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Mafia 4: Space Station Whisky - The Game


Page: (1)23456... 14

Whisky Priestess
23:29 / 28.04.03
Space …

The final frontier …

These are the orbits of Space Station Whisky Tango Foxtrot, known to its inmates, support staff and religiously crazed Captain as SS Whisky. Like a rough diamond cast carelessly into a pool of glittery ink, it wheels drunkenly about a dying star on the outer reaches of the Andromeda galaxy. The sun it orbits, a sullen red giant, as wasted and dissipated as the Station's Captain, glowers angrily through long Days that last five times Earth normal, and rather briefer Nights that always start on what, back on the home planet, would be called Friday midnight UK time.

A sullen red giant.

The population of this far-flung outpost is a motley collection of individuals numbering fifteen at the time our story begins. Some are drifters, wasting their lives away in the fetid darkness of one of the few places in the Universe they know no-one, especially not an over-enthusiastic chambermaid, would ever come looking for them. Some are broken-down space cowboys, freefalling from crew job to crew job, doing whatever keeps them in smokes and bacon. Some are creatures the like of which no-one back on Earth has ever seen – nor would want to. Easier to dismiss staring-eyed space wanderers' tales of multi-limbed time-reversing lizards who eat light as alcoholic fantasy than to admit that somewhere in the darkness of infinity, such creatures exist. In the eyes of the Captain, they are all equal. Equally bathed in God's limitless love, and equally damned to hell for their scandalous abuse of that sacred trust.

God's Limitless Love t-shirt, available in the on-board gift shop

The Captain Priestess is a woman with a mission. In fact, she's a woman with a missionary. No, hang on – she is a missionary. One of the last keepers of the holy mysteries of the Church of the Seventh Day Alcoholics, she is blood and thunder on weekdays and Bloody Marys on holy Saturdays, the one day of the week she gives herself over entirely to sin.

A Bloody Mary, SS Whisky style ...

Some say her binges are in order to understand how sinners think and feel, some say that they are to give her enough material to flagellate herself over for the rest of the week – some maintain that they are simply a means of staving of the dreaded space sickness they call in Earth's ancient tongue "boredom". It hardly matters why this holy woman turns into a kill-crazy Jameson-swilling nutjob one day a week – just don't get in her way …

It is Monday night, and the Captain is fasting and praying her way through the usual twenty-four hour hangover's hangover, when a terrible sound screeches like a soul in perdition. The squeal, like Satan's sphincter after a bad curry, pierces the Captain's penitent eardrums and scares the living crap out of the Station's other residents.

"Purple Alert! Purple Alert! Incoming emergency message! Station integrity has been compromised! Priority Alpha!"

The Captain rises, swaying, from her knees, pulls on her cassock and sprints down the corridor to the nearest infopad, where red digits spew across the screen in a series of alarm codes the Captain has never seen before. Gathered around her, the crowd falls silent, wondering what disaster can have visited their dusty corner of Buttfuck, Andromeda. The Captain slowly deciphers an incoming message from the nearest relay station, a scant 2.5 million light years away. She turns with a heavy heart and a pale face to look at her flock.

Buttfuck, Andromeda

"I'm afraid that from now on no-one can be allowed to enter or leave this station. I have just been informed that we have three Malignant Anonymous Fatal Interloper Aliens – MAFIA for short – on board this station. They are utterly hostile to human and friendly alien life, although their shape-changing abilities make them able to pass unnoticed for any life-form or inanimate object they choose. They appear to have transformed themselves into .wav files of eighties novelty hit Shaddapa Your Face, which was then downloaded by one of the people on board. If I find out who it was, needless to say I will not wait until Friday night to strip the nerves from their quivering flesh."

"Ahem. Anyway, the point is that we are trapped here, in quarantine (or Purgatory as I prefer to call it) until we have erased this blight from the fair face of our station. We cannot risk allowing these creatures to get off board and spread their hideous progeny over populated worlds. They are killers – and the SS Whisky law in cases of emergency such as this is – Kill or be killed!"

She turns to stare into the drawn faces of every man, woman, hermaphrodite, sentient vegetable and post-human gaseous entity on board.

A sentient vegetable, at home.

"It is up to you, my flock, to pluck the black sheep from your midst and offer this scapegoat up as a sacrificial lamb to my weekly wrath! You must vote for the one you think is an interloper, a brain-sucking fearsome monster. Remember, show no mercy – these things are the Michaelangelos of murder, the Leonardos of lawlessness, riding in the Popemobile of bloody purification which is driving us headlong to our doom! By Friday midnight I must have a victim – and those who attempt to abstain from voting by hiding in suit lockers and so forth will be summarily executed in a variety of nasty ways, probably drawn from the Bible."

Brain-sucking fearsome monster

"That's all. Tea and coffee is available in the Low Gravity Snooker Lounge."
8===>Q: alyn
02:12 / 29.04.03
As the crowd disperses, Able-Bodied Spaceman First Class Qal Yn checks his duty roster and sighs. The fourth anterior nacelle, full of microscopic holes, is sprinkling oxygen molecules into space like a pepperbox, and once again he's been giving the tedious job of plugging them up. He is certain that the Captain has chosen this task as a symbolic punishment. He tried to explain that no amount of ritual torture could prepare any Terran, man or woman, for even a single blow from his mighty love-truncheon; that it was for her own safety, and the well-being of the station, that he refused her invitation to worship; and that she really is, still, a striking woman.

ABSFC Qal Yn makes his way through the milling crowd to the airlock. A sexy tenebromorphic cheerleader from Schpilkis Prime gasps as he steps into the lock sans enviro-suit, but her brood mother gentles her sombrapods.

=There are some who hissper,= narrowcasts the brood mother, =That the lineage of ancient heroes yet lives, though their lot has fallen far. No longer do they serve as planetary police or galactic guardians, but earn their crust among the dross of the spaceways.=

=But, brood mummy, he's so handsome,= sighs the sexy tenebromorphic cheerleader. =On Schpilkis Prime we would make him a prince and show him many dark delites. Why must he demean himself so?=

=No one knows, my pupa,= is the best answer the brood mother can give.

Hearing none of this, ABSFC Qal Yn strips to his skivvies (and the sexy tenebromorphic cheerleaders titter... darkly) and steps into the icy void. Propelled by his will alone, he angles toward the anterior nacelle group where, aided by his microscopic vision, he discovers a cloud of venting gasses. He squints mightily and a beam of red-hot light streams from his eyes!

An hour later, ABSFC Qal Yn, brushing H2O crystals from the chilled, smooth slopes of his brawny pectorals, heads aft for the radiation pods. His task has tired him and he must needs replenish his energies. When he emerges, he is certain, he will find a new requ-o from Cap'n Whiskey, ordering him down to the exhaust chamber with a vat of lubricant and an enormous plunger.
8===>Q: alyn
03:05 / 29.04.03
Oh yeah, then the sexy tenebromorphic cheerleaders and their brood mother fuck off someplace. They were shadowy intelligent energy matrices or something.
04:42 / 29.04.03
'szaBelele makes her way spinward to the LowG Snooker Lounge, hoping that the Captain will be there in spite of her dehydrated state. Heightened security because of this MAFIA threat would ease her mind, but there don't seem to be additional uniformed crew in the halls....

In fact, the halls seem to be quite empty. As she adds this puzzlement to her list of questions, the delicate lavender of her mantle-scales bleaches slightly towards a muted pink and her crest flattens out and fans protectively over her skull.

The lounge is almost empty. No Captain, either, but there does appear to be a uniformed guard posted at the little shrine midway up one long wall. She approaches reverently and pitches the first of her questions to both the guard and the accolyte behind the surprisingly public altar.

"Does one sit here to worship?" She gestures at the odd cushions-on-stalks. The barkeep and red-shirt look at each other, the barkeep nods, then says, completely straight-faced, "Of course. Kneeling worship is best done in private, though."
05:35 / 29.04.03
"Your customs are ... unusual. There will be no offense if I make an offering here?"

The Barkeep shakes his head. "You choose a libation and make an offering - we accept station tokens, can charge to your room if the Captain approves, and might take items or services in barter."

The red shirt cocks a speculative eyebrow at the barkeep, who responds with a lascivious wink. 'szaBelele observes the increase of infra-red radiating from the surface of the guard's face and does some speculating of her own. It's highly unlikely he's signaling a willingness to mate with either herself or the acolyte, but she's certain there's something sexual occurring here. She can smell it.

"What will it be? Hot, cold, ethanol, sucrose, caffeine, ummmn fruit or grain flavors? With compressed gas?"

"What does the Captain choose when she comes here?" Redshirt jumps and looks over his shoulder, the barkeep shakes his head. "Private services for her rank... She don' drink down here."

"Grain, definitely. I am not in the season for fruit! You have ethanol? With bubbles??? How odd." She sniffs at the offered ale and porter, chooses the porter and places a token on the bar.
10:37 / 29.04.03
SeuqcajB floats to the bar and slumps heavily or, rather balances precariously onto a stool. "I'll have what the Mugwump's having, only double. Thanks." It/they knock(s) back the whatsis and an internal dialogue ensues, of no real interest to anyone else because it's the collective entity's opinions on how to mix a proper whatsis, and at least half the component sub-entities don't know what they're talking about. Azathoth forbid they start discussing what to do about the MAFIA. Another collective entity, sounds like. Well, there ain't enough room on this station for the fifty-six of us.

How do they drink? Don't ask.
Whisky Priestess
12:16 / 29.04.03
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:34 / 29.04.03
“…Destroyer of the Quarglen people of Quarg 19, Enslaver of the shimmering lifeforms of the Hexaglab quadrant, Salter of the slug-people of Enfluinza, Befouler of…”

The ship’s guards groaned. Why did they have to pull a duty shift in which Bizunth the Belligerent had decided to go for a stroll? His heralds had been standing either side of his suite’s entrance door for 20 minutes now, announcing his emergence to an otherwise empty corridor.
Bizunth had once ruled over a huge quadrant of the galaxy and had actually done all of the things in his announcement (not personally, but he signed all the forms) but his steely, long nailed grip had faltered with age, and he was deposed in a military coup. Most of his staff were slaughtered, but his previous subjects still regarded him with a tangible awe, so they ejected him from the system in a tiny ship with a few still loyal attendants and heralds, and a handful of royal artefacts not worth selling. He’d somehow settled on this station and now lived preserved in the shakily recreated pomp and circumstance of his long gone empire, possibly the only thing keeping this incredibly frail little man alive.
One of Bizunth’s attendants came out of his room and addressed the herald who was speaking.
“His mightiness fell asleep for 10 minutes. He demands that you start again, and put some vigour into it, or else you’ll burn in the matter deconstruction chamber!”
“We don’t have a matter deconstruction chamber.”
“Just do it.”
“Fine. All those who are here assembled prepare to gaze upon the awesome magnificence of he, who did smite the Swordkeepers of the Finnaba system, did bludgeon…”
The guards groaned again and vowed to start a petition for earplugs to be standard issue to all station personnel.
Ethan Hawke
12:43 / 29.04.03
"Yes...Yes..Oh, Yes! You bastard, yes!"

Heavy, rhythmic breathing coupled with a grinding of gears emanates from within one of SS Whisky's many private pleasure alcoves.

Suddenly, the tone changes.

"No, no...what are you doing? Don't stop now! Don't stop!"

An exasperated sigh, then silence.

A thin chip voice cuts the tension.

"Sorry, baby, got to motor. See you next week?"

"yeah, okay...I guess.... I love you!"

The door to the pleasure alcove slides open, and a curious being emerges. About 3 feet tall, its silvery, perfectly smooth skin is shaped like a cocktail mixer. Across what one would presume is the front side (though the thing is perfectly symmetrical) is emblazoned the logo T.O.D.D.

rear view, obviously

The Turbo Orgasm Delivery Device was one of SS Whisky's first crew members. Boasting a full complement of thrusters, strokers, nibblers and ticklers, as well as any sort of orifice one would care to imagine, this pleasure droid quickly gained a reputation for providing the most erotic two and a half minutes of one's life, despite its frankly ridiculous appereance.

Unfortunately, T.O.D.D., like most beings whose raison d'etre is pleasure, quickly developed a cruel, selfish and capricious personality. Not content to merely satisfy the passengers of SS Whisky, T.O.D.D. quickly learned how to manipulate their passions by withholding pleasure, pleasure that once you feel it, you constantly crave the experience again and again. Concerned now only with its own satisfaction, T.O.D.D. breaks off trysts on whim, acts bored, and finishes way too soon. Maybe it just lost its touch. Maybe it never was that good. Maybe it just needs servicing.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:15 / 29.04.03
Maybe I'll never feel clean again.
Whisky Priestess
13:16 / 29.04.03
And lo, the space-penny drops, as the Captain discovers, far too late, how to post images. Please let this work ...

See the mighty Space Station Whisky!
8===>Q: alyn
13:32 / 29.04.03
That's the filthiest thing I ever saw.
Baz Auckland
15:24 / 29.04.03
Suddenly entering the snooker lounge is a eunuch carrying what appears to be a red blob set regally on a pillow. Seating himself beside 'szaBelele, the eunuch places the red blob and its pillow upon the bar.

Yes, it is none other than the infamous Bazza, the wako pirate leader who terrorised the star systems of Fuijan and Xian, and brought the Song dynasty to its knees. Yes, all this was accomplished despite the fact that he resembles a pile of mud with eyes and a mouth, and cannot move without the help of his trusty eunuch Cheng Ch’eng-kung.

Braaap! squelches the blob.

"Barkeep, please fetch my master a bucket of gin so he may refresh himself."

With reverence Cheng Ch’eng-kung places Bazza in the bucket.


"It is my honour to serve you, your majesty. No thanks are necessary."


When the eunuch does not respond, the others at the bar stare at him enquiringly. Ch’eng-kung blushes; "That was just his majesty releasing gas."
16:06 / 29.04.03
'szaBelele finishes all but the last few drops of her pint of porter. Ethanol has had its usual effects, and she is less focused than she had been on her own troubles; blood circulates more freely through the capillaries of her skin, and her mantle has changed from the pale pink of stress through lavender to a clear blue tone that indicates relaxation.

She swirls the liquid in her glass, then upends the glass on the bar to see what the patterns in her offering tell her. The barkeep swallows his protest as she raises her hand; there's a very sharp and wickedly curved talon extending from the base of her palm that he hadn't seen before. She looks intently at the patterns of foam and dribble, then smears it all with a sweep of her hand.

"The Captain said that none of us may leave. Is the station also sealed that none may enter?"

The barkeep shrugs, the redshirt shakes his head. "I don't know. We're not expecting any deliveries for a while, but we do get the occasional ship showing up off-schedule... Are you expecting trouble?"

"Only a spurned suitor looking to kidnap me and force me into ... a pairing with him. It is complex, and political, and one or both of us will die if he finds me here." Her crest stiffens and flattens, becoming almost helmet-like, then relaxes as her palm claws withdraw from sight again.

"I think I would like to make another offering. Grain again, but no bubbles."

The barkeep looks over his bottles, then sets out the sake, bourbon, vodka, and scotch. "Pick one that smells good, and I'll pour as long as you have tokens..." Then, just out of curiosity, he sets out the rum and grappa as well.
17:19 / 29.04.03
On the other side of the bar, sitting quietly beside an electrical socket, is Tezcatlipoca, his glittering body a deceptive contrast to the incredible and complex machinery that lies beneath. A masterful example of AI, this phenomenal entity is more than just machine, more than simply a robot. Indeed, it is as close to a biological organism as the technicians who built him were able to come...

"More than just machine..."

Electrons flow through his circuits in a simulation of thought, blending through copper pathways to form a towering consciousness, an almost transcended state, glorious and mighty as it postulates why his designers saw fit to have his outer shell resemble one of the humans' more mundane household gadgets.
01:00 / 30.04.03
"This seems to be a popular place to worship, suddenly." 'szaBelele eyes the growing crowd, then turns to the redshirt. "What libations do you favor when you're here?"

"Depends on how close to payday it is. I drink scotch if .... I'm making a large offering, and gin," he points to the bucket, "if I can't afford better. But stay away from the grappa; we could burn it in the jetpacks here. I gotta get going, change my shirt before things start happening. Nice meeting you." And he backs away from the crowd, clearly nervous, and nearly sprints for the elevator once he's clear of the patrons.

'szaBelele places a token in front of the bottle of scotch, then one in front of the bottle of grappa. The barkeep beckons, and she adds tokens until he pours.
06:29 / 30.04.03
In a dimly-lit cabin on Deck 23, Maomin'Cha, Last of the Free Stoat People of Oso Hormiguero, sits hunched on the edge of his bunk, gazing wistfully at a screen on which can be seen the last glorious days of his beloved homeworld before the evil Ferretus and his nanoweasels arrived and put his people under the repressive yoke they've toiled under for the last twelve years. "One day, my people," he hisses, idly stroking his whiskers, "one day I will return and you will be free. Or possibly the nanoweasels will kill me. Actually, probably the nanoweasels will kill me. But that's not why I haven't returned yet, that's all because... because... oh bugger it, I'm getting a drink."

And with that, he makes his way to the bar.
Rev. Orr
07:38 / 30.04.03
Just as the titanic, titanium blast doors are closing over the docking bays initiating the first stages of the quarrantine station shut-down, a small cargo ship darts towards the narrowing gap. Flipping on its axis, the craft squeezes through with scant metres to spare on either side and slams on the brakes to avoid careening into the far walls of bay Delta Tau. From within comes comes the muffled sound of whooping and a rapid garbled prayer of thanks to the godess of luck.

The ship looks like nothing more than the meccano creation of a severly autistic child who hasn't quite grasped the concepts of 'smooth', 'sleek' or 'uniform'. Either that or the sort of omlette made by a batchelor the morning after a hell of a night before from the decomposing remnants in his fridge. One of the many bulges on the hull slowly disengages and swings outwards revealing a disheveled, bipedal form. A maintenence 'bot trundles forward to attach the locking clamps and fueling tubes to the ship.

"You take good care of my baby there, bub, she's the finest bucket of bolts this side of Galactic central." The voice may have posessed a light baritone rumble once, but too many stim sticks have given it a cracked, manic edge. The bot is unimpressed.

"One or two bolts appear to be missing, sir. Our mechanics will be happy to begin rennovation for the usual fee."

"You touch this bird with so much as a nano-spanner and you'll be picking decking out of your data port for a week, amigo. This old thing managed the Kessel run in under six parsecs and she handles sweeter than a Servellian courtesan."

"Isn't a parsec a measure of distance not time, sir?"

There is a long pause and a one-sided glare. Several computations run through the 'bots processing centre. Some of these involve standard lock-down procedures and docking protocols. Most of them involve the twin blasters slung around the waist of the unstable human in front of it. Finally, with a last, loving stroke of his ship, the pilot turns to exit the hanger.

"First things first, there's gotta be a kick-ass cantina on a junk-heap station like this..."
16:06 / 30.04.03
'szaBelele finds the grappa to be so far removed from its origin in fermented fruit that it's almost proper to drink outside of the cycle of harvest celebrations. The scotch, on the other hand, has enough impurities that it could be poisonous to her in large quantities.

She turns to the eunuch attending the bucket of gin. "How does your master find this gin? The guard seemed to think it not worthy for an offering...."
Whisky Priestess
16:50 / 30.04.03
The Captain Priestess twitches irritably as she reads a report handed to her by one of the station service droids, which are all for some perfectly valid reason dressed like altar boys.

"What? Only ten entities have made theoir presence known to you so far? Ten? That's fewer than the sons of Abraham!* Where are all the others?"

She takes a deep draught of communion wine and prays for fortitude. Only ten ... At the back of her mind there itches a dreadful suspicion that the MAFIA might already have claimed some of the missing staff and passengers. And that would really screw up the seating plan for tonight's Karaoke'n'Paintball Formal Dinner.

she dismisses the thought and returns to her prayers. This is a test. Yes, that's it. God is testing her. The bastard.

Baz Auckland
16:56 / 30.04.03

"My master find it invigorating. He says that you are free to help youself, and invites you to join him for a toast."

Ch’eng-kung removes Bazza from the bucket, and places the gin-soaked blob back on the pillow.


"His majesty Bazza, Lord of the Wako greets you, asks your name and wishes to know your sign." Ch’eng-kung winks, and with a leer, quickly adds under his breath "You know, even though I'm a eunuch doesn't mean I can't join in, you know..."
Whisky Priestess
18:10 / 30.04.03
"Ladies, gentlemen and entities" drones an altar-boy droid into the muggy hush of the Space Bar, "the Captain Priestess has asked me to remind you all of the powers and limitations of the secret roles you all have on board this station. I suggested a PowerPoint presentation, but she smacked me in the mouth with her chasuble and told me to come and make an announcement. Please bear with me."

"On Space Station Whisky at the moment there are:

Kill every night unless prevented, know each other.

Asks every night about detective – does not know MAFIA nor do they know hir.

1 Ninja
Kills every other night, starting with Night 2, unless prevented, trying to root out the MAFIA.

1 Bulletproof
Invulnerable to attack by MAFIA or Ninja. Can be lynched.

1 Governor
Has the power each round to prevent the lynching of a nominee – but only twice, and not for the same person. If the Governor has already voted for the lynchee ze cannot prevent the lynching.

2 Detectives
Ask every night about the MAFIA. FINKs and Vampires (unless turned) are invisible to them.

1 Doctor
Protects someone every night from attack by the MAFIA or the Ninja. If both attack the same person, the victim dies, however.

2 Masons
Know each other are innocent. Work together to prevent each other getting lynched and to root out the MAFIA.

1 vampIRE
This character is innocent until lynched or killed at night, at which point they are reborn as a MAFIA member.

1 Martyr
Like the Doctor, but ze dies in the place of the person ze protects.

1 Changeling
Has no special attributes until the first player is killed or targeted by the Mafia, at which point the Changeling takes on that player's attributes even if the killing fails."

"Any questions, please do ask the Captain Priestess. She is of a forgiving nature ... six days of the week."
Nietzsch E. Coyote
21:19 / 30.04.03
Perhaps not all of us live in the bar?
Whisky Priestess
22:39 / 30.04.03
Eleven! Eleven pris- I mean inm- I mean, eleven.
00:13 / 01.05.03
"Please extend my greetings to your Master. I am 'szaBelele, of the Psiltaste tribe of Maniiai. I will drink a toast to the gods of discretion who have brought me here, if you will permit me to drink my own libation - I'm afraid some of the aromatics in the gin are similar to substances from my home world which will provoke a strong allergic reaction in my digestive tract."

She dips her finger in her scotch, and flicks three drops onto the bar as an offering, and hopes that this eunuch truly doesn't expect her to sample the bath his farting lord has just vacated.
"My sign... My birth places me in a group often serving as either priests or warriors, but I am neither. Tell me, what is the point of being a eunuch if you still indulge in erotic activities?"
Rev. Orr
00:38 / 01.05.03
Our intrepid cargo pilot finally locates the Space bar, cunningly disguised as a snooker hall and swaggers over to the serving droid.

"Have you got any spice coffee in this place, kid?" The barkeep looks a little confused, taking in the low-slung blasters, the white shirt/black waistcoat combo and the rakish scar on his chin.

"Isn't sir concerned at mixing his mythologies like that?"

"Around here? Are you kidding?" His eyes roam the bar, scouting equally for easy marks and fast women. Not having much success, he settles for the nearest approximation.

"So, Belle-babe. You wanna ditch the blob and try your luck with a real man?"
8===>Q: alyn
04:08 / 01.05.03
His chores completed at last, Able-Bodied Spaceman First Class Qal Yn strides in like a weary tiger, thews rippling beneath WTF coveralls that reek of mutant slime mold.

"Those slime molds are an albatross around my neck," Qal Yn declares.

The bartender, who has heard this before, serves up the usual: a plate of cookies and an icy glass of milk.
05:23 / 01.05.03
'szaBelele looks around at the other patrons. An appliance, a space-drunk hUman, a collective fuzz-ball, a blob, a eunuch, a walking advertisement for basic slime-eradication treatments... She decides to tell several truths, carefully.

"I suspect you would not be pleased with the mating rituals of my people. We pair for the lifespan of one partner," she spreads her hands as if in apology and her palm claws extend halfway, "and as for luck... I am here and alive and reasonably happy when some would wish vehemently this were not so. I fear that if I try my luck too often, it might change."

She turns slightly towards the eunuch and his highly aromatic master. "The Lord Bazza and Cheng Ch?eng-kung and I were about to drink to the gods of discretion. Would you care to join us in that toast?"
06:21 / 01.05.03
The reactions of both the eunuch and the pilot indicate to her that they are more than willing to try their luck elsewhere, and pulses of indigo wash across her breastbone in silent amusement. She almost finishes her grappa and upends that glass on the bar, looks at the pattern, then watches with great interest as ripples form from the alcohol interacting with some other fluid on the bar.

The barkeep rousts her from her contemplation. "Hey!! I got enough to do around here without you dumping your drink on the bar... Are you really a psychopathic sex murderer?"

She leans towards him and smiles; he notices that her teeth look as sharp as her claws. She speaks quietly, her voice hardly carries at all.

"Of course not. My people would hardly survive if we killed every time we sexed. That pilot would get little pleasure from mating with me, and, fear I, none from him. And my people do pair for life, but that is not a mating ritual."
06:38 / 01.05.03
SeuqcajB take a vote--26 for, 21 against, 10 undecided and 5 given a quarter to go buy a pack of smokes in order to keep them from voting--and the motion is carried to drink the bar dry. First round of scotch is on us!
Nietzsch E. Coyote
07:23 / 01.05.03
Nietzsch E Coyote is happy that he came to look in the bar even though he can not drink alcohol, a genetic quirk he suspects was not entirely accidental. Pool tables and excellent genetic material for the Coyote clan eugenics program. Qal yn and 'szaBelele, both look like they would make good sources pity they would have to be introduced through engineering rather than through simple breeding. Nietzch E. Coyote is the result of the first inclusive eugenics program and although he is still human he doesn't look like any racial grouping that people classified pre-space. His clan mothers have decided that the next generation will include some experimental grafts from non terran genetics. It is to barter for genetic material that he came to this station.

"Is there any spice coffee?"
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:42 / 01.05.03
"Hello? Can anyone out there hear me?

"My name is John Flyboy, an astronaut. Three days ago I got shot through a wormhole into a distant part of the galaxy. I'm on this dead space station full of supposedly innocent villagers, none of them my friends. I've made enemies - powerful, dangerous, and fond of spaghetti with meatballs. Now all I want is to survive 'til the end of the game, find a way home, and warn Earth. Also, to have unfulfilled sexual chemistry with people who are dressed for a night down Torture Garden. And try not to go too maaaaad.

"Look upward, and share the wonders I've seen. John's not mad. Shut up, Harvey!"
Rev. Orr
08:30 / 01.05.03
Poor Tom's a-cold eh, Flyboy? And what's with nicking my name? Don't you know there can be only one? (or in your case, two). Why don't you find a nice quiet corner, go fuck a muppet and keep yourself quiet. You don't want to mess with me, I'm a shoot first ask questions later kind of guy - ignore what they tell you now, they doctored the footage...

Does anyone fancy a quick game of Denovian Happy Families?
14:25 / 01.05.03
The more perspicacious amongst the patrons of the so-called Space Bar and Cantina may notice something moving rapidly behind its bar area. Something dark and indistinct. Something that the staff move respectfully, almost fearfully, out of the way for...

"Ah, hm... Busy night in my bar? Hm... Good, good. Hmm-mm - keep up the good work, hm... Ah, the sweet smell of commerce. The beauty and diversity of life in all its myriad forms. And all of it intoxicated (or getting there). Ha, this is what one lives for; the gaggle and the gossip, the intricate mating dances, the bonding between friends, the blood between enemies; who would wish to work anywhere but behind a bar? What better way to learn xeno-sociology and cultural studies? What better way to attract a potential mate, card shark, random act of violence or fatal disease? Now my sweet tenders of 'toxicants, do any of you have any questions?

"What? Do we have any spice-coffee? I'm not sure..."

Something rears above the bar - something rears three feet above the bar - and snags a bottle in one clawed hand...

"Hm, I'm not sure I can read the label..."


"No, no. This is spice-brandy; 'Ol' Blue Eyes is Back Cognac, Divination Guaranteed'. We probably have some spice-coffee back in the stores. Or just use our house-special coffee and add spice from the appropriate jar in my personal supply...
14:46 / 01.05.03
Two new hUmans, a businessman and a fetishist, either of whom might make for an entertaining evening of diversion... although the timing of their appearances leads to questions about the efficiency of the station's "quarantine." Time for some constructive conversation!

'szaBelele looks at the scotch she'd purchased (for she's come to the conclusion that this place is something other than the shrine she'd originally thought) and sets it close to Bazza's pillow, which provokes the response of a moist and rhythmic hissing noise. She spreads her hands slowly and without exposing her claws, and the noise changes to staccato bubbling, then stops.

Not sure if she's made a friend or an enemy, she turns to the hUmans Flyboy and Coyote.

"Have you just arrived?"

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