
The light atop Tezcatlipoca begins to blink rapidly, a series of flashes and pauses in the gloom at the end of the bar.
One of the patrons looks up from his beer, all eight of his brows frowning as he stares at the curious mechanical device which is plugged in next to the microwave.
"Xxytehy!" He screeches to his neighbour, his mandibles clicking in excitement. "Ykkl. KzCyyy! Tzeeekklz?"
His campanion shakes his head slowly. "Nah. I heard aboid dis thing when I was on Earth. Horse code or summat."
"Qxyeel. Vzkeeet?"
"Well," he replies with a shrug. "You could, but I don't think the barman will be happy if you eat it. I think that machine is something to do with him."
The insectoid creature turns back to the device, now repeating the message. "XxxYkll. ZxkCv Vzkeeet?"
"Sure," nods his companion. "It says...um...'you'- no, hang on. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H- ah, 'I'. Er..."
"No I am not makin dis up. Now bes quiet." His eyes glare hard at the light winking before him. "Ah- 'I A.C.C.U.S-' ah, 'I accuse'."
"It's comin to dat, settle down. 'I accuse L.O.L.I.T.A' Hmmmm...'I accuse Lolita'."
"KzCyyy! Tzeeekklz?"
"No, I don't know what dat means," replies his companion. Then, with a shrug "Dinky little gadget though, ain't it?" |