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Mafia 4: Space Station Whisky - The Game


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10:05 / 29.05.03
Hello again, all. Drinks will be freely distributed. With correct payment, of course.

Quick note: One would assume that if I were an evil mafia-type the last thing I'd be doing is remaining suspiciously quiet. Especially given my gregarious nature.

Instead, my sudden reticence is due to hardware failure (my bloody modem still isn't working). Also complicating matters, I managed to get banned from college net facilities for a week (due to a ringing mobile). Pfah. I'd been using net cafes but this tends to be towards the end of the week because that's when I get paid for bar-work and can afford the extortionate fees. All very irritating.

So the question remains... Who is/are the killers? Is it possible (however unlikely) that the vampire has yet to turn (and is therefore still innocent) and we can win if the the only mafia member is killed before they turn?
lolita nation
14:39 / 29.05.03
Priestess, clarify something for me please? What does the Fink do now that we don't have a detective anymore? Does s/he play on the side of the villagers or is s/he trying to get the innocents killed?
Whisky Priestess
16:48 / 29.05.03
The Fink now drums hir fingers and does everything in hir power to help the MAFIA win - if ze can find out who they are.

Athough what do we think about making the Fink able to ask about the Doctor if and when all the Detectives die, thus not rendering hir role entirely redundant post-Detectives? Just a thought.
16:54 / 29.05.03
I'm not in favor of that idea - let the fink try to figure it all out by wiles like the rest of us.

Seriously, if the governor has no additional duties after having saved two folk from lynching, I don't see why the fink should get extras. These are supposed to be minor characters...

Just my thoughts...
Ethan Hawke
17:32 / 29.05.03
We don't have to kill the Fink to win, do we?
Rev. Orr
20:46 / 29.05.03
No. Just the mafia. When they're gone we're offically safe and the fink can live on in shame or take over from the late Qal Yn scrubbing the bowels of the station. Have to agree, though, I can't see the justification in suddenly boosting the fink's powers. We've already lsot our detectives, why punish us further? To do so would bring the objectivity of the captain into serious doubt.
Whisky Priestess
00:54 / 30.05.03
A suggestion merely. Don't even think about questioning my allegiances. I am above it all, like God, disinterested, paring my fingernails, as Beckett or Joyce almost said.

And Todd, no, you don't have to kill the Fink to win. While, allegiance-wise, ze is on the side of the MAFIA, ze does still count as technically innocent. When all the MAFIA are dead, or the MAFIA outnumber the innocent, that's when the fat lady sings.
Rev. Orr
02:03 / 30.05.03
Oh no, why would I be in any doubt about the intentions of the owner of the stations highest bodycount? Pardon my cynicism, but you killed off half our detectives and our martyr before they could learn anything or protect anyone. If you are God, then vengeance is mine saith the Lord.

For the ludicrously optimistic amongst you, however, if the vampire remains unturned then we can win this today by lynching the sole remaining mafia. Think hard, mes amis...
03:57 / 30.05.03
"Do you, then, also have doubts as to whether or not the vampire remains unturned?"

'szabelele looks at the pilot long and hard, as if sheer willpower could force a useful answer...
Rev. Orr
09:29 / 30.05.03
Sadly, no. There's one too many nights without a declared death. But it would have been nice...

However, if you want a useful answer:

- The way to deal with a red wine stain on a carpet is to take copious amounts of additional alcohol in any form, ingest and stop caring.

- The only only thing in this universe that smells worse than a Wookie co-pilot that hasn't bathed in weeks is the unique aroma of wet wookie fur.

- Never eat more than you can lift.

- And finally, if they tell you that the Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father; never ask your seargent to breast-feed you for old times sake.
Whisky Priestess
12:21 / 30.05.03
The Captain Priestess raises a sardonic eyebrow, wondering if someone - anyone - will attempt to apply logic to the situation based on the known events so far. This round it would be most gratifying if we were to catch us a MAFIA member, and thus we must attempt to work out who the MAFIA are and how many of them are left.

Or else ...

Ethan Hawke
12:32 / 30.05.03
So...correct me if I'm wrong...

At the deadline (which is..., again?), the player with the most votes against hir, regardless if everyone votes, is lynched? tru dat?
14:17 / 30.05.03
Logic? The Captain wants logic??

Sigh... Logic ain't much help here; we need information. What I've got so far is this: first column is the player, second, third etc colums are who the player voted to lynch. First block is the dead folk, second is the living.

Patrick MM (MAFIA) lynched
Lion heart (martyr) TARDY
Nietzsche (detective) TARDY
Stoatie (MAFIA) me Qalyn hit by ninja
Qalyn (ninja) Lolita Rat bjacques lynched
Bizunth (detective) flyboy Todd bjacques HIT by MAFIA
Tez (bulletproof) Lolita Qalyn bjacques Baz lynched
Flyboy (mason) Patrick Qalyn Qalyn Tez HIT by MAFIA

Baz Qalyn Qalyn Todd/Q Tez
Rat Todd (no vote) bjac Tez
Orr Qalyn Todd Qalyn rat
Todd Nietzsche Qalyn Qalyn Tez
Lolita Patrick Qalyn Qalyn Tez
Bjac(i) me Todd Qalyn Tez
me (i) Bizunth bjac bjac Tez
14:19 / 30.05.03
Oh, that's ugly. Sorry - it had looked like my tabs had kept everything neatly lined up!
Ethan Hawke
14:40 / 30.05.03
The last time I applied logic, I voted to kill the Ninja...I'm nearly convinced I know who the Mafia are, but I'm not sure I can get enough people to vote with me.
lolita nation
14:44 / 30.05.03
Are you no longer a pleasure robot, Todd? Never really suited you. Just kidding. And how do you know who the mafia are, if not by logic?

I want to vote for myself. I just want someone else to vote first.
14:55 / 30.05.03
Trepidation be damned. I've little time left and a bar to tend to (both in virtual and meat life) and unless we hang ourselves a Mafia then the good ship Whisky is lost to festering Sicilian blackness...

So far: With both information collated by myself, and information kindly donated by one who realised their death was inevitable, I'm almost totally sure that bjacques and iszabelle are innocent but I still have no idea where Baz Auckland or lolita nation stand.

Johnny Orr and T.O.D.D. remain the most suspicious of individuals in my eyes. Despite the fact that the swine has denounced me twice and voted against me once (and stolen my booze) Orr strikes me as too much of a reckless, swaggering buffoon (no offence) to be the real threat.

On top of this I received a PM from T.O.D.D. attempting to round up a lynch mob on Mr Orr and calling for support (or justification for lack thereof) in fairly strident tones. I dislike this sort of pressure and, quite frankly, it smacks to me of bullying and deception. It makes me suspicious and contrary.

Therefore, despite it being against my character to be quite so dashing and forceful, I'm afraid I'm going to have to invite you to leave our ship, T.O.D.D.

I only hope that this is the correct decision.
Ethan Hawke
14:57 / 30.05.03
Big meanie.

Fine. I know my last Occam's razor vote left me looking pretty stupid, but I accuse Orr, because although there are some other shifty characters about, he's been loud and shifty.

Reasons -
(1) He claimed to be bulletproof, which was not the case. He admitted to lying about it.
(2) He then intimated that he's the unactivated Vampire (if I'm interpreting him correctly; sometimes I'm not a careful reader), but is now saying that he thinks the Vampire is active.
(3) I think he's prejudiced towards wookies and is likely to commit a wookie-related hate crime if we don't get rid of him.

I realize that most of you will probably not agree with me, but whatever. I am tired of life on this space ship. It brings me no pleasure.
Ethan Hawke
15:00 / 30.05.03
Drats. I didn't see Rat's vote before I voted. Oh well. I'd probably still vote for Orr.
Whisky Priestess
17:22 / 30.05.03
Jolly good, jolly good. Keep voting, chaps. The deadline, just to remind y'all, is 12 midnight tonight UK time, or 1am Barbetime.
Baz Auckland
19:52 / 30.05.03

"Yikes. Forgot it was Friday. With only 2 hours to go, His majesty will close his eyes and..eeney meeney miney mo. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers let him go. Eeny meeney miney mo..."

"T.O.D.D., I'm afraid you're mo."
Rev. Orr
20:43 / 30.05.03
When did I say I was the vampire?. That's certainly not what I was suggesting. That's also the second time that Todd has misinterpreted postings or pms of mine and used that to try to whip up a mob against me. Hate crimes against Wookies? Is that the best you can come up with? I try it and they'd rip my arms off. Some of my best friends are Wookies and so on.

Care to explain why I would push for the vampire being active if I were him? Makes the sense that is not, neh? The only person that's claimed to have changed is you, Todd, and that may or may not have an innocent explanation.

So why am I not immediately voting for Todd? Because, as I read the situation, the mafia have a block of three votes. To defeat them this time, all the innocents need to vote for the same target. If I vote for the death-bot and other innocents (of which I believe there are at least one left to vote) vote for a third target, then we've split ourselves and given them the opening they need.

I can't hold Todds canvassing by pm against him as I've similarly been trying to discover the consensus opinion from people I trust to aviod just such a split. What's more disturbing is the certainty with which he appears to have been denouncing me. I've been present on the thread a lot, 'tis true, but if you look back over what I've posted I've hardly been pushing innocent candidates for death. Quite the reverse, in many cases I've been the voice of caution in contrast to my usual style of play and posting. This is all very reminiscent of the last minute smearing that went on in game two just before I was lynched to give the mafia the game. Coincidence?

Anyway, I'm here, I'll be watching closely and if anyone wants to sound me out I'll be available. I guess that's all I can do before Todd dooms us all.
lolita nation
21:15 / 30.05.03
OK... I've thought long and hard about this, and of all the people who've been lobbying me via PM, it seems Todd is the most likely to buy me a drink in real life, so Orr, I'm sorry. It's nothing personal.

I just keep getting a sense from the way you repeatedly accused Rat when he was in no danger, but changed your story when people started seriously questioning him, & in this game where everyone has been pretty open and transparent you never even hinted at what your character was. Not that you should be expected to, but everyone else did, and I also still think that you would be a likely candidate for Whisky to make Mafia, because if you do have some sort of antagonistic sibling relationship, her gloating priveleges would go through the roof if she made you Mafia and you lost. (Sorry for trying to pick your head Whisky, don't be insulted, just trying to figure everything out & whatnot.) For the record I wanted to vote for Rat, but it seems better in the interest of protecting Todd to vote for someone who's already been accused. Todd, for the record, if you've been lying to me, you're a magnificent bastard, but I will hurt you. Do you hear me?

So no hard feelings I hope.
lolita nation
21:17 / 30.05.03
I said "for the record" twice. Ew
21:18 / 30.05.03
I'm going to go with my gut instinct and vote for Baz.
Rev. Orr
21:37 / 30.05.03
You mean all it would have taken to stop this station being overrun by the mob would have been to offer to buy a young lady a drink?

Damn my fear of stalking.
lolita nation
21:55 / 30.05.03
What happens if there's a Todd/Orr/Baz tie? Do they all die, or do we revote?
Rev. Orr
21:57 / 30.05.03
Well Todd, old buddy, it looks like it's you and me. No surprises as to my vote then. I wish I was more sure as to what the hell you were, but I know what I am and you've got to go.
Rev. Orr
21:59 / 30.05.03
Not enough votes for a three-way tie. If bjaques votes for me then I suspect that we lose both of us. If we're both innocent then the mafia win mathematically. If we're not then the witch-hunt begins again.
Ethan Hawke
22:19 / 30.05.03

Um, bjacques...I love you...and remember, if you believe I'm the changeling AND the vampire, that means there's THREE active/potential mafia right now, plus the fink, meaning the village is all but screwed anyway.

(and for the record, I've never stalked Lolita. Yes, I did once surreptitiously stroke her purple scarf when she wasn't looking, but that was just because I was curious about what it was made of.)
Ethan Hawke
22:26 / 30.05.03
I would think that if bjacques votes for you, Iszabelle gets to change her vote, right? That's what happened in the last tie.
22:31 / 30.05.03
We accuse Baz!
Ethan Hawke
22:39 / 30.05.03
um..nice one, guy.

I guess I just have to trust in the mercy of the governor..
Rev. Orr
23:02 / 30.05.03
It's not stalking if you know them, right Todd? Anyone? Bueller?

And I may have a slight bias here, but we're not counting votes that come in half an hour late are we? 'Cause I may have to pout heavily if we do.
lolita nation
23:10 / 30.05.03
Oh Todd, I think you left this behind when we were at Upright Citizens last night. It's a dry cleaning bill, one scarf cleaned 50 times, $300. You can just send me the money if that's easier, you big gross scarf pervert.

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