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Mafia 4: Space Station Whisky - The Game


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Whisky Priestess
09:59 / 10.05.03
The Captain Priestess storms righteously out of her cabin, grappa bottle in one hand, Arcturan slug juice in another.

"Right! Now I'm ready to kill!" she slurs. "Was drinking little bit of courage before ... wasn't sure we should go 'bout knocking each other off ... plus who will clean up the mess after we lynch my besht Hygiene Functionary? Not Qalyn thass for sure ... he'll be in little pieshe ... pisses ... bits all over floor..."

She stares vacantly at a section the wall for a little while before seeming to recover her thread.

"Nemmind! String 'im up! Throw 'im to spacshewolves. I don' care."

She blinks. She looks around the Space Bar. It is empty. All the bloodlusting entities that had been gathered for death the night before seem to have got bored and buggered off.

"Oh dear ..." mutters the Captain. "It looks like the lynching has failed. Whether this is through kindly action of the Governor or because Qalyn was a Vampire, we cannot know. No blood today."

The she cheers up.

"But tonight is a different story! Already the Space Station is wandering into the arms of infinite darkness, and the red sun is but a thin sliver of light above us - soon Night will fall. And then (hopefully) the killing will really start."

MAFIA, Fink, Detective, Doctor, Ninja, PM me your choices.
8===>Q: alyn
10:22 / 10.05.03
Qal Yn paces back and forth across the empty cargo hold, breathing rapidly into a paper bag.

"Gah!" he ejaculates. "That was a close one, dammit! But a merciful god has saved me. Obviously I'm still needed in the struggle against the evil MAFIA. Maybe I really am invincible! Fear not, my passengers, I shall not shrink or tremb-b-b-b-uh-huh-huh..."

Here Qal Yn breaks down into another fit of hyperventillation.
Rev. Orr
21:21 / 10.05.03
So nobody's died since the first lynching and that was because they failed to vote. Is anyone else nervous that the only person to have killed so far on the station is the Captain herself? I don't doubt that there are mafia aboard, but so far the cure is worse than the disease. If anyone wants me, I think I'm going to spend the night watching the underside of this Cantina table swim before my eyes and praying for a swift end to this nightmare.
Whisky Priestess
21:32 / 10.05.03
"Dammit!" slurs the Captain Priestess, downing yet another cask of communion wine and wishing that it was the blood of the evil MAFIA rather than that of her Lord and Saviour, "No victim last night and no lynching today. Thanks to the quarantine, soon the air and food on this benighted hunk of titanium will start running out, unless there's a pretty serious cull. Honest to God, do I have to kill everyone myself?"

She is interrupted by an altar-droid, carrying an ineptly-scribbled message.

"When will you learn to write in proper letters, minion?" she grumbles. "I knew I shouldn't have recycled that old Palm Pilot into your brain ..."

But as she deciphers the message, her heart skips and leaps. The droids have found a body in sector 4, near the cobwebbed Fitness Centre. Swiftly as she can, she lurches to the high-speed space elevator and rushes down to investigate.

When she arrives, several droids are cowering at the edge of the vast central Yoga mat, upon which a hideously mutilated body lies face down, drenched in its own rather yellowish blood.

"Another victim of the dreaded MAFIA!" she cries. "Lord, why must this nightmare continue?"

But as she leans forward to discover the identity of the corpse, something gives her pause. Carved upon its back in blood is a symbol vaguely reminiscent of the Japanese logoglyph (or whatever) for "Fuck You".

Strange, she muses. I didn't know the MAFIA had merged with the Yakuza. One of those corporate takeovers, I suppose.

One of the droids hem-hems and points out a Japanese wakizashi sword lying discarded next to the body, and suggests humbly that the assailant may not in fact have been the MAFIA, but the Ninja.

"Of course! It makes perfect sense! Now to discover who this poor unfortunate soul was ... and whether they were killed in error or divine justice."

Edging the body onto its back with a wary shoe, the face revealed is that of Maomincha, last of his Stoat line.

"Sweet Lord!" she gasps. "So the nanoweasels didn't get him in the end after all .. but was he - could he have been - MAFIA?"

A swift search of the body reveals a couple of buttons, some Stoat currency (slightly foxed) - and a Lifetime Membership card to the Martin Scorcese Appreciation Society. And after the steaming pile of excrement that was Gangs of New York, that can mean only one thing ...

This entity was MAFIA!

"Well done Ninja - you have killed another of these foul creatures, and we shall all sleep more safely in our space beds. Except for whoever gets killed by the remaining MAFIA tonight, obviously."
21:43 / 10.05.03
Damn you, foul ninja! Just as I logged in to cast my lynching vote, too... you never get this trouble with pirates, you know.
Baz Auckland
19:14 / 11.05.03
...and poor rat?
lolita nation
23:24 / 11.05.03
Yeah, what about Rat? Can you not kill him because he's the vampire or whatever?

Come on Whisky, you killed four people the first day. I'm BORED!!

(But don't kill me please)
Whisky Priestess
23:32 / 11.05.03
"Sweet Mary Mother of God!" groans the Captain, raising her head from the bar as another terrified altar droid prods her into wakefulness. "What is it now? Can't you see I'm worshipping?"

The droid, having learnt its lesson, whispers sibilantly in her ear.

"Another death, eh? Can't honestly say I'm surprised. Who is it this time? Speak up! What? No one fried during the flight? What the hell are you babbling on about? Oh ...."

The Captain Priestess turns her head and wipes cassis out of her eyes. Behind her the entire crew and passenger contingent of the Space Bar is having a wild No-one Died During the Night - Again!!! party ... and she's going to join in, with barely a trace of disappointment. Well, maybe a bit.

"Just one thing -" she catches the droid as it has almost made its escape, and pulls it up by its ruff.

"Next time, in the words of Del Amitri, don't let me be the last to know."
Whisky Priestess
23:36 / 11.05.03
(And no, I'm not going to be accused of being a psycho killer, thank you Johnny Orr, so unless the non-voter's abstention holds up the speedy execution of mob justice, which is after all why the no-vote-no-live rule was originally instated, I'm not going to off anyone else. We'll be losing people fast enough soon enough. Of course, if people start disrespecting my authoritah, this may change.)
8===>Q: alyn
02:45 / 12.05.03
We'll be losing people fast enough soon enough.

Not at this rate. I'm starting to doubt that there is a MAFIA at all.
Whisky Priestess
09:21 / 12.05.03
Admittedly they're vanishing fast, and surely no-one can complain about that. But if you want to see more blood, get voting!
Ethan Hawke
12:56 / 12.05.03
Can the Mafia choose not to target someone?
Whisky Priestess
17:21 / 12.05.03

Basically if I say "no-one died in the night" (although to be fair someone did, but he wasn't a MAFIA victim) there are three options:

MAFIA tried to hit someone but they were protected by the Doctor
MAFIA tried to hit someone but they were Bulletproof
MAFIA tried to hit someone but they were the Vampire, so they died and were immediately reborn as MAFIA so it only seems that they didn't die in the night.

Any of the above could have happened either time "no-one died during the night", which has happened twice so far. In fact the MAFIA actually haven't killed anyone at all yet ...
18:25 / 12.05.03
A screen in the corner of the bar flickers to life, the colour of the sky above a port.

MaominCha can vaguely be discerned. "If you're watching this, then I'm dead. Us gangsters, we're a bit shit at being Mafia really", he declares amid bursts of static. "Hopefully, the remaining mafioso will kill all you motherfuckers... viva Oso Hormiguero!!!" It looks like one of his arms is a bit gammy, too.
8===>Q: alyn
18:32 / 12.05.03
The remaining MAFIA, if there's only one, does have really good odds of making it through.
lolita nation
19:14 / 12.05.03
Don't we have two Detectives still alive, and a very good Ninja? Could the Mafia even still win if it got down to them and a bulletproof or Governor?
Whisky Priestess
19:57 / 12.05.03
If there's a MAFIA and a bulletproof left at the end of the game the MAFIA are deemed to have won. In fact, I'll check Princeton but I think that whenever the MAFIA are equal to or greater in number than the villagers they are said to have won, because they always get to kill in the night and thus reduce the number of villagers to less than that of the MAFIA. Bulletproof and Doctor characters can change this though - but if it came down to only 2 I would declare it a MAFIA victory because of the sheer weight of numbers on the side of the villagers.

And no, we lost a Detective for non-voting on Day One, so (assuming the Changeling has not become a Detective) there is only one of the original Detectives left.

So far the characters who have died are:

Lionheart (Martyr)
Nietsche (Detective)
Patrick MM (MAFIA)
Maominstoat (MAFIA)

Which on the whole is pretty fuckin' good news for the innocents among us. The MAFIA are definitely falling behind in their murderous duties, seeing as of the above, 3 were killed by me and 1 by the Ninja.
Whisky Priestess
17:50 / 13.05.03
Suddenly there is an unearthly screech from the Captain's quarters.

"Bloody hell!"

"I was trying to open the juice carton with a knife and I've spilt cranberry all over myself! Sorry ... has anyone got any Vanish?"
Eloi Tsabaoth
18:09 / 13.05.03
"Potentially there still could be three MAFIA. If the first vampire was killed in the first night, the changeling became a vampire, and the vampireling was killed in the second night... Food for thought.Um, you craven fools!"
Rev. Orr
19:07 / 13.05.03
But if that were the case, would the changling really out himself as such? I would have thought that their first reaction on finding themselves to be the vampire would be to keep their head down and not to announce to everyone that they're a new person now. I think we're down to a single mafia now who is probably feeling a little vulnerable. Ah, diddums.
lolita nation
21:16 / 13.05.03
21:45 / 13.05.03
My, bjacques is quiet... Has he taken his blue-tentacled self into hiding?
Rev. Orr
00:19 / 14.05.03
O Captain, my captain. Is that supposed to reassure us? Given the suicidal and short-lived nature of our local mafia I know which power I'm more scared of.

oh, and:
diddums noun b.coll. darling, or other term of endearment. baby speak or nonsense terminology to small child. c19th. arch.

Apologies. I have an unhealthy interest in obscure ancient earth slang. I keep forgetting how many of you have never visited the planet or even met another terran. As for bjaques, everyone seems to have taken to their cabins or are secretly communicating on the stations com-link. The cantina is deserted and I can't even find a droid to serve me. Luckily that means I can just lie under the bar and open the taps to the synth-ale. Hic, shweet dreams y'all!
lolita nation
02:30 / 14.05.03
That's how I feel after eating British candy too, Whisky.
19:31 / 14.05.03
(Hi, all - back from vacation and ready to start the heads rolling again - especially if they're all from the same body...)

'szaBelele drifts out of her cabin, looking a little out of focus. It had been a while since she'd had been through an episode of rhynn'Dah, and she'd thought she had gotten old enough to not to have to worry about such things. The only advantage was the sheen it gave her scales, not that anybody here would appreciate it (or even notice).

Might as well head down to the low G snooker lounge and see who's "worshipping" now.
Eloi Tsabaoth
19:44 / 14.05.03
The lounge was nearly empty, except for in one corner, all of Bizunth's heralds and attendents were enjoying their fortnightly day-off, in which Bizunth ordered them all to leave the chamber for 24 hours. They drank, they sang, and yet all they ever talked about was Bizunth.
"What does he do in there on his own?"
"Run around naked, singing?"
"I don't care what he does, I want to know how he survives! He can barely lift his head, let alone attend to himself..."
"Maybe he has company, and he doesn't want us to know..."
They all assumed sneaky expressions.
"Is it that rent-bot?"
"No, he makes no secret of his visits. Maybe it's fish-girl..."
"Shut up! She's sitting right over there."
"Maybe it's the captain."
All their eyes became wide as dinner plates. Eventually one of them spoke.
"Bartender! Another... another round of Live-Bacteria Margaritas!"
09:32 / 15.05.03
Make ours a double! We had a tentacular 36 sidereal (Old Sol) hours and are in a mood to celebrate. Old Sol, in case you were wondering makes the best knishes in the quadrant.
12:03 / 15.05.03
"Ah, um. Hello all? Uh, yes, are you all still there?"

Crawling out of a pile of discarded wreckage from the back of the cantina comes rat. Gene-spliced with mole DNA and bred for tunnel-fighting (to be, in fact, a tunnel-rat) his natural instinct in times of danger is to go to ground, to find cover, to search out alternate routes, to undermine the enemy, to... well, okay, um hide. Not that he's likely to admit this of course...

"Just checking the lower areas for those dastardly Sicilian swine!" he cheeps.

"Johnny Orr! Is that you? What the hell are you doing behind my bar? Eep! Did you pay for that? Who are all these people?"

[Apologies to all but my internal modem and net connection went down. Am now fully willing to take part once more...]
13:25 / 15.05.03
'szaBelele looks at rat.

"You know me - you served me scotch and grappa and something I think was called beer." Her voice was low, almost silky, not something you'd expect from a reptilian throat (even if that reptile was warmblooded).

"That hUman pilot; I thought you knew well enough to let run a slot. This one, however," she gestures at bjacques with a sweeping motion that fully reveals the wicked claw in her palm, "I think nobody knows." Her voice tightens, becomes hard and cold.
"What I know about it is that it is blue and tentacled, much like the MAFIA in their native state, and that it voted the same as did the revealed MAFIA MaominCha. And the votes were consecutive - closely linked in time as well as intent - and they both waited until after I had chosen to cast suspicion on me. Do you know this one?"
Baz Auckland
14:00 / 15.05.03
Lord Bazza and Ch'eng-Kung are sulking in a corner of the bar...


"Yes, my lord. It does seem like there is a lot of tension in the air. I suppose it is because the last person who voted first ended up being the lynchee."


"Well, yes, that was our fault as well. He may still be MAFIA, so don't feel guilty. I know you still blame yourself for killing that planet Xinjian, but they started it!....and I'm sorry my lord, I won't put my hand up first. Wait until Friday and ask again..."
8===>Q: alyn
14:44 / 15.05.03
Able-Bodied Spaceman First Class Qal Yn saunters in carrying a small paper bag marked NUTS. He fishes out a steel wingnut about the size of a thumb and pops it in his mouth.

"So, what are you screws up to? Not voting yet, ya chickens? T.O.D.D., rat, and bjacques all satisfy my criteria for suspects, though I can't guarantee the results. But, Whisky Tango Foxtrot, y'know? I accuse bjacques."

Qal Yn spits out a masticated lump of steel, which pings off the deck.
Whisky Priestess
16:52 / 15.05.03
Excellent! The prelude to killing has begun! Brave boy, Qal Yn! You won't be required to unblock the hydroponic mulch chambers for the rest of the week.

As for the rest of you, look sharp and get voting! I wants to see me an honest Christian lynching, like in the old days ...

Well, maybe not quite ... but a lynching nonetheless. Dig up those grudges, damn it! And Governor, now that voting has begun you can PM me whenever to name the person you want to save, if any.
Baz Auckland
21:11 / 15.05.03

"My Lord Bazza Auckland, Lord of the Wako and Destroyer of Many Many Places hereby nominates TODD for lynching, just so we can see what he is. That damn mysterioso."
21:42 / 15.05.03

Yikes! That sort talk makes our spines stand on end! We've got a few unsavory episodes in our past--who hasn't?--but body double in tentacle hentai is the worst anyone can lay at our door and, as with certain popstars, we did that during a difficult time in our life.

It was a hit on our homeworld.

It would be a real bad idea to lynch us.

But we may be seeing our last Scorpio Moon (0314 to 0406 UT), so we'll do what the likes of us do best and flail about wildly (didn't expect that, did you?), and since our home planet is in the Lex Talionis system, Nous accusons Qal Yn!
21:46 / 15.05.03
Damn Galactic Censors...

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