order??

Did he ask about Flyboy on the first night? He obviously asked about bjacques on his last night (after he'd voted to lynch him)....
Baz Auckland
03:36 / 22.05.03
With a large squelch, Cheng Ch'eng-Kung brings Lord Bazza out from his bucket of tequila and announces "His Majesty votes for Tez....quelle suprise..."

With a loud splash, Lord Bazza returns to the world of Hornitos...
05:18 / 22.05.03

"I'm not convinced by the amorphous blob, his majesty Lord Bazza. Off with his head..."

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