So, with a heavy heart and a light beer, the Captain tots up the tally and taps Qal Yn, the best rim-scrubber the Space Station Whisky has ever seen, on the shoulder.
Qal Yn rises, wiping away a small but manly tear as he follows the Captain to the Sewage Disposal Valve deep in Sector 18. Due to the noxious emissions of the No. 2 Reclamation Vats, the rest of the crew and passenger are obliged to watch via a live TV link-up.
"Sorry old chap," says the Captain Priestess, swigging from a hipflask full of green chartreuse to mask the smell, "But I guess this is where you go down the pan."
Qal Yn hands over his few effects in a little box, and waves bravely at the camera droid which hovers at his shoulder.
"So long," he chokes. "It's been nice knowing you ..."
And with that moving farewell, the Captain pulls the ceremonial porcelain pull-chain, and Qal Yn is flushed into the deeps of space.
"Right," says the captain, opening the box. "I hope there's a present in here for me."
Her disappointment is evident when all that tumbles out as she upends the black lacquered chest is a couple of pairs of pants, a voucher for Mr. Muscle, and a letter.
"If you are reading this," reads the Captain, "I am already dead. Boring boring, blah blah b;ah ... raised in the wild by voles .. blah blah .... secret of eternal youth ... magical penis-enlargement formula ... Aha! Here it is!
I must confess that I was involved in the murder of people aboard this station
Cripes! Have we caught another MAFIA, perhaps the last? (wonders the Captain) Hang on though ...
Yes, to my shame and pride, I was the Ninja, doomed to seek out and destroy the evil ones who prey on us by night. And I was doing pretty well, too, until you bastards lynched me."

MAFIA, Fink, Detective, Doctor and anyone I've left out, PM me your choices, for Night is falling fast ... |