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Mafia 4: Space Station Whisky - The Game


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Ethan Hawke
23:13 / 30.05.03
Now, dear, you don't want to air our laundry in public, do you?


Thank you! I be here all ze week!
23:28 / 30.05.03
Oh, damn. I got caught in a dust storm under my front door and that's no lie. Eek! Oh, well, it was just a wild guess anyway. Baz was suspiciously silent.

Looks like I'll be making Chinese food taste good...

23:31 / 30.05.03
23:32 / 30.05.03
They say at 40 that your html skills are the first to go.
23:35 / 30.05.03

blew a perfectly good exit line
Baz Auckland
23:40 / 30.05.03

"His Majesty has been silent as he has been pickled for the last week, drowning his fear of murder at the hands of the MAF. With TODD safely lynched, his lordship feels much better."
05:46 / 31.05.03
Well, in the few moments we have left while the Whiskey Priestess stumbles toward the salon, we'd like to take this time to thank the Academy, our podmothers and the Big Gal Upstairs, Shub-Niggurath with the Thousand Gams , who obviously whelped us all (well, maybe not you) in Her own image. We've had a good run--fame, fast cars, slow-moving fish, a long movie career (man, those were the days, Toho Studios at our feet and a Japanese schoolgirl on each tentacle). But, as they say, the wheel turns, riding high in April, shot down in May, and we really can't complain. Last drink?? Make mine a Fuzzy Navel.
Baz Auckland
16:42 / 31.05.03
"Why the goodbyes? You won't die from your late vote, and with TODD gone, there should be no MAFIA death tonight! Have a fuzzy navel on me!"

" where's that lynch mob?"
Whisky Priestess
16:53 / 31.05.03
Oh God... you people don't make it easy for me, do you?

I think we can give the bjacques half an hour's grace, especially at this stage in the game, and especially considering that, again, his vote changed little.

We were not hanging around endlessly for a decision and in any case, had he voted for Orr we would be looking at a revote and that would have involved considerably more delay than half an hour. I have shown mercy once when rat completely failed to show for about two days, so I am tempted to do so again.

However, I would like to know other people's opinions on this. If you are all dead against it bjacques will die. Tell me by PM if you don't want to express an opinion on the thread for whatever reason.

T.O.D.D., however, will not. For some peculiar reason, the mob has been unable to successfully lynch the designated victim. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a Vampire? Is it a Governor-protected entity?

You decide ...
Rev. Orr
16:59 / 31.05.03
Psst, Baz, there's no guarantee of any of those three being the case.

1) We don't know whether the governor has one last pardon left in hir bag'o'tricks which conceivably could save Todd.

2) Had Bjacques voted for Todd before the deadline the result would have been a two-way tie between the death-bot and myself. By the rule of 'not voting affecting the result' our local anenome has good resaon to fear the judgement of the captain.

3) If Todd is dead and if he was mafia, then we are only safe from a hit tonight if the vampire was not turned and the game is over. D'you feel lucky, punk?


My apologies, I don't think these cocktails are agreeing with me. Rat, have you got any Romulan ale?
Rev. Orr
17:02 / 31.05.03
Damned cross-posts.
Whisky Priestess
18:41 / 31.05.03
I should point out to those on board that my wish as Captain is to stick to the spirit of the law rather than the letter.

If players believe it would be in the sprit of the law and the best interests of the game to execute bjacques for voting half a hour late I will of course bow to the will of the people. If I feel like it.

In the mean time, MAFIA, Doctor, PM me your choices for tonight.
23:55 / 31.05.03
I'm in favor of not executing bjacques... He's still innocent, and the odds of him being the fink are fairly slim. (One in four, if nobody's lied to me...)
13:04 / 02.06.03
I'm going to be biased on this but - no way.

Let bjacques live!
lolita nation
20:10 / 02.06.03
So did I die during the night? Come on, I have a lot of money riding on this!
Rev. Orr
20:47 / 02.06.03
It looks like we all made it. Yay, doc! So we've got a mafia that habitually commit suicide, fall under ninja swords and fail to hit at night. How come we haven't won yet?
Whisky Priestess
22:44 / 02.06.03
Oh dear. Did someone speak too soon?

I think someone did.

The Captain Priestess's voice booms from the loudspeakers rang along the corridor and throughout the Space Bar for maximum sci-fi echoey effect.

"One of you has died during the night. I repeat, one of the entities on board this station has been killed by the MAFIA during the night.

Due to an administrative error, however, that person is not yet dead, so could bjacques please come to the Embalming Room so that his corpse can be treated with the respect it deserves? End of message."

It is a very close vote for the seuqcajB collective as it tries to decide which is the higher imperative - personal (well, collective) survival or obedience to the Many?

Thing is, the problem with hive-minds is that they will always underestimate the importance of the individual's contribution to society in general, so that even if, as in this case, they happen to be the station Doctor,

they will still trundle happily off into living entombment and imminent oblivion if you ask them nicely enough.
00:21 / 03.06.03
00:31 / 03.06.03
Well, shoot. This we did not expect (who does?). We do commend our collective soul (weren't they a band?) to Shub-Niggurath, Black Babe of the Woods With A Thousand Gams (we were a shoggoth on our mother's side). Our collection of surgical antiques including the leech bowl, trepanning drills and spring-loaded scarification device we leave to 'sZabelele with the proviso that she lend them to T.O.D.D. on an as-needed basis for the Japanese trade. The Priestess gets our vintage Huysman's Homebrew absinthe.

Throw yer tentacles in the air like you just don't care...

So. Farewell then.
Whisky Priestess
00:57 / 03.06.03
Ew. I would like to know what you typed in to search for that picture.

Or perhaps not.
lolita nation
02:55 / 03.06.03
Yay! $3 for me!

I mean... I'm sorry, bjacques. I figured I would be the obvious choice for the mafia to kill.
08:22 / 03.06.03
3 bucks! Is that all my life was worth? Yeesh! Later I'll have to ask if I was picked off during the highly abbreviated Sicilian Vespers because I was a known innocent or if one of them figured out I was a doctor. I dropped a few hints to another player and...uh-oh. Anyway, after the game!
14:19 / 03.06.03
Grrr.... I'm starting to suspect you all. This is the stuff nightmares are made of!

Orr - you've "dropped hints" that are contradictory and suspicious and all over the map - care to drop a few more?

Baz - I still think you're evil incarnate. I've got my eye on you, still; want to see you go out that airlock in the worst way. Unless, of course, you can prove you're innocent.

TODD - the plucky little vibrator that could... Somehow, this just doesn't work for me. (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... Riiiight.) Catering to the Japanese trade indeed.

Lolita - I'm still thinking of John Carpenter's The Thing. Sorry, pooch, the back of my brain just won't let that thought go...

Rat - our lovely barman. Hears it all, knows all, hasn't said xhit lately... I bet you know all our secrets. Tell me some? Please??

Me - I know nothing. I'm so confused!!!
Ethan Hawke
14:32 / 03.06.03
For a pleasurebot, I'm entirely naive. What does the "japanese trade" refer to? Or do I not want to know.
15:48 / 03.06.03

Well so much for "Let bjacques live!". The only one we were 90% sure was innocent has gone. I suggest a glass of something ichorous and a quick toast of "Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!" to our fallen, formless physician. Hope you get to groove on down to Azathoth's piping, I've heard it's well mad.

And to the rest of you: This is it boys, girls, canines, reptiles, protoplasmic blobs and cocktail shakers, we're running out of time. There are few of us innocents left.

I've been expressly candid with my suspicions, my doubts and my intuitions. I said it yesterday and I'm unlikely to change my mind today. This is the endgame. Can we please kill us a Mafia?
21:16 / 03.06.03
By the way, did you know that all those out-of-tune flute- and recorder-playing buskers you see on the street are piping their homage to the Blind Idiot God?
01:04 / 04.06.03
No, I didn't. What about the ones that are in tune, who've got more talent than ego?
Rev. Orr
01:14 / 04.06.03
I don't know. That big rat in the yellow/red outfit left town and they all kinda followed him. Nobody's seen them since.
Baz Auckland
01:37 / 04.06.03
Cheng Ch'eng-Kung and Lord Bazza sulk in the corner of the bar.


"I know, my lord. Why suspect us? We just feel left out, newbies to the game, sitting in the corner, with not a single other player making the effort to PM us and include us in their strategms...."
Ethan Hawke
02:42 / 04.06.03
Will no one tell me what "the Japanese Trade" means? If you're too embarrassed you can PM me...
03:52 / 04.06.03
bjacques started it....

Seriously, I don't know if the Japanese are into medical porn or not. But the good doctor specifically instructed that I let you use various bits of his antique collection; I'm honor-bound to do so.
04:26 / 04.06.03
Maybe it's Belgians. I saw a pretty bizarre art exhibit in Brussels last year, of medical gothic S/M art.
Rev. Orr
07:50 / 04.06.03
Gothic S/M? Ogive handcuffs and corsets with flying buttress support?

I think the Japanese trade is the same as the Western paperback but with the text replaced by kanji.
lolita nation
15:44 / 04.06.03
Maybe he means the art was small-to-medium, like, not that big.

(off topic) Kanji is the syllabary, right Orr? Are they really printing books over there using just the phonetic writing & not the Chinese-adapted characters anymore? Do you speak Japanese? I was always interested in Japanese writing.

So who is guilty? We need more openness around here. A whole truth & reconciliation commission type thing. Whoever is guilty, should say so, and then we will decide to lynch you, & it'll be much nicer and easier than all the guesswork!
Ethan Hawke
15:51 / 04.06.03
I am guilty...guilty of loving too much.

I think there is a slightly more complicated relationship between kanji and kana but I could never understand it.

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