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Mafia 4: Space Station Whisky - The Game


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Eloi Tsabaoth
21:41 / 08.05.03
And Whisky what was that hint all about? Are you taking sides, and if so, is it ours?

"I believe our beloved captain is ,to use the colloquialism, 'mixing it up'. Now scrub my loins, attendant, and don't skimp on the turpentine!"
lolita nation
21:48 / 08.05.03
but then when the target is Qal Yn who cares if he's mafia, those tights are just disturbing on a man who spends his life in the filthy recesses of the station.


I love Orr.
Rev. Orr
22:08 / 08.05.03
I know.
8===>Q: alyn
22:10 / 08.05.03
I'm wearing WTF coveralls, not tights.

This ship needs a goddamn fact-checking robot.

Ethan Hawke
22:50 / 08.05.03
I accuse Qa Lyn.

(BTW, in case it wasn't obvious enough, I was the changeling. I've changed. PM for details on how you can change, too!

Or, failing that, if you want to know why it would be extremely counterproductive to lynch me. Basically, Orr is plain wrong that I'm more likely to be evil than good. Which is mighty suspicious behavior.)
Rev. Orr
23:17 / 08.05.03
There are two possible explanations for Whisky stating the no-one was killed last night:

a) the mafia and the doctor picked the same person and they were saved.
b) the vampire was 'killed' by the mafia and was turned whilst the doctor protected someone else.

I'm no expert on statistics, but I would regard a) as more of a coincidence than b). I have no answer as to why you would have gone so public on your change if you were the changeling. However, even if you are and b) occured, by my reckoning there are only six positions you could now be filling. I can't say what they are without coming out myself, but of those four are 'good' and two are 'bad'. Combining the odds of all the possible outcomes of a) and b) they are in favour of you being on the side of darkness now. That's all I meant. Most people disagree with me. So you'll live. Odds are not proof, just a better reason for my decision than my usual WAG. I may well be wrong, but it's hardly suspicious behaviour.
23:20 / 08.05.03
Ouch! Well, fair's fair. But we maintain there ain't a mafia cell in our exoskeleton. Be that as it may, we accuse T.O.D.D.; we ain't tellin' if we used its services, and by nightfall, he won't be tellin' either. Somewhere under that seamless exterior are special attachments like the peasant shotgun and the garotte...
Ethan Hawke
23:22 / 08.05.03
Well, Mr. Orr - you forgot one thing - If you really thought I were a vampire, and YOU are innocent, you wouldn't want me lynched. Because that would only be my first death, and I would be reborn as mafia, and Mr. "Innocent" Orr would have to kill me, AGAIN.

Fuck, can I change my vote?
lolita nation
23:23 / 08.05.03
Wait, why couldn't the Mafia have picked the Bulletproof, causing Todd to become that & giving us two Bulletproofs? Surely that is a 3rd option? TODD is there something you want to tell me?
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:25 / 08.05.03
"Vampires are only turned when the person in question is killed by the MAFIA. They can be lynched like all normal folk. Where's my titanium ducky?"
Rev. Orr
23:29 / 08.05.03
If you are the vampire under option b), then you have been 'killed' once and are just a normal mafia member now. No need to kill you twice or use a special stake. Just the once more will do.

Just to reiterate - I am still not saying that it is certain that Todd is evil - merely a better bet than the other options that I had. I'm not on a crusade here, just trying to justify my vote. Would people really prefer it if I went back to picking at random and making up reasons that are only amusing to myself?
Ethan Hawke
23:43 / 08.05.03
What do you wish to know, Comrade Nationova?


There is a perfectly obvious reason why Orr does not list the option which you refer to.
lolita nation
23:43 / 08.05.03
I'm scared of Orr now.

Also, touché, Qayln.
lolita nation
23:45 / 08.05.03
He listed it before just after the end of the round when we found out no one died, didn't he?
Ethan Hawke
23:45 / 08.05.03
Bizunth - it seems there is a conflict between WP's instructions on page 1 of this thread:

1 vampIRE
This character is innocent until lynched or killed at night, at which point they are reborn as a MAFIA member.

and the FAQ, which you apparently quoted.

I was obviously going by the words of our illustrious leader.
Eloi Tsabaoth
23:46 / 08.05.03
"What's that, lackey? Vampires do turn when they're lynched? Why are you telling me something I already know? Zzzzzz."
Rev. Orr
23:56 / 08.05.03
I'm scared of Orr now.

Does no-body watch classic films any more?

-mutters- It's not stalking if it's an homage...-/mutters-
lolita nation
00:08 / 09.05.03
Y'all. I am so confused. No, take away that Puppy Chow, I can eat nothing. I'm just going to lie here and thump my tail on the ground and pray I haven't made a terrible mistake...
Baz Auckland
01:01 / 09.05.03

"His Majesty suggests that to pass the time and relieve stress, we should all retire to the bar to get very drunk and watch the election returns on the videoscreen. Lord Bazza is buying the first round!"

And with that, the Eunuch and the Blob lead the way back to alcoholic bliss.
Baz Auckland
01:05 / 09.05.03
"Broadcasting live! from deck 5 is the day 2 lynch results! With 5 votes left to be cast, the lineup is looking as follows:

Qalyn - 4 votes (Baz, Lolita, Tez, Todd)
Todd - 3 votes (Bizunth, Orr, Bjacques)
Rat - 1 vote (Qalyn)
Bjacques - 1 vote (iszabelle)

With just 20 hours left to go, this looks to be an exciting day ahead!"
Baz Auckland
01:07 / 09.05.03
The newscaster of deck 5 holds his earpiece and announces: "Sorry! That's 6 votes remain to be cast... not 5 as previously stated. Stay tuned while we have an exclusive interview with the captain regarding this truly exciting election!"
8===>Q: alyn
01:39 / 09.05.03
3 votes, isn't it? Stoat, rat and Flyboy?
8===>Q: alyn
01:43 / 09.05.03
Guys, relax. Your odds of catching a MAFIA at random will improve after I and the next MAFIA victim are out of your pool of possibles. This round they are either 3/11 or 2/11, which is hardly inspiring. Next round they'll be 1/3 or 2/9. Add to this your own formidable powers of reason and the various effects of your powers, which I'm too dim to calculate. For instance, the Detective will have a worst-case scenario chance of 2/7, and the Masons have a lovely 1/3. But I can't say how that effects the group odds. (Don't worry, I'm not a Detective or Mason). See how your odds get better the more you "lose"? What would be really sweet is if the MAFIA killed the Vampire last night and get the Changeling tonight. Your odds would start at 4/9!

It turns out that the odds on T.O.D.D. (henceforth, the T/odds) are defeating me, so I'll just publish my findings and maybe you guys can make sense of them. As far as I can see, there are 3 reasons we can base on odds for T.O.D.D. to announce that he's been Changed.

1) He's now Bulletproof (1/9 that the MAFIA randomly hit the Bulletproof last night). He'd come out and say it, though, wouldn't he? Maybe he doesn't want to be called a liar.

2) He's now a Vampire. This seems like the best case scenario in terms of your odds tomorrow; randomly, this is also a 1/9 chance, but if it happened I don't think it was random. Here, he wants the Detective to establish his innocence before you or they "kill" him, as he won't read MAFIA yet.

3) He's lying, which is the really confusing part. A subset of this is that he was ALWAYS the vampire. 3/11? 1/15? Where do you start? There's another possibility here, but I'm not going to give it away. Anyway, as far as I know, T.O.D.D. units are only programmed to lie about your figure. Otherwise they're scrupulously honest.

4) I also forget exactly how to calculate the odds that the Doctor and MAFIA randomly picked the same target last night and he's something else. Is it 1/9 * 1/12? That's 7/36. My calculator keeps giving me really tiny numbers, but I think I'm doing it wrong. Anyway, if that happened and wasn't random, I think I know what he is now.

"Phew! My brain hurts. A glass of milk, please, rat, you MAFIA bounder." Qal Yn pauses. "I can't believe I missed the chance to say I smell a rat."
8===>Q: alyn
01:57 / 09.05.03
Is it 1/9 * 1/12? That's 7/36.

Sorry, that should be 1/9 * 1/11 = 1/99. I don't know what the hell I did to get 7/36.
Baz Auckland
04:15 / 09.05.03
More earpiece holding and concentration.... "...that's right. A further correction. THREE votes remain. The earlier number of six did not take into consideration the now deceased Lionheart, Patrick, and Nietsche... The Whiskey News Network apologises for the error..."
Rev. Orr
07:20 / 09.05.03
Thank you Bazza - it's almost as if the FOX network were still on air.
08:38 / 09.05.03
MaominCha, fresh from a bizarre dream in which he was a human playing Deus Ex and losing track of time, realises something's afoot. Someone here means us ill he thinks, and for the Free Stoat People, I have to remain alive! I have to complete my sacred duty of vengeance! As long as the nanoweasels don't show...

Pensive now, he scurries to the bar for a libation. "Ja'Ma'Kan Largabia" he demands of the bartender, happily taking the red-striped aluminium container, fiddling with the primitive valve atop it, and guzzling the elixir within.

"Do you know shumthing?" he asks of no-one in particular. "That Qal Yn... it's either him or that Johnny spacepilot or whatever his name is. Or they're both in it together. Ferretus has probably put them up to it. Though, given the recent carnage, one could be forgiven for thinking we're all doomed anyway!"

He strokes his whiskers in a disturbingly lascivious manner, before coming to a conclusion. " Qal Yn . And can I have another of these, please?"
Whisky Priestess
10:01 / 09.05.03
The Captain Priestess pauses in her devotions long enough to divulge the following:

"Whatever the WIKI says, on my Space Station, the Vampire rises again whether killed or lynched. Basically ze has two lives.

Also, if the Vampire were targeted last night that Vampire would have now turned and become one of the MAFIA. The Changeling would have become another Vampire, but the Changeling/Vampire will not have been turned, and will not be until killed or lynched. So if the Vampire were targeted, the situation would stand thus: One Vampire (turned) = MAFIA, one Vampire (pure) = innocent. Until you kill or lynch hir, that is ..."
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:39 / 09.05.03
Frell it, I'm going to vote for the death of Qal Yn - all the cool kids are doing it.

8===>Q: alyn
16:33 / 09.05.03
Able-Bodied Spaceman's Log. Stardate: 48230y89024979.980247y0

This looks to be my final entry. The passengers have made a really smart move by narrowing their pool of possible innocents, thereby increasing the ratio of MAFIA and improving their chances of catching one. I can't pretend I'm not a little scared of dying, but I guess that's just what heroes do: lay down their lives to save the innocent. Here, for posterity, is my record of the voting today:

Round II
rat: Qal Yn
Qal Yn: Lolita, Bazza, Tez, T.O.D.D., MaominCha, John Flyboy
T.O.D.D.: Bizunth, Orr, bjacques
bjaques: Iszabelle

Qal Yn, lolita nation, Bazza, Tezcatlipoca, Bizunth, Iszabelle, Orr, T.O.D.D., bjaqcues, Stoat, Flyboy

rat has yet to vote.
Whisky Priestess
21:21 / 09.05.03
And the Captain Priestess stares at the bottle of gin in the locked cupboard on the high shelf, her fingers twitchign ever so slightly as she recites the Lord's Prayer in her head...

Even rat's vote cannot save Qalyn now, so unless the Governor chooses to save him, he's toast. Although I will wait for rat's vote before nailing young Q to a cross, just to be fair.

Governor - if you pity the fool - PM me ASAP if you wish to save Qalyn's life
Eloi Tsabaoth
22:02 / 09.05.03
So, Qalyn still has a chance to be governed. Rat, however, is Lolita-food...
Whisky Priestess
22:26 / 09.05.03
Hmm. I think I might be moved to clemency in this case, seeing as he would have had no effect on the vote anyway, and I usually like to avoid senseless slaughter. Mind you, I haven't had my first daiquiri yet.
Rev. Orr
22:31 / 09.05.03
I'm think Lolita's a pure-breed rather than a ratter. It might be kinder to leave her to her freeze-dried Pal chunks.
lolita nation
02:40 / 10.05.03
Thank you, Orr.

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