Floating across the docking bay comes an intermittant banging and hammering, occasional sounds of venting coolant fluid and a steady stream of sulphurous oaths wandering through the languages of most of the known systems and a disturbing number of dead civilisations. From the twitching of the feet visible at the base of his ship's maintanence acces hatch it would appear that Johnny Orrs repairs are not progressing to plan.
"What the frell is wrong with you today, baby? You're not scared about the impending blood bath tonight are you? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that you're safe what with being a ship and all. Seems you're not the only one feeling the stress around here, though. Todd is rolling around like a new droid which is suspicious enough in itself. Which is more likely do you think, old girl, that the doctor and the mafia picked the same person making him the changeling, or that they struck lucky and he's a vampire? Mind you, as for 'szaBelele's request not to be lynched, I can see how that was never gonna be adopted by everyone. I never thought of the 'asking nicely' defence before, but it might have worked. On the other hand, he/she/it's hardly done much to warrant that much suspicion. Lolita seems very sure of herself, but then when the target is Qal Yn who cares if he's mafia, those tights are just disturbing on a man who spends his life in the filthy recesses of the station.
I'm going to have to go for T.o.d.d. this time though. If he has swapped roles in the night, then, statistically, he's more likely to be bad than good so he's a better bet than anyone else at this stage."
With that, Orr, slowly emerges and goes to register his vote at the nearest info station. |