"Dammit!" slurs the Captain Priestess, downing yet another cask of communion wine and wishing that it was the blood of the evil MAFIA rather than that of her Lord and Saviour, "No victim last night and no lynching today. Thanks to the quarantine, soon the air and food on this benighted hunk of titanium will start running out, unless there's a pretty serious cull. Honest to God, do I have to kill everyone myself?"
She is interrupted by an altar-droid, carrying an ineptly-scribbled message.
"When will you learn to write in proper letters, minion?" she grumbles. "I knew I shouldn't have recycled that old Palm Pilot into your brain ..."
But as she deciphers the message, her heart skips and leaps. The droids have found a body in sector 4, near the cobwebbed Fitness Centre. Swiftly as she can, she lurches to the high-speed space elevator and rushes down to investigate.
When she arrives, several droids are cowering at the edge of the vast central Yoga mat, upon which a hideously mutilated body lies face down, drenched in its own rather yellowish blood.
"Another victim of the dreaded MAFIA!" she cries. "Lord, why must this nightmare continue?"
But as she leans forward to discover the identity of the corpse, something gives her pause. Carved upon its back in blood is a symbol vaguely reminiscent of the Japanese logoglyph (or whatever) for "Fuck You".
Strange, she muses. I didn't know the MAFIA had merged with the Yakuza. One of those corporate takeovers, I suppose.
One of the droids hem-hems and points out a Japanese wakizashi sword lying discarded next to the body, and suggests humbly that the assailant may not in fact have been the MAFIA, but the Ninja.
"Of course! It makes perfect sense! Now to discover who this poor unfortunate soul was ... and whether they were killed in error or divine justice."
Edging the body onto its back with a wary shoe, the face revealed is that of Maomincha, last of his Stoat line.
"Sweet Lord!" she gasps. "So the nanoweasels didn't get him in the end after all .. but was he - could he have been - MAFIA?"
A swift search of the body reveals a couple of buttons, some Stoat currency (slightly foxed) - and a Lifetime Membership card to the Martin Scorcese Appreciation Society. And after the steaming pile of excrement that was Gangs of New York, that can mean only one thing ...
This entity was MAFIA!

"Well done Ninja - you have killed another of these foul creatures, and we shall all sleep more safely in our space beds. Except for whoever gets killed by the remaining MAFIA tonight, obviously." |