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2-4-6-8, It's the Shift where we're up Late...


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23:35 / 06.03.03
I don't know yet, but he keeps talking like he actually thinks what he's saying is true, and I think that's what scares me most. That freaky metered speech while he watches the teleprompter scroll. I keep hoping that Russia and China can shout him down, with punctuation from France, but I know that's extremely unlikely.

It's the same things he's been saying for ages now, it's just hearing them all in one string as opposed to chopped up into little sound bites makes it feel much closer and more real.
23:37 / 06.03.03
And Germany. Didn't mean to leave Germany out.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:40 / 06.03.03
Weesa people gonna die?
00:01 / 07.03.03
And Syria, they're with Russia, China, France and Germany. I don't wanna leave anyone out.

This whole situation is making me increasingly aware of how incredibly blind I've been my entire life, and how I'm still seeing far from clearly. Born during the Regan era, then there was Bush the first, then Clinton, then Bush the second. I remember being scared of nuclear war when I was small, when Russians were still the bad guys in all the spy movies, and then I got to be a bit older, and I thought, "Ha, silly me, how irrational, no one's that dumb," and it's kind of come full circle, with me restating the increasingly obvious "Not good, not good, not good."

But I'm not helping. So I'll shush. How's everyone?
Baz Auckland
00:05 / 07.03.03
Not bad, but only because I've left the TV off when I saw he was on.

I'm actually flying a bit after spending the last day reading and playing with all the Barbelith Magick stuff, and then out of nowhere running into my best friend (from age 10 to age 15) in the library, who I haven't seen in almost 10 years! Weee! Synchrinosity is a word I can't spell!

How're youse all?
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:09 / 07.03.03
Well, I'm up. And not at work. I have to finish cleaning my house, and also just couldn't really face it this morning. Ahem.

So yes. At home. Joy!
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:14 / 07.03.03
Well, and have Dirty Three tonight again. So there's a distinct element of WOOT! in my day. If I can only get through these chores...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:23 / 07.03.03
00:35 / 07.03.03
I remember watching Blair on the news a few weeks ago, and it was obvious that either he truely believes what he is saying about war being a good thing or that he is trying to convince himself (and by his performance, doing a rather good job).

On a more cheerful note, I just got back from housemates 21st (he's downstairs with the girl he's chasing and I have beat a tired retreat). We all went to the pub and I brought a very chocolately cake which I cooked with sweets (rollos, galaxy caramel, mint munchies) in it. The amusing thing is that some of the sweets completely melted away leaving caverns inside the cake, so when I tried to ice it pot holes kept on appearing! Hurrah for copious amounts of chocolate powder, cocoa powder and icing sugar.
00:36 / 07.03.03
Mordant, I realized that I was putting the @ sign in the wrong place in your name for like, all of this month. Sorry bout that.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:39 / 07.03.03
That's okay. I can never remember where to put it myself.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:40 / 07.03.03
j0 yerself, MC.

My Snape/Black addiction is getting ridiculous...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:46 / 07.03.03
I have to say, I admire and wonder at the Barbelithian devotion to slash fic (not to mention het smut and probably stuff with microwave ovens and TV remotes). I'm way too mercenary to expend my writey juices on anything I might not eventually be able to sell.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:49 / 07.03.03

ah, but I'm not a writerly type, I just *read* the stuff.

(actually, that's probably against some law or other, innit?)

I can give you great link for some dishwasher/wachinemachine stuff, though.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:06 / 07.03.03
Serendiitously, both my washing machine and dishwasher are making sweet, sweet music right now.
01:22 / 07.03.03
Hi all. At work, 3 hours to go, trying to flush the memory of Bush's speech by listening to Rapoon's...uh-oh...COLD WAR!!! It's actually quite nice in a droney way (disc 2). Ok, I actually lived through the second half of the Cold War, too young to duck and cover, the right age to hear the Tuesday night checkout of the city's Civil Defense siren, and too cynical for "just enough shovels." After too many "nukulers," I just wished Bush would say "atomic"; a little old-fashioned, maybe, but direct. Then I noticed half the CNN anchors mispronouncing it too.

So I've been slowly making additions to my collection of wierd crap onlone...

So I've been
01:24 / 07.03.03
sorry about that.
01:25 / 07.03.03
I've read a Snape story that's not really slash, but S/M with him picking up single women very much like the author. Can't remember where it was, though it was pretty good.
Baz Auckland
01:36 / 07.03.03
Must get back to my paper, (Capt. Cook, what he thought of the Tahitians compared to other Euros), but it turns out the speech was the usual "Bush said he had not decided whether to invade Iraq".


bjacuqes: you work the night shift?
03:43 / 07.03.03
Yeah, two nights out of 10. This is my last one until the 16th (yaay!). I work two mornings, two evenings, two nights, then 4 days off. That's one reason I posted so irregularly to Mafia!
03:45 / 07.03.03
That's easy; Cook quickly figured out they weren't--no flies on him...until later, haha. Dunno how you'll stretch that into 20+ pages.
Tryphena Absent
00:13 / 08.03.03
Quick, I must vent, my housemate just brought home the rankest man in the world. Blonde hair, brown eyes, rather athletic looking and a guy who looked at me like I was a freak because *shock* I happened to be awake at 2am. Yes, she actually dragged a jock home with her, what a tosser.
00:16 / 08.03.03
Well, there's no accounting for taste.
Tryphena Absent
00:19 / 08.03.03
She usually picks really lovely guys with fantastic conversational skills and not men who make me grab my handbag and run out of the house because I decide I absolutely cannot share any space with them. God, he could be a rapist or something, maybe I'd better go home!
00:25 / 08.03.03
One of my roommates in college used to bring home what I considered to be extremely poor choices in boys, and that was a nigh constant concern. "Oh my god, she's been raped, murdered and fed to squirrels. Oh, wait, no, she just crashed someplace and is blowing off her classes."
Baz Auckland
00:29 / 08.03.03
I've always been spared this thankfully. My ex lived in a private college residence one year though that was awful though. About 20 or so girls each bringing back a creepy jock guy about 3am. My friend would go to the washroom or something and find these strange guys wandering the hallways.

I just realised I've never picked up/been picked up. Ah well. Hope your roomie's okay.
02:40 / 08.03.03
Eeek. Was that the blondest of your housemates Anna? If so, oh dear. I remember the guy in the Santa hat.

Well instead of a female housemate picking up a random bloke, I have a male housemate with a girl who has already said no, but with a lot of snogging. I think she plans to do that again. Oh dear.
21:14 / 08.03.03
I survived work! Tho i will now bitch: the schedules said I had to be in at 0600. I asked, and was told I had to be in at "six in the afternoon". The woman who told me that then phoned and left a message at about 4:40 saying that I was due in at half four. This message is half arsed, like someone told her to phone me and she couldn't bring herself to admit that she fucked up. I get this message (it was one of those one left cos I was on the phone) and p[hone 'em back. She's not there. I get told to go in as soon as possible, and no one really buys my story, although it is true, and I am informed that what the lady meant was "16 in the afternoon". Even tho I'm due in at 16:30 now, and who the fuck uses 24hr clock times in normal, everyday speech??

I care way too much about the above. Fuck it. But work was too busy for me to get to write in my notebook: a bad, for sure, but then I couldn't think of anything to write, so I guess I saved myself writting some really bad shit.

How's everyone else?
Cat Chant
21:25 / 08.03.03
Cross with my email because I want to show my new story to a bunch of people and it won't send anything long. Cross with my Dangerously Undertheorized Acquaintance F, because she's never talking to me again in manner of Husker Du song. Otherwise, pleased, because I redrafted my new story today and because of my new state of dazed besotment.
21:39 / 08.03.03
The potatoes went bad. This makes potato and leek soup rather unlikely. Corndogs and donuts, however, seem more probably.
21:41 / 08.03.03
See I'm personally cross with my email because it won't get up and kick people's arses to make them reply to me.

Which is damn rude of them! With their magazines to run and their people who are better writters then me to publish and their general ant to do better things then reply to me.

I don't blame them, but I still feel they're doing it personally, because they hate me.
Cat Chant
21:52 / 08.03.03
I know the feeling, _pin: my email has a button that says "Fetch mail", but when you press it it often has no effect. It should fetch me my fucking mail, damnit!

And now I'm going to bed, since I am tired of watching the sky for owls. Night-night, you Bohemian lot; it's nearly midnight, you know.
21:55 / 08.03.03
Nite Deva!

Are these porny slash owls, by any chance? Why is everyone so into slash? Isn't it just, you know... porn? Porn about small children in school no less?
The Strobe
22:11 / 08.03.03
I have a reinstalled system, and it seem relatively happy; now I'm just copying stuff back. In two weeks time I'll be home and have time to play around with slave disks and recovering old MP3s; as it is, I'm just finishing off getting drivers and software and stuff. College very quiet tonight, all very boring. I have lots of work to be doing. At least my PC now works.

And I have more Arab Strap albums. This is a good thing.
Cat Chant
22:42 / 08.03.03
Well, in this case, owls just = email, but in general, yeah, porny slash owls. Sent by schoolboys. Oh, it's so wrong.

I did go to bed, but then I wrote a letter to F and it went cross and ranty and woke me up again, unsurprisingly. Honestly, though. These people. It's one of those things where I feel like she's making things up in her head and blaming me for them, and she feels like... I'm actually too angry with her to have the slightest idea what she feels like. Probably that I'm callous and unfeeling and don't give enough credence to what she feels (or, as I like to put it, what she makes up in her head). I hate having to make up paradigms for relationships from scratch, because it looks like both of us are working from entirely different scripts and fucking each other over entirely unbeknownst. Damn these crazy postmodern times.

Jittery now.

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