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Mafia 4: Space Station Whisky - The Game


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Whisky Priestess
18:53 / 07.06.03
Oh, and he was originally the VAMPIRE, too.
Ethan Hawke
19:01 / 07.06.03
You know, I though being a sex slave would be all sorts of fun, but now I realize that it's just...gross. Thanks, WP. Thanks a lot.
Sorry Orr, you didn't deserve that.

I can't get "vampire" from that, can i?
19:47 / 07.06.03
So the badguys left are the fink and the last of the three original MAFIA.

Eintzy, meintzy, blitzy, shoes...
How are we
going to choose?
Rev. Orr
20:21 / 07.06.03
In the immortal words of my sage and guru Eric Cartman: "My butt hurts". Thanks, Whisky, at least I died with a smile on my face. The rest of you just remember, this is not over... (just yet)
Ethan Hawke
20:50 / 07.06.03
I don't know, Isz, I've been having a "princess bride" moment since Baz did his thang...
lolita nation
23:08 / 07.06.03
Has the game ended in a draw now? How will the two remaining innocents after this night be able to lynch another Mafia?
Ethan Hawke
23:45 / 07.06.03
If the two innocents vote for the mafia, and the two mafia vote for the same innocent, both die, and hopefully, one innocent and the fink are left, giving the victory to the village. So, it's not a draw. There are other ways it could end, too.
Rev. Orr
23:50 / 07.06.03
And if everybody votes for the captain?
03:39 / 08.06.03
That's mutiny, and everybody dies.


I would not wish the wrath of the Captain Preistess on anybody!
Rev. Orr
03:54 / 08.06.03
Y'know, for those of us of the twice-dead persuasion there's a curious attraction for that scenario. 'All have won, all shall have prizes'. All we are saying, is give mass-slaughter a chance. Living, dead; mafia, do-gooder - can't we just put our differences aside and commit ritual suicide together? You're not convinced, are you?
8===>Q: alyn
11:58 / 08.06.03
I think you should all jump off the boat and swim toward the black hole.
13:28 / 08.06.03
Thank fuck. Well, we finally got one.

And I think the spread of the game is becoming a little clearer (about bloody time!). I don't have time to post right now on the black bile being spit in my direction - I'll post again tomorrow with what logical deduction I can muster.

If I don't die in the night, of course.

Keep safe all. Drinks are free.
13:31 / 08.06.03
Since things are becoming clear to you, maybe you should vote first?
Whisky Priestess
17:23 / 08.06.03
Baz, a correction: "The point of the game is survival, not loyalty."

To be precise, the point of the game is survival and winning, not loyalty.

I cannot comment on Baz's status as Fink or not, but I will say this for the benefit of Player X who is the Fink: if the MAFIA wins, you win, and if the MAFIA loses, and the innocents win, you lose. It is not a question of mere survival for the Fink, oh no. So sellingout the MAFIA to the innocents is not a brilliant move, as although you may survive if the innocents win, you will still have lost the game as much as the dead MAFIA.

Just to be clear.
Whisky Priestess
13:26 / 09.06.03
And Night falls upon the spinnning and rather grubby jewel that is the Space Station Whisky ...

In the morning, as the Captain Priestess is whistling merrily and washing the mysterious stains out of her robes in the sink, a breathless Iszabelle knocks frantically on the door, her wide eyes flashing, her normally pale pink crest an alarmed shade of puce.

"Captain Priestess your Mighty Holy Admirableness," she gasps, "come quick!"

The Captain yawns and snarls at the same time, which is no less terrifying than it is impressive.

"What is it?"

"It's Space Dog Lolita Nationovna" comes the tremulous squeak of T.O.D.D. from outside the door. "She ... she won't wake up."

Standing over Lolita's basket a few minutes later, the Captain Priestess prods the faithful astro-hound a few times, bluffs her way through the Last Rites, then turns around with a sigh.

"I wish we still had the Doctor here to confirm death - but she's not responding to choc drops, so I think it's pretty certain. Lolita will be taking her walkies in heaven from now on."

She picks up a discarded dog-biscuit by Lolita's bowl and sniffs delicately.

"Drano on the Bonio! Is there no low trick to which these fiends will not stoop? And her our sole remaining Mason, as well ..."

So folks, we're down to four: who's gonna be for the lynching tree tonight?
lolita nation
15:13 / 09.06.03
Well, I had a good life, I guess. At least now I don't have to decide between Baz and Rat!
15:34 / 09.06.03

See you around lolita - enjoy doggy heaven...
17:55 / 10.06.03
Well, with Lolita gone, I don't have to worry about a remake of The Thing.

However, I had a sudden flash of ExistenZ - the last gaming scene where the character shoots her body-guard/PR rep to win...

I don't really think Todd's going to betray me, but it's a worrisome thing to have pop into my head!
Baz Auckland
14:18 / 12.06.03
Paranoia creeping in, I'll start the voting and hopefully we can end this madness tonight....

Iszabelle, you're MAF.
15:18 / 12.06.03
Right, fuck this.

You've lied, you've cheated, you've attempted to set me up as Mafia, you've been dodgy from the start and you've now voted against iszabelle twice. To be quite frank, I've gone past the point of caring...

I vote for you, Baz Auckland.

Let's get this over with.
Whisky Priestess
15:46 / 12.06.03

Dee Six in the MAFIA house, and rat is storting to get a bit - well - ratty. Baz has corst his vurt for the ooonly gurl left in tha hoose - is that wise? Can Iszabelle mek the reet decision at this critical mooment, or will it come down to intergalactic shag-bot T.O.D.D. to seeeve the dee?

Will there be a tie, or a landslide? Tune in on Fridee to find owt.
Ethan Hawke
16:45 / 12.06.03
gosh, I knew that would happen.
Ethan Hawke
17:08 / 12.06.03
Argh, delete, delete!
02:17 / 13.06.03
How exactly did you know that would happen, Todd?

It's done now. But let me just say... I've mistrusted you right from the beginning.

Bah. I think I may have just fucked up.
03:56 / 13.06.03
Just in case he does manage to get these deleted:

Todd At 19:45 12.06.2003:

gosh, I knew that would happen.

Todd At 20:08 12.06.2003:

Argh, delete, delete!

Well, it looks like you may have fucked us completely.

Cheers, Todd. But this is strictly for the record. Just to prove to my fragile, bruised ego that you didn't get me all the way.

Cold comfort. (But please, let's at least kill that Baz fucker before the sun goes down)
Whisky Priestess
06:07 / 13.06.03
Evict! Evict!
Ethan Hawke
16:15 / 13.06.03
Yes, let's. Why not?

I accuse Baz.

Sorry, Isz, I could wait no longer.
Ethan Hawke
16:18 / 13.06.03
Since it doesn't really matter who Isz votes for now, if you're around, WP, tell us who won and put us out of our misery, s'il vous plait?
Ethan Hawke
16:23 / 13.06.03
(In case anyone cares, this is the reason I voted for Baz - Rat didn't vote with the other two last round, and the three of the baddies should have voted in a block (for me, and then they would have won, definitely) they had a much better chance of winning. It seemed Rat was out of the loop. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. I think there was some pretty bad-ass strategery [sic] going on on both sides these last two rounds. Kudos, good game etc.
Baz Auckland
22:04 / 13.06.03

Cheng Ch'eng-Kung raises Baz out of his bucket throws the Royal Blob onto the floor of the bar, and sprints to the quarters to hide from the mob...
23:09 / 13.06.03
Sorry I'm late - a quick run to the vet with my geriatric kitty is responsible for my tardy vote.

Baz Since it doesn't matter, I'm casting my lot after the others. But I think it might possibly be a mistake...
Whisky Priestess
00:09 / 14.06.03
And so the night comes around again, not a moment too soon as the great red planet swings in front of the even greater red giant - and Baz is dragged kicking and screaming to the lynching tree, or rat's distillation vats behind the Space Bar.

Slowly, slowly, as the Captain Priestess explains her plans for world domination in excruciating details while stroking a white cat, the struggling Baz, lashed to a giant bottle of Ol' Janx Spirit which begins to eat into his flesh even as the noxious space brew drowns him, is lowered into the gaping maw of the beer vat.

The bubbles that rise from his silently screaming mouth spell the word

FINK in a bizarre example of art imitating life.

"Well," say the Captain, dusting her hands off and taking a dainty sip of the now Baz-flavoured beer, "that's a good job. I couldn't have been arsed to go through his effects, that's for sure."

MAFIA, PM me your choice of tonight's victim, just for fun.
Baz Auckland
06:16 / 14.06.03
Cheng Ch'eng-Kung lies in his quarters, sobbing quietly while holding a plush red blob.

"Oh Lord Bazza. Why did you have to meddle in their game? I will never forget you! Those responsible will meet their ends at the hands of the Great Pirate Fleet of Xian! THIS I VOW!"

"...oh, who am I kidding. I'll just go have a pint of Lord Bazza Ale while I wait for this all to end. The rest of the pirates never did take the little mud puddle seriously anyhow..."

20:26 / 14.06.03
Personally, I don't think FINKs get to wear halos.

And I'm curious who the MAFIA will pick as his next victim - just how deep does this betrayal go??
Ethan Hawke
11:59 / 16.06.03
No betrayal, Isz...just plain stupidity.

Isn't the game over now? It doesn't matter who the Mafia kills, because we'll be left with either Isz or me, and Rat. Dirty, dirty Rat.

It seems that i love to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Curses!

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